Sold To The Ruthless Alpha


Lucas’s POV

I’ve been following him closely, monitoring his every move. He is so damn stupid, so dumb. Watching him these few weeks has made me wonder why my father has always been scared of him, he doesn’t scare me at all, not one bit. The only reason why I haven’t infiltrated his home is because my sister is still in there and Stacy has not shown us the right path to follow so we can sneak in undetected. She is stalling and I don’t know why.

After she left Alfredo, I waited for her to contact me, just as we agreed. But she never contacted me, she didn’t even contact Alfredo Black. She suddenly went dark, no call, no messages, and no signals whatsoever. I had to resort to my previous method, I went left Black’s residence and went back home. But I couldn’t stay at home for one day without thinking about my beautiful, innocent sister that is being forced to live with that monster, Damien. Seeing the sadness on my mom’s face is a constant reminder that I had failed my family. I let him take her away while I stood there I watched like a coward. When I set out on this path of revenge, I promised I would do whatever it takes to get my sister out of there. I knew it would not be easy, but I was determined to bring him down and get back everything he has taken from us. First, he stole the Mafia title from my father, then he took my sister as his wax slave or whatever. I really don’t know why he has taken her, but I can’t bare the thought of all the crazy things he could do with her. He could make her work in one of his brothels or he could peddle her to the highest bidder, not minding the fact that she is innocent and pure.

Sofia and I never spent much time together because our dad never allowed her to live with us. He kept shipping her off to diverse t countries, keeping her out of sight. No one knew about her, not even his closest associates. Mom and I never understood his reasons for hiding her away, I could remember a couple of times when we both fought him about it, we never understood why he chose to keep her away from everyone, including her family. Sofia never liked it as well, she was never happy about it. She always came to me whenever she is being bullied by anyone, she always pleads with me, begging and pleading with me, telling me to talk to our father on her behalf because she doesn’t like it there. She tried to get him to bring her back home, but he never listened to her. One time, she tried running away from school. She ran back home and refused to step foot in that school again. But dad bundled her back to school with a stern warning threatening to abandon her in an orphanage if she ever flaunts his orders again.

With time, she got used to the fact that there is nothing she can do to change his mind and bring her back home. She finally accepted her fate and got used to her life. She never complained to mom or dad anymore because she doesn’t want them to fight because of her anymore. For many years, I was the closest she had to having a friend and she confided in me, telling me everything about her, and sharing her experience in school with me. I guess she has always wondered why her enemies always get hurt or expelled from school. When she got older, she stopped telling me things because she made a few friends in school and she started living her life like my father wanted, acting as if we don’t exist in her life. But that didn’t make me give up on her, I have always been looking out for her, making sure she doesn’t get into too much trouble.

A few years ago, my father lost his wealth and title through gambling and Damien got a chance to take everything from us. He redeemed my father’s debt, buying off everyone that could oppose him and he took everything from us, leaving us with nothing. My father’s allies were gunned down on the streets and their families were thrown out to the streets. For the first time in my life, I witnessed a war between warlords and that was when I understood why my father has been hiding Sofia away. Although he had made many mistakes in the past, he still tried to protect his family, especially Sofia. She would have suffered the most because she is a pretty damsel, she has the king of beauty that no man can resist. She would be easy prey to our enemies and that was why he hid her away from them. He stepped down without much fuss, relinquishing his title and properties to protect his family. They call him a coward because he gave up easily, but he did it for us, he did it to protect his family and I’m proud of him for trying to protect us. He did his best, but his best was not good enough.

He couldn’t protect her forever. Somehow he had found out about her. I still don’t know how he did it, one minute we were gathered in our sitting room talking about my father’s debt, and the next minute he was sniffing around like a dog, asking strange questions about my sister. There was no denying the fact that he knows the truth already. To this day, I still don’t know how he got to find out about her, but I will not let him keep her for much longer, I will find her and bring her back home. To think that I was scared of her safety when she was abroad, but I was able to protect her from bullies and drug traffickers. I was able to keep an eye on her and keep her safe. But this case is totally different, I have no way of watching over her and I couldn’t save her from him because he is way more dangerous than anyone I’ve ever faced. He is tough and the fact that I don’t know everything about him is making me even more restless.

I thought Alfredo Black had it all figured out. He is the one opponent that Damien could not eliminate. I thought teaming up with him will get me closer to Damien, but I was wrong. He is simply grasping at straws, planning to use Stacy to destroy Damien. For a while, I thought he was on the right path, I mean, he has someone on the inside that feeds him with information and warns him of imminent danger. For a while there, I thought I could hitch along on his train and take down Damien. But he is too patient for my liking way too patient. I am beginning to think that all these guys are nothing but an empty vessels. They rely on their boys to do their dirty work, without these guys, they are nothing at all. They are powerless without these boys. Before now, I feared these guys, and the thought of going against anyone of them made me shiver in fear. But after working with Alfredo for a while and after spying on Damien without his knowledge, I am forced to believe that these guys are assholes. They shouldn’t scare me at all because I am way smarter than all of them put together.

