Axion slowly opened his eyes and the first person it landed on was Phoenix. His eye beamed on seeing her. He was lying on a bed with Phoenix seated by his side and holding his hand while Glinda was standing beside Phoenix.

They both smiled broadly seeing he was awake.

” Axion ” Phoenix flashed him a smile and he slowly sat up. Before he could even say a word, she hugged him. He was confused at first but still returned the hug.

” I’m so happy you’re fine. I missed you so much ” Phoenix cried, placing a kiss on his neck.

” What happened, momma? ” He asked softly and Phoenix pulled out.

” I understand you don’t remember anything but that doesn’t matter. I’d explain everything to you later. Right now, you need to get enough rest to replenish all the strength you’ve lost, ok?” She explained and he nodded without objecting.

He was about to lie back down when Corbin entered. He had been standing outside, contemplating whether or not to come in. He was ashamed to face Axion.

The instance Axion saw him, his brows furrowed in anger.

” How are you doing, little brother? ” Corbin decided to ask.

” What the fuck is he doing here aunt? ” Axion demanded, glaring at him.

” He’s here to see you ” Glinda answered with a smile only for Axiom to snort loudly.

” Axion, I…”

” Get out ” He snapped immediately making Corbin gaze down in sadness.

” Axion…”

” Didn’t you hear what I said? Get the fuck out! ”

” Axion, calm down ” Phoenix squeezed his hand, and he turned to her.

” He’s on our side, Axion. He has helped us a lot ”

” I don’t care. I just want him out of my sight! ” He hissed angrily.

” But…”

” It’s ok Phoenix, I’d get going. I will come back later when he must have fully recovered. Take care of yourself, little brother ” He murmured, forcing a smile up to his lips. He gazed at Axion one last time with a sad expression and seeing the anger in his eyes, he left.

” Corbin wait ” Glinda went after him while Axion only rolled his eyes and laid back down, letting out an angry huff.Material © NôvelDrama.Org.


Phoenix stood by the mirror with a sad pout as she rubbed her tummy. She has already told Axion everything that happened, well except for the fact that she is pregnant. She doesn’t know how to start telling him all over again.

She was still lost in thoughts when a hand wrapped around her tummy, jolting her out. But then she relaxed when the person pulled her to himself, hugging her. A smile crept up her lips when she felt his breath on her neck and she closed her eyes.

” Love ” Axion kissed her neck tenderly.

” Yes,” She moaned subtly, her eyes still closed. She has missed his touch and kisses so much.

” I missed you ” Axion mumbled to her ear and she chuckled lightly.

” I’m sorry I couldn’t remember everything when I woke up and I’m sorry for ruining our special night together ” Phoenix turned to face him.

” I’m sorry for stressing you out for three days straight and I’m… ” She shushed him immediately, placing her finger on his lips.

” Why are you apologizing? None of it was your fault. In fact, you were the one who suffered not me ” Axion smiled and pulled her into a hug, kissing her hair.

” You’re the best, love ”

” I hope I didn’t hurt you in any way? ” He asked and Phoenix looked at him. She nuzzled his nose.

” You wouldn’t dare ” She replied and they both chuckled happily. They both stayed in that position for some time, hugging each other tightly, until…

” Axion ” Phoenix spoke up and Axion murmured a yes.

” What if I tell you that very soon you will have to share me with junior? ” She asked and he frowned in confusion, pulling out of the hug.

” Junior? ” He raised a brow at her and Phoenix hummed a nod. It took him two minutes to try to understand what she meant.

” What do you mean by…”

His eyes widened immediately when the realization was drawn to him and he glared at her.

” Phoenix are you… are trying to say you’re…” He stuttered in incredulity and Phoenix was already trying not to laugh.

” Yes Axion, I’m pregnant ” Unexplainable happiness was what greeted Axion and he let out a slight laugh. He looked down at her tummy before gazing at her.

” Are you really serious? ” He asked just to be sure and Phoenix nodded firmly.

” Oh my God! I’m going to be a father! ” He exclaimed, jumping happily.

” I’m going to be a father! ” He swept Phoenix off the floor and carried her, twirling around. Phoenix chuckled and laughed at his excitement. He was even happier than she was.

” Axion put me down, you’re making me feel dizzy ” She laughed and he stopped, placing her down carefully before pulling her back into a hug.

” Thank you so much, Phoenix. You don’t know how happy I am right now… I’m just speechless and… and ” He blubbered and Phoenix only laughed the more. She pulled out of the hug and held his face.

” Are you really that excited that you can’t even speak anymore? ” She teased.

” Of course, I’m more than excited… I love you so much, so fucking much ” Axion expressed and pulled her closer, claiming her lips in a deep kiss.

× × ×

Corbin and Glinda can be seen ravaging a room. It was actually an abandoned, old and tattered library with all the books on its shelves covered in dust, cobwebs, and dirt.

” Aunt, are you sure the book you’re looking for is here? ” Corbin inquired for the umpteenth time. They both have been searching through the shelves for a book he doesn’t even know.

” I am ? sure that the book is here. This was the last place Narcissa and I saw that book. Just keep searching ” Glinda was convinced.

After searching for hours, Glinda finally saw a heavy, old book with a black cover hiding in between many other books like it. She slipped it out and her eyes beamed.

” Aha, here it is! ” She exclaimed and Corbin dashed to her immediately.

” Where is it? ” He asked and Glinda waved it before him with a proud smile.

” The book of the Dark Genie ” She chuckled happily.

” Okay, so what’s the purpose of this book? ”

” It can help us find a way to fight the King of all Dark Genie and defeat him easily ”

” For example…” She opened to the middle of the book.

” Right here it says that the fastest way to kill the King of all Dark Genie is to weaken him first and one we can do that… is my calling him by his real name ”

” Does that Devil really have a name? ” Corbin raised a brow at Glinda.

” I don’t know but that’s what we have to find out first. What is the King of all Dark Genie’s name?…

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