Sold To The Ruthless Alpha

You’re a dead man

Still Damien’s POV

“Thanks for the help man. This would make it a lot easier to lure the demon wolf out of her body and transfer it to my body. Too bad I won’t be able to reciprocate your kindness.” He let out smugly, his eyes turning pitch black as he turns back to Sofia’s weak body. I hate seeing her this way, but I to let him do his magic, better yet, I need to let him believe that I have no way of stopping him. If he finds out that I have plans to stop him, he would not hesitate to use his magic on me, and that would ruin all my plans.

“Allen, No, please…

Don’t hurt her,” I called out to him. I ran forward in an attempt to get to her and rescue her from him, but he waved his hand towards me, and I got hit by a powerful force that flung me backward. I winced in pain when I hit my back aging a tree and landed on the ground, but I couldn’t stay down and nurse my injuries. I had to stand up immediately and search for a good hiding spot that would give me a good view of everything that is happening with Sofia and Allen Cole. He had her trapped in a sacred symbol that he inscribed on the floor around her. He did it magically, so I’m guessing that it is some kind of a barrier that would prevent her from leaving that very spot. And that is exactly where she remained, she stayed in that spot, muttering some incoherent words, whimpering uncomfortably. She is in pain, I can see that, it is so obvious. But there is absolutely nothing that I can do about it because this is the only way to get the demon out of her without killing her. At the same time, this is a perfect opportunity to kill Allen Cole and the demon wolf. It is a case of killing two birds with one stone, and I can’t afford to pass up on this chance. I have to ignore her cries and focus on the task in front of me. I’m sure she will understand that It was a tough decision and I had to choose to save her life and our pack. I hope she forgives me for letting her go through this sort of humiliation. I’m going to make sure this demon wolf is destroyed here, I will not let anyone else go through this humiliating process. Not on my watch!

“Where are you, Dwain?” I asked him through our mind link. I know I asked him to stay back and keep my sisters safe, in case the demon wolf decides to play a fast one on me. For all I know, it could have conjured some deep resentment for my sisters, it could circle back and come back here to hurt them. I can’t bear it if anything happens to them. It would be worse for Sofia if she ever finds out that she had hurt my sisters, she would never be able to forgive herself.

“We are in the house, Alpha. Just as you instructed.” Dwain responded to me.

“Good. Get the weapons and meet up with the other guys in the woods. Tell the girls to assist the warriors who are too injured to fight, I need them on the plane in twenty minutes. The rest of you can wait behind as backup, when I inject the serum into Allen Cole, you will take Sofia to the plane while I stay back and deal with Allen myself. I’ll meet up with you when I take him down. But if I don’t make it back in time, if I don’t show up twenty minutes after you arrive on the plane, I need you to get that plane in the air and get my mate and my sisters to safety.” I instructed him firmly.

“B… B… B… But, we can help you Alpha. We can help you take him down. We can’t possibly leave you to fight him alone, it would be a shame if we abandon our Alpha on this island. We can circle around and take him unaware, we can…”

“No, Dwain, that is enough!” I scolded him angrily, cutting him short before he continues rambling like a complete lunatic.

“I need you to put all sentiments and protocols aside and just follow my instructions to the latter. I have it all figured out, everything is going according to my plans, I have the powder from the ancient sorcerers and I know exactly how I can use it to kill Allen Cole. But if I don’t make it out on time, get that fucking plane in the air and blow up this kicking Island. Is that understood?” I asked sternly making it virtually impossible for him to argue or protest anymore.

“Yes, Alpha.” He responded brusquely, sounding like a child that has just been scolded by his parents. I severed our link and turned my attention to the bastards, Allen Cole. He was chanting in an ancient tongue, speaking in monotone. There was a strange wind around him, the trees around Sofia were swaying slowly. He had a mysterious aura surrounding him, and he looked so focused and determined to get the demon wolf out of her. He is bleeding from his eyes and nose, but it doesn’t deter him. He kept on chanting his magical words continuously, and he ignored everyone and everything else around him. He did not notice that Sofia is in pain, or maybe he did notice her pains, but he doesn’t give a damn about her or her feelings. She can be dying right now and he still wouldn’t care. He didn’t even notice that my boys were closing in on our location. Ralph and some of the other guys were not in good shape, but they still stayed back as a backup. They are prepared to die for me, and I would have been flattered if not for the fact that we could all die on this island if they fail to follow my instructions. I hope I get it right this time, I’m so tired of this whole situation. I just found my mate and everything should be perfect, but that was not the case with Sofia and I. Everything around us just went from normal to super crazy in just a matter of days. All wanted was to have a happy life, that is all I ever asked for, and that is all Sofia wished for as well. But here we are, fighting for our lives, battling with sorcerers and demon wolves. How on earth did we ever get to this point, how did I get so soft and weak, when did I become this weak Alpha that gets tricked by a mere werecayotes, and a stupid drug lord?

