Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 165 Sixty-Three

chapter 165 Sixty-Three

One Year Later.

Thaddeus POV

She got the damn name, my sister managed to sink her claws into Evelyn and Ryland, I am fairly

sure Ryland would have let her name our daughter whatever outlandish name she could conjure up.

Today was one year since she was born, one year since my sister died and returned to us, one year

since I gave up my magic, and one year since our lives truly began, everything was good and right in

world, well as right as it could be anyway.

No more news reports had crossed the nightly news of the dark ones, no more fear and hysteria

surrounding us. I missed it sometimes, missed my magic but they always managed to bring me out the

darkest parts of my mind, able to remind me of why I did it, remind me of what I gained in return. I

always thought I never needed anyone, never needed anything that fear is all I sought, when what I

truly sought was much bigger than that, bigger than myself. No what I truly craved was a sense of

belonging, my place in the world and that place was with my family all along, with my mates.

Evelyn showed me a life I never knew I wanted before, one I needed. I used to think I was all

powerful and mighty before her, had control of the world in my sadistic hands, thought I was the

strongest out there when in reality her forgiveness and compassion and everything she endured at my

hands but still forgave me for, proved she was the stronger one, I always thought forgiveness and

mercy was weak, but that was where I was wrong, forgiveness isn’t about being weak it’s about

showing you, everything around has no control of you not how someone made you feel, not what they

did, forgiveness can only be given by those who truly know themselves, it is given not because they

think they should but because that’s how they move on with their lives, showing they truly have control

of their life.

Evelyn forgave me for my past sins and once she did, I forgave myself for my own misdeeds and

in turn apologised for my wrongs, the sought of freedom that comes from forgiveness and being

forgiven is liberating. And you realise what truly matters, looking at my daughter Amara Emery

Madden-Kane. I felt sorry for her when she starts school and has to spell that mouthful of a name. I

shake my head at the thought, we should have called her Amara alphabet. I knew her happiness is all

that matters to me now, and I can’t wait for our son to be born in spring, our little family blossoming.

Amara luckily inherited my sister’s magic. My boy though was yet to be determined, and I now

understood why my mother took my magic when I was a baby, Evelyn’s mood swings are worse with

this pregnancy, and her bloodlust is a force to reckoned with. She surprisingly adjusted to being Hybrid

quite well. She has managed not to kill anyone since she left the hunters’ facility. Though sometimes

she gets these urges to kill, to hurt people but she always fights them. It’s in a vampire nature to kill,

her being hybrid means she gets the Lycan temper to fight against too, Lana her friend staying with my

aunt has struggled deeply, uncontrollable, and Evelyn took it hard when we told her we had no choice

but keep her locked up till she could control herself or kill her.

Evelyn chose to have her locked up and visits her every month. Now that she is getting so far

along though, she probably won’t see her till after the baby is born, he was a mystery, Amara said it felt

like he had dark and light magic, a mixture of both none of us know what that means but we will do

what is necessary when the time comes, seems the male gene tends to have a darker more sinister

side to their magic.

Grabbing my daughter’s birthday cake, I walk outside towards her cheeky angelic face, my entire

family gathering around as we all start singing to her, she claps her hands excitedly wriggling in her

seat as I place it on the table making sure to cup my hands around the flames so they don’t blow out on


“Dadda, Dadda, up, up“ she says holding her arms out for Orion to pick her up. We thought it

would be confusing for her having three dads and only one mum, but I honestly don’t think she notices

she is different from other kids. I watch as she blows out her candles. My mother helps start cutting the

cake while I wrap my arms around Evelyn’s growing belly as she sits on Ryland lap. Rubbing her belly,

I can feel him moving around in there, hear his little heart thumping within her. Evelyn looks up at me a

smile on her glowing her face. I kiss her softly before her hands find their way into my hair deepening

the kiss.

“Get a room!” Amara screams over at us, and I pull back chuckling.

“You wait until you find your mate, you won’t be able to keep your hands of them either,” I tell her,

and she shakes her head.

“Nope don’t need one, I am content with my player ways,” she says.

“I can’t wait till you find your mate. I hope it’s a man too.” She looks appalled, disgusted as she

scrunches up her face.

