chapter 41
chapter 41
“I let him live, you don’t leave this property,” he said through gritted teeth. I quickly nodded looking
toward Tom. He visibly relaxed when Theo let go of him, shoving him towards the car.
“How do I know you won’t kill him when you take him back?” I asked, scared that if Theo took him
home, he would snap on the way and murder my friend.
“I will take him home; you stay here with Theo.” I shook my head not wanting to be left alone with
Theo, not when he was like this. I never thought I would see the day where I actually feared him.
“Either Tobias takes him, Imogen, or I kill him. Pick,” he said, moving toward me. looked up at
Tobias who was watching me.
“You’re scaring her, Theo. You will be fine, Imogen. Theo won’t hurt you. I promise.” I had my
doubts after seeing him like this, but I nodded anyway.
“Get in, I will take you home.” Tom moved to the passenger seat. Tobias let go of me and Theo
Immediately grabbed me, his cold hands making me shiver. I watched as Tobias got in the car and left.
I turned around when Theo tugged my arm, pulling me toward the house. My entire body shaking in
fear and pain, I groaned trying to walk up the veranda stairs, my legs feeling like every muscle was put
through a meat grinder.
Theo, seeing it was taking so long for me to walk up the stairs, become annoyed and scooped me
up in his arms, forcing me to grab onto his shoulder. He walked inside and up the stairs to the
bathroom, placing me back on my feet.
He started the shower before turning to grab my shirt. I moved away from him, taking a step back.
He gripped the front of my shirt and yanked me towards him, and I smacked into his chest.
“I have more control than you think, Imogen. Don’t doubt me. I won’t hurt you.” His voice sounded
still angry but at least he didn’t sound homicidal anymore. He ripped my shirt open seeing as it was
already torn and barely hanging onto my body anyway. I lent on his shoulder as he bent down
removing my pants, he removed my underwear before standing up and removing my bra. I stood
freezing and shaking in front of him.
He stripped his clothes off before getting in the shower, pulling me with him. As soon as the water
touched my bleeding and grazed skin, I flinched pushing myself out of the water and to the wall,
clutching my broken wrist to my chest. I hissed at the pain and my tears burned the grazes on my face.
Theo pulled my hand from my chest examining it. I gasped, holding in my scream when he prodded it
with his fingers.
“I can heal you if you want.” I shook my head.
Theo stared at me. “You’re in pain. I can fix it, let me.” I didn’t know what to say, I knew they
wouldn’t take me to hospital. They would see it as another way for me to escape, and I don’t think I will
be able to get past them in this condition. I nodded my head. Theo pulled me to his chest, my back
flush against him. He wrapped an arm around my waist before I seen him reach his hand above my
head, biting into the side of his palm. Blood started running out. He pressed it to my lips, I shook my
head trying to get away from his bleeding hand. No fucking way, I am not drinking his blood.
“Imogen, drink it or I will force you.” I shook my head again. The thought repulsed me. I felt him
press his wrist harder against my lips feel his blood running down my chin.
“One.” Really, he is counting like I am a child? Not wanting to find out what happens at three, I
open my mouth. His blood floods into my mouth. At first it tasted disgusting as it ran over my tongue.
After a few seconds past though, I felt something else. I grabbed his wrist and moaned. I couldn’t get
enough, his blood was addictive, like being high, giving me a floating feeling. Better than I ever thought
possible. I felt his hand brush my hair back before I heard him press his head back onto the shower
“Good girl,” I heard him mutter. After a few minutes, he pulled his hand away. I missed it almost
immediately before realising I was actually drinking someone’s blood. I gasped when I had no pain,
none at all, if it weren’t the for the blood staining my skin, I wouldn’t have believed I was injured. I
moved my wrist waiting for the sharp pain, but it didn’t come.
I looked up at Theo, and he winked at me before kissing the top of my head and pulling me against
him. I let him, leaning into him more. My body felt amazing and tingly. I felt like I could run a marathon,
no more aches or pains even the migraine that was starting to form disappeared. Theo reached for the
soap and pushed me back under the water.
Blood and dirt ran down my legs, I was filthy. He washed me quickly before turning me around to
wash my hair. His fingers massaging my scalp that good, that I almost fell asleep standing upright.
When he was done, he rinsed me off before washing himself and turning the taps off.
I stepped out of the shower just as Tobias walked in with two towels. He wrapped one around me
before pulling me into the bedroom.
“Tom?” I asked. Theo growled from behind me, stepping closer. I flinched and moved closer to
“He is at home with his wife. I promise he is okay.” I nodded.
I dried myself, and Theo walked out of the walk-in dressed and passed me my pyjamas. I went to
walk into the bathroom to put them on when Tobias grabbed my wrist.
“No, get dressed here; you don’t go anywhere by yourself from now on.” I looked to Theo who was
watching, his face expressionless. I looked back to Tobias, the look on his face was daring me to
disobey him. I dropped my towel right in front of him. My eyes not leaving his as I slipped my pyjamas
on. I didn’t care that they see me naked, they obviously have more times now then I can count. What I
did care about though was not being given any privacy.
I folded my arms over my chest defiantly. Tobias clicked his tongue annoyed at me glaring at him.
He stood up his chest pressing against mine. “You ever pull something like that again…” I looked down
at the ground anything to get away from his gaze. He gripped my chin forcing my head back to look at
him. “I will let Theo go back and kill not only Tom, but his entire family. Understood?” I could feel tears
brimming. “Understood?” I didn’t say anything which angered him slightly, his grip on my chin getting
tighter. “Understood?” His eyes burning into mine. I felt Theo press up against my back. I swallowed
quickly trying to get moisture back in my mouth that had turned dry as a desert.
“Yes, understood,” I whispered. He turned my head slightly before looking up at Theo and nodding.
He let go and pulled me to him. Wrapping his arms around my waist, he put his head in my neck,
running his nose from the crook of my neck to my chin, inhaling my scent before gently pressing his lips
to mine. I felt his tongue brush my bottom lip, but I didn’t react. He became more forceful, and I gave in
parting my lips, I kissed him back. Theo stepped closer to me running his nose along my shoulder to
behind my ear. I shivered at the contrast of hot and cold. Theo’s husky voice in my ear. “You won’t run
again, will you, Imogen?”
My stomach tightened, arousal flooding me. “No” I moaned into Tobias’s mouth, right now I would This belongs © NôvelDra/ma.Org.
have told them anything they wanted to hear, loving the feel of them touching my skin. The voice in my
head telling me this was wrong, that I shouldn’t allow this after everything that happened, but I felt an
even greater pull towards them, my body acting on its own. Eventually my mind submitting to the feel of
their hands caressing and touching my skin. I leant back into Theo and I felt Tobias hands move to my
face, his lips hungrily devouring mine. Theo’s hands going underneath my shirt and running across my
stomach before moving to my breasts. When I was suddenly hit with a need that I knew wasn’t mine
but that of Theo’s. His fangs grazing my neck sharp on my soft skin.