Surrender To Me

Chapter 62


SITTING at my desk a few hours later, I thought back on my morning. Waking up with Wren was a fucking dream. Making her come multiple times in the shower was even better. Even now, just thinking about her convulsing around my fingers buried deep in her cunt made my dick stir.

Any thoughts of getting some manual relief were destroyed when Dagger stepped into the office.

“I’ve got those three girls for you,” he said. I blinked because I couldn’t recall telling him to get me more women. “To replace Syndy?” he prompted.

Fuck. That’s right. “Send the first one in.”

Readjusting my dick, I settled my forearms against the desk and waited for the woman to enter. The last time I’d hired new Dolls, I’d made sure to take them all for a test drive. They’d all offered their services, and who was I to say no to such a generous offer? Today was going to be different, though. I’d told Wren I wouldn’t even get my dick wet with other women, and to be honest, I didn’t want to. Ever since meeting her, my dick has hardly gotten hard without a thought about her first.

I took a sip of my whisky when the first potential Doll walked in. She was teetering on pleasers with a transparent heel and platform, her short skirt flashing her bare cunt at me. Her breasts were contained within a shirt that left absolutely nothing to the imagination.

“Hi, Mr. Rivera. I’m Alyse,” she said, holding out her hand to me. After we shook, I motioned for her to take a seat. She took a long fucking time crossing her legs, giving me another look at that pussy of hers.

“Why don’t you start by telling me something about yourself?”

“I’m twenty-one and currently working as a waitress.”

“Why did you apply to work here?”

She smoothed her hands down her thighs and re-crossed her fucking legs. “The tips are better. Plus, my cousin used to work here, and she told me how good it was.”

“Who was your cousin?”

“Bella Andre?” she said, making it a question. Well, if she didn’t fucking know who her cousin was, we were in fucking trouble.

I did remember Bella. She played the naughty schoolgirl most of the time. “Can you dance?”

“Bella taught me some moves,” she replied, jumping up. “I can give you a lap dance if you like?”

“Sit down, sweetheart,” I drawled. “I don’t need a demonstration.”

This declaration got me a fucking confused look. I guessed my reputation preceded me. “Do you have a husband or boyfriend?” “No,” she replied with a smile.


She nodded, her bottle-blonde hair sliding off her shoulders. “I have a son.” “How old is he?” “Three.”

Kids complicated things, but it was a workable situation. “Where is he now?”

“With my mother.”

Swallowing the last of my drink, I placed the glass down and twisted it around on the blotter.

“Does she know this is where you are?”

“She knows I’ve gone for a job interview, but she doesn’t know where.” “Are you ashamed or something?” I shot back.

“What? No. I just… she wouldn’t understand, you know?”

I nodded and sat back in my chair. She was a pretty girl. A little too much on the skinny side, but she would make men give up their cash.

“Do you have a drug habit?”

My question caught her off guard, and she stiffened. “No.”

“Don’t fucking lie to me, Alyse.”

Her shoulders slumped. “I smoke weed sometimes.”

“And have you ever dabbled in anything harder than that?”

“No.” I gave her a weighted look and waited. And just like a fucking ticking clock inside her head, she snaps. “Okay, look… I may have dropped some Molly a couple of times, too.”

“You use it just recreationally?”

She nodded. “Only when I party.”

“There’s a strict no drugs policy here on the premises. Would that be an issue for you?” “No, Mr. Rivera.”

“All employees must submit to random drug tests.” “That’s fine,” she replied quickly.

I studied her for a moment more, then dismissed her with a hand. “Thank you. Someone will be in touch to let you know if you’ve been successful. Send in the next girl on your way out.”

Alyse stood and sashayed from my office. When the next one walked in, I went through the whole spiel again. This time I was offered a blowjob, which I declined. The only lips I wanted to be wrapped around my cock were Wren’s-she just wouldn’t be on her knees when that happened.

By the time the third girl left, I’d had enough.

Enough of the bullshit these women thought I wanted to hear.

Enough lies about whether they were using or not.

Dagger walked in a few minutes after the last girl left, a glass of whisky in his hand. “Thought you could use this,” he said gruffly, handing the drink over.

“How many blowjobs did you get?” I asked over the rim of my glass as I took a sip.

“Two and a hand job.”

I made a face. “Who offered the hand job?”

“The first woman.”

I snorted. “She wasn’t a contender, anyway. I’ll take the last woman, Veronica. She seems pretty intelligent.”

“No problem,” Dagger said, folding his meaty arms and folding them across his chest. “I hate to be the bearer of bad news-”

I held up my hand for him to stop. “Then don’t be. For fuck’s sake, don’t be.”

