Stolen Virtue

Chapter 4: My best Friends

Sanity spent two weeks away from school after the video episode. She told her mom what had happened, and her mother called the school, expressing how disappointed she was, that her daughter was being bullied. The principal called an emergency assembly, telling all the student to delete all video pertaining to the incident. Anyone caught watching or sharing the video will be expelled.

You must be wondering, how Sanity’s mom got the principal to do that. See the thing is, Sanity’s parents are Zillionaires. I mean both of her parents came from old, old money. Sanity is the richest student in the entire school. How is that for a shocker?

When Sanity did come back, everyone had moved on to bigger and better things. The new gossip going around the school was the flashing of boobs by head cheerleader, Eva Lorenzo. Eva decided it would be a good idea, to flash her boobs to a few of the male teacher in the teacher’s lounge. A few of the student had bets going, on whether or not she would get expelled. So far no one has won.

The weeks turned into months and Sanity returned to her old self. Dillon was acting weird, always trying to touch me and finding ways to be close to me. I have to tell you, I was a little freaked out by it. School went by smoothly, we had no more problems from the Bs. However, I was not stupid enough to believe, that they were finish with us, even though Clyde said he would make sure they left us alone.

Talking about Clyde, he would smile whenever he saw me, and say “Hey beautiful.” Or “morning princess.” This causing Sanity to squeal, when she first heard and Dillon would frown, telling her good looks will only get you so far.

One afternoon as we were all heading out, getting ready to head home. I was excited because Arrow was going to be on. I wanted to curl up on my bed with my laptop and gaze at Oliver Queen. *Sighed* Anyway, I was about to jump into my car when I remember I left my keys in my locker, “Shit” I cursed, “My keys are in my locker.” Sanity gave me a, “what’s new?” look and Dillon chuckled.

I held my heart, as if I’m offended, “Hey! So I forget things sometimes.” Dillon and Sanity both said, “Sometimes?” in union and I rolled my eyes.

“Well ok, maybe not sometimes, but I do remember the important things.” Both of my best friends were still looking at me. I sighed, pouting. “You two are mean.” They both started laughing and I pouted even harder. “I’m officially divorcing you guys, the papers will be on your desk in the morning.” I turned and walked away, leaving them shouting apologies after me.

The hall was quiet when I entered. I located my locker and got my keys out. I closed my locker and started heading back out. It all happened so fast, one minute I was walking and the next I was being pulled into an empty classroom. I began to scream, but a hand was placed over my mouth cutting off my scream. I looked at the person in front of me and felt my heart beat a little faster, but not in a good way. Jax Manner was smirking down at me.

“Sweet little Juliet, I have wanted to get you alone for a long time, but circumstance prohibited me from doing so.” I was shaking, tears falling freely from my eyes. I was scared. I was alone with Jax Manner, the evilest of his crew. I had heard of all the things he’d done and the way he showed no remorse for his actions.

He pushed me up harder against the wall, sending shooting pain down my back. I whimpered, and he laughed.

He leaned in close and inhaled my scent, “such an intoxicating aroma, it’s a shame I might have to kill you.” I gasped hearing him say that. Why would he have to kill me, what have I done? I got my answer when he said, “Didn’t your mother ever told you that, spying on others can be dangerous.” he leaned close to my ears and whispered, “Very dangerous.”

The realisation hit me. Ohmygod! That day when I saw them with Sam. I thought no one had seen me, but I guess I was wrong. Dead wrong. Clyde. Did he send Jax to do his dirty work? My heartfelt betrayed, I felt more hurt with the fact that Clyde would send one of his guys to hurt me, than the fact that Jax was clearly going to hurt me.

I felt a sharp sting at my throat, that’s when I realise that a knife was being pressed there. My eyes widen in horror and I started to squirm. His hand was still held over my mouth, so I couldn’t scream. I heard movement behind him and I started to feel relief that someone was going to rescue me, but that soon went away when the person spoke.

