Sold to my crush

Morning sickness

Lily’s POV

I sighed and rolled my eyes as I caught a glimpse of Alex lying on the couch. I had just woken up and I sat down watching him sleep from the bed.

I sat there watching him for a while before sighing again and turning to lay down as I supported myself with my arm.

As I watched him I thought about so many ways I could hurt him. I wanted to hurt him emotionally, physically and mentally. I wanted him to cry and bang his head whenever I crossed his mind.

I thought of pressing a pillow over his nose as he slept and watch him struggle to get free, then I would release him when he is at the brink of passing out or maybe strap him to the couch and strip him naked. Then I would whip his dick with a hot rod, maybe whenever he thought of cheating, the pain would remind him of the experience. He wouldn’t be able to use it anymore for such frivolous acts.

I thought of getting a man and pretending to have sex with him on our matrimonial bed and intentionally allow him to see us. The problem with men is that they think they’re better at cheating because they underestimate women a lot but maybe it was also good. Women would cheat smoothly, keep their mouth shut and not get caught but men do otherwise.

There were so many ways that this could do but then I don’t think I could stand another man touching me, more or less inserting his dick that may be infected and had been in a thousand other places, not excluding animals, objects and walls. Men were weird like that. You would never know.

And this could only work if he actually cared enough for him to be hurt emotionally, because if he didn’t, it wouldn’t matter. I could go extra miles to get things done to hurt him but he would not care about it and I would just be a new clown that isn’t aware that she’s a clown for thinking I mattered that much to him.

I sighed and shook my head as no matter how I tried to hate him and lose all attraction for him, it wasn’t happening and he didn’t make it easy as he could make the most causal thing as sleeping so sexy. The way his muscles strained as he put it behind his head. His messy bed hair and his inviting lips, not to forget his morning wood that was shooting out his light shorts. He looked so peaceful and beautiful as he slept.

But none of that mattered now as he had managed to spoil something so big for me. When I was younger I always dreamt and imagined how it would be when I was pregnant with a child for my husband. I imagined how he would take care of me and treat me like an egg. I imagined foot massages, belly rubs and him attending to my ridiculous demands for outrageous food combo at late hours.

But here was I stuck in where I was, with my husband sleeping soundly not to far away from me and my pregnancy hormones were kicking seriously. I couldn’t get all of that. I wouldn’t even let him even if he wanted to. But not like he had tried to. Maybe, hopefully, possibly, I guess in the future but I wouldn’t let him.

All I wanted was to jump on him and ride that huge hard cock. I wanted him so bad lately, it was beginning to get annoying. I cursed and sighed as I rolled over on the bed.

As I laid facing up, my nose immediately caught a whiff of a familiar smell that would usually not be a problem for me, but recently it did. I scrunched my nose up in disgust at the smell and soon enough it created an unsettling feeling in my stomach.

In a speed of light I jumped off the bed and sprinted into the bathroom when I had the urge to throw up. I knelt down on the floor with my head bent into the toilet emptying the nothing in my system. There was nothing I hated more than throwing up. To me it was an unsettling feeling and it also so painful that it felt like I was about to transform to an ugly demon.

To think that this was one of the many things I had to cope with during my first trimester. The morning sickness had become worse over the weeks. I was looking forward to be done with this part.

“Are you okay?.” I heard Alex’s deep groggy voice ask from behind me.

“Go away”. I said weakly with a wave of my hand.

“But you’re..”

I was about to shoo him away when a another wave hit me and I had to throw my face back in.

I heard his rushed footsteps getting closer to me and when I felt him closer to him, he put his hands on my hair, pulling them behind.

His touch burnt me and immediately shrugged it away. He seemed to get the message and listened to me for once as he didn’t try to reach for me again. When I was done bawling my guts, I stood up from the ground and flushed the toilet.

I walked up to the sink, ignoring his stare that was burning into my back. I rinsed my mouth firstly with water before I began brushing and washing my mouth to get rid of the awful taste.

I wanted to call him out for staring but I realized that it would mean talking and giving him attention. He did not deserve that from me. I continued with my business and when I was done, I walked out of the bathroom with Alex behind me.

I guess he knows nothing about space and privacy.

“Are you okay?”. He asked with ‘worry’ evident in his voice. Well you can never know if he’s being sincere or he’s just asking out of courtesy.NôvelDrama.Org: owner of this content.

“I’m fine”. I responded tight lipped as I walked into the wardrobe. One would think that Mr. Alex would have stopped following me around by now but no, his placenta was tied to me.

“But you don’t like fine. You look pale and you just literally threw up few minutes ago in the bathroom.” He pressed on as he waved his hands around.

“Well you would have been accustomed to this by now if you were always available before now. It’s called morning sickness and it’s pregnancy symptom that is totally normal. Now would you drop it and leave me alone ?”. I asked with raised brows and folded arms.

“Oh okay”. He said in a low voice. His shoulders were slumped and he looked deep in thought. He looked so broken and his eyes held regret. But only a stupid person would actually think those were the emotions he was feeling. But if by chance, he feels that way then I would be delighted.

I turned around and continued browsing through the wardrobe. I was looking for something to wear out today. I was tired of staying indoors all day, I needed to go out for some fresh air or even get a job or something and do something productive with myself.

I could go back to previous job but then how would I explain that I lost my memory but I could recall that one. It was too risky. But I loved that job.

“Are you going somewhere?”. Alex asked as he gestured to the outfit I had picked out.

“What does it seem like?.” I cocked a brow at him and nudged him out of the way.

He sighed and I could hear him walking behind me.

“Could you stop doing that?”. I asked irritated as I had gotten into the bathroom but he was still trying to be a leach.

“Doing what?”. He asked

“Following me around.” I said in a duh tone. “I need to shower.” I said before banging the door on his face and locking it up without giving him a chance to respond.

A heaved a sigh and went about my business. I showered and put on the outfit I had picked out.

I walked out the bathroom to find Alex sitting on the bed with his face in his phone. I ignored him and continued making my way to the mirror.

“Fuck!!.” Alex cursed loudly startling me. I jumped and rolled my eyes at him.

I smiled as I admired my self and my tiny bump in the mirror before taking a seat by the table to do my make up and hair.

“You’re so beautiful”. Alex breathed out as he stared at me like I was all that mattered. He looked at me like I was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. Months ago I would have killed to have him look at me like that but now I couldn’t care less.

I ignored his compliment and gathered my things.

“Where are you going looking so stunning Lily?.” He asked standing in my way.

“Out!”. I said firmly.

“I know that Lily. I’m asking if your particular location.” He sighed frustrated with his hands on his waist.

I moved closer to him in a seductive manner with my eyes trained on him. I leaned closer to his face and ran my hands over his as I brought them down from his waist.

His breathing became ragged as I trialed my hands on his neck and trailed my tongue on this ear. I could practically feel him shaking as I did this and a smirk formed on my face. “Out”. I whispered into his ear in a low voice but nudging him out of my way and I walked out of the room.

I guess I had to keep him guessing till he grows white hairs.

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