Sold To Mr President

Chapter 20 Approval

“Let me take you home,” Collins called out staring at the lady with bright eyes.

Hearing this, Ruby gave a side long glance at the young man. It was kind of awkward, there is nothing that he can actually do about it, nothing at all.

“I am sorry, I do not want you to, just let me be, I appreciate the fact that you want to help me, I am grateful, but then, I do not think that I want you to help me out. Just coming out here to help me is more than enough, I appreciate you for that. If you do not mind, please, can you just leave? like seriously, and I mean it, can you just go now? I think I will be just fine now, thank you,” Ruby spat out.

Collins eyes dropped as he became solemn, there is no doubt that she is feeling so sad, in fact, his heart is weak, so weak that he can actually even think of anything reasonable. The words that left Ruby’s mouth were like daggers, they served in stabbing him so bad, it makes him so sad, and his heart bleeds.

“I am sorry if I am being so nosy or pompous to interfere into your matters,” Collins said his voice not only small but also light.

It saddens his mind knowing that such things have happened to him, It is kind of awkward, and hearing her say this just made his face grow red wit disappointment.

Ruby’s conscience judged him so badly, he knew that she had tow the lines when she said that, but then, there is nothing she can do about it, absolutely nothing at all, and as she glared at him, she wanted to apologize to him, to tell him quickly that he is sorry and all the like. Out of frustration, she let the words slipped out of her parted lips,

“It is alright, apology accepted, and if you do not mind, I will love to take my leave now,” Ruby murmured.Property © 2024 N0(v)elDrama.Org.

She didn’t want to give Collins the chance to say anything else before she had left, she didn’t want to get involve with this man, not today nor ever, she just wanted to stay away from this man because in case Ethan is passing by and sees them in this position, she is the one that will have it hot with him, and no one else.

As she work up from the floor with the packet of goods in her arms, and all of a sudden, the grocery stuffs in her hand fell. This is because the packet that contained the stuff in it burst, making the things to fall down, scattering everything out.

“Oh no! why did this have to happen just now?” Ruby murmured in frustration.

Like seriously, she did not expect these things to happen, All the grocery stuffs had fallen to the ground, and she saw it lithered in front of her. Immediately, she felt like crying, not only that, she had the urge to cry to, more than that, there is nothing she can even do right now other than starting from square one. But then, there is a major challenge, if she has to pick these things, where the hell is she going to keep it? she felt like life is being cruel to her more than anything on earth, there is no doubt that things could have even be worse than this, but then, that’s it.

The hot tears stunk at the back of her eyes, she felt like her life is finish, there is nothing that she wants to do right now that will make any sense at all.

Sighing, she bent to start picking the things, but then, before that could happen, she felt a warm pair of hand hold her shoulders stopping her to stoop low to start picking those things. Staring at the man, it was kind of weird to stand in front of Collins because he was tall, and she was just like half of his height__ well, that is exaggerated but then that’s It.

“What is it?” Ruby inquired stating at Collins in the eyes.

Collins felt disappointed at himself for making this saga stay too long, it is kind of awkward, but then, he didn’t want to see the lady stress his mind this much, it is not worth it, and his mind feels like it is going to explode if he doesn’t help the lady.

“Ruby, please, just let me help you, don’t pick these things again, this is the second time that I they are fallen on the ground, just let me help you now, please,” Collins called out with a soft voice.

He knows that if he talks harshly or even rudely, things wouldn’t advance, no! the lady might just he afraid of him, and might not be ready to help him out, Ruby does not have the right to do anything now because if she would have just heed to his advice and let him help her out, things would have not been heated like the way it is now.

Staring deeply into the lady’s eyes, he decided to make her happy a little bit, considering the fact that she wasn’t happy at all. Lifting his hands, he cocked Ruby’s chins in his hands, as he pushed it up to face his face.

Ruby didn’t have the anxiety to stare at the man, but then, it seems like she doesn’t have the choice other than to stare at him. She admired his eye colors, they were now a shade of grey, they looked dull just like the rest of his face. He didn’t find anything funny at all, apart from the fact that he has several things covered in his heart to spit it out, Ruby had the anxiety to run her free hand through his bearded chin, but on a second look, he decided to brush that thought aside, it didn’t make him happy at all.