“Eww, don’t even say that, no cock is coming near these lips,“ she says making kissy faces as

Evelyn. I growl at her, and Evelyn chuckles. I know she would never but I also know my sister does

fancy her, and she only does it to piss me off.

“Huh Evie, I reckon I could show you better time than my brother,“ she says sending her a wink.

“I don’t doubt that for a second,” Evelyn’s says making me huff.

“Got yourself a little competition there, brother,” Amara retorts and Ryland growls at Amara, while

Orion who is used to our bickering rolls his eyes before passing Amara to well Amara.

“Hey there, my princess, aunty got something for you,“ she says walking off to the table with her


“You know she is only playing,” Evelyn tells me and Ryland.

“She isn’t playing, she likes you always has, but I know she would never act on it,” I tell her, and I

watch Evelyn brows furrow in confusion, she seems to be blind to Amara’s affection thinking she is just

mucking around, doesn’t truly understand Amara actually isn’t just mucking around. I shake my head.

My grandfather coming over to me, “will you be back at work tomorrow?” he asks looking up at me.

“Yes, Orion is coming with me, is the council meeting still going ahead” My grandfather nods, he

was head of the newly reformed council, I was now on the board with Orion much to my own shock and

I actually enjoyed it. Never thought I would see the day where I actually enjoyed community events and

management. Ryland works with my fathers and Amara. The business was booming, and Evelyn when

she can, works at the cafe she now owned with my mother, seeing as she has been waitressing and

managed that café, she worked at. She wanted something to do, so we helped her open own cafe, she

had a few employees that worked there now that she could no longer work every day, but she still loved


“Make sure you are early tomorrow then, Bianca wants to show you around the new council

chambers we just had built” he tells me, and I nod. He pats me on the back going back to my


“You’re going back tomorrow” Evelyn asks looking up at me. Her sadness hitting me through the

bond, her emotions were all over the place with this pregnancy, she was more clinging, and didn’t like

being on her own. I think she was scared after last time, scared of being by herself when the baby


“You can come to work with me, love” Ryland tells her kissing the side of her mouth, she sighs

wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing her face into him inhaling his scent, her bloodlust

hitting me before she suddenly moves at alarming speed, jumping off his lap and I blink to find her now

sitting on the steps away from everyone trying to control herself.

“She can feed in front of us, none of us care” My mother says and Ryland chuckles making my

mother and fathers look at him.

“Believe me you don’t want to see that Ma” Ryland tells her, and she squeezes her eyebrows

together, my father though understood before suddenly my mother gasps.

“Oh right, yes definitely don’t need to see those parts of my sons and daughter” When she realises

Evelyn wouldn’t have just fed on him.

“Some things are best behind closed doors, away from my ears thank you“ she says and my father

chuckles before Amara sings out.

“You should take your own advice mum, some things your daughter doesn’t like to hear too.”

“You shush, why are you even listening?” My mother snaps at her.

“Bit hard not to when you’re screaming their names,” Amara retorts, my mother growls before

Amara takes off laughing as my mother hunts her down.

“Wouldn’t be a family get together if Amara didn’t piss at least one person off with that witty mouth

of hers” My father says.

“Like mother like daughter” says Orion walking over Amara in his arms. She reaches for me and I

take her kissing her chubby cheek as she plays with the toy Amara got her.

“Pop pop” she says, showing them her robotic dog. My father Theo brushes her dark curls behind

her ear as she shows them her toy.

She looked like Evelyn, was gentle like Evelyn. She was the sweetest little girl and loved by


“I’m going to start the Barbeque” Ryland says before kissing our daughter’s head. My grandfather

following him.

“I will help, Caroline dear, can you help Evelyn get the table set” he calls out looking for her.

“Already on it” My grandmother sings out and I can see Evelyn, my mother and her through the

window grabbing all the food they prepared to bring out to the table.

This was the life, everything falling into place and I couldn’t be happier with the way everything

turned out as I watched my family laugh and taunt each other, everyone having fun. This is what is to

be part of a family, this was happiness, pure bliss.Nôvel(D)ra/ma.Org exclusive © material.

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