I still can’t believe that I was ever scared of these guys, they are just dumb and stupid. First, it was Damien, the fearless Mafia lord. I stalked him for months, I ruined his operations at the airport and seaport, but he had no fucking idea. They said he is tough and fearless, and they claim that nothing slips past his watchful eyes. But I had him trailed for months and I kept strict surveillance on all his affairs and he never had a clue. He keeps trying to track me down, but I made sure he couldn’t trace me and I got rid of every evidence that could lead him to me. The words on the street are that he is weak because of a woman, but I don’t believe that. I think he has always been weak, he just keeps hiding behind his boys, claiming to be tough and fearless in front of everyone. But I know better than that, I know he is a weakling, and very soon, I will expose his weakness to the world and when that day comes, I will put a bullet through his fucking brains and end his miserable life.

The same goes for Alfredo Black, in fact, he Is far more stupid than anyone I’ve ever met. To think that his entire plan rests on the shoulder of a girl who has been playing him from the very beginning. He wants to use her to destroy Damien and wipe out his family from existence, but the truth is that she has been using him all along. He has no hold on her, he can not control her movement. He has no idea what she is planning, he knows nothing about her motives for joining his team. He doesn’t even realize that he is being played. She told him that she wishes to be with him, she flaunts her curvy body around and promised to give him everything he needs to take down Damien. But he never knew about her feelings for Damien, he has no idea that she is simply working her way into his heart. She would never destroy him because she wants him all to herself.

I was opportune to spend some time with her while she was still hiding out in Alfredo’s residence. She tried to sell him out as well. She tried to get me to make a deal with her so we can both take down Damien and Alfredo. She told me a few secrets that she had been hiding from Alfredo and she told me about their secret residence on the deserted island. She wanted me to kill Alfredo because he was too greedy and fierce. I would have jumped on her offer and accepted it without question, but I just don’t trust her. For all I know, she could be testing me to see if my allegiance lies with Alfredo. I’m guessing that he was the one that sent her to find out if I have been lying to him. That was why I turned down her offer, telling her that I have no interest in the title of Mafia Lord. It’s a good thing that I did not accept her offer because the next words that came out of her mouth proved to me that she can not be trusted because she is very dangerous.

“Don’t help me if you don’t want to, I can do it myself. I’ve done it before and I can do it again. I like you, Luc, and that is why I am asking you to team up with me. The choice is yours, it’s either you stick with me and live to tell the story, or you stick with my enemies and die with no achievement. But make no mistake, Luc, when this war ends, there will be very few survivors. I chose who I will let to live and who dies. You can join me if you choose to, but if you chose to go against me, I will kill you.” She told me fiercely, not hiding the fact that she has other motives for being here.

“If you stick with me, I will let you keep some sex slaves as Damien does. Check out this one, I hate her guts because she has taken Damien away from me, he spends more time with her than he does with me. But I still admire her beautiful body. So I will have her first, then I’ll let you have her.” She told me excitedly as she showed me a picture of my sister on her phone. I can feel the muscles twitching on my jaw as I saw Sofia’s innocent face staring back at me. I had the urge to strangle her to death, but I held back my anger because I know that she is more dangerous than I have ever imagined. I decided to play along with her tricks and see where it leads me.

We spent more time in that quiet room, screwing our brains out and plotting our next move. She told me about her plans to unseat Damien and take over his position. Having this conversation with her made me to realize that she is way more dangerous than Alfredo thought. He thinks she is working for him but she is doing it all for herself, she wants all the power and wealth for herself and she is prepared to kill anyone that stands in her way. Alfredo thinks that the pregnancy would give her access to Damien’s life so she can take him out, but she has no plans of taking him out now. She planned to get married to him for a few years so she can steal everything he possesses before killing him. If she manages to get into his life, her first plan ist9 offer Alfredo as a gift-wrapped wedding present to Damien. She would give Damien his location and he would get a chance to finally take him out for good.

It was at that point that I realized that these people were lunatics. They could well each other out or tear each other apart as long as it gets them the wealth and power that they desire. The only way I can save my sister and still live to tell the story is to outsmart them. I have to be one step ahead at all times and I have to come up with a plan that would come as a surprise to every one of them. I need to make a move that no one is expecting and I need to find out everything they are planning, that is the only way that I can outsmart them. Finding out their endgame will be my trump card, I need to know what everyone is planning.

