Sold To The Ruthless Alpha


Damien’s POV

William Blake…

I can’t believe that that fucker has been the one messing with me all this while. Why the hell didn’t I think of this earlier, I would have gone to his fucking house and strangled that bastard to death. I should have known that he had an agenda and that was why he asked me for such a huge amount of money for his daughter, I thought he only wanted to settle his numerous debts and get his life back in order, but I thought wrong. He was just planning to get back at me and take her away from me. He thinks he can eat his cake and still have it, but I’ll teach him not to mess with me, I’ll make him pay for trying to trick me. He must be working with Stacy and Alfredo Black, they must be cooking up something against me, right now, but I won’t let them get too far with their plans this time. They have already done the despicable, they have succeeded in turning my mate into a demon wolf, but that is the worst they can do because the table is about to turn, and this time I’ll be the one making the rules, I’m taking the war to their doorstep this time, I’ll teach them not to fucking mess with me.

“It’s fine, my love. I won’t do anything to make you upset, and I won’t say anything about your father as long as you agree to leave the pack house with my sisters. I need you far away from here so you don’t get upset by anything or anyone. I have a penthouse in Paris, France. You and the girls can go over there for some time, it’s going to be so much fun, I promise.” I told her pleasantly.


“No? What do you mean No?” I demanded.

“No, I’m not going anywhere with your sisters. No, I’m not running away because of Stacy, I refuse to be a sissy. I’m staying right here until we get everything sorted out.” She responded firmly.

“Are you fucking insane?

Have you not been listening to anything I have been saying?

I just told you that you have been injected with a very dangerous potion that turns you into a demon wolf. You know how annoying Stacy can be, one little trick from her could make you snap. If you lose control and attack anyone, we would be forced to put you down, even if that person is as horrible as that bitch Stacy. You need to understand that I am doing all this for you, you have to trust me to handle this matter. You need to leave with my sister as soon as possible, I won’t focus on what I’m doing if I have to worry about you as well. I’m begging you, Sofia, please go to Paris or you can choose to go anywhere else. I just want you to be safe, my love. Please.” I can’t believe that I’m actually begging her to go on vacation with my sisters. A few weeks ago, she would have given up anything to leave this house, she would jump on my offer with joy, but not anymore. She is becoming tough and fearless and I would have loved her for it if it wasn’t for the demon wolf in her. I’m pretty sure that she isn’t making this decision herself. It’s got to be the demon wolf, it’s pushing her towards her anger trigger, it wants her to sink into anger and depression so it can take over. Why wouldn’t she just listen to me, I’ve tried so hard to get through to her, I’ve tried to make her see the reasons why I want her to leave, but she just won’t listen. I’ve resorted to begging like a fucking idiot, yet she still won’t listen. I guess I’ll have to resort to a more drastic measures to ensure that she listens to me and leave this place with my sisters as soon as possible.

“No, Damien, you need to listen to me this time. Ever since I came to this pack, I’ve done everything you asked of me, I’ve tried my best to be everything you need me to be, but this time, I refuse to listen to you anymore. You just said that you are going after my father, you have a lot of anger towards my family and I know you will do anything to get the answers you need. What if you hurt my father, or my mother, or my brother. How on earth would I be able to relax and have fun with the girls when my family is in danger, my mind will never be at peace, I’ll always be thinking about them and I’ll never be happy. Besides, I don’t think it is advisable to send me off to another country when it is so obvious that I am not in control of my powers. You do know how dangerous it would be if I lost control of my powers and end up hurting innocent humans, right?” she asked me teasingly, making me roll my eyes at her. This whole thing seems like a big joke to her, she has no idea what the demon wolves are capable of. I have to protect her from herself, I have to make her go away, even if she doesn’t want to leave. There is only one thing I can do at this point, I’ll have to trick her.

“Get ready guys, we are switching to plan B.” I told my boys through our mind link.

“Are you sure that is the best thing to do at this point?” Dwain asked me through the link.

“What do you mean?” I retort.

