Start With An Unexpected Affair

Another Scheme

Kyler drive hard and fast out of the house after getting Yasmin’s message

He manage to put a call through to Alex to take care of things till he come back though he is not sure he would

When he get to her door, he knock hard on the door impatiently.

As the door open and his eyes catch her, Kyler cover her with an embrace and let it last as long as it can

He took her inside after and have her sit on the chair, rather than sit an inch away from her

Kyler sits so close leaving no visible space between them and stares worried and anxious

He wanted to ask her so many questions but the look on her face shows she doesn’t want to be interrogated but care for at the moment.

“Do you want to involve the police?” He asked

She shook her head immediately and bury her face down, the same position it has been since he came

Kyler pull her up from the chair and have her sit on his laps catching her up unexpected

She look super-surprised at his unusual act that she could only stare and follow his steps

Kyler rubs her shoulder in a more comforting way as he let her sit to the sideway, he use his other hands to brush her chin up and have her look at him

“Are you alright?”


Yasmin’s heart and body melt under his voice hearing him ask if she’s alright, she could see the concern and care in his eyes

She has called him as early as she felt was right, he was the only person her mind thought to confide in

His hands on her shoulder left there and move faster than she could feel to her waist, he wrap his hand around her which give Yasmin a feeling of protection

She feel safe at that moment like no harm could come to her with him around.

“If something like this ever happen again, call me that instant, please”

He added at the last end and Yasmin felt butterflies again.

Yasmin nod her head obediently and try to keep her hands to herself even though she want so much to hug him

He push her slowly closer to his body and have her fully rest on him with her head on his shoulder in a comfortable way.

“Let’s put more security around you and a more safe door”

Yasmin smile happily at the chance to stare his face from such close distance, she has not seen this sweet side of him before and it’s so cute

Irresistible, she find her hand to his face giving him a bit of caress on the cheek

Like he understands what she wants, he turn to face her and push her head up from his shoulder taking her lips in on a passionate kiss.


Veronica bite her lips frustrated about not having a solution yet about Kyler offer of divorce

He has given her another divorce and she has read it all over

She thought he is divorcing her because of her infidelity which he couldn’t get over but the involvement of another woman makes it so different.

Then a great idea came to Veronica immediately and she sit up from the relaxing chair asking the lady tending to her nails to stop

Ever since she left her home she didn’t have the courage to go back to Kyler’s and decide to stay the few days at a motel to calm herself down and maybe give her some ideas.

If Kyler could stop loving her because he caught her with another man despite loving her so much, then he will hate the other woman too if he ever find out she’s cheating on him with another.

The only problem is how to make it seem like she is dating another.

“Conrad!” Her mind blurted

Veronica stood up from the chair trying to leave instantly but the manicurist stop her

She grunt angrily and yell at her to be quick about it then force herself to sit.


After much effort, Veronica succeed in making Conrad tell her where he stays and arrive at the place forty minutes after

It is an encloser area and the houses there seems ugly on the outside but beautiful on the inside

Veronica look around the house a bit pretending to care about where he lives but Conrad is impatient

“What do you want?” He asked sternly definitely not giving her a nice welcome

Veronica turn to look at him with a blue expression and pretend to wipe a tears off her eyelid

“Playing the victim!” She remind herself before opening her mouth to talk.

“I miss you too Conrad, I’m so sorry for behaving like that with you”

“Drop the stupid act Veronica and tell me why you are here” he resorted sharply

“I was also forced!” She bark at him getting more emotional

“You were not the only one threatened by Kyler, he also threatened me too”

She observe Conrad’s reaction under er fane tears and smile inwardly as her plan seem to be working

“He force me to abandon you threatening me with my Dad and all, he even make me abort Ken”


“Our baby” she said and put her head on his chest letting her tears flow easily

Another hit, having a name for the baby will show him how much she cared for it

“I really want to hug you then but I was so scared of him, I’m so scared” she said and Conrad finally put his hands around her

“I am sorry Veronica, I have no idea”

She smile knowing her mission is completed.

After they disengage, she bring up the real deal immediately


“Kyler is seeing another woman and wants to abandon me too, just like he abandoned you and make me kill my baby”

“He’s cheating on you? That bastard!” Conrad cuss angrily

“I can’t just accept the fact that he would abandon me after hurting me so much… I want to hurt Kyler, the same way he had hurt me”Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

“How do you mean?”

“He seem really in love with this other woman, I want him to lose her too just like he made me lose Ken and you, almost” she added and fake tears again

“You want to kill her?” Conrad asked confused

“No! I want to break them apart”

“Make her cheat on him with you” she finally told him


“What? No way” he refuse and her face crack up in a big frown

“Why not?”

