Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 214

chapter 214

Laura dragged me through the tunnels, I could barely stand upright and the blood pulsating

through her veins was enticing my senses but she was our only way out of here. I kill her. I may not find

my way out of this maze of tunnels. But even down in the darkness she managed to find her way all

while carrying Mara and holding me upright.

“Not much further” She says looking behind us. I didn’t know what was going on above us but the

sound was deafening. It sounded like a tornado was right above us wreaking havoc. I knew it was

Thaddeus, could feel how strong a hold the darkness had on him. The coldest feeling wrapping around

my chest bleeding into me. Yet despite the coldness inside the tunnels got hotter and hotter, so hot you

could see heat waves making the air ripple ahead of us.

“Why is it so hot in here?” Laura gasps, slowing down. She places me on the ground and I fall

heavily. It was like an oven in here. I hold my arms out for Mara as Laura tries catching her breath but

even that is becoming increasingly hard for all of us as the temperature rises. Hearing footsteps, my

head lazily turns toward the direction we were going. I could hear them getting louder before I felt a tug,

a gasp leaving me when I picked up slivers of the bond through my wolfsbane haze. Orion. “Dadda!”

Mara exclaims, fisting the air with her hands from my lap. My vision was too blurry to see him until the

last second. My eyes going wide when I feel blood spray across my face.

“Told you he would make you bleed” Mara says before giggling. The sound of her laughter

shocked me but also scared me.

“Hey baby, Dadda’s got you” Orion says, taking her from my arms while I hold my breath. Laura’s

blood awakening an insatiable hunger in me as my eyes darted to her. The vacant look on her face was

like she was shocked at what happened.

“Can you stand?” Orion asks me and I shake my head tearing my eyes away from Laura's dead

body beside me. Orion stands Mara next to me.

“Stay there and don’t move” He tells her before grabbing Laura and bringing her to me. I shake my

head. He killed her, she was trying to help us and he killed her.

“Evie I haven’t got time for this, we need to get Mara out. And our baby needs blood” Orion says

before wiping his fingers across the gaping wound on her neck. He brushes his fingers against my lips

when I try to jerk away. An animalistic growl escaping me before I snatch her, sinking my fangs into her

dead body and draining what I could from her. I feel fingers touch my hair.

“We go now mummy” Mara says.

“Now mummy” She says this time louder. Orion rips Laura away from me and I growl at him before

he jerks me to my feet only for me to fall down again. I needed blood and lots of it, I had too much in

my system for what she was able to provide.

“Shit take Mara” He says dropping her on my lap and I hold my breath, her blood calling to me.

“Don’t you attack her” He snaps at me before grabbing me, I hold her tight before turning my face

into Orion's neck inhaling his scent instead of breathing in hers. When I feel him start running, the

motion makes me queasy while Mara giggled in my arms at the speed, hot wind rushing by when the

entire ground started shaking. The concrete in the tunnels cracking loudly .

“Faster Dadda” Mara squeals but I feel Orion's fear force him faster when I see light breaking into

the tunnel at the end.

We barely made it out of the tunnels when we were covered in dust then the ground suddenly sank

behind us, the tunnel collapsing and a crater forming only a metre from where Orion stops. He lets out

a breath before turning around and looking back toward where we came out of. The ground collapsed

in on itself, houses being pulled into the landslide. Orion takes a step back before kissing Mara’s head.

“That’s my girl” He whispers to her before placing me on my feet. His arm wrapped tightly around

my torso holding me against him, he took Mara from me before turning around and I see a park on this

side of the street still intact.

“The tunnels lead onto the storm water drains, I could feel the pull to you” He explains as I at the

heavily graffitied park. Theo comes over to us and I see Tobias sitting on the park bench Imogen

fussing over him worriedly. Storm clouds rolled tumultuously across the sky. Lightning hitting the

ground in different places, street lights bent from the extreme heat in the air. And the wind, the wind

was so strong, it was bending trees around the park, the swing swaying.

“Give me Mara” Theo says, taking her from Orion.

“Get as far away from here as possible” Orion tells Theo.

“I will take her to your house” Theo says when Orion shakes his head.

“Get Ryland and get out” Orion tells him and I look up at him fear coursing through me. I knew the

darkness had a hold of him but it was only now I realised how much Thaddeus was enjoying it. Theo

darts off only stopping when I notice Mara was gone from his arms. Theo looks around panicking.

“Mara!” He screams and Orion stops looking around frantically. She misted, Mara misted into thin

air and just disappeared. I shriek, panic coursing through me. “Mara baby, it isn’t funny where are you

hiding” I scream. Orion raced around frantically looking for her when I heard her angelic voice giggle

making my head turn toward the end of the street before seeing her little figure at the cross section.

She looks both ways. I stagger toward her, calling out to her when I blink and she is gone. Orion races

toward her and he tried to grab when he is suddenly clutching air as she disappears between his


“Where is Thaddeus?” I scream over the wind to Imogen.

“Two streets over that way” Imogen points down where Mara was last seen. She was looking for

him. I stagger and stumble my way after Orion and Mara. Thaddeus was a ticking time bomb and if this

was the destruction he has caused two streets away I would hate to see what the street looks like

where he is.

Thaddeus POV

I forgot how great this felt, how powerful I am as I let the darkness take control. The coven witches

tried to run when they saw the clouds roll across the sky in a wave. I laugh at the feel of the darkness

wrapping around every cell in my body. The cold feeling seeping into my bones, oh how I missed this,

their screams were feeding the hunger inside me, I wanted to hear them scream louder, wanted to

watch the life drain from their eyes. I stretch my fingers feeling the energy ripple and winding around

each one.