“Jax man, I really don’t think we should be doing this. Clyde will kill us when he finds out.” Jax spoke to the person without taking his eyes off of me. “Who said he’s going to find out. This bitch saw us, she has to be dealt with, those are the rules. If Clyde was thinking with his head instead of his dick, he’d had done it himself. Instead of letting a potential witness walk around. He’ll thank me later.”Copyright Nôv/el/Dra/ma.Org.

“I not so sure I will,” Clyde said, his voice sounding angry. Jax span around me, so I was in front of him. His hand were around my waist and the knife at my neck. We were both facing Clyde now. Even though I had a knife pressed to my neck, I was glad Clyde’s anger was not directed at me. I could also see two other guys cowering behind Clyde.

“Put the knife down Jax, and let her go.” Clyde was standing there radiating confidence, authority and anger. So much anger. He looked at me. However, no emotion showed in his eyes. Jax shifted a little, causing the knife to go a little deeper into my skin and I cried out.

Clyde’s eyes became stormy. “Put. The. F******. Knife. Down!!”

The violence in his voice made me flinched. Jax, however, laughed. “You would risk everything for this bitch? What so special about her anyway?” The hand he had around my waist, travelled up a bit, until it was just under my breast, making me gasped.

“Move one more inch and I will put a bullet between your eyes.” A gun. Clyde was pointing a gun at Jax. Where the heck did that gun came from.

“She’d be dead before you can pull the trigger and I know that’s something you wouldn’t wanna risk it. So you put the gun down and I might let her go.”

Clyde clenched his jaw but lowered the gun. Jax laughed, “Yeah, thought you wouldn’t wanna risk her life.” Sniffing my hair, Jax continued, “You know what I don’t understand man, you’re not even getting any, but you’re risking our friendship and everything we built for her. Why?”

Before Clyde could answer, I was dropped to the ground and Clyde was rushing over to me. I was so scared and confused. Clyde took my face into his palm and forced me to focus on him. “Hey, look at me. You’re ok, you’re going to be ok.” I nodded my head along with him, telling myself I will be ok in between sobs.

After I calm down, I turned to see why Jax dropped me. He was lying on the ground at Henry’s feet, who I guess knocked him out. He started to stir, then he came fully awake. Clyde left my side and went to him. He dragged him up by his shirt and began to punch him repetitively. Jax didn’t stand a chance. I sat on the floor looking on in horror. This was the real Clyde I was seeing. I should’ve run, I knew I should have, but I just sat there shaking.

When Clyde finished punching him, he held him in a chokehold by his neck, then said into his ears, “This would’ve ended differently if you had just let her go.” He took Jax head into his hand twist. I heard the snap of bones so loud in my ears and I screamed when I saw Jax lifeless body fell to the ground.

I picked myself up off the ground and ran. I never stopped running until I reach my car. I made to open the door, but then remember I dropped my keys when Jax grabbed me.

“Looking for these?” Clyde said from behind me.

I turned around slowly, facing him. “P-Please let me go, I-I promise I wouldn’t say a-anything.”

Clyde stepped closer to me and I pulled into myself. “Shh, Juliet I’m not gonna hurt you, I’d never hurt you.” I looked up at him confused and he smiled, handing me my keys. I took it from him and wasted no time getting into my car and driving the hell out of there.


My sister and I decided to spent thanksgiving with our mom. It was coming up to the 4-year anniversary of the twins’ death, and mom tends to fall back into old ways if she doesn’t have us there to look after her. So we stayed at home watching old movies.

Everything in school was going well, Clyde would still smile at me in the halls, but his crew members would give me wary looks. I kept my mouth shut and never told anyone what happen that day. I was scared, terrified even, but not of Clyde. No. I was terrified of the fact that I somehow trusted Clyde.

