Sold to the mafia


foreplay before class.”

“Katie!” I flush. Shit, I’d love that. And he’s right there. He’s so close.

Katie makes her customary fake innocent face. “Wha?”

I smack a palm against my forehead, and shake my head. “Never mind. I just can’t with you.”

Despite my objection, I can’t help but think about what Katie said. How I would love to be over there right now, riding Zane’s big fat cock, feeling him pump those powerful hips beneath me, thrusting deep inside of me with powerful force. My clit throbs in response to my fantasy, and I unconsciously touch myself.

“Maddy?” Katie asks, looking closely at me with curiosity.

I snatch my hand away from my lower stomach, my heart pounding, shocked by how close I’ve come to touching my myself in front of my best friend.

Screw you Zane, I rage, for making me feel this way, for making me lose control.

I have no idea how I’m going to get through the day with all these dirty thoughts running through my mind. There is no way I’ll be able to focus. I might as well stay home.

This is why getting with a guy like Zane is no good. We’re not even an item yet and he’s already affecting my school performance. And my sanity.

“Yeah?” I say, trying to play it cool.

“You alright?” she asks with a cocked brow.

“Yeah, why?” I clear my throat and can’t even look her in the eyes.

Katie shook her head. “I dunno, you started panting and looking all funny and then you were reaching down for your… umm… hoohaw. Got a yeast infection?”

I scowl with indignation. “Heck no!”

“Oh. Because I do,” she says with a shrug.

“Okay, that’s TMI.”

“Why?” Katie complains. “Aren’t we besties that are supposed to share everything together? Anyway, it itches like hell! I was scratching my stuff so much this morning that my labia turned all–”

“Katie!” I yell.



We spend the next ten minutes arguing over whether Katie should just wear what she has on or change into another outfit until I point out that if we don’t leave soon, we’ll wind up late for class. After a quick breakfast of Corn Pops and OJ, we walk outside.

It’s a cool morning, the sun is radiant, and the sky is crystal clear. It’s beautiful. It’s so pretty here. It doesn’t have the walkability of being in the city, but I’m starting to love this place.

“It’s a beautiful day today, isn’t?” Katie echoes my sentiment.

I’m about to respond when something that’s even more beautiful appears out of the condo next door. His hair slicked back, Zane looks like he’s stepped out of GQ magazine with his dark pants and dress shirt that’s opened at the chest, exposing the tanned bronze skin underneath. I swear I can see my tongue rolling along the lines of his chest. His shoulders are so broad, the shirt stretches tight over his muscles. Fuck, he’s so hot.

With swagger to die for, Zane walks up to us with a playboy grin on his face. It’s hard to look him in the eyes. I just want to stare at his dick, as if it’s out on display again.

I’m not sure what the protocol is for watching your neighbor masturbate, but my plan is to just ignore it and hope he doesn’t say shit about it. I’m just going to pretend like it never happened.

He better not say anything. My heart beats faster in my chest. I can see him teasing me for it. Holding it over my head. Shit! And then Katie will know I lied. Fuck, he better not.Belongs to © n0velDrama.Org.

“Are you stalking me now?” I demand, trying to act cool and confident when I’m really shaking inside. All I can think about as I look at him is how hot he looks naked and about his big fat, pulsating cock.

“Hey,” Katie protests, “you don’t have to be so rude to Zane, Maddy. Geez.”

Unperturbed, Zane chuckles, a deep throaty sound that does strange things to my nether regions. “Don’t be so vain, peaches, I have to work, too.”

I snort. “Well those are some pretty nice clothes just for a tattoo parlor.”

“What can I say? I like looking good.”

And you smell good too, I think to myself. Zane’s wearing a spicy cologne that turns me on big time. I wanna know what it is. I think I read somewhere that we remember scents the most out of all the senses. I wanna remember this smell. It’s like a masculine scent that was made just for him.

I’m stumped for a comeback. I’d be lying if I say he looks bad, because he looks like sex on legs. Hell, he’s practically a sex god, Zane Adonis Whatever-the-fuck-his-last-name-is.

Katie giggles. “Dude, you look more than good, like a million bucks!”