“All I’m saying is that we need to watch what we do so we don’t get her upset. You plan to drug her and keep her asleep until you find a way to get the demon wolf out of her, but you seem to forget that the demon wolf is not only smart, it is also very tricky. It will never let her stay sedated for long, it will find a way to counteract the power of the wolfsbane that you are about to use on her. She would be so furious if she realized that you tricked her, she would not be able to control her anger and it will take control. That is exactly what the demon wolf wants and that is what we should be trying to avoid. We can’t afford to trick her right now, Alpha. I really don’t think that it is a good idea to trick her.” He advised calmly.

“Well, thanks for your advice, but I think I have it all covered. I won’t let anything happen to her, I will never let the demon wolf to take over, that is never going to happen.”Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“I hate to say this, Alpha, but I think he is right. She is a demon wolf, she is way stronger than your average wolf. The wolfsbane may not have much effect on her, it would only make her pissed and she may end up losing control. I honestly don’t want to see how that plays out, so I’ll suggest that we come up with another plan to get her out of here. You can talk to your parents about it, I’m sure your mom will be able to get through to her.” Ralph chirped in as we kept communicating through the pack’s mind link. It’s a good thing that I have not marked and claimed Sofia yet, she would have been a member of the pack it would have been more difficult to communicate through our mind link because she would hear us as well. I looked closely at her, thinking hard about what they had just said. I can reason in their words, but I don’t think I can listen to their advice right now, I have to do this. Don’t get me wrong, I know the risks involved in this matter, but I have to do it anyway. I can’t go running back to my parents for help, I am Damien Ashton and I am the Alpha. It is my duty to make these decisions, I won’t stoop so low and run back to my parents for help.

“We are doing it guys, I’m not backing down on my decision and I’m certainly not going to run back to my parents for help. Get the sedatives, I’ll distract her long enough for you to use it on her.” I instructed them.

“And guy, you have to be fast and you need to be very careful. Like you said, the demon wolf is very tricky, it can sense danger faster than we do, you need to be very careful.” I added firmly, ignoring the sighs and groans. They are scared, I know that but I can’t put their fears into consideration right now because their fears are not as important as our lives, with Sofia in this pack, all our lives are In danger.

“And what are you thinking about? Don’t tell me you are thinking of a way to convince me to leave, or are you trying to find a way around my request?

Well, I’ll suggest you give up any silly ideas you are having in your head right now because it is not going to work, I assure you. I’m not backing down and I won’t let you hurt my family anymore.” She let out firmly, making me smile down at her. I never realized that she was this tough, I guess I was too distracted to notice, or maybe she is being this adamant because of the demon wolf. It’s got to be it right?

“I don’t like your decision and I’ll never accept it, Sofia. But right now, you need to rest and focus more on your inner calmness. I need you calm at all times, don’t forget that the demon wolf will do anything to make you pissed, it could turn the slightest issue into a big one, don’t let him get into your head, and try not to get mad at me or anyone else, okay,” I asked her calmly, pulling her into my arms.

“Yeah, if you don’t want me to get mad at you, then please stop talking about the demon wolf inside of me. It’s getting more annoying by the minute, I swear I’ll surely lose it if you as much as mention the demon wolf one more time.” She let out with a groan, making me chuckle at her sense of humor. It’s a good thing that she hasn’t lost her sense of humor despite everything she is going through. She needs to keep up with the cheerful attitude if we are ever going to survive this plight. It’s nice to see her putting an effort to stay happy, I hope it continues this way.

“We got it Alpha, and we are heading your way right now. Are you sure you don’t want to rethink your decision, you still have a chance to make this right, it’s either now or never.” Ralph told me through our mind link, urging me to change my mind and call off this operation. But I won’t, my mind is made up already, It’s a risk I must take to make sure I get her to safety.

“Go on with the plan, nothing has changed. I need to know when you get to the door so I can distract her while you take the shot. Don’t ruin this guys, we have only one shot at this, so you need to make it count. Wait, did you increase her dosage?” I inquired.

