Stalked by the Mafia Boss

Chapter 17

Korina was really busy, her hands were tied. It was finally Saturday night.

She arranged her always scattered apartment and ran around trying to put things in place. She got movies, fun games and some cool music to make the night with the girls more exciting and lively.

Korina was really excited that she was having a new friend over and didn’t want anything to go wrong.

She hardly ever had friends.

She was just getting the drinks off the counter when she heard the door bell being rung.

“Would be there in a minute.” She yelled, dropped the drinks and raced to the door.

She nearly opened the door immediately she got to it but then stopped as the thought of her stalker crossed her mind.

What if he’s the one? Standing there waiting to kill me, Her thoughts ran wild.

She tiptoed and looked through the peephole instead and was graced with the view of Anne’s head, it looked funny through the hole.

She chuckled has she moved to open the door.

“Hey.” Korina greeted Anne cheerfully pulling her into a hug.

“Hey there too.” Anne said. They got disentangled and went into the apartment.

“Wow.” Anne exclaimed, “Your apartment is nice.” Her eyes wandered all over the place, “You do know what to do with maximum space.”

“Thank you.” Korina beamed accepting her complement.

“Here, I brought this.” Anne said dipping her hand into her bag, she brought out a white plastic bag, “It’s cookies.” She said handing it over to Korina.

“Awwn, you shouldn’t have.” Korina said, “Thank you so much.” She emptied the bag and added the cookies to the other snacks.

“Please take a seat and select a movie for us.” Korina gestured to the sofa, “I would be right back.”

After sometime she returned with some stuff and saw that Anne already picked a movie, it was a comedy romance.

“What’s the title?” Korina asked as she got settled.

“Think like a man.” Anne replied opening up a bag of chips.

The movie was about starting when they heard the doorbell ring.

“Pause it.” Korina stood up, “let me get this.”

“Hey bitch.” Daniella threw herself on an angry Korina immediately the door opened.

“What are you doing here?” She grimaced, “I clearly uninvited your dumbass.”

Daniella ignored her with a scoff, she pushed past her and got into the apartment.

“Hi.” She walked over to the Sofa with an outstretched hand for a handshake, “You must be Anne.”

“Yes, I am.” Anne smiled taking her hand, “You must be Daniella, I must say I am a bit stunned seeing you are white, I expected you to be black since you are Korina’s cousin.”

“Yea, yeah, we get that a lot.” Daniella sighed as they both sat, “I am adopted.”


“What are you doing here?” Korina asked her cousin, hands folded across her chest, she had been standing there in silence watching their exchange.

“Oh come on babe, you still mad at me?” Daniella asked.

“Hell yeah!”


“Uhmm… let’s see.” Korina said calmly extending out her palm to count on her fingers, ” You fucking gave a stranger my number.” She raised her voice a little above normal.

“He’s not a stranger.” Daniella defended herself pouting.

“You gave him my address.”

“I was only helping.”All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

“You gave him my work place address.”

“There is honestly no reason for you to be mad at me and nothing for you to be mad about.” Daniella said, “Right Anne?” She turned to Anne who was just watching them in amusement, she could already tell both of them would be great company.

“There is every fucking reason for me to be mad! What if he’s my stalker?”

“Calm down sister.” Daniella said.

“Wait! Wait! What?! You have a stalker?”

“Yea, she does.” Daniella answered with glee, “An Anonymous one, also rich, like he got the bag.” She winked at Anne and they both giggled.

“You two, this is not funny.” Korina huffed joining them on the sofa.

“Please fill me in on everything, tell me all about it.” Anne said excitedly, “The should be damn exciting.”

Korina frowned.

“Fine, fine I would tell it all.” Daniella stood up flinging her hair, “EVERYONE GRAB SOME POPCORN!”

Thirty minutes later, Anne was staring at Daniella wide eyed with her mouth slightly opened as Daniella finished the tale.

Korina rolled her eyes all through, trust Daniella to over exaggerate, She scoffed.

“So Korina.” Anne said facing her, she still had popcorn in her mouth, “you mean to tell me that your life is more exciting than a movie, like damn! That was actual entertainment.” She laughed.

“Fuck you Anne.” Korina said and threw a sofa pillow at her.

“Exactly way more exciting.” Daniella said joining them back on the sofa, she had been standing through the whole time, “So Anne where are you from?” She asked Anne as she reached for popcorn herself.

“Well… ahhehhm.” Anne cleared her throat, “My parents moved here before I was born, my dad is from the Philippines and my mum is Arabian American.”

“No wonder I couldn’t quite place a finger on what race you were.” Korina said, “But I knew you had to be Asian.”

“And you are so tall.” Daniella chipped in, “So you are a mixture of three different races.”

“No wonder your beauty is kind of exotic.” Korina complemented as she reached for popcorn herself, “Unlike Daniella here.”

“Hey, hold your horses.” Daniella argued, “I am fucking beautiful.”

“Nah, you aren’t unless beautiful is a new synonym for ugly.” Korina joked, “You look like that real slow animal from zootopia… uhmm… what is it called? A slot?.”

Anne burst out laughing at Korina’s statements.

“Excuse me.” Daniella said with attitude as she stood up, She flung her hair, “You see all this.” She said in pride gesturing to her body with hands moving up and down as she did a 360° turn, she slapped her ass and spoke further, her actions causing the girls to giggle, “look at me ladies, all this is the real deal, I am a bomb, the bomb.”

“Yea, a ticking time bomb.” Korina said agreeing with her words, ” when are you gonna explode? 30/ 11?.” Korina asked and Anne fell over with laughter.

“Oh my God.” She said giggling, “You guys are so funny.”

Daniella smacked Korina on the arm and fell back on the couch in defeat, “So what do you do Anne? I Work in a firm” She asked.

“I work at a breakfast diner.”

“I am into modelling, started 2 years ago.” She told the girls.

“Yes! My guess was right.” Korina and Daniella both exclaimed.

The girls continued their incessant chatting as the night grew less younger.

“So, let’s make a toast.” Anne declared, raising her drink.

“Okay?” Both korina and Daniella raised their drinks.

“To our new friendship, a great friendship.” Anne proclaimed.

“So we bestfriends now right?” Korina asked, skepticism lacing her voice.

“Hell yeah!” Anne and Daniella both replied, they linked their cans and made silly victory noises.

“It’s pretty late.” Daniella said glancing at the wall clock, “Why don’t we turn this into a sleep over.” She suggested.

“Works for me.” Anne agreed.

“No problems.” Korina said standing up, “let me get the bed ready.”

Later that night as Korina laid in bed with her cousin and her new best friend, she felt a tinge of happiness for once in a long time, she was carefree tonight and she laughed without worries, she managed to rid her mind of horrid thoughts of her Anonymous stalker.

She sure hoped Anne’s friendship would last, she hope it wouldn’t end like all the others that she wouldn’t leave like all the others.

She was just about to doze off when she heard her phone beep.

Korina unlocked her and read the message.

“You know that cream you had earlier would be better on your glorious body while I lick it off, have a good night’s rest my love.”

She frowned at the message.

Darn it, She cursed, just as I thought I was free, way to ruin the moment whoever you are.

She dropped the phone with a groan and got comfy on the bed snuggling in with the rest girls.

Minutes later she joined her friends in sweet slumber.

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