I shoot Katie a murderous glare for her treachery. She’s supposed to be on my side.

Zane grins at Katie’s compliment and then says, “But maybe I did decide to leave the second you came out.”

“See. You’re a stalker.” I hold back my smile and the small thrill I get from him admitting it. It shouldn’t make me so freaking happy, but it does.

“But I won’t have to be one if you’d just hang out with me, preferably by watching a movie or something.”

Katie leans in and growls into my ear, “Maddy, if you don’t say yes, I’m going to possess your body and have violent sex with him.” I have to laugh from her threat.

I’m silent for almost a full minute, my mind racing, before I finally say, “Fine. You win. I’ll hang out with you.”

Victory flashes in Zane’s eyes, but he’s not surprised. He knew I would give in eventually, the arrogant bastard. “A movie at your place it is. What movie would you like to see?”

“I heard Deadpool is good,” Katie chimes in.

I turn to Katie and scold, “He didn’t ask you!” I turn back to Zane and deadpan. “Deadpool.”

Zane laughs while Katie mutters something under her breath about finding a place to hide a dead body.

After Katie and I exchange a few more feisty barbs, Zane says, “You girls are hilarious, but I gotta get going. Got a busy schedule up at the shop.” He nods at Katie and says, “See ya.” And to me, “Catch you later, peaches.” I blush at his words and tuck my hair back behind my ear. Shit. This is not good. He’s really affecting me now. Shit!

Katie squeals with delight as we watch him walk off. “Peaches! I just love that nickname. It’s so frickin’ cute.”

I roll my eyes. “Oh please, it’s obnoxious you mean.” No it’s not. I fucking love it. Damn it.

Katie turns to me, a big grin on her face. “You know why he named you that, right?”

“No, why?”

“Because he wants to eat you out.”

I smack Katie on the arm and she howls with laughter. “I’m so done with you, Katie Butler!”

“I’m serious. He thinks you taste sweet, and he probably thinks about your juices, rolling down his chin while he’s in between your…”

I plug my fingers in my ears. “I’m taking the bus!”

Katie laughs even harder, going red in the face.

“It’s not funny!”

“Oh yes it is. You should’ve seen your face!”

I roll my eyes and walk off to the car. A few minutes later, we’re driving down the road toward the university.

“Will you watch the movie with us and be my third wheel?” I ask, interrupting Katie in the middle of singing a Katy Perry song. It’s gonna be bad if I don’t have her there. I already know it. I’m ready to cave. I can’t let it happen. I’m… I’m scared. That’s the truth, and I’m embarrassed to admit it, but I am. I’m so scared that I’m on the edge of a cliff, and he’s gonna fuck me and then throw me off.

Katie glances over at me. “Hmm. I dunno, Maddy. You’ve been pretty awful to me.”

“I have? How?” She actually sounds hurt, and that worries me. I feel like I’m losing myself; I can’t lose her, too.

“Well, let’s see here, you said I have a flat ass.”

“I already said that was a joke.”

“And you didn’t want to hear about my itchy vag.” Okay, now I know she’s joking. Thank fuck.

When I open to my mouth to curse, Katie holds up a hand. “Okay, okay, don’t pull out your machete. I might watch with you.”

“Might? What do you mean might?” I make sure to put a hint of a threat in my voice, because I need her there.

“I just don’t understand why you would want me there. I mean, the guy is hot as all hell. I wouldn’t want to share him in the least.”

“That’s the very reason why I need you to come. To keep me from doing something I regret. I mean, we’re going to be in the living room on the couch together, all alone and in the dark…” My voice trails off as I think about how hot the setting sounds. I could just imagine us on the couch, Zane’s lips on my neck, my hands stroking his rock-hard cock through his jeans. Just thinking about it makes my body shudder with anticipation.

“That sounds like the beginning of a porno movie.”

“Katie,” I growl.

“Alright, alright. I’ll be there.”

I lean across my seat and give Katie a brief hug. “Thank you, Katie.” She really has no idea how much this means to me.

Katie looks over at me and winks as she says, “You’re welcome… peaches.”

I resist the urge to kill her and settle on a death glare.

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