Sold To The Mafia Lord

Synonymous With Death And Destruction

But it felt as if She was poured cold water when the window was as stiff as a metal.

“What to do??”

“Let’s grab irons or anything hard to break the window, let’s be fast, the fire is quickly spreading!!” Amelia directed the people there.

Some children were crying as women wailed.

The men were few there as she quickly look for something to break open the window.

Amelia tried to calm the women who were crying.

“See Crying does not solve anything, we just have to find a way out!” Amelia said in frustration

“Don’t talk to us in that tone, we are all scared here!”

“Take your mouth somewhere else to pour your saliva!!” A woman who seem crazed, shouted at the top of her lungs, her face was all swollen as she almost went mad!!

“I’m the only source of hope for my family as my husband has passed away, leaving me with my two kids!! I can’t die in here!!” A woman cried bitterly as other women consoled her.

Amelia almost cursed at the women who were acting so foolish “do you women think I’m not as equally scared as you are?? We are all in this situation so let’s try to help ourselves first!! If we all seat here and cry all day, it’s like waiting for death!!” Amelia didn’t go soft on them and they all began to see reasons with Her and they wiped their tears.

“What-what are we to do??” A woman asked in creaked voices as she wiped her tears, eyes so red and bloodshot as if she had met with a terrifying Ghost!.

“Yes, you help us!”

Amelia nodded as she looked up to the stairs.

“The smoke would soon be reaching this floor so we have to be fast, some of you should Go grab something strong so we can try to penetrate the window and some go get something like blankets and water so we can give the little ones here so they won’t suffocate from the heat! Let’s get down to it!! Avoid any sort of dangers!”

Amidst the chaos, women frantically scoured the area in search of duvets and water, grasping for anything that could offer them some form of protection. Meanwhile, the men, driven by desperation, grabbed hold of rods and chairs, using them as makeshift tools to forcefully strike the windows in a desperate attempt to open them. However, despite their efforts, the windows remained stubbornly shut, refusing to budge or even creak open.

Amelia, though overwhelmed by the unfolding situation, fought to maintain a calm state of mind. Realizing the urgency of the matter, she called out to the women who had gathered the clothes and water. Her voice, filled with a mix of determination and concern, resonated through the chaos.

“Let’s dip the clothes into the water and tear large pieces for everyone here so that we won’t suffocate!” Amelia’s words rang out, and the women swiftly complied, their hands moving with a sense of urgency. Together, they dunked the garments into the water, saturating them thoroughly, before tearing them into sizable pieces and distributing them among the frantic crowd.

Time seemed to accelerate as the room grew increasingly shrouded in thick smoke. The air became suffocating, causing their eyes to burn and their lungs to ache. Amidst the swirling chaos, the piercing cries of frightened children pierced through the haze, amplifying the sense of fear and urgency. Mothers, attempting to muster courage, focused on the task at hand, balancing their own fears with the need to protect their loved ones. With each passing moment, the atmosphere grew more stifling, intensifying the race against time.

As the torn pieces of damp cloth were distributed amongst the crowd, people clutched them tightly against their mouths and noses, desperate to filter the acrid air and shield themselves from the smoke. The room became a flurry of movement, as individuals jostled and maneuvered, their primary concern being survival.

In the midst of adversity, a sense of unity emerged, with strangers helping one another, their actions driven by a shared understanding of the gravity of the situation.

Amelia, her mind focused on the well-being of those around her, ensured that everyone received a piece of cloth, diligently moving through the crowd to offer assistance where needed. Though fear lingered in her own heart, she pushed it aside, embracing a role of strength and leadership in the face of adversity.

The minutes stretched on, each one feeling like an eternity, as the smoke continued to fill the room. The air grew thicker.

Just then A hand held Amelia on the shoulder and she quickly turn to see who was that and she was surprised to see that it was Travis.

“Travis..” Though they weren’t too close Atleast they were friends now!

Travis was at the third floor when the Gas exploded and he had managed to run out and took shelter before it blast.

Travis, disheveled from narrowly escaping death, approached Amelia with urgent information. He relayed the unsettling news about the bulletproof doors and windows that had trapped them inside. Amelia, her eyes scanning the chaotic surroundings, nodded in agreement, understanding why their attempts to open the exits had failed.

Travis continued, revealing that the windows were secured with a passcode, likely orchestrated by Knight, a powerful figure who seemed to hold sway over their fate. He further speculated that the situation might be connected to Amelia’s marriage to Alexander, or his own affiliation with Alpha, even though his relationship with Alexander had become strained.Content rights belong to NôvelDrama.Org.

Amelia absorbed Travis’s words, her mind racing with possibilities. It dawned on her that Knight and his men might possess the passcode necessary to open the bulletproof doors. Realizing the gravity of their predicament, she proposed a daring plan.

“Knight’s men must have the passcode. To secure our escape, we need to hack into their computer system and unlock the doors. It’s our only chance to ensure everyone’s safety,” Amelia declared, her voice filled with determination.

The crowd of trapped individuals turned to look at one another, a mix of apprehension and hope flickering in their eyes. They understood the risks involved in attempting such a feat, particularly given the dangerous presence of Flame, an enigmatic figure synonymous with death and destruction.

Travis’s words hung in the air, and a collective murmur rippled through the group. Whispers of doubt mixed with whispers of bravery as they contemplated who among them possessed the necessary skills to hack into the system. However, the apprehension was palpable, as no one was willing to venture towards the perilous realm where Flame lingered.

Amelia, sensing their hesitation, stepped forward. A flicker of determination ignited within her.

As she said loudly….

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