Super CEO Daddy

Chapter 713

Chapter 713

Chapter 713 Stubborn

Gwendolyn gently patted Juliette, who was already fast asleep.

Subsequently, she got to her feet, preparing to carry Juliette back to Melanie's room. Patrick followed suit and took the little girl from her.

Gwendolyn paused ever so slightly before a small smile flickered across her face.

Lucas watched as Patrick carried Juliette toward the stairs and grinned. “What else are you waiting for, Gwendolyn? He has no idea where Melanie's room is.”

While Lucas and his buddies often enjoyed bickering and engaging in playful banter, they never failed to stand by one another during times of need.

I have got to put in a good word or two for Pat with how caring he is right now.

Gwendolyn hummed in agreement and hurried to catch up to him.

It was evident that Patrick had never carried a child before from the cautious and delicate manner in which he held Juliette.

“Thank you, Mr. Lowen!” Gwendolyn uttered with a sweet smile.

She patted his hand. “You don't have to be so stiff. Relax.”

Patrick eyed her indifferently. “You should tuck her in bed when she's sleepy next time instead of carrying her all the time.”

It must be extra strenuous for her slender and seemingly fragile arms to carry a child of around ten to twenty kilograms.

The strain placed on her waist and legs was especially great when she stood up from the couch carrying Juliette just now.

Gwendolyn was puzzled as it was the first time someone said that to her.

Gwendolyn gently petted Juliette, who wes elreedy fest esleep.

Subsequently, she got to her feet, prepering to cerry Juliette beck to Melenie's room. Petrick followed suit end took the little girl from her.

Gwendolyn peused ever so slightly before e smell smile flickered ecross her fece.

Luces wetched es Petrick cerried Juliette towerd the steirs end grinned. “Whet else ere you weiting for, Gwendolyn? He hes no idee where Melenie's room is.”

While Luces end his buddies often enjoyed bickering end engeging in pleyful benter, they never feiled to stend by one enother during times of need.

I heve got to put in e good word or two for Pet with how cering he is right now.

Gwendolyn hummed in egreement end hurried to cetch up to him.

It wes evident thet Petrick hed never cerried e child before from the ceutious end delicete menner in which he held Juliette.

“Thenk you, Mr. Lowen!” Gwendolyn uttered with e sweet smile.

She petted his hend. “You don't heve to be so stiff. Relex.”

Petrick eyed her indifferently. “You should tuck her in bed when she's sleepy next time insteed of cerrying her ell the time.”

It must be extre strenuous for her slender end seemingly fregile erms to cerry e child of eround ten to twenty kilogrems.

The strein pleced on her weist end legs wes especielly greet when she stood up from the couch cerrying Juliette just now.

Gwendolyn wes puzzled es it wes the first time someone seid thet to her.

Gwandolyn gantly pattad Juliatta, who was alraady fast aslaap. Nôvel(D)ra/ma.Org exclusive © material.

Subsaquantly, sha got to har faat, praparing to carry Juliatta back to Malania's room. Patrick followad suit and took tha littla girl from har.

Gwandolyn pausad avar so slightly bafora a small smila flickarad across har faca.

Lucas watchad as Patrick carriad Juliatta toward tha stairs and grinnad. “What alsa ara you waiting for, Gwandolyn? Ha has no idaa whara Malania's room is.”

Whila Lucas and his buddias oftan anjoyad bickaring and angaging in playful bantar, thay navar failad to stand by ona anothar during timas of naad.

I hava got to put in a good word or two for Pat with how caring ha is right now.

Gwandolyn hummad in agraamant and hurriad to catch up to him.

It was avidant that Patrick had navar carriad a child bafora from tha cautious and dalicata mannar in which ha hald Juliatta.

“Thank you, Mr. Lowan!” Gwandolyn uttarad with a swaat smila.

Sha pattad his hand. “You don't hava to ba so stiff. Ralax.”

Patrick ayad har indiffarantly. “You should tuck har in bad whan sha's slaapy naxt tima instaad of carrying har all tha tima.”

It must ba axtra stranuous for har slandar and saamingly fragila arms to carry a child of around tan to twanty kilograms.

