The Alpha Claimed Me Deeply by Demiah13

Chapter 46

Chapter 46


«Aurora's pov )

"Bond?" Beta Samuel's voice is thick with confusion.

But I can't seem to focus much on their words, my gaze growing hazier by the second, the air whooshing out my lungs harsher by the second.

I take a staggering step forward, intending to perhaps steady myself on the bark of a tree, but there was no bark but air. I topple to the ground, my knees hitting the dirt as I gasp.

This was painful.

"Aurora!" Lily screech. I could feel her fingers wrap around my upper arm, maybe trying to steady me before I ungracefully fall to the ground fully.

"Xavier-" I moaned in pain as I looked around aimlessly at the thick foliage around us.

All I could make out was green and brown.

Green and brown.

My ears rang and I groan, my hands reaching up to cup them. "Stop. Please stop." I whispered hoarsely. Aurora.

Suddenly the ringing stops and I freeze. That voice. The voice I now crave to hear. His voice. Xavier's voice. But surely he wasn't here.

Surely he'd not come to take me back? "Aurora," a soft touch to my arm nearly has me flinching, but I recognize Lily as she kneels before me and looks at me in worry.

Those eyes.

That color.

"I've heard of this happening to mated couples who haven't been rejected yet and are forced to stay away from each other. The bond doesn't allow them to part. It forces them to get back to the other's side. Even if it means pain."

This was Sarah's voice right?

I couldn't tell, my mind a little slow to understand anyone else's voice other than his.

" But Aurora and Alpha Xavier's case is rather different. He casted her out but did not reject her. This makes the bond now more painful as it sorts for answers. " She continues.

Lily turns to look at Sarah over my shoulder. "Answers?" She asked in confusion.

"The bond seeks for answers that Xavier alone can give. Either he rejects her, or he accepts her. But she can't go out of the border. If she does, I fear that may very well be the end of her. And him." Sarah whispers.

"What bond are you talking about!?" Beta Samuel snarls in frustration. "Beta Samuel, I know you were

always a bit slow but never did I ever imagine you to be a fool." Lily sighed heavily before looking at me.

My gaze was still hazy but I could see the deep concern in her eyes. "Aurora. Can you stand up?" Lily asked.

I blinked, staring at her blankly as her face merges into the face of her brother. My breathing grows and my heart thuds. "Xavier?" I whispered. I'm coming to you.

There goes his voice again. The rough sweet sound that sent shivers down my spine.


"Aurora!" A firm shake to my shoulders and Lily's loud screech seem to have done the job of bringing me out of my hallucinating state.

The face in front of me is no longer Xavier's but that of his sister, Lily who looked rather frightened.

She looks over my shoulder again. ''We should bring her back." She rushes out.

"I agree, we should-

Sarah starts but is cut off by a loud angry growl that came from the Beta. "The Alpha had commanded me to escort her out of the territory. Not bring her back. I will not disobey an order!"

Lily rises to her feet and glared at the Beta. "That alpha is my brother! And he needs her just as she needs him right now!"

" I will NOT disobey a command from my alpha!" Beta Samuel growled loudly, the sound of his beast unnerving me.

"Now move in my way, Lily. Or I'll force you out-

Another loud growl causes the birds in the trees to scurry away into the sky. I looked to my left to see that it was Chris who took a warning step forward, his eyes trained on Beta Samuel.

: Xavier's pov:

Reckon was rather oddly quiet the entire run to the end of the border where they injected Mary with the wolfsbane.

'Have you gotten anything?' I mind linked Eli as I sniffed the ground. There must be something we missed yesterday. There must be.

'Except for the smell of sex, then no. I have to say the wolves we placed here to guard this area were surely busy last night all into the wee hours of the morning.' Eli mind links, chuckling. If I could roll my eyes right now I would.

' This is no time to joke around Eli. This is a threat we must try to

conquer before it gets worst.' I growled.

I should've taken his brother Chris with me instead, at least he'd be more serious.

Eli was a clown most of the time.

' I was serious! Did you not take the smell? It's literally sprayed on the barks of the trees. Hard to miss actually. What I'm wondering is how the hell did it get on the barks of the trees? Must've been flexible wolves- 'Eli!' I growled, turning to stare at his wolf that bowed down and whimpered. Growling in frustration, I walked away from him, sniffing the ground before I reach my border. One more step and I'd be considered in Raphael's territory.

There were no paw marks, no signs of feet. There were no signs of anything. It was as if one would think it was Mary who killed herself with wolfsbane.

But I knew better. My wolves weren't cowards and if it were indeed Mary, the syringe she used to push the wolfsbane into her bloodstream would have been on her or beside her. This was a very confusing situation that I indeed needed to solve quickly. If I can't.....who would die next?

I look at the ground intensely, my gaze suddenly going cloudy. I blinked, my head lifting as my ears perked.

I shook my head, confused by the ringing in my ears.

I snarled.

Something wasn't right.

I could feel pain. I shook my head, backing away as I try to somehow move the haziness in my eyes. The ringing in my ears gets worst until I couldn't even hear the rustling of the leaves as the wind tickled them. 'Alpha?' Eli mind links in curiosity. But his voice only made the pounding i n my head get worst.

'Reckon! What the hell is happening t o us?! I snarled.

"Exactly what happens to someone who makes a grave mistake. Did you really think I would allow you to let her go so easily?' He growled, pushing at the restraints I hold him in. Shit. He was trying to take full control of me.

My nails dig into the earth as I shook my head, hoping that it would lessen the pain.