Yes, Allen Cole is a smart guy and he is a sorcerer as well, but I could have spotted his lies a while ago, I could have known that he was working with my enemies to bring me down. I was just too distracted, I let him hurt the people I love, I let him get too far with his plots, and now he thinks that he has conquered my territory. He thinks I would let him kill me and claim my mate, but he is so wrong. This is the farthest he can go, I won’t let him hurt anyone else, Not when I’m alive and breathing. My wolf is weak and defenseless, I have no fucking idea what he did to my wolf, but I’ll do this without Scott, I’ll prove to everyone that I am born to rule. I am a true Alpha and my title will not be stolen from me by this spineless weasel or any other dumbhead that wishes to mess with me.

I watched from my hiding spot, I saw him smiling in satisfaction while Sofia cries out in pain. It seems that everything is going according to his plans. I could see a dark fume coming out of Sofia’s mouth, nose, and her ears. It floated through the air and went towards Allen cole. He was bleeding through his eyes, nose and his ears, so I knew without being told that the fumes were going into his body as well. I kept watching, waiting for the right moment to make my presence known to him. It went on and on for a good few minutes, and finally, it stopped. He stopped chanting and she stopped moving her body restlessly and her painful cries ceased as well. She lay limply on the floor, apart from the occasional rise and fall of her chest, there was no indication that she was alive. I can’t even tell if she is alright, and I can’t risk going to check up on her, it would give away my position and put our lives in danger, I have to stick to the plan.

“This is it guys, this is our only chance to get her out safely, kill the demon wolves and get out of this fucking island with no more casualties. We have one shot at this, let’s make it count. Follow my lead, and don’t you dare wait up for me. I want that plane in the air in twenty minutes.” I instructed firmly through our mind link. I could feel their disapproval, but I’m sure they will follow my instructions to the latter, even if they don’t approve of it. After getting the demon out of Sofia, Allen Cole fell to the floor, howling in pain as his body tries to adapt to the new wave of power surging within him. I thought his body was only adjusting and adapting to the powers of the demon wolf then I noticed that his howls were getting louder by the minute and I realized that he was sucking out the fears and chaos around him, he is feeding the demon wolf with the fears of my men and the chaos in this island.

This is so ridiculous!

I just can’t believe this guy!

I can’t believe that he is already trying to make the demon wolf stronger. It’s been only a few seconds that he just got the demon wolf, and the first thing he wants to do is to make it stronger and more powerful. He wants to eliminate our every chance of escape, he is so mean, selfish and callous. And the funny part of all this is that, he has no idea what is coming for him. I got out the bullets filled with Mountain ash, I fired several shots at him, heating him howl painfully when it hits him.

“Now guys!


And control your damn emotions around him!

For fucks sake, we talked about this already, it’s a demon wolf, it feeds off your fears. Seal of your emotions, get Sofia and get out of this island!” I yelled at my boys through the mind link, and at the same time, I loaded my gun with more bullets. This time, I used a different bullet, I chose a bullet that had wolfsbane and mountain ash, the same poison I had used to weaken him when I took him from his house and brought him to this island to face the demon he created. I sighted Sofia, stirring awake, but she was too weak to stand up, she just lay there looking around like a moron. I guess she is trying to figure out what is going on around her, and I hope she stays down until my boys come for her. I could see them getting closer, at the same time, the demon wolf howled louder, and it tried to come at me, but the poison is sowing it down. It wasn’t as strong and fast as it is supposed to be. But it wasn’t down completely, it was still struggling to walk towards me, and as it came, it howled loudly. Its howls were like the screeching sound of a banshee, it was so annoying that I had to shut my ears to stop hearing the annoying sound of its howls.

“You fool!

You think you can kill me with those cheap potions, you are more stupid than I thought. You can never kill me, Alpha Damien Ashton. I am the demon wolf and I am indestructible. Poisoning me will only prolong the inevitable. I will adapt to your poison in a few minutes, and when I do, I will destroy you and your title shall be mine!” Allen let out mockingly as he takes slow painful steps toward me.

“You know it is quite hilarious to think that you sat down and came up with such a ridiculous plan. You are not going to be Alpha, Allen. You are a pathetic werecayote that allies himself with moles. It would be a cold day in hell before I let you steal my title and my territory. You are wrong, Allen, and this is the end of the road for you and your demon wolf. I’m not letting you out of this island, Allen. You are a dead man, you just don’t know it yet.” I responded with a smug smile.