“Cox will be here in ten.”

Fuck! “What does she want this time?” I demanded, tipping the rest of my drink down my throat.

Fuck, I was so fucking over this bitch looking for things that weren’t there.

“She didn’t say. What should I do when she gets here?”

Putting a bullet between her eyes wasn’t an option, but I could make her uncomfortable as fuck.

“I’ll take the meeting in the voyeurs’ room.”

Dagger nodded and disappeared through the door. Standing, I stretched out my back, grabbed my suit jacket off the back of my chair, and walked down into the club. I had half a dozen Dolls dancing on the poles around the club, and I scanned the area for one in particular.

Kym was perched on the lap of a man who owned a Fortune 500 company, dragging her false nails down his chest. When I loomed above her, her green eyes flickered to my face.

“Kym, why don’t you show Mr. Franklin here how much you like putting on a show.”

Mr. Franklin looked up at me. “I only came for some company, Mr. Rivera.”

“I understand, Mr. Franklin, but Kym here knows just what to do to make that loneliness drift away.”

Kym took his hand and led him over to one of the rooms at the back of the club. When they disappeared through the first door, I walked over to the wall and clicked a button, parting a curtain from the inside of the room. Kym had Mr. Franklin on the couch in the center of the room, his pants already down near his ankles. She was balanced between his legs, his semi-hard cock in her hand.

Taking a seat on the bench in front of the window, I watched Kym work her magic and waited for Cox.

“Need some company, boss?” a woman asked. I turned to find Jessika there. She was a stunning woman, covered in colorful tattoos along both arms and her thighs too.

“Why don’t you go and help Kym out?” I suggested, gesturing to the voyeur room. Jess sauntered off with her hips kicking out from side to side. She entered the room and shot me a wink.

“Mr. Rivera,” I heard Cox say as she approached.

Turning to face her, I smiled at her. “I’d say it’s a pleasure, but I’d be lying.”

That was when she noticed where I was sitting. Spinning around to face me, she said, “Let’s go and talk somewhere more private.”

“If you want to talk to me, Cox, you’ll have to talk to me here while I watch my Dolls fuck a man’s brains out.”

Her mouth puckered, but she took a seat beside me. I kept my eyes on the window but noticed her eyes kept flickering to the scene. “You can watch them. That’s what they want.”

“It’s pornography.”NôvelDrama.Org © content.

“It’s better than pornography,” I shot back, widening my legs a little more. “It involves all the senses… sight, smell, taste. Just take a look. You might find you enjoy it.” You uptight cunt.

She cleared her throat, her gaze darting to Kym who was eating out Jessika while Mr. Franklin fucked her from behind. I watched the color rise in Cox’s cheeks, the flush breaking out over her cheekbones. She was turned on by this. Was it the dynamic, or was it because of the girl-on-girl action? I wouldn’t have fucking pegged her for a pussy diver.

“I know what you’re doing,” she murmured, her eyes still on the scene. “You think this will make me go away and not ask the questions I need to ask.”

“Is that why I’m doing it?” I asked innocently. “Maybe I just like watching people fuck.”

She cringed and looked at me. “Your words and actions won’t deter me.”

I shrugged. You can’t please everyone. “What do you want, then?”

“We have a witness.”

“Good for you.”

“A witness who can place your man, Tony, speaking to Hugo Ramirez.”

“He prefers the name Dagger.” I glanced at her, feeling the menace leaking from me. I wasn’t going to be shutting it down this time. “And you’re full of shit.”

“He’s willing to testify in court to it. Once they nail Dagger…” she sneered, “… it’s only a matter of time before your ass is nailed to the wall right alongside his.”

If she thought Dagger would roll over on me, she had another fucking thing coming. “You have a very active imagination.”

Her top lip pulled back from her teeth. “Give it time, Rivera. I will have your ass in jail, then I’ll tear down this house of sin.”

I faced her, letting the mask slip a little more. The monster who lurked there took stock of her. “Listen here, you fucking zealous little cunt, it’ll be a cold fucking day in hell when that happens. I can guarantee it will never happen, so stop fucking sniffing around here like the bitch you are d go solve these murders. And here’s a hot fucking tip… I have nothing to do with them. Why would I need to kill drug dealers?”

I sat back, my hands curling into fists on the tops of my thighs. My blood was fucking boiling in my veins.

Cox stood, took one last look at the threesome, then walked away. Before she disappeared from view, she said, “Rivera?” “What?” I barked.

“Your time will come.”

“Fuck you.”

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