'What did you do?!' I roared, gasping as I whirl around, unsure of what I was looking for.

‘I didn't do anything. This was all your actions. Your fault. The farther she gets away from us, the more painful the bond will grow. Were you really that dumb to think that the bond wouldn't be against this absurd idea of yours?' He growls, pushing more harshly at the restraints.

‘Alpha, is something wrong?’ Eli bounds over to my side.

"You knew what would've happened when I casted her out. Didn't you?’ I growled at Reckon. That sleazy dog. He would do anything to get his way. To get complete control of me.

"You needed to be taught a lesson. She's ours and I wouldn't let her go easily! Go to her!' He roared until my ears began to ring more.

'Xavier!' Eli said in a panicked voice. But the more distance Aurora seems to place between us the more intense the pain gets. I growled, roaring when I felt my heart squeeze.

"We need her. Go to her before it's too late. ' Reckon hisses, clawing at the restraints. Every second of pain is another second closer to him taking over.

" Xavier, what the hell is going on with you?" Eli shifts into his human form, still on his knees and hands as he looks me over in panic.

I needed her.



Her voice. It lures me.

I growled, shaking my head before the urge to go to her is impossible to fight. I turn around only to bound in the direction I could feel her.

" Xavier! Shit!" Eli yells behind me, seconds later I hear the cracking of his bones before the sound of his paws hitting the earth behind me.

But I can't seem to focus on anything other than Aurora. I snarl, digging my paws into the dirt as I take up speed. I needed to be beside her. I needed her. Reckon continues to fight against the restraints.

I weave around the trees, jump over bushes, and cared less about the birds that scurried away when they heard me. I was growling, losing a battle with my wolf as he quickly pushes the barrier and takes over.

"Reckon, give me back control.' I roared, trapped inside my mind and I'm forced to look behind a barrier. "You were too slow. Too weak. I'm going to claim her!' He snarls, racing through the woods.

I could already take the scent of Aurora. We were close. And that alone makes Reckon more untameable. He growls, his paws digging into the earth as he races forward, his mind set on claiming Aurora.

I could still hear Eli just behind me. Hear how he was trying to keep up. Feel his confusion and panic as he trailed behind me.

"Reckon. You'll scare her. We will scare her. You can't-

'Tcan and I will! I've waited too long. Too long behind the shadows and waiting for you to man up and claim her. I will wait no longer to have what is mine. She's ours and she's ours to claim!' He roars. There was nothing I would say to calm him down, the intoxicating smell of Aurora alone is driving him mad.

'What about our enemies Reckon? We can't have her take that burden. Think about-

'There will be no burden when she is by our side. And as for our enemies, I will kill them all before they so much as look at her or whisper her name!' There is a promise in his tone, one that almost makes me think it was possible. RêAd lat𝙚St chapters at Novel(D)ra/ma.Org Only

But with what was currently happening, I wasn't so sure.

"Reckon please think about it before- 'I had two days and a half to think about it. I want her. You want her. There is nothing else to think about but sinking our teeth in her pretty neck and branding her ours.' He growls, refusing to see reason.

The smell of Aurora is now so strong that I know for certain she is but a few feet away. My heart races. Reckon growls, picking up speed.

He forces me to turn into my human form while still holding the reigns of my body.

'Reckon wait!' I growled as we

emerge out of the trees and my eyes fall on Aurora.

She's flushed and her breathing is rather rough. Her beautiful eyes lift and fall on me and she gasped. " Xavier?" She breathes out, staggering to her feet.

Reckon growls, completely ignoring everyone around, his gaze only focused on her. The pulse on her neck. The sound of the blood rushing through her veins. The urge to mark her.

'Reckon stop!' I barked, seeing the terrified gleam in her pretty eyes. But Reckon doesn't listen to me, his intention clear.

He was going to claim her.

" Xavier wait!" Lily yells as Reckon grabs a hold of Aurora behind her neck, his head dipping to her neck as he breathes in her intoxicating scent. Even I couldn't stop him now,

because I also find myself in a trance by the feel of her in my arms, her body pressing to mine deliciously, and the mouth-watering scent of her.

My canines emerge out of my gums painfully as all I saw was red. I arch her neck, my other arm coming around her to keep her there. And without another thought, sank my teeth into the tender flesh.

Pure bliss.

Aurora arches her back, gasping out my name in wonder and surprise, her fingers digging into my back as I sank my teeth in deeper until I knew I was branding her.

'Mine!' Reckon growls in my head proudly.

I shuddered and I can also feel her shudder in my arms. This wasn't how I'd want us to claim her if I had the chance. But it was now too late. She was mine. And now, she would share my burdens.

Aurora moans, arching more into me as I retract my canines and then lick the blood off her shoulder, sealing the mark.

But all too soon, the bliss stops and a coursing burning pain emerges on my tongue, swirling down my throat and then my organs. It was like someone poured acid down my throat.

I staggered away from her, my eyes wide as I looked down at her in alarm. What the hell-

I gasped, my hand coming around my throat as I felt it closing up. My blood felt like it was boiling.

"Alpha!" Samuel growled.

"Oh my God!" Sarah screeches. "Brother!" Lily screamed.

Bones crack and the sound of Eli's voice roars. " Xavier!"

I could not seem to answer as I watch Aurora's panicked face as I fall to my knees.

Was this how death feels like?

Her face was the last thing I saw before my body gave way and felt my face smash into the dirt. Darkness creeps into my being as I felt my blood boil even more. The pain too much to bear.

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