Fifty Four




It felt so good I could barely breathe, a breathe of fresh air, I had to hand it to Denise she really did know how to bring out the perfect burst of energy, a unique sort of blend of energy flowed into my veins, it was a burst of refreshment and her screams encouraged me causing me to siphon her powers with even more joy.

It seemed endless, when all of a sudden it all went wrong, the entire room had been silent save from the sound of her constant screaming and Gulliver’s incessant but pointless struggling grunt and then all of a sudden it stopped, it was almost as if I’d reached a barrier in her magic, a great unfathomable wall of magic that resisted even my prowessC0ntent © 2024 (N/ô)velDrama.Org.

“What in-”

My next words fail me as an inconceivable pain slithers it’s way across my arm, forcing me to withdraw with a grunt of pain, her eyes open and so does an immense flood of power, my skin positively crawls as I’m blown back by an impeccable amount of magic, the blast does more that that and her magic inside of me reacts causing me an unfathomable amount of pain, I crumple to the floor, my knees hitting the floor in defeat and anger.

“What in bloody fucks name did you teach her?” I roared “Nughhh!!”

One look at her, and it tells me everything that I need to know she’s just as stumped as I am, I would not lose though, I have crawled from the mire to this position to lose to a youngling like her, The magic swirls in me, a kind of strange swirling that came from finding an opponent that finally matched me in fighting prowess

“Bring it on.” I roar rising on my feet, two red orbs of magic swirling in my palms “Utzi erre, erre kaosaren jaunak, mendekatu zure ikaslea!”

“Miranda!” Granny shouted amidst all of the swirling power. “That’s forbidden chaos magic, it’s not possible.”

I snapped my neck gleefully, chaos burning out the residue of her flimsy spell and filling the air with as magic as she had, a strange sort of fire burned between us and I turned to the wide eyed Granny.

“You’re outdated.” I say with so much raw power the room trembles “weak” and she falls to her knees underneath the near impossible weight of my words. “Know your place and do not tell me what is impossible simply because you do not comprehend it!”

My hands reach for her desperate to devour whatever magic she had left, chaos making me incredibly peckish, Denise’s eyes widen, and just as thr tips of my fingers brush up against her, a wave of energy lashes out catching me off guard and leaving a rather nasty blister, chaos bubbles around it and in a moment it clears off, skin even more pleasant than before covering it up.

“Apologies.” I speak with a voice and notion that’s seemingly not my own. “I’ll deal with you fast, main course before dessert afterall.”

I’ve never felt magic like this it’s almost as if I’m possessed by an alien host, and with a speed faster than the normal eye can follow, I lash out a blackened spear dripping with a strange liquid appearing at my fingertips, a shield comes up and deflects it pushing me a few metres backwards with the recoil of the impact.

“Yess!” I howl gleefully, I feel not in control but like my thoughts are synced with something else, it’s a rush that is both exhilarating and altogether fearful. “Yessss!”

The house trembles as I deliver blow after blow after blow, my brain is on something above overdrive an unearthly thinking clouding it, I want her dead, I i want her dead now!, how and whatever is inside her.

Wait what?

My train of thoughts slow down enough for me to process that there’s another entity inside her and what appeared to be an altogether too bright glow was actually coming her and another inside her, through the attacks I managed to peer deeper, deep enough to see the tiny fetus growing within her.

It drove me positively mad, almost livid, I’d gone around hunting and killing dragonlord after the next, slaughtering them under thee wake of darkness and chaos and here it was an abomination, it shouldn’t be allowed to exist, it couldn’t be, I wouldn’t let it.

‘Die!” I roared slavering and prancing about like am enraged animal, a harsh scream on my lips, I wanted her dead and now, a whisper sounded in my ears so subtle it was, it was almost like my idea, One look at an unprotected Dracul and Gulliver had a thought forming in my head.

I ran towards them pooling power in my hands and sure enough, a pulse of energy was directed at me ans hasty shields cast om them the magic was maddening causing me to pull off almost cat-like feints jumping off from one shield to the next before raining down on her.

A heavy breeze blew the door open as I collided with hardened dragon skin, Dracul reacting even faster, one look in his eyes and I knew just how much I needed to kill him, all man in him gone replaced by beast. A loud roar escapes his lips and with brute strength he pushes me back into the wall.

He rampaged on clearly not in control of his own self and sanity, Elena on the other hand had apparently been biding her time an immense golden shield extending from her to Gulliver to Dracul and The old hag.

“Nisferatu.” she said in a calm voice and one by one they began disappearing, from Gulliver to Dracul to her it was just the hag left, as if I’d ever let her go, the spell escaped my lips without thought flinging her away from the teleportation circle.

And just like that I’d lost my grasp on them, a bubble of anger escaped me and the twins materialized from the darkness, their faces grim and fearful.

“You were supposed to atone for your sins.” I roar at them still imbibed with chaos magic. “Teleportation was a supposed trap I had your words did I not?”

“My lady.” They began in unison.

“Enough!” I roared using my foresight to try to view my castle, they hadn’t been transported to the castle, a simple job had been wasted and forfeited again. “You have failed me for the last time!”

They barely had time to beg before the spear swung in a clean arc of it’s own accord , taking their heads clean off, it fell to the floor with a satisfying plop and a hint of a smile appeared upon my face, still filled to the brim I turned to the slumped figure and the remaining soldiers who cowered in fear and awe before realizing my glamour had fallen off in the fight revealing my true nature to them.

“Well.” I say simply swatting my hands in their general direction causing a wave blackout upper back to work today and then the last two years old now but it is just me I think we will get fire over them. “Can’t have the kingdom knowing yet.”

It was quite an exhilarating rush this power, and I watched as the fire spread burning everything thing around us, a shielding still protected the old hag, a remnant of her spell and I stroked it savouring in the magic that I’d drain from her sooner or later.

“They’re bound to come for you sooner or later.” I spoke soothingly to her slumped figure. “But what do we do with you now?”

Through the fire came a voice whispering soothingly to me, the subtle thoughts in my head finally mestasizing into a voice, a voice only one in a million had ever had the chance of hearing.

“Bide.” It came subtly. “Bide your time, let them come to youuu, bait!”

It was simple but the command came from a voice so imbued with power I was forced to my knees,

“Chaos.” I say going face flat crushed by the immense power. “I control you back into the abyss!”

The remnants of the fast crumbling house shook echoing with power as a harsh scraping wheezing sound imbued with power rocks the entirety of the flaming room.

“You don’t owm me.” It hissed. “No abyss can contain me, I am almighty and you shall be my herald, bringing doom on the ones we deem our enemies, you tap the power I give, I only wish you use a fraction of it for my whims!”

“Back to the abyss.” I order. “Ordena berreskuratu, kaosa kanporatu, garbitu gure arimatik, oreka berreskuratu!”

A faint hiss echoes off in the darkness and the spell shines with a light, albeit small but just enough to keep the monstrosity at bay.

“Very well.” It whispers into the night. “You are not yet ready for what is to come, when you call on me again, do so with a price!”

The words echoes off fading off with the fast disappearing maliciousness, a wave of tiredness takes up on me and I barely finish the teleport spell home before my eyes close onto another form of darkness.

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