Fourty Five


A hard hand clamped over my mouth, pulling me abruptly from behind Dracul, I struggled hard against my captors, but the strong hands clasped harder pulling me farther and farther away from Dracul until we were tucked out of sight.

I struggled harder and a groan came from behind me.

“I see why he likes you.” Ryder’s chilling voice stopped me cold. “Maybe I’ll tap that little ass after we kill that weakling of a king, to show you how a real dragon works.”

He tugged me back and I felt a hard length rest against me.

“Come on.” He says. “Wiggle against me.”

I jerked my head back and there was an audible crunch as my head caught his nose squarely.

“Bloody bitch!” He groans. “I’m gonna-”

“Ryder!” Delan calls sternly. “Now is not the time, let’s get rid of a certain pest first.”

“Yes.” He whispers against me. “How would you like to watch your Dracul die!”

He dragged me off despite my struggling, his cold laughter combined with my utter helplessness infuriating me. He brought me to the widened throne room. Our eyes met in that instant and Dracul’s sanity seemed to switch.

The conversation was short and Dracul lunged, but it would seem like I was the contingency plan, I’d switched hands from Ryder to Delan, the more vicious out of the duo and he didn’t hesitate to unsheathen his claws and slash lightly across my throat.

My pain was Dracul’s surrender and each kick to his ribs resounded in my head, each blow and each prick of my conscience at my utter helplessness, Dracul was blacking out and the negative emotions swelled up to a burning crescendo coming out in one loose scream.

Something seemed to click, all the anger, all the pain and the hurt seemed to burn it’s way through to something locked, something buried deep inside me, something powerful and cold rushed out in that scream.

Delan let go of me, clutching his hands tightly, a pained look on his face.

“What the hell?” Ryder asks quizzically, about to plant another kick in Dracul.

Power surged through me, energizing me to the brink of madness, the power bent to my will pulling Ryder towards me and forcing him to his knees.

“Still want a turn?” I ask, my voice sounding strange yet powerful. “Let me give you a taste.”

It was a simple kiss, but the consequences were dire, he clutched his throat coughing and choking.

“What the fuck are doing?” Delan yells charging at me. “You fucking bitch!”

“It’s always the ones that never learn.” I say turn to him.

My power goes before my bidding and the room fills with an audible crack as both his arms and legs twist in odd positions, a cry of terror echoes from him, feeling me with relish, let them know pain, let them suffer let them hurt.

The power presses harder and harder against them slowly snuffing out their meagre existence, I would only be sated if they were dead.

“Elena!” Dracul voice calls.

It sounds so afar, as I’m drowning in my own power.

“Elena!” He calls again, his tone wavering and for the first time I really see him, the fear and terror written across his face, and it’s not at them it’s at me.

“Elena.” Hus voice trembles again. “Please stop!”

The power recedes instantly, the outpouring of whatever that was closes back to going back into the depths from where it came, the haze of power leaves and for the first time I survey the terror and harm I have wrought, Ryder and Delan lay writhing and mumbling in what seemed to be intense pain.

A wave of fear grips me, I take a step back and that about does it, a wave of exertion rams into me and I’m blacking out, my last thoughts were just how much of a monstrosity I had become.

Well Damn me to hell.


I awoke on the plush familiarity of my bed, I leaned in further and further into the comfort, basking in the calm and relax until the previous incident slammed into me and my eyes sprung open immediately,

“Oh look.” Gulliver drawls. “Sleeping beauty awakens, maybe that brute would calm the fuck down now.”

“H-how long was I out?” I ask

“Two days.” he says. “Which shows just how resilient you are considering you used untempered magic.”

“Magic?” I say completely dumfounded.

“Seems even magic doesn’t take the confused little princess act away.” Gulliver says. “My head is sore, Dracul would explain it to you”

He whispers something to the nearest guard and a minute later Dracul comes bursting through the door, his eyes raze over the room until it comes to land on me with great relief.

“Elena.” He breathes my name savoring it “Elena.”

I’m swept up in a warm hug, he holds me tightly not letting go, I lean into it until flashes of the incident comes back to my head and I’m pushing him off.

“No!” I tell him. “I don’t want to hurt you.”Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Oh brother” Gulliver sighs from his corner “your response was born out of fear to them and besides even if you could I doubt you could cast anything tangible.”

“I hurt them.” I say my voice trembling. “I couldn’t stop, i couldn’t stop, if that was magic why was it so nasty?”

My head bows down and despite the fact that those two jerks deserved every bot of what they got, a tear jerks from the corner of my eyes.

“Magic is fuelled by your emotions.” Gulliver says. “Pure magic is emotionless, the vileness was as a result of the negativity you poured in it, you’ll learn with time.”


“You’ll learn Elena.” He says. “Rest and be glad that you awoken when you did.”

“Ryder and Delan?” I ask looking to Dracul.

“Imprisoned.” He says. “They’ll stand trial tomorrow.”

Dracul places light kisses on my knuckles, more like in reverence.

“I’m grateful to you Elena.” He says to me. “I wouldn’t have done any of this without you.”

“You almost lost because of me.” I tell him. “You almost died because of me.”

“We all survived.” Gulliver says. “That’s what matters give it a fucking rest already.”

Dracul casts him a hard glance and he raises his hands in mock surrender abruptly leaving the room.

He turns to me and a hot kiss passes on between us instantly, my hair stands on end as his tongue delves deeper in my mouth exploring and eliciting moans out of me, my body yearned for his, missing him.

He seemed to be the same, drawing me closer to him and trailing wet kisses down my my neck, causing me to shiver in pleasure, his hands explored around my body, touching and feeling in all the right places, his arms brush around my sides and I grunt in pain, he plants one final kiss on my lips.

“To be continued.” He whispers to me.

I am left to rest adequately, and my every needs are attended to and although I was weak I still found the energy to attend the trials for Ryder and Delan, promising my self that I’d see it through to the end.

Their eyes filled with a mixture of fear and apprehension as I entered the room, Delan let out a feral snarl and a heavy lash came down on his back from his jailer.

“Ryder.” Dracul called amidst the murmurs running through the gathering “Delan, you stand here today accused of treason, how do you plead?”

Ryder let out a crazed laugh, followed by a series of body shaking heavy coughs.

“Treason!” He yells out loud. “We tried to save your meagre lives and yet we stand accused of treason, we were your only hope, now all of you will Die!”

Another lash to the back and the people began to murmur again.

“Hit us all you want.” Delan growls. “Doesn’t change the fact that she comes for us all, you think you know hell, you think you have suffered, the Queen of the west comes for you all.”

“Banish them!” the crowd shouted. “Kill them!”

Dracul raised his hands for silence.

“Delan and Ryder for your crimes against the Clans you are hereby stripped of all titles and banished forever, you’re to be branded so that all who may see you may know of your crimes and nature.”

I was one of the first to notice the duo muttering incomprehensible words in unison and as Dracul talked in , their voices and chanting began to. grow faster and louder, Gulliver sprung into action, his words overshadowing theirs, matching them pace for pace until they both stopped all of a sudden.

They looked up to us and their eyes were void and soulless, nothing human or animal remained in them.

“Sorry Dracul.” they say in unison. “But you do not decide our faith, there are no prisoners in this war only the living and the dead!”

“She comes for us all.” They say in unison. “INFERNO!”

They burst into black flames.

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