I kept moving back slowly, leading him away from Sofia and my boys. I did not stop shooting at him, I had to make sure that he is fully loaded with enough wolfsbane and mountain ash to weaken Allen Cole, if Allen is weak, then the demon wolf would be too weak to jump at me and beat the crap out of me. I can handles werecayote, but a demon wolf is way out of my league, and that is why I need to make Allen weak enough for the poison to get to the demon wolf on time. And at the same time, I need to make him follow me out of here so he wouldn’t see my boys as they take Sofia out of here.

“Fight me, if you dare.

Those were your lines, Damien. Now it’s my turn to use them on you. I dare you to fight me like a man, Alpha Damien. You are not fit to bear that title, so right now I am giving you a chance to fight for it and prove yourself to your pack. Fight for your people, Damien, fight for your territory, and prove to everyone that you are a true Alpha.” He called out to me, causing me to laugh out hysterically.

“I owe you no explanation, and I don’t need to prove myself to you or anyone else. You are not fit to stand in front of me, and you have no right to challenge me to combat. You are nothing, Allen Cole and you will never be heard of again because I will wipe you off the surface of the earth.” I responded to him, smirking as I loaded my gun with the last bullets and I also pulled out the tranquilizer gun that contains the potion from the ancient sorcerers. The potion that was formulated by the same sorcerers who created the first demon wolves. After the demo wolves were destroyed, the Alphas traced the sorcerers and they killed them all. But they recovered some of their potions and poison. They gathered everything in a place and they burned them all. But some of the Alphas decided to keep some of the serum and potions, that was how Allen Cole got his hands on the formula for creating demon wolves and it is the same way that I also got this potion.

“You do realize that your poison will not keep me weak for a long time, I hope you can back up your words with action, Damien. I may be tempted to make you suffer more pain than you can ever imagine. How would you like to watch me fuck your mate right in front of you, I could make it more fun by including your sisters,” he let out mockingly, licking his lips in a sensuous manner.

“My mate is way out of your league, and so are my sisters. But you can keep dreaming, fool.” I responded with a smile, aiming my gun at him. His face turned sour and he lunged at me immediately, trying to stop me from pulling the trigger. I knew he was bluffing, he was just stalling me on purpose to give his demon wolf more time to adapt to the poison in his system. I know his tricks, I know how smart and tricky he can be, and that is why I didn’t give him a chance to come anywhere near me. I pulled the triggers on both guns, poisoning the demon wolf and his host at the same time.

The shock was registered on his face as the bullets hit him repeatedly he gazed up at me in shock and I responded with a smug smile, acknowledging what he already knows.

“You are not the only one that knows about the Alpha’s secret stash, Allen. My father was one of the Alphas that defeated the demon wolf, I know everything there is to know about the demon wolf.” I told him proudly, and I watched as his eyes turned dark and dark blood flowed from his mouth, nose, and ears. It flowed rapidly, pouring on the floor, and as it touched the floor, it disappeared into thin air, leaving no traces.

“If… if… if you had the cure all along, why did you seek me out, why did you search for me?” He coughed out painful he struggled to bear the severe pains that the poison caused him.

“Oh, come on, Allen. We both know that this poison is going to kill the demon wolf and its host, you don’t expect me to kill my mate, do you?This content belongs to Nô/velDra/ma.Org .

I asked you to come along so we could find a way to save Sofia, I never knew that you were even more dangerous than I had ever imagined. Who would have thought that you had been planning all this for such a long time. See how your evil plans backfired.” I told him mockingly.

“Y… Y… You must think that you are so smart, Damien. You think you can get rid of me so easily. But you lie, Damien,

You Lie!

I won’t let you win!

If I’m going to die on this island, then I won’t be going down alone. I will hit you where it hurts the most, your mate is mine!” he yelled in anger and he waved his hands towards me, hitting me with his magical powers, sending me flying the other way. Before I could regain my stamina, he has fled the scene. I don’t need to search for the idiot, I know exactly where he is heading to. Too bad he is not going to find anyone to take with him to the afterlife.

“Where are you guys?” I asked Ralph through our mind link.

“We left a while ago, Alpha. Just as you instructed.” He responded brusquely.

“Good. Instruct Dwain to set the coordinates and send the missiles. I want it blown up in five minutes,” I instructed him, sounding firm, leaving no room for argument.

“Yes, Alpha.” He let out sadly before severing our mind link. I could tell that he has something else to say to me, he probably wants to ask me about my whereabouts and my safety, but he chose to trust me to make the right decision.

He is such a smart guy and that is why he is my friend. I took the other way and ran as fast as I could, running to the docks to set sails on my shop that is still anchored at the docks. It’s time to go back home and make things right with my family and my mate. I was a few miles away when I saw the flames from the missiles and I smiled in satisfaction. That will be the last time anyone would hear of the demon wolf and Allen Cole. I’ll make sure of that.

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