“We did, but…”

“No buts, get here fast.” I ordered him firmly. I’m tired of his negativity, we need to get this over with don’t can pay William Blake a visit. I need to find out what he knows and who he has been working with, I also need to find out all the places that Stacy used to visit whenever she sneaks out of the pack. These people have been playing me all this while, it’s high time that I return the favor.

“We are here.” Dwain told me, through our mind link of course.

“Good, I’ll distract her.” I responded immediately, then I flashed Sofia one of my best smiles, one that I’m sure that she can never resist.

“I love you, Sofi, I’ll do anything to keep you safe. I’ll never let you get hurt, I promise.” I told her out of the blue, earning a wide smile from her. I leaned down and captured her lips in mine, kissing her passionately, turning her towards me as I pulled her closer in my arms. I made sure she had her back to the door, that way she won’t see them come in and she won’t be able to stop what is about to happen to her.

“Now, guys! Do it right now,” I instructed them through the link. The door pushed open and just before she could turn to see who it was, they shot her full of sedatives. I heard her soft gasp of pain as the needles pierced her skin, it hurts me to know that I am the cause of her pain. I broke off and gazed into her face, I could see the dark purplish vein-like lines as they spread all over her body and face. It is obvious that the wolfsbane is circulating in her body, I hope it works as planned.

“What have you done?” she whispered slowly as she struggles to fight the poison and prevent it from spreading.

“Don’t fight it Sofi, just let go, let the potion work. I’m so sorry my love, I have to protect you, no matter what it takes. I’m so sorry, please forgive m…” she did not let me finish that statement before she pushed me off with so much force that I landed across the room. I landed on the table at the far end of the room, smashing it to pieces. The guards moved back in fear as they thought that she was about to be possessed by the demon wolf. She took a step forward, coming towards me in anger, but she was shot once more by Ralph, this time he aimed it at her neck and he shot her on a vein line. She slumped to the floor before she could get to me, I heard her gasp in pain as she fell. I didn’t let her get to the floor before running to her rescue before she reached the floor.

She had six syringes sticking out of her back and one on her neck. It would take only one of these syringes to put down even the most powerful Alphas, but it took seven to put down a demon wolf. It hurts to see her this way, as I look at her lifeless body, all I feel in my heart is pain and anger and I have a pretty good idea of what I can do with all this pain and anger. I certainly won’t keep it in, I’ll use it on the people who caused me so much pain, I’ll fucking make them pay.

“Tell the girls to get ready to leave, and tell the doctor to get all the sedatives packed into the plane, they leave in a few hours. I need her attached to a needle always, she gets seven shots every hour and the needle doesn’t leave her body no matter what.” I instructed the guys as I laid her on the bed gently and headed out of the door.

“We can’t do that to her, Damien. It would kill her.” Ralph let out angrily, stopping me in my tracks.

“It won’t kill her, she is not a werewolf yet, she is still in the process of transformation. It would only hurt the demon wolf hiding itself in her body and that is exactly what we want, isn’t it?” I asked him in the same angry tone he had just used on me. I really don’t get why he is angry with me for getting her sedated. She is my mate, my Luna. If there is anyone to be hurt or angry, it should be me.

“How can you not feel anything, how can you be thinking rationally at this moment. For fucks sake, she is your mate and you just let us shoot her full with wolfsbane like a fucking animal. Have you no heart?” he asked once more. I couldn’t help chuckling to myself as he accuses me of being heartless. I guess he doesn’t know the dangers of leaving her in this pack, he has no idea what she is capable of, he has no fucking idea.

“Just let it go, man, I’m doing what is best for everyone in this pack. Yes, she is my mate and I care deeply about her. But her stay in this pack is a danger to everyone, including herself. I am the Alpha, that is why I get to make these decisions and put the pack first. Yes, it hurts, but I don’t have a fucking choice. So it’s either you help me see to the final preparation to send her out of here, or you get the fuck out of here and stop wasting our time.”

I left him standing in the middle of the room, staring after me as I walked out of the room. I guess it’s true when they said that a mate is the weakness of an Alpha. Women are literally a distraction and Sofia was my biggest distraction, but not anymore. It’s time to get back in the game.

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