Sold to my crush

The beginning of revelations

Lily’s POV

“Found you Princess .” I shrieked and yelped as a sinister voice rang through the busted door.

“I told you I would come for you”. He sneered and walked towards me with a grim expression.

I pulled my face from behind Alex to get a clearer view of him and his expression shattered my heart. “Father.” I breathed out.

“Don’t you dare call me that.” He cut me off sharply. His eyes blazing with fury. He had on a white shirt and some black pants. On a normal day my father would look professional and presentable but today he looked battered.

His tie hung loosely on his neck, his shirt was not fully tucked in and his hair wild. He looked like he had just ran a marathon and battled a lion on his way to get to me.

Alex stood upright and pulled me behind him. “I would watch my tone If I were you, Mr. O’Sullivan.”. Alex said through gritted teeth and moved dangerously slow like a predator towards my father. “I won’t have you speak to my wife that way and especially not in front of me.”

“You wife, huh?”. He tuted mockingly. “She is now your wife that you treat with so much respect. Have you forgotten how you bought her from me.” He roared with a loud voice.

That one really hurt though. I had tried my best to not think of how Alex and I got together ever since things started going well for us. So hearing this now was like a bell to remind me. Why did my father have to sound so cruel.

“Regardless of how I got her, she’s still mine at the end of the day.” Alex sneered.

Possessive much!. I was his at the end of the day.

“I did not come here to waste words bantering about who this thing belongs to”. He said sizing me up. “I’m here to get my Son.”

“Dad!”. I screamed out. His words cut deeply through my body.

“It’s seems you’re forgetting where you’re at. Go look for your lost child somewhere else. I won’t have you break in to my property and asked ridiculous questions.” Alex said while jutting a finger at my father, pushing him back a bit.

My father simply ignored Alex’s words and faced me.

“Lily, if you know what’s good for you, you would tell your husband to release Chase this instant, else you would face the consequences.” He said menacingly.

“Dad, Chase isn’t here. I don’t know what you’re talking about”. I cried out.

“Don’t fucking call me your Dad, you piece of shirt. I am not your Father.!!” He screamed out like maniac.

“What?”!” I asked bewildered. I could not process what I had just heard. what does he mean by that?. Of course he is my father.

“You heard me so get me Chase now. I know you had him for a while before moving him somewhere else, so tell me where you took him to.”

“Dad, I don’t understand, is Chase Missing?, what is going on”.

“Stop the act, you all of people very well know where you have been keeping him for this long, so get my son for me.”

“Dad, please i don’t understand. I..”

He eyed my up before looking around the place and screaming on top of his lungs. “Chase!, Chase!, I’m here to get you. Chase!.”

“Dad, Chase isn’t…”

I was interrupted by my father who had attempted to hit me on my face but was quickly intercepted but Alex.

“I have been to lenient with you. I tolerated you because of my wife but now you have crossed the line.” Alex said through gritted teeth.

Alex held on to my father’s hand tightly and it looked like my father was in so much pain. His eyes had gotten redder and small grunts of pain left his mouth.

“Let go of me now.” My father demanded but it was of no use as Alex looked determined to inflict pain on him.

Alex continued twisting his hand until there was a crack sound. My father wailed and cried out loudly and I immediately felt sorry for him.

“Please let him go Alex”. I begged as I held on to Alex’s shirt.

He looked down at me and that was when I saw the murderous look he had on his face before he quickly switched to a more softer look.

“For her sake, I would let you go now. But if you ever show your face here again or try to hurt my wife then be ready to face hell cause no one would stop me then, not even the devil himself.” He grawled out and let go of my father abruptly, causing him to fall to the ground.

He winced in pain and held on to his hand as he struggled to get on his feet. He looked at me dead in the eye with a stone cold emotionless expression. “You are yet to see the very worst of me”. He grinned widely like a psychopath. “Princess”. He mocked.

“Leave my house!!”. Alex barked out. My father glared at me one last time and stormed out of the room.

As soon as he left the room the resounding noise of the banged door ringed in my ears.

That was the only thing I could hear. Everything else was a blur. The temperature in the room had changed drastically and it was full with tension.

I had so many questions. What the hell is going on. Who the hell am I. Why does my father think Chase is here. Has Chase been missing and who would kidnap Chase.

“You worry too much my love”. I had been too oblivious of my surroundings cause I did not know when Alex got behind me. He wrapped his arms around me from behind and planted soothing kisses on my neck.

As much that was helping, my head was twirling around with numerous questions and I needed answers. “Why does my father think we have Chase?”.

Alex’s kisses stilled for a second then he turned me around and placed his cold hands on my check so I was facing him. “I think that’s a question for your father, don’t you think princess.” He said with a light chuckle.

As always with a smart answer. Typical Alex, but I wasn’t satisfied. “Alright then. You knew Chase was missing right?”. I asked cautiously.

His hands that were on my cheeks earlier dropped down. “When did I expressly state that love?.” He said with a smug expression and pulled a strand of hair from my face.

