Sold to Moretti Mafia

Chapter 136


I watch Fallon as she rushes into the library. Her heart-shaped face is etched with sadness, and her plump lips are turned down in a permanent frown.

Telling her to leave when all I wanted to do was take her into my arms was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do but necessary since this is what would’ve happened anyway. She was always going to run, always going to try and help her sister. Admitting I wanted her in any way wouldn’t have changed the outcome. We were headed here from the beginning.

Brave, and so beautifully selfless. She was willing to endure my wrath again and again to save her sister. Pushing her away was the only way for me to get the full picture. It hurt like hell. Her walking away was like a bullet being embedded into my skin.

She wasn’t ever going to trust me enough to help her any other way. Maybe she would after this, or maybe she wouldn’t.

What I do know is that now Fallon will lead me right to Timothy. It’s not the most ideal situation, and definitely more dangerous than I’d like it to be, but it is what it is. I’ll make sure Fallon gets out of this unscathed.

I’m across the street from the library. The busy city surrounds me, and no one seems to notice me sitting here in my car. I kept my distance, stayed far enough back that any time Fallon looked over her shoulder, there was no way she would’ve seen me or the car.

A few minutes pass, and she appears again at the entrance of the library. I’m guessing she watched the video on that drive.

I wonder what she thinks of me now. If it changes how she sees me.

Looking out into the street, she descends the steps. She pauses when she reaches the bottom step and glances over her shoulder like she’s expecting to find me there.

No, baby… I’m right in front of you.

Rushing across the street, she heads straight for Beans, the coffee shop.

From the spot I’m sitting in, I can see the door to the coffee shop perfectly and inside through the immense glass windows that overlook the street.

Fallon goes up to order a coffee and drops into the first seat she can find-in front of the window. She looks so incredibly sad. I wish I could take all the pain I’ve caused her away. I want to be better for her, but is it even possible?Published by Nôv'elD/rama.Org.

When all of this is over, is she even going to want me? I’ve broken her and held her captive. She could never want me…never want to stay by choice.

As I stew in my own misery as I watch Fallon. She occasionally sips on the liquid in her to-go cup while staring out the window like she is waiting for someone.

Of course, she called Timothy to let him know she had the thumb drive. All that hassle he went through for a video. So stupid, so fucking stupid, but his stupidly is what’s going to get him killed. I’m doing this for Fallon, for her sister.

My blood pressure spikes, and I have to force myself to remain in the car when a white van pulls up. The moment she sees the van, she hurries from her seat, leaving her cup behind. The front windows of the van are tinted, so I can’t make out the faces of the men inside.

She walks up to the passenger side door. Whoever is in that van exchanges words with her because the frown on Fallon’s face deepens. She nods apprehensively, and the side door on the van opens. She’s devoted to finding her sister, and I’m devoted to protecting her.

I might have said she could leave, but I never meant it. In every physical way, she is mine. She will always be mine.

Fallon climbs inside the van, and the door closes behind her. My heart sinks into my stomach. I hate not being inside that van, hate not being able to see her. I swear to god if they touch her, I will rip every appendage off their bodies and feed them to them.

The van pulls away from the curb, and I start my car, the soft purr of the engine fills the cabin. I keep a safe distance behind them. I don’t need to blow my cover, not yet. The drive isn’t a long one, but it feels like it is. Turning into the business district, we drive a little further. The van turns into an old parking lot with an abandoned warehouse on it.

I stall and pull to the side of the road, waiting for them to head inside. Two men climb out of the front seats and together walk over to the passenger side door.

A second later, Fallon is being pulled out of the van. One man holds her by the arm while the other points his gun at her. I can only imagine what line of bullshit he is telling her. And even though it’s obvious she is afraid, she still holds her head high.

They disappear through a side door on the building, and as soon as they’re gone, I get out of my car. I’m not sure what they plan to do with Fallon, but protecting her is the most important thing to me. I move with grace and precision, pressing my back against the brick exterior of the building.

I spot the door they went through and consider going in that way, but choose not to at the last second. The element of surprise is what’s going to get me further. I can’t let these idiots or even Fallon know that I’m here.

Walking around the building, I find another door. It takes me all of ten seconds to pick the flimsy lock and slip into the building unnoticed. As soon as I’m inside, I hear voices. They carry through the air, a beacon of guidance. The building itself isn’t that large and looks like the type of property used for the overstock of equipment.

