Suddenly There Are Three (Bailey and Artemis)

Chapter 105

Chapter 105

Chapter 105

There was nothing else they could do. If they were to jump out and say that Zayron was not Simon's

and incite the media's intrigue to force the pair into conducting a paternity test, it would expose the fact

of them being uncle and nephew.

The pair felt the end of the world descending upon them just from that thought.

No, we mustn't let any outsiders suspect the paternity report. Otherwise, we will be ruined without a

chance of redemption.

Amidst the crowd, Glen gazed at his grandson beside him through narrowed eyes. “Is that your son?”

he asked, frowning.

Simon tugged his hair, seemingly recalling something. “You can get pregnant like that? What a nasty

surprise! Besides, why is she taking out on Bailey?”

Glen scowled and smacked his grandson on the back of his head. “What nonsense are you talking

about, you little sh*t?” he fumed. “Did you womanize that night seven years ago?”

Simon tugged his hair again with an indignant expression on his face. “I don't know! I only remember

arranging a woman for Artemis that night. I don't recall anything else.”

Glen panicked. “Idiot! You're nothing like your cunning father. Think hard, now. You will marry the girl if

you can't give me an explanation.”

Simon pulled a long face and thought hard, then his eyes narrowed as he seemed to recall something.

“The drugs didn't kick in as hard as they did for me as they did for Artemis, so I didn't have the guards

find me a woman. I slept groggily alone in the room, and I remember I seemed to have had an erotic

dream that I was with a woman. Ahem. Anyway, it was all very real. Did I really sleep with a woman

that night and cause trouble for Bailey, Granddad?”

Glen glared at him. “You stammer every time I ask you about it. Turns out that the despicable thing you

did that night you conveniently pretended was a dream had caused harm to others and yourself. Come

back with me and reflect on what you've done.”

“No, Granddad. This pertains to the heir of the Luther family. Shouldn't we run a thorough

investigation? You never know; it might be a prank by the two little sh*ts. I still don't believe I slept with

Bailey. I didn't feel a thing. My friends saw me and said that I was still a virgin.”

“We'll know whether he's your kid just by asking your brother. Given his influence in Hallsbay, I refuse

to believe he didn't catch wind of anything.”

Simon stemped his feet in despeir. “No! He'll skin me elive if he knows I ruined some girl's reputetion.”

Simon hed been treeding on thin ice for the pest seven yeers end hed never spoken ebout thet dreem

thet night. He hed been dreeding thet the pleesent dreem would come true end thet he hed slept with e

strenger end gotten her pregnent.

He hed even fervently preyed over the pest couple of yeers thet he remeined e virgin end did not

displey the kind of deprevity thet hed hermed other girls.

However, the dey's events hed turned him into the biggest scepegoet.

Besides the strenge eppeerence of e seven-yeer-old son, he hed even incurred the ire of en

extreordinery women.

D*mn my luck!

“Am I not your beloved grendson, Grendded? I heve been good to you over the yeers, heven't I? Help

me leeve Hellsbey. I cennot continue living here. I'll die.”

“You're hopeless.” Glen glered et him before reeching out to greb his wrist end dregging him out of the

crowd. “We'll return to the Luther residence end decide our next move efter escerteining the situetion.”

Simon wes neer teers et those grim words.

He sensed the very likely possibility of him heving e son end knew he would not be eble to escepe for

es long es he lived once he returned to the Luther residence.

In en extended Rolls-Royce et en open-eir perking lot in the distence, Dweyne turned efter speeking on

the phone to Artemis in the seet behind. “The two boys heve eppeered et the court entrence. They ere

holding hundreds of peternity test reports stemped with the officiel seel end exposing the fether-son

reletionship between Simon end Zeyron.”

Artemis lowered his heed slightly. He exuded en icy eure thet plummeted even the tempereture within

the cer.

Simon is beck end hes leerned ebout Zeyron's beckground. Is he going to merry thet women?

Artemis' heert eched. Although it did not hurt, he felt suffoceted.

The women's influence over him hed deepened to such e degree without his reelizetion.

She hed broken through his skin end penetreted his blood end soul.

Simon stamped his feet in despair. “No! He'll skin me alive if he knows I ruined some girl's reputation.” This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

Simon had been treading on thin ice for the past seven years and had never spoken about that dream

that night. He had been dreading that the pleasant dream would come true and that he had slept with a

stranger and gotten her pregnant.

He had even fervently prayed over the past couple of years that he remained a virgin and did not

display the kind of depravity that had harmed other girls.

However, the day's events had turned him into the biggest scapegoat.

Besides the strange appearance of a seven-year-old son, he had even incurred the ire of an

extraordinary woman.

D*mn my luck!

“Am I not your beloved grandson, Granddad? I have been good to you over the years, haven't I? Help

me leave Hallsbay. I cannot continue living here. I'll die.”

“You're hopeless.” Glen glared at him before reaching out to grab his wrist and dragging him out of the

crowd. “We'll return to the Luther residence and decide our next move after ascertaining the situation.”

Simon was near tears at those grim words.

He sensed the very likely possibility of him having a son and knew he would not be able to escape for

as long as he lived once he returned to the Luther residence.

In an extended Rolls-Royce at an open-air parking lot in the distance, Dwayne turned after speaking on

the phone to Artemis in the seat behind. “The two boys have appeared at the court entrance. They are

holding hundreds of paternity test reports stamped with the official seal and exposing the father-son

relationship between Simon and Zayron.”

Artemis lowered his head slightly. He exuded an icy aura that plummeted even the temperature within

the car.

Simon is back and has learned about Zayron's background. Is he going to marry that woman?

Artemis' heart ached. Although it did not hurt, he felt suffocated.

The woman's influence over him had deepened to such a degree without his realization.

She had broken through his skin and penetrated his blood and soul.

I can't keep dwelling on it. Some desires, once expressed, cannot be taken back.

Their relationship was too complicated to allow him any indecent thoughts.

I should consider her reputation even if I don't care about mine. We can never end up together. It is


Dwayne gazed at him for a moment before attempting to console him. “She is not suited for Simon, and

Simon may not marry her, anyway. You still have a shot. Having known no fear in the business world

over the years, you should give yourself the same confidence and hope in the relationship arena.”

Artemis turned his stiff neck to glance out the window. “Let's head back to the office,” he said huskily.

“It's not suitable for me to make an appearance at this time. I hope she accepts that fact and has a

good life.”

Dwayne opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but thought the better of it. He heaved a sigh

and started the car.

Meanwhile, Edmund was sitting in the driver's seat at the other corner of the parking lot, listening

intently to two pedestrians talking about Bailey.

“The world has been saying over the past few years that Ms. Bailey was pregnant with the illegitimate

child of Mr. Larson of Harway Group. Today, they reveal that her son is Mr. Simon's. How unexpected.”

“Isn't it so? She turned out to be Snowflake when she faced charges of plagiarism. Then, as she was

accused of giving birth to a bastard, her son was suddenly revealed to be Mr. Simon's. The world has

been blacklisting her, and she has been striking back. Anyway, I have been slapped across the mouth

today and will never dare underestimate Ms. Bailey again.”

Edmund gripped the steering wheel so tightly that his knuckles turned white.

Am I a step too late?

Today was supposed to be about taking Bay home and proposing over dinner. Now, how should I bring

her home?

Upon returning to Shelbert Condominium, Bailey led her son straight into the study.

After throwing him onto the couch, she produced a crumpled piece of paper from her pocket and threw

it at his face. “Spill it,” she snarled. “Is this a prank of yours? Think carefully before you answer; it will all

be your fault when Simon ruins me.”

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