“Ruby, I know this is an accident, but let me just help you okay? I mean we can just go to the grocery shop, buy some new things and replace these old ones, then I will pay you a cab home, this is a gift from me, so you have no right to reject it, have I made myself clear?” Ruby asked raising her brows.

Ruby thought This is the worst thing that she has heard for a while, it is a good thing for the man to want to help him, but then, she doesn’t want to accept such kind of help from him. She is the one that had walked in the road in the first place, it she had being attentive, all these drama would not have come up, it is so annoying, and there is practically nothing she can do about it.

One thing that is in Ruby’s mind right now is that she doesn’t want to pay any bills, apart from that, the real deal is not that she doesn’t want to pay, but the matter is thay she doesn’t have money to pay the bills as simply as that, but then, her ego wouldn’t let her speak the truth to him. Ruby has this stupid pride that plays over her correct reasoning and also judgement, she thinks that Collins is just ready to assist her by walking with him to the supermarket, help her to select the groceries, and then, carry it to the receptionist where Ruby will be expected to pay.

Just thinking about this, the lady cringed her forehead, It is a sad thing to know that such a thing had happened, but then, she had all the rights to brush her mind away from it. Collins presence was just making her feel uncomfortable, she felt this uncontrollable heat that came with him being beside her, Ruby felt like his head was magneting her body to his, not only that, she seemed to have been loosing her mind.

“Please, I don’t want us to keep playing on these things but then, just allow me to pick my groceries from the floor an leave, thank you,” Ruby called out.

She had earlier said that she did not have money, and it seems like the man had forgotten so soon, but she hasn’t, it is going to be a cruel that they will be at the grocery shop and she will expected to remove money from her purse and pay.

‘Oh my God! I don’t think that I can not support this kind of humiliation, especially when it is Paige’s work placee, and she will probably still be at work by now, hell no! I can’t take this kind of risk, not at all,’ Ruby thought, good enough for her, all these things were going on in her subconscious mind, if not, the young man In front of her would have listened to everything that he is saying.

Sighing, she glared at the young man in his eyes challengingly, waiting to know what is going on, actually, it needs to be something interesting, more than what she has actually thought about, and as she swirled her eyes towards the left, she avoided Collins’s prodding look. There is no doubt that he was staring at her, and as if was absurd, she didn’t just want to wrap her mind around it.

Collins was worn out for constantly trying to beg this lady to give in to him, like seriously, all he is trying to be is a gentle man, a real one for that matter, in case he was being a dishonest person, or any selfish young man that had value for his life, he should not till have been here, yes! the fact that he is here begging this lady doesn’t mean that he doesn’t have anything else to do.

On the contrary, Collins have more than a million things to do, and resting his head after long and hard day is one of those things that he has to do, those are the things that have to be his utmost priority right now, but no, here he is trying to beg a lady to accept an easy treat from him. This is something that he seldom does, an unless he has met the right person, or that particular lady that spikes a particular bone in his body, he is not ready to do that shit for anyone. Well, at least, his brother, Xavier has the key to his heart too, that is the most important thing that he can do right now and his mind is made up to do anything pleases him the most. particularly does that piques his attention, if not, he is ready to mind his damn business and stay on his lane, at least, that will make him happy if he can help himself were he had failed to help others.

Ruby could visibly read the disappointment that was positioned on Collins’s face, it was evident that he just wanted to help her genuinely, but then, what has she done to accept that? just brush him aside as if he was a piece of bad meat. In fact, more than that, she feels that she is being a pain in the ass. all these things annoy her so much, and what does she have to do at the end? nothing, absolutely nothing at all, and as she braced her mind from it, Ruby felt empty.

Opening her mouth to talk, she knew that if she says something it might make the young man happy, at least, anything positive that is better than keep shut is just the best medicine of all times, and as such, she thought that giving it a try will make him glad.

Ruby gentle raised her head to meet Collins solemn eyes, and when she was certained that she had his fill attention, he let her ideas to form into words and slip out of her mouth.

“You know I do not have noney right? if I go with you, will you pay the bills?” Ruby asked.

“Yes, I will,” Collins replied.

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