My friendship with Dillon started to feel weird. It felt like I was losing one of my best friends. Dillon was just not himself, and every time I asked him, he’d brush it off saying he’s fine. But I could tell that something was wrong.

One day at lunch I voiced my worries to Sanity. “Of course he acting strange, he likes you, Juliet. The guys crazy in love with you and you don’t even see it.”

My eyes widen, I was clearly taken aback. My jaw was hanging open like a dead fish. Dillon loves me. No, it can’t be. Not my sweet, caring best guy friend Dillon. Why, oh why does the world have to be so cruel? Dillon can’t have feelings for me, he just can’t. I need him as my best friend.

“You’re wrong San, he can’t have feelings for me. It must be something else. It has to be something else. Please God, please let it be something else.”

I buried my head in my hands. My dark brown curls falling forward. I looked up through the veil of my hair, to find Sanity looking at me sympathetically.

I sighed then asked, “Are you sure?”

Sanity nodded her head, “Yep, just as sure as the 10 million I got for my first birthday. You can’t hide from it anymore, Juliet. You need to either tell him you feel the same or tell him you don’t. Either way, you need to put him out of is misery and fast.”

Things between Dillon and I went from strange to stranger over the next few weeks. Ok, so I didn’t tell him anything as yet. I’m selfish I know, but I just didn’t have the heart to end our friendship. He’s been my best friend since forever. Far longer than Sanity and I. He’s like a brother to me, and I sure as hell didn’t feel like losing any more brothers. I tried to push it all to the back of my mind and pretended that everything was ok. Ignoring Sanity’s advice.

Christmas break was coming up and the Glee-club was putting on a show in the school’s auditorium. It’s a musical about how the world has evolved through music. It’s called the Evolution of music. They were holding casting auditions and to get my mind off of what was going on with Dillon, I decided to try out.

I dragged Sanity and Dillon along for moral support. I put my name down on the cast sheet and took a number. My number was 15. So that means, there were 14 students in front of me. You had to start off with an old song from the 50s working your way up. I had my list planned out since they announced they were doing the show and what it was about.

We waited and listen to a few of the students. Some of them were pretty good, while others were just plain terrible. The auditorium was filling up rather fast. Most were girls. The Judges were the Bs, Clyde and two of the music teacher, Mrs Moore and Mr Collins.

Number 14 was up next, a girl I’ve seen before, but I didn’t know her name. She sang, Why do fools fall in love, by Frankie Lymon and the teenagers, for her 50s song then worked her way up to some really popular hits. She was very, very good.

When my number was called, I started to panic.

“Ah, San, Dill, I don’t think I can do this anymore. What was I thinking? Why didn’t anyone of you talk me out of this?” I was in full-on panic mode.

My number was called again, and the Judges were searching the crowd. I just sat there not moving. They were about to move on, when Sanity shouted, “Hey, right here, she’s over here.”

I looked at her in horror, “Why would you do that?” I whispered.

“Because you got this, Juliet. I’ve heard you sing remember, and you’re amazing. Go knock ’em dead.”

Sanity hugged me and Dillon kissed my cheeks, a little too close to my mouth for my liking. But I was too freaked out to care. I stood and made my way to the centre of the auditorium where the mic and the Judges were. My hands were shaking so bad. I looked at all the people staring me, waiting. Remember how I said before, I don’t like being put on the spot. And remember what I did the last time that happened. Well, I did it again. Yes, I ran.

“I-I’m sorry, I um, I c-can’t do this.” I ran from that auditorium like the devil himself was after me. But not before I head Brittany saying, “Probably can’t even sing, that’s why she ran.” I heard footsteps behind me, but I did not dare to stop. When I was almost to freedom, strong arms circled around my waist, stopping me from getting out of the building. I yelped, then scream.

“Hey shh, it’s me, Clyde.” He put me back on the grown and I stop screaming. Tears were pouring down my face.

