Thirty Six

Chapter 36

Trust Issues


Elena pov

“What’s the matter?” Dracul said.

He looked tired, sleepy, and groggy. I knew that I had woken him with my nightmare and now, there was no going back.

Once I told him what was on my mind, there would be no way to return to sleep. I looked at him, sliding my eyes over his body.

He looked tired and washed out, but he seemed stronger. Rest had done him a lot of good. Sleep had really helped him heal.

Dragons really did heal as quickly as the rumors suggested.

“I, um…” I hesitated, feeling the pull in my chest. Once I told him, this lull was over. Once I told him, he would have to take action and the time we were spending together would dissolve into nothing.

I had not had a chance to tell him yet. I had not had a

chance to talk about it or consider my next move. But now that I did, the reality was really starting to kick in.

But it was Dracul. He was doing everything he could for his kingdom and for me. He had protected me. He had put me first. He had saved me when he would have been right to kill me.

He had held me and reassured me and made sure that I knew that he had saved me for a reason, for a true feeling that passed between us.

I couldn’t betray him. I couldn’t let him down when he needed me when he truly needed me to step up and help him. I couldn’t let him be taken by surprise.

But it was a lot. I didn’t know where to possibly start. I didn’t know how to warn him.

I shivered, feeling sick. The dream still echoed in my head, making me feel dizzy and shaky. It had felt so real. The ache against my throat was keen and real.

I knew that once I told Dracul, my life was at risk.

But he was worth it. Even if telling him to lead to a whole host of complications and problems.

“Elena, what’s the matter?” Dracul was looking worried now. There was a keenness to his gaze, his expression. He knew how to read people in a way I couldn’t.

I guessed he had had more time to practice. I sighed, swallowing and feeling sick, “It’s about… it’s about something that happened at your castle.”

“My castle?” Dracul said, frowning. There was confusion on his brow, in his eyes. There was a worry too, a weariness too.

He was on edge.

I swallowed the lump in my throat, “I haven’t had a chance to tell you yet.”I sighed and shook my head, “I didn’t want to tell you at the castle and then this trip.. everything was…. chaotic.”

I felt the excuses leave my lips in waves. Yes, I had good reasons for not telling him yet. But at the same time, I had felt a sense of relief being so far away from the threat.

I didn’t want to go back to the danger. I wanted to keep him here a little longer. I didn’t want him charging in guns blazing when I didn’t know how big this thing was.

“Okay.” Dracul said. He pushed himself upright and looked at me, and intensity in his eyes. He was fully focused on the conversation.

I had all of his attention and he wasn’t about to give in to a distraction. The intensity of his gaze was intimidating, and I shivered softly.

Even though he was injured, even though he was on my side, I knew that he was a force to be reckoned with. I didn’t fear for my safety, but he was still no one to be taken lightly.

I had learned that much. There was more to Dracul than met the eye. He was more than his reputation, but he was still dangerous if he needed to be. He was still willing to go to great lengths for what he believed in.

It was something that I was growing to like.

But right now, I didn’t like being on the receiving end of that stare.

“What happened, Elena?” There was a softness to his voice. He wasn’t angry at me.


I had a feeling that would change when I dropped the bomb.

But I wasn’t going to let Dracul go down because I was too nervous to tell him the truth. He was worth more than that to me.

He deserved better than that.

I swallowed hard, “I was stopped by two men.” I lingered, watching Dracul’s movements and expression carefully as I spoke.

“It was… The night that you and I…” I blushed and cleared my throat, “You followed me deep into the castle. We kissed and you left…” I mumbled the last bit.

Clearing my throat, I steeled myself and straightened my shoulders.

Dracul was watching, nodding slowly. There wasn’t a hint of shame or hesitation on his face and it made me feel a bit better about what happened that night. Dracul clearly didn’t have any conflicting feelings about it.

“I got lost. I didn’t know the way back and I got turned around.” I said, sighing softly, “Then, I heard voices. I thought that maybe, maybe it was someone who could help me.”

Dracul looked at me with a frown, “My castle isn’t a good place for you to wander at night,”

“I know.” I said, “I ended up eavesdropping on a conversation. I know I shouldn’t have, but I had no idea why I was here, or what was going on. I didn’t know what was going on…”

“Okay.” Dracul said slowly, “Did they catch you?

“Yes .” I whispered, “They did.”

Something flashed in Dracul’s eyes something dark and dangerous just beneath the surface, “Did they hurt you?”

“Not badly.” I said hurriedly, “A few bruises and scrapes. Threats, mostly.”

“Names?” Dracul said, his voice curt and clipped with anger.

“Ryder and Delan,” I whispered. It felt like I was signing my own death warrant just uttering their names out loud.

Dracul nodded and I noticed the darkening of his eyes, “What did they say?”

I felt sick at the expression on Dracul’s face.

He was angry. Somehow, he trusted that I was telling him the truth, but he wasn’t happy about it.

Maybe he trusted these men.

Maybe they had betrayed him.

That made sense to me, it really did. Neither of them seemed to be openly plotting against him, after all. They had both been really worried about Dracul finding out.

“They… they’re plotting against you.” I said quickly, “I don’t know how, or why. I just know that they are planning something bad.

They no longer want you to be in power.”

Dracul’s expression darkened further, and I felt the need to take a step back. I held my ground and kept going, “They threatened my life if I told you anything. They said they would kill me if it got out.”

I bit my lip, “The only reason they didn’t kill me right then and there, was because Delan thought you would notice. If I just dropped dead.”

Dracul nodded slowly. There was a beat of silence between us and something in the air felt very cold.

“You should have told me sooner.” Dracul said slowly.

“I couldn’t.” I said quickly, “I tried to go straight to you that night, but they were at the stairs to your office. I knew they were watching me.” I said, my breathing quick.

“If I said anything at all in the castle, they would have killed me. And I had no way of knowing if you would believe me or not.” I said, taking a breath, “You didn’t know me.

You’ve known these men for years. They work under you…”Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“You should have told me sooner!” Dracul said, his voice rising in anger. He wasn’t yelling, but there was a force behind his tone.

“Dracul…” I said, my voice dripping in strength, “I couldn’t.”

“Who knows what they have done to my kingdom while I was away from the castle!”

Dracul said, throwing back the sheets and standing up. He grabbed his clothes and started pulling them on in a rush.

“You should have told me the minute we stepped into that carriage.” He said, doing up his belt and pulling on his shirt.

I stumbled out of bed, grabbing my dress and underclothes. Dracul was making a move and I was struggling to keep up. I pulled my clothes on quickly, at the same time Dracul was doing up his boots.

“Dracul, wait!” I said hurriedly, my heart thundering in my chest, “Wait, I told you as soon as I could!”

“No, you ran away.” He said, rounding on me, “You would have left with that secret, only for my kingdom to fall into ruin.”

My whole body turned cold.

“I trusted you, Elena.” Dracul said, not even turning to look at me, “Maybe my trust was misplaced.”

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