“Kyler would kill me if he find out I touch his woman again”

Veronica frown at the use of the word ‘his woman’s but conceal her anger for now, she need to get him to do this first.

“Don’t you want to get back at him for what he did to you?”

“If anything we can threaten him with the video from the party”

She stare at him waiting for answer and notice he’s wavering, this can’t fall out

“Then have sex with me, to proof your love for me” he said out of nowhere catching Veronica a little unprepared

She has anticipated him asking for sex in return but she had hope her words would hit him so hard that he won’t think of it but looks like he never change

He move close and grab her lips in a passionate kiss making her drop her bag and bring her fast to the bed

Veronica did not resist at all and wrap her hands around him instead hinting him for more

It’s Kyler’s fault after all for sex-starving her for such a long time that she is so horny at just a touch.


Conrad watch Veronica wear her clothes back and frown his face in dissatisfaction, he wish she could stay much longer but she refuse

She give him a long way kiss before leaving and he was almost force to drag her back to bed.

As the door closes after her, a sound from the bathroom door startled Conrad and he look there in shock

“Oh shit!”

He has forgotten totally about the girl he hid after learning Veronica was the one at the door

“You asshole!” She cuss as soon as she get out already dressed up

“I’m so sorry…”

“Save it, how could you have sex with another woman when I’m still in there? You’re the worst Conrad” she cried

Conrad quickly get up from the bed and grab her waist hugging it to stop her from leaving

The girl try to stop him but he know exactly how to coax her back to bed and before long he got busy with her.


The next two days got Conrad trailing Yasmin carefully to find out as much as he could find about her

It was tough since she hardly go to bars or even have a bit of fun like most girls he has deal with

The daily routine seem to be killing him too, its from her house to work, eating lunch with her colleagues and going back home after work.

After trailing her all day, Conrad come back to Veronica for some energy and that keep him going

But the next day seems to be getting a bit lucky and different

After getting home from work Conrad thought she won’t come out like she has been doing but she came out wearing a sweater and trouser

Today might finally be the chance to make an accidental meet and he is prepared for that

As she walk out, Conrad follow after immediately careful not to get caught.


Yasmin decide to summon up courage and go out to buy groceries having nothing to eat for dinner

Since the incident, she feel too afraid to go out at night and has been making sure her door was locked always

After the visit to her house, he has changed the door knob and lock putting a more secured lock and also install cctv around the house and inside.

She told him not to worry and that she is fine but she is really not.

Every night as she goes to sleep, the memory of hands touching her body keep her from sleeping and when she manage to, she always wake up with nightmares.

As she shop for the stuffs she need, Yasmin try to be as careful as possible and also fast

It will soon be dark and she want to get back inside as soon as she could…

A hand reach over her shoulder coming for her and she let out a loud piercing scream of fear and fall to the floor

“I’m so sorry are you okay?”

She look up to see an handsome man putting is hands forward at her looking worried

Yasmin feel reluctant to take his hands but did after few seconds and stand staring suspiciously at him

“I did not mean to startle you, I just want to help stop the can from falling” he explained and his eyes look down

Yasmin’s gaze follow after and she see the milk on the floor, she has totally misunderstand him and cause unnecessary scene.


Conrad smile as he watch her leave the mart, he stare down at his phone and smile again at successfully getting her number

“The rest is easy” he thought and walk away but as he take few steps, someone appear in front of him and stop him

Before he could say ‘jackass’ he is knock out and carried into a waiting car.


Veronica try not to look scared at the creep place she has been brought, she wait for whoever has brought her here to come impatiently.

A 5’9 feet tall man walk into the room with two other man behind him

“Conrad??” She called his name and rush to him

“Pleasure meeting you Mrs. Black” Thompson greet

“What do you want?”

“Friendship” he reply without hesitation

“He’s not an enemy” Conrad tell her and she turn back to stare at him

“Who are you?”

“Thompson Bays, I desire the same thing as you”

“You want your husband back and I want Yasmin Cassidy”

“You are in love with that bitch?”

“Do not call her names” he warned sternly changing looks and Veronica got a bit scared

“You want the two separated and so do I”

“There is only one condition though, you must not hurt her and I mean by sending him to go seduce her” he said pointing to Conrad

“That’s the only way Kyler would let go of her”

“Then I will do the job”

“You?” Conrad butt in

“I don’t need to seduce her, I just to make Kyler see and believe we are involved together”

“What is your plan then?” Veronica ask

After listening to his spectacular plan, Veronica agree to work with him on it and also give her condition

“Kyler must not be hurt physical in this too” she told him even though she is sure he can’t handle Kyler if they are to get into a fight.

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