“Well you did not expressly state that but it was implied from you actions love.” I rolled my eyes and replied sarcastically.

“How so?”. He said with a small smile on his face as he continued playing with my hair.

“Well, when my father accused us of holding Chase hostage, you did not deny nor affirm it. You simply told my father to go look for him else where.” I said with cocked brows and folded arms.

“Yeah, it happened as you said”. He responded casually.

“So you knew right?”. I asked again.

He was silent. He kept on playing with my hair nonchalantly like I had not just asked him an important question.

I huffed frustrated by him and moved to the bed to sit by the edge. He could be so annoying if he wanted to.

“Baby”. He said in his rich honey voice that almost made me melt away but I quickly recomposed my self and snapped out of it. He walked causally towards me and sat close to me on the bed.

I tried to move away to another spot but he held me tightly. “I won’t let you leave me”. Now I don’t know if what he said was two sided. If he meant that he would not let me move to another spot or he won’t let me leave him in general.

Well I’d be damned if I thought of leaving him but that’s by the way.


“Answer my question.” I said firmly while trying to hold my ground.

I squealed and yelped as he pulled me on top of him so I was straddling him. “Yes”. He whispered between us.

“What!?. How did you know that and why did you not tell me.” I yelled and moved to get up from him.

Alex rolled his eyes and held me tightly. Was this a joke to him. “I did not tell you because of this. You worry too much and I know because I have my ways”. He finished.

“Alex that is not good enough reason”. I argued.

“Mm”. He humed as he nuzzled his face in my neck.

“Alex!”. I yelled at him to focus and pulled back.

“What baby!”. He pouted and god he could just have my ovaries.

“Alex please”. I struggled to get out of it and focus. “Do you have anything to do with this?”. I asked keeping a firm face.

“With what?”. He asked feigning ignorance.

But I refused to let him play that game. “With Chase. Do you have him?”. I asked straightforwardly. I did not want Alex to have any opportunity to avoid the question.

He face lost every expression and I couldn’t tell what was going on in his head. “Baby listen to me”. He pulled me closer to me.

I had a bad feeling about whatever he was going to say. “Don’t you dare lie to me Alex!”. I rushed out in panic.

“I would never lie to you love.” He reassured. “Everything I do is for you and your safety. I would never hurt you.” He added.

All these confessions were doing nothing to ease my worry. I just needed to hear that he had nothing to do with Chase’s disappearance. “Do you have him Chase?!”. I asked again with a shaky voice this time.

We stayed silent like that in that position. The only sound was from my heavy breathing and his seemed like slow and calculated.

“Yes.” He said. It came out forced like he would give anything not to say it but would rather not lie to my face.

“What?!”. I exclaimed in shock. What the hell was going on. I jumped off him quickly, I bet flash could not have done better.

“What did you just say?.” I asked again. Maybe I am hard of hearing so I need a confirmation from him before I jump into any conclusions.

“Yes, I do have Chase.” He said more confidently this time as his grey eyes stared dead straight in to my eyes.

“How?, why?, when did all these happen?”. I panicked as I paced round the room, cracking my head for possible explanations.Property belongs to Nôvel(D)r/ama.Org.

Alex just sat there watching me, he did not say a word, but his expression spoke to me at least.

He looked conflicted. His eyes had changed to a darker shade and his fists and jaw were clenched. He looked devilishly dangerous and handsome might I add.

“Why did you do it Alex. Why!!” I screamed at his face. I hated the silence.

“I did it for you!!”. His voice boomed out and I flinched immediately and moved away from him.

He was breathing heavily and once he saw how frightened he made me. His expression softened. “Come here”. He said firmly.

I was a bit hesitant but he walked up to me and held my hand tenderly. He guided me to the bed and put me on his lap.

He held my cheeks and rubbed them softly while staring at me as if he was choosing his words first. “I did it for you my love.” He said again.

“How?”. I whispered in a shaky voice. I desperately needed to know what was going on. I was tired of being in the dark all the time.

“I don’t mean to bring back those awful memories but when you told me about what he…, what he did to you my love. I couldn’t bear it. The more I thought about it, the more I desperately wanted to hurt him in some manner or kill him preferable.”

“Alex!”. I gasped.

“It’s okay, I did not kill him because of you, I kept him alive so you could decide his fate. Only you know what you went through and how much pain he caused. So if there is anyone who would end him then it should be you.”

I processed everything that he said and as much I see the reason the behind it and how much he cared for me, i still can’t get over the fact that it was wrong.

I don’t even know how I’m supposed to feel.

“I need to see him”. I said without thinking. Maybe then I would be able to classify the feeling.

“Are you sure about that”. He asked with raised brows.

“Yes”. I sighed. If I thought about it too much then I would chicken out.

“Anything for you my princess”. He said with a small smile and kissed my cheek.

“Thank you”. I breathed out and enveloped him in a tight hug.

I was too overwhelmed and even if I don’t have all the answers I need, I have a feeling that this is a start to getting better knowledge of everything.

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