“Where is my sister? I did everything you wanted. I showed up alone, brought the drive. Please, just let my sister and me go. We won’t tell anyone,” Fallon pleads.

Sadly, there is no point in begging with these men. They don’t care.

One man laughs. “Your sister isn’t here, bitch, and we’re not letting you go. The plan was to kill you, but we changed our minds when we saw you at the coffee shop. You’re much too pretty to waste a bullet on.”

Radio static fills my head. I slip into the darkness. The place I feel most at home. These bastards will pay for touching her, for even thinking of putting their slimy fingers on her.

“No, no. This wasn’t the deal. I just want to save my sister!” Fallon starts to cry, and the last of my resolve snaps.

I descend into my mind and pull the gun from its holster at my side. Slipping between the racks, I wait until I’m closer before showing myself. Both men are standing right in front of Fallon while she sits on what looks like a chair with her hands tied behind her back.

“There’s no saving your sister. There isn’t even any saving yourself…” One guy leans in and touches Fallon’s face. She turns her face and tries to move away from his touch, but he crowds her. “I can’t wait to taste you… see if you’re as sweet as…” I don’t allow him to finish his thought. Lifting the gun, I point the barrel at him. He tilts his head to the side a smidge, and I take the shot.

Pulling the trigger, the deafening sound of the bullet leaving the chamber ricochets all around me. A soft gasp leaves Fallon’s lips as the bullet embeds in his forehead, and he falls backward, landing haphazardly against the concrete.

One fucker down, one to go.

The other man is so shocked, he hasn’t even reached for his gun yet. He’s still staring at the space his friend was just standing. I waste zero time and move a little to the left. I pull the trigger again. The bullet goes straight into his head, and much like his friend, he crumbles to the floor a second later. I rush forward and undo the rope binding her hands at her back. Fallon twists in the seat and audibly sighs when she sees me.

“I’m sorry, Markus. I just wanted to save her.”

Big fat tears tumble down her cheeks. She’s utterly defeated. I want to make it better, but the only thing that will make her happy is saving her sister, and that’s going to take a little more time.

“I know. It’s okay. I promised you I would do whatever I could, and I will,” I say as I pat down the two bodies.

“Why did you tell me to go? Why did you let me go if you were just going to follow me anyway?” Her voice cracks with unspoken emotion.

“I had to. They wouldn’t have come for you if I was there with you, and you didn’t trust me enough to let me help you. Now I’ve proven myself. Proven that I won’t let anyone hurt you.” I want to take her into my arms, but we need to finish this. We need to give Timothy what he wants, so we can save Fallon’s sister.

In my search of the bodies, I find a phone. Again, it’s a burner phone, and I navigate through the recent call history. Timothy’s number is the last number called, and I hit the green call button and put the phone on speaker.

The phone rings twice. “You better have her.”

“Your men are dead. It’s time to end this, Timothy. I have the footage right here, on a thumb drive. Just tell us where Fallon’s sister is.”

“You don’t call the shots, Markus.” The disdain in his voice is suffocating. “There is a laptop on one of the shelves. Open it and upload the drive to the computer.”

“Fallon,” I whisper, pulling her attention back to me. Her gaze snaps to mine, and I extend my hand out to her. “I need the thumb drive.”

With a nod, she reaches into her pocket and retrieves the tiny object. She places it in the palm of my hand with trembling fingers. I want to cover her hand with mine and tell her everything will be okay, but the truth is, I don’t know what’s going to happen next.

I spot the computer sitting across the room. My boots slap against the concrete as I walk over to it. The screen lights up, and I click guest on the welcome page. The process to upload the video takes less than five minutes.

“It’s done,” I growl into the phone and slam the laptop closed. “Now, tell us where Fallon’s sister is.”

“I told you… you don’t call the shots, Markus. This is my game, my rules. I’ll be in touch about the sister.”

The line goes dead, and I grit my teeth before tossing the fucking phone at the nearest wall. He got what he wanted. He got the fucking video, so why is he still holding her sister hostage? Fallon lets out a ragged sob, and it’s soul-shattering and heartbreaking. I’ve heard a lot of crying, begging, and pleading in my life, but nothing that’s ever sounded like this.

I walk over to her and take her frail body into my arms. I hold her tightly to my chest and let her cry, knowing she needs me, knowing that for once… we’re on the same page.

“I will get your sister back for you, Fallon. I will. I don’t care what I have to do. I’ll get her back for you,” I whisper and brush a kiss against her forehead.

I won’t let her down.

Timothy is going to pay.

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