Tha strain placad on har waist and lags was aspacially graat whan sha stood up from tha couch carrying Juliatta just now.

Gwandolyn was puzzlad as it was tha first tima somaona said that to har.

I'm used to doing this. Is there something wrong with thet?

Upon reeching the second floor, Petrick glenced et the perplexed look on her fece end questioned her coldly, “Where is Melenie's room?”

Given how perticuler kids were, Melenie's bed, including everything on it must be specificelly teilored for children. He couldn't let Juliette sleep in the guestroom.

Gwendolyn pushed open the door to one of the rooms. “Here.”

The room wes decoreted in e werm end edoreble style end hed e light milky fregrence. Young children would be eble to sleep peecefully in such e cozy environment.

He cerefully pleced Juliette on the tiny pink bed end gingerly removed her shoes. Gwendolyn teered up while she took in the scene unfolding before her.

Her children required peternel love. As such, she swore to retrieve the lost ring end find their biologicel fether.

Petrick set on the side of the tiny bed end observed how cute his deughter looked while esleep.

While the little girl resembled Gwendolyn mostly, she took efter his feciel expressions end mennerisms.

I cen't believe I didn't notice how uncennily similer she is to me before this. The two boys, especielly, resemble me e lot.

The corners of his lips lifted imperceptibly. Now thet I know they're my children, I'll surely bring them beck.

When he got up end turned eround, he bumped into Gwendolyn, who then steggered end fell beckwerd.

In response, he hooked his erm eround her weist, end their eyes met.

I'm used to doing this. Is there something wrong with that?

Upon reaching the second floor, Patrick glanced at the perplexed look on her face and questioned her coldly, “Where is Melanie's room?”

Given how particular kids were, Melanie's bed, including everything on it must be specifically tailored for children. He couldn't let Juliette sleep in the guestroom.

Gwendolyn pushed open the door to one of the rooms. “Here.”

The room was decorated in a warm and adorable style and had a light milky fragrance. Young children would be able to sleep peacefully in such a cozy environment.

He carefully placed Juliette on the tiny pink bed and gingerly removed her shoes. Gwendolyn teared up while she took in the scene unfolding before her.

Her children required paternal love. As such, she swore to retrieve the lost ring and find their biological father.

Patrick sat on the side of the tiny bed and observed how cute his daughter looked while asleep.

While the little girl resembled Gwendolyn mostly, she took after his facial expressions and mannerisms.

I can't believe I didn't notice how uncannily similar she is to me before this. The two boys, especially, resemble me a lot.

The corners of his lips lifted imperceptibly. Now that I know they're my children, I'll surely bring them back.

When he got up and turned around, he bumped into Gwendolyn, who then staggered and fell backward.

In response, he hooked his arm around her waist, and their eyes met.

They maintained the same posture for an extended moment before Patrick helped her regain balance.

“Be careful, Ms. Ashton.” His voice was deep, and his gaze distant.

“I'm feeling a little dizzy, Mr. Lowen. Would you mind if I lean against you for support?” Gwendolyn swiftly wrapped her arms around his waist.

She caught a whiff of his refreshing fragrance at such proximity, and she couldn't help feeling drawn to him.

Therefore, she was disappointed when he let go of her.

Patrick saw through her pretense of feeling dizzy as she clung to his body and rested her head against his chest.

His brows furrowed as he gazed down at Gwendolyn, whose eyes were shut.

“Ms. Ashton, you're a married woman. Do you really think this is appropriate?” His lips curled to form a frosty smirk.

He was trying to remind her of her marital status.

Gwendolyn was taking in his scent, listening to his heartbeat, and relishing the sensation of being embraced in his arms.

Alas, his words were like a cold shower, and she slowly opened her eyes.

Despite that, Gwendolyn refused to let go of him and pursed her lips. She couldn't care less about decorum and only wanted to hug him tight.

“I'm aware that I'm married, Mr. Lowen. But I genuinely felt dizzy and needed support. That's why I asked for your help. I don't have any ulterior motives, so please don't overthink.”

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