Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 81

chapter 81

Theo’s POV

From the moment I sunk my fangs into her neck, I could feel it. Slithering through her bloodstream.

Her blood tasted the same as before she changed, which quite shocked me. The initial taste of it hitting

my tongue overwhelmed me, so much that I felt my grip on her throat become tighter. Bloodlust taking

over completely. But that’s not all I tasted. At first, I didn’t recognise what it was. Well, until I felt its icy

tendrils seep into me. I knew something was wrong when I first sank my fangs into her but couldn’t

figure out what until I felt it.

The darkness that has been plaguing her, addictive and sweet. Yet so cold. I haven’t felt the cold

since I was changed, but this was like ice cold and I couldn’t help but shiver as I felt it consume me, I

tried to pull away, but I felt the darkness sink into me, refusing to let me go. Making me crave it like a

drug addict. I could literally feel it bleeding into my soul, scarring it as it left its mark there forever,

tainting the darkest parts of me.

If insanity had a flavour, this was it, sitting on the verge between slipping from light to darkness. I

felt Imogen wriggling trying to loosen my grip on her, but I just held on tighter, refusing to let go. I knew I

should have the moment I felt it, yet I couldn’t seem to pry my lips away from her neck, and after a

while I didn’t want to anymore. My hunger becoming insatiable when I felt the darkness leave her, her

blood changing taste to an entirely different level of purity and I could taste her magic. Strong and

powerful, flexing like a muscle as it pulsed through her.

Imogen went limp against me. Yet it still wasn’t enough. I could feel the darkness leave her and

creep over me like a snake wrapping itself around me. Tobias’s voice pulling me out of my hunger filled

craze, when I felt him grab my hand that was on her waist.

“Theo, let her go she is out” His voice was stern and laced in panic. When I couldn’t let her go. He

suddenly ripped her forward, her body pulling from my grip as she slumped onto his chest. I growled,

and it sounded foreign even to me. Sadistic and crazed.

“Theo, stop” he growled warningly at me, before I felt his claws dig into my arm and I realised I

was trying to take her back from him. I froze realising I was being taken over by the darkness that

consumed her, I fight against it shaking the feeling off though it never left, I feel it move about my body

wriggling under my skin trying to find its way back in.

Tobias rolled between my legs, turning and laying Imogen beside him, her hair falling over her

face. She was so blue looking, drained of life, and the sight was quite shocking to witness. Standing up,

I moved to the window, forcing myself away from her. Tobias glanced at me and I could tell he was

feeling through the bond, trying to figure out what was wrong. My fangs aching in my gums, almost

throbbing the pain so great. Hunger was something I usually had a good grip on, but whatever magic

she possessed was throwing my control out the window.

“You okay?” he asked, brushing Imogen’s hair out of her face.

“Fine” I tell him but the words a slurred from my fangs still protruding painfully.

“Shit Theo, she is ice cold,” Tobias says making me walk over to her.

“She is fine. If she was dead, you would have felt the bond break. I can hear her heart still; it is just

faint” I tell him. He nods before tucking the blanket under chin.

“What was that? I could feel it taking you over through the bond” Tobias asks. I didn’t know how to Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

explain it.

“I’m not sure, whatever magic she possesses, was dark and light at the same time. It wouldn’t let

me go.”

“What do you mean, Theo?,” he said looking at her then back to me.

“I don’t know how to explain it. I have drank from witches before, you can taste their element in

their blood, but Imogen’s was different.”


“Like, she tasted like all of them combined, like it was too much overpowering everything. To think I

thought she was crazy when she said she wanted to take down the council. But after tasting whatever

that was, I have no doubt she could.”

Tobias’ eyes flicked to me, and I could see the fear behind them.

“Whatever it is, whatever she is. Isn’t light but also dark it had a darkness to it. Like the more she

uses her magic, the darker it affects her will be. It was like teetering on the edge of insanity.”

“That would explain her mood swings then,” Tobias said, sitting up.

“No, it’s more than that Tobias. Its addictive. The more power she uses, the more she will let it

overtake her. Her magic scares me” I tell him honestly. I don’t understand how she was strong enough

to not give into it. Couldn’t understand how she wasn’t crazed by it. The malevolence it brings was

something I had never felt before. Twisted, dark and so cold.

I could still feel it running rampant trying to find a way to take over me. She was a newborn

vampire with a power I never felt before and being vampire it was like it was feeding off of her, like a

never-ending battery source only strengthening it.

Now that it was in me, I could feel it trying to feed off me like a leech, trying to strengthen and take

over. Making me want to give into the darkest parts of myself. It scared me knowing I wanted to let it.

But if I felt like this, I could only imagine how she feels.

“So, what should we do?” Tobias asks, feeling my unease through the bond we share.

“I’m not sure, but we can’t let her, keep harbouring that sort of darkness. She will go insane,


“Did it feel like it lessened though.” I thought for a second. Her magic did change toward the end,

felt purer not as tainted and twisted.

“Yes, the darkness left her and went into me. I can feel it moving through me.” Tobias looked

toward me, concern crossing his features.

“Can you handle it, Theo” He asks, and I could feel what he was asking. I have been controlling

the darkest parts of me for so long, yet even I felt it try to taint me the way it does her.

“I’m not sure, maybe in small doses” I could feel his thoughts running through his head and I knew

what he wanted to ask but didn’t know how to.

“I know what you want Tobias. I can do it, but Imogen may not agree. She will feel the effects of it

leaving her and I think she might not want to give up the power it offers.”

“We will see how she is once she wakes up,” he says before walking into the bathroom. I nod, not

really like the idea, but it might me our only choice. I know the sort of power she has will eventually

become all-consuming if we don’t find a way to control it.

“She won’t be happy when she wakes up” I tell him already imagining her anger that will be aimed

at us.

“Tobias chuckles, nodding his head. “Hopefully you taking some of the darkness also took her

anger” He sings out from the bathroom and I hear him turn the shower on.

When he left the room, my eyes flick to her face sleeping blissfully unaware of what just happened

and the effect her blood has over me. My gums tearing open and my fangs protruding just at the sight

of her. Getting up, I walk toward the bathroom, not trusting myself around her. Tobias was in the

shower. He opened the door, allowing me to hop in, but his scent was overwhelming with the steam

heating the room.

“I need to go Tobias; I need to try to run it out of my system” I tell him. I felt crazed and manic with

hunger. Tobias looks at me and I can feel it worries him. He nods his head before leaning out of the

shower. I kiss his lips before darting out of the room, needing to get away from them before I feed on

Tobias. I know I won’t stop if I do. And I won’t risk hurting my mates.

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