Stepbrother Desire (Erotica)



The following story will be told in multiple chapters. There’s oodles and oodles of sex in it, even though it’s not just a pure spank story. If lots of nasty sex isn’t your thing, then why are you on this website? Weirdo.

This story will also contain some mild reluctance/non consent sex. The universe this story exists in is in my head. There are no STDs, no crazy people that want to machete you in the dick, none of the reasons it would be terrifying if this were a true story, which it isn’t. Doing any of the things in this fictional story in real life could get you a very real STD, stabbed, raped, arrested, imprisoned, or worst of all, grounded. Please take this for what it is, yet another of my ridiculous fantasies spewed out onto “paper” for you gaggle of perverts. Is that the right word for a group of perverts? Ah, I’ve got it. A gangbang. A gangbang of perverts. Perfect. This is a delightfully deviant story that I think you guys will love. Oh yeah, and it’s incest, so there’s that.



Alex sighed in irritation, but then immediately felt like she was a spoiled little rich girl. It wasn’t that she didn’t appreciate her dad’s gift, she most certainly did. She’d been wanting a car of her own since she was sixteen and he’d finally gotten around to giving her one. He just tended to fall into the same habit every time he bought her a gift. Inevitably, whatever she got, her twin sister Toni got one, only in a more feminine color and the same type.

She really had no preference, and it wasn’t that her sister got the light blue one and hers was the more masculine black, though that did irk her a little. She was just as much a girl… woman now… that her sister was. It was that he bought the exact gift for each of them, every single time. That’s what she was irritated about.

She sighed and slapped the steering wheel in irritation, then realized that she had a new car and forced herself to calm down. She didn’t really blame him for giving Toni the more girly car, that didn’t really matter. She’d always been the more masculine of the two of them. Toni was just… well… Toni. They were identical twins, and even looked more alike than most twins did, so it wasn’t that she was the uglier twin. Physically, they looked like an exact copy of the other. Alex figured that they could switch places if they really wanted to, if they had even remotely had the same personality, that is.

Alex was quiet, bookish, and enjoyed playing video games with her friends, Kenny, Bear, and Eric. She didn’t wear girly clothes, but wasn’t a tomboy either. Toni just seemed to advertise it more. Toni was in touch with how she looked, and she flaunted it, using it to get her way when coercing Alex didn’t work for her.

Toni was outgoing, flirtatious with absolutely everyone that wasn’t related to her, provocative, outrageous, and every other outgoing word you could throw at her. She was downright infuriating at times.

Alex sighed and hopped out of the car, heading inside. Behind her, Toni pulled up and hopped out too, running up behind her and jumping on her back.This is the property of Nô-velDrama.Org.

“Can you believe it!” she yelled, tackling her to the ground with a thud.

Alex crashed to her knees with a grunt and rolled her sister off.

“Ouch,” Toni said, holding her butt. “You don’t have to be a bitch, I was just playing with you.”

Immediately feeling bad, she turned and helped her twin up. “I’m sorry,” she said, brushing her sister off.

“What’s the matter with you?” Toni asked. “We just got cars!”

“Yay,” Alex said, forcing a smile.

“Ugh, you’re impossible to please sometimes, I swear!” she said. “What’s wrong with them? You mad because yours is black?”

“I don’t expect you to understand,” Alex said, turning and heading to the house.

“Alex, come on, don’t spoil today, please!” Toni said, coming up and standing in front of her. “We’re finally eighteen and we have cars!”

Alex sighed and forced a smile, reaching out to hug her dramatic and excitable sister.

Toni drew back a little and looked up at her. “If you want, we can see if we can paint it another color.”

Alex sighed and shook her head. “It’s not the color Toni! He just…” she started, but shook her head and moved towards the door.

“No, don’t walk away, just tell me,” Toni said, stepping in front of her.

“He always does this! He always buys us the same gift. I just… I just get tired of it! You know?” she asked, exasperated.

“Well, we’re twins, silly, of course he does. That’s what parents of twins do, dress them alike.” Toni could be infuriatingly sweet and childish when she wanted.

“It was cute when we were five! We’re adults, he should know better by now!” Alex sighed and shook her head. “It’s fine. I love the car, I really do. I just… I just wish that for once there was one thing we owned that was different,” she said.

Toni nodded and took her arm, leading her inside. “Look, I know you get frustrated being treated the same, especially since we’re so different. I know you don’t like being the center of attention, just like I thrive in it. I can’t help how our parents treat us.”

“I’m not blaming you,” she said, squeezing her arm as they headed upstairs to their respective rooms. “I’m just frustrated is all.”

“Wanna talk about it?” Toni asked.

Alex shook her head, pausing at her sister’s door. “I’ll be okay.”

Toni pouted. Alex could tell what was coming and sighed.