I started with the guy next to me, Alfredo Black. We have been waiting to hear from Stacy for almost one week, but she has gone dark on us. Alfredo is restless and edgy. He has no backup plans, his hope rests solely on her. If she doesn’t succeed in taking out Damien from within, then he has no choice but to come out of hiding and engage Damien once more in a street fight, which he will definitely lose. It has happened before and Damien beat the crap out of him and sent him running out of town with nothing, absolutely nothing. Damien has the tactical advantage and he has all the street gangs fighting for him. Not to mention the fact that he gets his security guards from the best security company in town. They are well trained and well paid, they will do anything for him. Unlike Alfredo Black, he has lost the trust and confidence of his boys. They simply hang around him because he owes them quite a lot of money. Some of them have been bought by Stacy already, she offered them a mouthwatering deal, just like she did to me and they were so quick to jump on her offer because Alfredo has nothing to offer them.

I was able to gather a few bucks when I started planning my revenge against this bastard, and when I sabotaged some of Damien’s establishment I gathered a few more to add to the stash. I blew up his operations at the seaport and airport, making it impossible for his drug lords to do their business in the city. I knew he would fix his operations in a few weeks, but it was a chance for me to steal some of his consignment and also draw him out so I can trail him to his hideout in town. With the money I got from the deal, I was able to buy off the rest of Alfred’s boys, the ones who haven’t been bought by that bitch Stacy. Money wasn’t enough to buy their allegiance, I had to convince them that we have all it takes to defeat the Mafia Lord Damien without the help of Stacy or Alfredo Black. Unlike their dumb boss, I have a plan to draw out Damien, a plan that doesn’t involve a dumb bitch that has her own plans. I’ve already planted a few guys in his company, I’ve sabotaged a few of his operations and I’ve already devised a way to get into his secret island that he calls home.

“We don’t have to wait for that bitch before we attack. For all we know, she could stab us in the back after she gets what she wants. We just have to hide out in the woods and wait it out for a few days. She told me about a special delivery van that goes out for medical supplies. That is our way in, we only need to study their schedule for a while, I’m sure we would find the perfect opportunity to sneak into that deserted island. And after we defeat Damien, we have to take out that whore, Stacy. She is as dangerous as a snake, she wants to have everything to herself, but we won’t give her the chance. She is going down with her stupid lover.” I instructed them firmly, gaining their confidence with my carefully thought-out plan.

Actually, it isn’t my plan, per se, but I still think it’s the right thing to do at this point because it would get me close enough to monitor Damien’s movements. I don’t think we can break into that territory, it’s too secure and creepy. But I do know that I would be close enough to monitor everything happening in that place. I want to find out Damien’s secrets as well, I want to know how he found out about my sister and I want to know what he wants to do with her. I asked Stacy these questions and she gave me an answer that I really don’t buy. I can’t believe anything she is saying because she hides the truth and tells us only the things she wants us to know. She has her plans, and she wants to use us to achieve her plans. But I’ll outsmart every one of them and I’ll save my sister.

When I left Alfredo’s hideout, I went back home to wait a few days and see if Stacy would finally reach out to us but I couldn’t stay in that house without thinking about Sofia. My mom’s sadness kept gnawing at my conscience and my father’s frustration kept fueling my anger, making me more furious. I left the house a few minutes after stepping in, I called the guys and told them to get everything ready. I couldn’t wait any longer, I had to proceed with my plans, and I couldn’t wait any longer.

We went in the night, we parked a few miles away, then we walked through the woods and took strategic positions, watching the island like a bunch of stalkers. It’s a good thing that we did, I was able to see how coordinated and organized they were. I saw the van a couple of times but we couldn’t get anywhere near it because it was an armored van, besides, even if we got the van, we still can’t get through his tight security. We spent a few days, watching and observing everything that is happening there. All through our stay in the woods, nobody was allowed in and out of that place, except for that van. But on this particular day, a few cars came out at once and I knew almost immediately that it was my target, Damien. And so we followed them, trailing them to his private airstrip. I watched as my sister was transferred from an SUV into his private plane. I wanted to attack immediately, but my boys stopped me from making a rash decision, reminding me that we were terribly outnumbered.Exclusive © content by N(ô)ve/l/Drama.Org.

I went back to cool off before I make a decision that could cost us our lives. I left a few guys behind to monitor everything happening here, then I went back to our hiding spot in the woods to keep watch of the perimeter. A few hours later, I got a call from my guys that the plane is back, but this time, Sofia was not in it. He must have moved her to a secret location. I don’t know why he move her away and I don’t even know where he had taken her to. I was so damn furious, it felt like I was right back to where I started and I felt so stupid for not trying to save her when I had the chance.

I was still fuming with anger when I got another call from the guy I left to keep watch over my mom and dad. It turns out that the bastard decided to visit my parents. I knew I wouldn’t get another chance, so I gather my boys and went after him in rage. I watched him torture my father and I realized that he was after me.

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