“Morte” I mutter letting it roll over me and giving into the darkness, letting it reign its control over

me, the darkness ebbing and flowing over me and I felt unstoppable, invincible. Feeling the raw power

of it as I push my hands apart, letting the road open up. I pull on the energy of everything, of them and

their shrieks pierce my ears deliciously as I seize their magic, ripping it away from them. This text is property of Nô/velD/rama.Org.

The entire street catching alight, even the air becoming electrified as I watch each house one by

one become consumed in flames, the fire raging high into the sky trapping them in a wall of flames, the

ground growing hotter before it cracks open deeper, the ground opening up and I open my hand.

Walking toward the crater in the earth and directing the flames with my hands into it, the ground melting

from the extreme heat turning to molten lava. With the flick of my wrist they start being dragged to their

fiery deaths.

One by one they are forced into the hole, their screams dying out leaving only three as they

scamper toward the house at the end of the street.

The door opens and I growl when I see his smug face step onto the lawn. I push the cracking earth

toward his feet.

“I wouldn’t be so quick to destroy, I have your wife and daughter, you destroy this place you kill

them Dark king” He yells to me. Men filling out the doors with their guns trained on me and I hold my

laugh as I step into the crater. The man seems shocked.

“What is your name?” I ask him, walking across the air, the flames licking at my feet though they

don’t touch me, they don’t scare me, they can’t kill their creator.

Gun fire rings out, their pathetic bullets hitting me yet I keep walking only growing more annoyed at

the nuisance of them. I stop looking down at my destroyed shirt and click my tongue before tugging it

off. I smile when I see the horrified look on the man's face as he watches the bullet holes close.

“Your name?” I ask. I couldn’t even recognise my own voice.

“Demetri” He stammers before nodding to his men. More gun fire, my body becoming sprayed with

bullets. I growl annoyed, before pointing to the one on the end. I click my fingers, his body exploding,

combusting and spraying those near him in his blood. This was too easy, this man had no idea who I

truly was. Only Orion and Ryland had met this side of me and yet he still wanted to see it. Fool.

I point to the next and click, his blood spraying the air as it rains down coating the earth. The

witches start chanting yet they have no magic, why bother calling on the elements when I control them

all, control everything. Looking down at the hellfire beneath me before looking at them.

“Jump” I tell them. They look at me oddly before I repeat my words watching as they suddenly grip

each other unable to fight my command before jumping to their deaths. I laughed, the sound was

sadistic as their shrill screams reached my ears.

Looking back at Demetri, I stepped closer but even his men were now unsure, I could smell their

fear. Taste it.

“What are you doing shoot?” He tells them as I get closer, closing the gap, edging closer and

closer. The fear becomes more potent and I inhale deeply. Yet all they do is tremble. Paralysed by their

fear of me.

“For all the talk, the damage you have caused my family. I thought you would have done a little

better than this, is this it?” I ask looking around. Was this really his army that would defeat me, some

coven witches and a few unhinged hunters. By the look on his face it was and he realised he made a

terrible mistake.

“You killed my wife,” He says. Humans and their weak emotions forcing them to do irrational

things, I thought it would have had more sense now that he was a vampire, clearly the stupidity

transformed with him. I shake my head at the idiocy.

“And you killed mine, and my son lucky for me my wife came back” I tell him though this man killed

my boy, he killed my family the day he took him from us.

“I am feeling lenient, your men can jump or I can rip them limb from limb choice is theirs” I tell him

before running my eyes over them. The terror on their faces as they are forced to choose. It was almost

comical as I watched them eagerly choose the lava and flames beneath me.

“Not you though, I will burn you slowly” I tell him.

“I have your daughter and your wife, you kill me they will die” He says.

“But you don’t have them” I tell him and he opens his mouth when I hold my hand up to shush him.

“Because if you did, I wouldn’t be getting pulled in the opposite direction now, you did have them

but you don’t have them anymore. I am curious though, why did you think taking them would get me to

comply with whatever your stupid head conjured up, I can see your intentions, you thought by taking

them you would have control over me, the dark one, the dark king?” I ask before laughing.

“It was a well thought out plan, I can see the effort you put in to come up with it, to take control of

my magic, see my magic isn’t from this world it took me a long time to figure out where it was from, why

it possessed me the way does, took even longer to control it. Do you know where my magic comes

from Demetri?” I ask him. He takes a step back, his eyes darting to the gaping hole in the ground

before he shakes his head.

“It comes from death, the more death I caused the stronger it got till nothing could stop it not even


“But you control it” He stutters. I chuckle and nod.

“Yes sort of because I gave myself to it, let it bleed into my soul becoming a part of me. So tell me,

how did you think you could control my magic when I can barely control it myself?” I ask him. He says

nothing, just stares seeing the error of his ways. My hand wraps around his throat and he clutches my

hands. I watch as he screams as he slowly burns from his toes up, the fire eating away his flesh and

bones turning it to ash as it makes its way up his body, licking at his limbs and consuming him. His

cries and begging made my soul sing and my body to vibrate with joy before he was nothing but ashes

blowing in the wind and distant echo. I would cherish his screams knowing I made him pay.

Yet the darkness doesn't let go, instead spreading, amplifying as I watch everything around me

start pulling towards the hole of fire. The ground vibrating beneath my feet, the wind so strong it was

ripping off the roofs off houses and destroying everything it touches. I just pray that Orion got them out

in time. I didn’t know how long this would last or how far it would spread. This is what decimated

countries, this side of me when I gave into it and I just had to wait till it was done with me. I would be

lying if I said I didn’t enjoy the coldness of its destruction like a machine needing fuel to keep going, I

couldn't help but feed it. My magic held no limits and had a tendency to do what it wanted and I

enjoyed it too much to stop it, like drugs, this was my vice.

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