“Alex, please come talk to me,” she said. She was irritated and just wanted to relax and cool off, but she knew her sister and knew that they be talking before the night was through.

Sighing, she finally nodded and headed towards her room. “I’ll come talk to you after I cool off and shower.”

“Kay!” Toni said, smiling and kissing her cheek.

Alex rolled her eyes and walked to her room, closing the door behind her. Clicking on her music, she laid down on her bed and stared at the ceiling. She thought of her family, and how each of them was special and infuriating at the same time.

Her dad was a doctor, a neurosurgeon to be exact. It was an understatement to say that he worked all the time. He was a good man, and fair. He never hit any of his kids, and never abused them. They had money and never wanted for anything in their lives, and she knew that she had absolutely no right to bitch about getting a brand new car for her eighteenth birthday. Most kids in her high school were driving clunkers.

He rarely had time to spend relaxing with his kids, though. If he wasn’t working, he was sleeping, or golfing. It was his, “only escape,” as he’d said. She knew he didn’t mean it towards his family, though. She rarely saw him, and when she did, he was usually exhausted and had time for a hug and a kiss and a short conversation. She really didn’t have any right to horde his time anyways. Besides her and Toni, he had 3 other children to deal with.

Her mom was a stay-at-home mom. Alex saw her much more than she saw her dad, not that that was any better. She usually looked frazzled from house work. For some stupid reason, she insisted on taking care of every chore in the house instead of hiring someone to do it. Something about taking pride in your work, whatever that meant. Her family had more money than God and her mom was slaving away like they were poor. Still, Alex couldn’t blame her. It’s not like she herself did anything around the house. Again, she began to feel spoiled.

Her older brothers, Dane and Daniel, were in college. If they weren’t out at some party, they were stinking up the house, sleeping, or eating everything they had in the refrigerator or the pantry. She likened them to shaved apes, though they probably didn’t smell as fresh as one.

Her last sibling wasn’t really a sibling. It was her cousin Samantha, or as they knew her, Sam. Sam’s mom was her mom’s sister. She and her husband had been killed in a freak accident at an airshow. A pilot had lost control of his plane and crashed into the stands, killing both of them. Alex’s mom had been baby-sitting her niece at the time. Being the only family that Sam had, she’d naturally been accepted into the family. It had been seventeen years ago, and of course Sam couldn’t remember anything about it. She knew what had happened of course, but had grown to think of her Aunt and Uncle as her parents, even calling them Mom and Dad, and not Claire and Marcus. Sam had been born a few weeks before the twins, but she always felt like a little sister since she was always a little skinnier and shorter than they were.

Alex liked her, but she was always so eager to please that it was kind of infuriating. She was always so nice and so gracious. Sometimes she wanted her to just snap and swear at everyone. She got perfect grades and was always dressed nicely and treated everyone as if they were better than she was.

She realized that she’d been lying in bed, thinking negative thoughts about her family and sighed. Standing, she shook the thoughts away and went to the bathroom she shared with Toni.

She stripped and took a quick shower. As she hopped out and was in the process of wrapping the towel around herself, the door opened and her oldest sibling, Dane, walked in without even knocking.

“What the shit, Dane?” she asked, scrambling to wrap the towel around her.

He rolled his eyes and kept going, heading to the toilet and peeing.

“Oh my God,” she yelled. “You’ve got your own bathroom.”

“Relax,” he said as he began to urinate.

“Oh my God,” she repeated, holding the towel tightly and averting her eyes.

“Danny went in ours and took a shit and I didn’t want to be breathing that foulness in while I pissed. Besides, it’s not like I haven’t seen you naked before. You don’t have anything I haven’t seen.”

“I’m your sister, you fuckin’ perv! Get the fuck out!” she yelled, slapping him on the shoulder a few times as he passed. Turning, he shoved her into the wall and she briefly lost her grip on the towel. Scrambling, she pressed it back up to her body. Luckily, she’d grabbed it in time and he hadn’t seen anything.

Laughing, he left the bathroom, leaving the door open as he did so.

“Ugh, flush the toilet you troglodyte!” she yelled, slamming the door. She went over and quickly pressed the handle, exiting the bathroom as quickly as she could and heading to her room.

She pulled on an oversized t-shirt and some fresh panties. Scowling, she headed to Toni’s room and knocked quietly on the door. She heard the sound of sheets being moved around and then Toni whispered, “Come in!”

Alex peered into the darkness and saw her lying in bed. She went over as Toni made room for her and slid into the bed next to her.

“What was all the commotion?” Toni asked.

“Ugh,” Alex said, rolling her eyes in the darkness. “Dane doesn’t know how to knock or flush a toilet.”

“Well, he is a boy…” Toni said, stroking her hair.

Alex turned over and nuzzled up against her. “What did you want to talk about?” she asked, ready to be done thinking about her disgusting brother.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.