“Hey, don’t cry. It’s just a stupid audition, nothing for you to worry about.” I shook my head and cry harder. “I-It’s not just t-that, I-I embarrass m-myself in front of the entire s-school. I’m such a dork.” I covered my face with my hands, not wanting him to see me cry anymore. I was already embarrassed enough as it was.

He moved my hands away from my face, tilting my chin up. I looked deep into his eyes and he smiled, making my ruined day a little bit better. He caressed the side of my face as he spoke, freezing me to the spot.

“You’re not a dork, you’re anything but. You’re beautiful, sexy, with a magnificent voice. You’re caring and loving, and lots of people like you than you realise. Don’t worry about what happened in there, because you’re gonna go back in there and blow them away.”

Yeah, that did it for the romantic moment. Go back in there, no way. Never gonna happen. Nope. I started to shake my head from side to side, the panic attack coming back in full force.

“No, no, no, no, I can’t. I can’t do it, I just can’t do it.” I was panting hard like I had just run the Olympic race. I was shaking all over and my hands were sweating. Clyde tried talking to me to calm me down, but I could no longer hear him from the blood rushing through my head.

When talking didn’t work, Clyde tried a different angle. He snaked his hand around my waist, pulling me flat against him, gripping the back of my head. His lips were on mine faster than you can say HOT. And God damn, it was hot. His lips moved slowly, teeth nibbling my lower lip, tongue tasting my upper lip.

My hands developed a life of their own, moving up his firm, solid chest to circle around his neck, then into his hair. I felt the wall against my back. I wasn’t sure how or when we moved, but I was now braced up against the wall. He lifted me up and I wrapped my feet around his waist. How could someone who killed a guy with his bare hands be so caring and gentle?

He continued his slow torture of my lips, nibbling, licking and sucking. The hand that was around my waist started to move ever so slowly, under my shirt and over my bare skin.

I expected to feel an electric shock or some supernatural force, like what you would read in romance novels. However, that was not the case. I felt a need so strong, I wanted his lips on mine, and I wanted his hand on my body. I wanted things that I’ve never wanted before.

He kept moving his hand higher and higher and I wanted to get closer and closer to him, as close as two people can ever get. My lips parted on a moan, and he wasted no time sliding his tongue into my waiting mouth.

All this was new to me, all the passion, the need and the want. The fire burning deep inside of me. I followed his lead, using my tongue the same way he was. The wanton way in which I was behaving was a shock to me.

I felt his desire pressed into me, as he broke away from my lips to trail hot little kisses down my jaw and my neck. I froze when I felt his hand over my breast. All my misgivings about being this close and this intimate with a guy came flooding back. He felt the change in me too. He removed his hand from under my shirt and his lips away from my neck. Slowly letting me down, he took a step back to give me some room and I let go of the breath I wasn’t aware I was holding.

We stood there in silence, collecting out selves, both breathing harsh and hard. He tucked a few strands of my hair behind my ear, smiling.

“I’d like to say I’m sorry I kissed you, but the truth is, I’m not. It was too beautiful to be sorry about and I’ve wanted to do that since I first laid eyes on you.”

I smiled, I didn’t know what else to do. He took a further step back, clearing his throat.

“Why don’t you give the audition one more chance?”

My eyes went wide, but he cut me off before I can get a word out. “Hear me out. All you have to do is, go in there stand at the mic and sing. I’ll be right there, just keep your eyes on me, pretend I’m the only person in the room. Make everyone else disappear in your mind. What do you say?”

I say no, hell no! I am never going back in there. But those were not the words that were coming out of my mouth.

“OK, I’ll try, but if it gets too much, I’m leaving again, OK?” smiling he nodded his head.

“OK, let go do this.” He offered me his hand and I took it, letting him lead me back into the auditorium.

When we reached the door, he let go, giving me a reassuring wink then entered. Leaving me to face a shocked Sanity and a stone face Dillon, whom I guess followed me out when I ran. Which means, both my best friends saw that extremely hot kiss.

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