Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 163 Sixty-One

chapter 163 Sixty-One

Thaddeus POV

I ran, I didn’t know what else to do. My little sister laying limp in my arms as I cradled her. Her

bubbly, carefree, happy self no longer with us. She saved him, gave her own life to save my mate

because she knew, I couldn’t live without him. But how does she expect me to live without her, she was

baby sister, we fought and bickered but at the end of the day she was always there. She was my first

friend, my only friend growing up. We were each other’s rock. She knew all my secrets and I knew she

would keep them safe, nothing I ever did was unforgivable to her. She loved me despite my many

flaws, despite the pain I caused her, she still loved me, loved me enough to throw her life away for me.

I sat on the mountain with her that overlooked my home, my parents were there with my daughter

and my mates, yet I couldn’t bear to see the heartbreak on their faces. How do I face them knowing I

am reason for her death? All my mistakes and grievances coming back to haunt not only me but them,

yet my sister paid the ultimate punishment, a punishment that was for me only to take. I sat her on my

lap, the life drained from her face, gold veins littered her skin from where her magic bleed out of her.

She shouldn’t have to pay for my sins, none of them should have to.

My mother though, she was the one I worried about having to face, how could she ever love me

after knowing I was the reason for the death of the one child that was actually good, pure within herself.

Things can’t end this way, I can’t live with this void, forever lingering and haunting me for the rest

of my life. Live with the knowledge that she died for me. Live without her, I would give it up for them,

before I couldn’t see how much damage I was causing stuck within myself, I was selfish. Selfish to

think I could control the very thing my mother and Astral tried to protect the world from, I now know

differently, none of it was worth losing her or my family.

My mind for the first time was perfectly clear, the usual ramblings of the darkness creeping over

me, were now nothing but distant whispers of my insanity, now I had found a new purpose, a reason to

give it up and not just Amara. I am not willing to lose anyone else to it, not my family and not my

daughter. Nothing is more important than her, not even my mates and for her, I will give it up, trading

my unstable insanity for a new sense of clarity, and new will to live and for my sister. Nothing had ever

felt righter than this decision because, I made it on my own.

Pulling my phone from my pocket, I look up my Aunts number pressing dial I wait, excitement

bubbling within, hope. Something I hadn’t held onto for the longest of times. The phone rings a few

times before she finally picks it up and answers.

“Thaddeus?” she asks not hiding her shock.

“Have you still got Astral’s grimoires?” I ask, I just needed to check one thing, before I proceed.

Make sure I am correct because I can’t have the darkness taint my little sister, she wouldn’t be able to

live with it.

“Yes, but you don’t need them, I know them word for word. What happened?” she asks concern

laced her words.

“Say someone dies, and I use my magic to bring them back, will it taint them or just disintegrate

when it hasn’t got a host to feed off.”

“What are you talking about Thaddeus, who died?”

“It doesn’t matter because I am bringing them back, will it taint her or disintegrate back to the realm

it came from.”

“It should disintegrate, what are you doing, who died?” Her panicked frantic voice screeching

through the phone.

“Thaddeus, I swear if you hurt Evelyn, I will kill you myself,” my aunt screams at me.

“It’s not Evelyn, Aunty B,” I tell her, I couldn’t leave her wondering.

“Who?” Property belongs to Nôvel(D)r/ama.Org.

“It’s Mara,” I tell her using my sisters nickname, I used to use when I couldn’t pronounce her name

probably when I was boy.

I hear her gasp a hiccupped sob leaving her. I wait, giving her a chance to register what I said, let it

sink in. When she suddenly gasps loudly, and I hear her rummaging around before hearing the faint

flicker of pages turning.

“I thought you said you knew it off the top of your head?” I ask suddenly worried.

“How did she die?” she asks, her voice rushed.

“She burnt herself out, she used all her magic,” I tell her, the thought saddened me because to do

that would have been extremely painful. It’s not like overusing a muscle, it’s like losing part of your soul,

feeling the life sucking out of you.

“You don’t have to give your magic up, Thaddeus. you just need to jump start hers,” she says.

“What?” I ask now confused.

“You need to jump start her like a battery, she isn’t dead she like a petrified piece of wood or a

drained vampire she needs energy to make power, energy for energy, a jump start” she says, and I feel

hope bubble up within me. I hang up, I had two options, give up my magic and awake her with

necromancy or boost her.

Laying her on the ground, I try the better alternative first. Placing my hands on her chest, I let my

magic cascade over me sickly sweet and cold, my eyes bleeding black, veins of liquid darkness

spreading over my body, moving towards my hands where I let it build up, build until I could feel it

vibrating over my palms, the sadistic whispers becoming louder, trying to feed off her remains, but I

ignore them focusing solely on her, not letting them creep back in, not letting it takeover as they called

out for me.

The sky darkening as storm clouds rolled across the sky, thick and heavy, the air feeling electrified

as I channel the energy around me, the ground shaking beneath us and I see lightening whip and crack

across the sky, angry and relentless fuelled off my magic as I continue to let it feed off storm I brewed,

off the energy as it zapped through the sky. Then I let it go, sending it straight into her, the ground

turning black beneath her, as it blasts straight through her chest and into the ground, the air thickening

and I could smell the burning acid smell of my dark magic as it blasted the earth before my magic

decayed into the earth beneath me.

I wait, listening for any sounds of life within her, feeling for the gold flecks of her aura but get

nothing, just silence and the sound of the raging storm above my head that was made by my

tumultuous emotions. Minutes feeling like hours as I wait. When nothing happens, I decide to give it

one more go before trying the other way.

Pressing my hands to her chest again, I feel for sickly sweet power of my magic, letting it build

when I hear it. Thump, then nothing. Shaking my head, I go to draw energy when I hear it again making

me stop, wondering if I am imagining it when I feel her heart bump in her chest, rhythm picking up

before it turns into the fluttering, sounding like those of a hummingbird’s wings as it picks up speed.

Tears slipping down my face when I realise she was alive, I could feel her heart beating beneath my

hands. When she suddenly gasps for air, her eyes flying open. Bleary eyed before life returns to them

and she smiles her hands going to mine before a strange look crosses her face and she looks down at

my hands before her eyes dart to mine.

”Oi hands off the merchandise, what’s wrong with you? I am your sister“ she says, shoving my

hands off her acting appalled they were on her chest. I was too stunned to care what she just said,

instead grabbing her and crushing her against my chest while she smacked at me. Trying to escape my

death grip on her before she suddenly relaxes and hugs me back.

“God I am so glad to have your annoying, whiny, bitchy ass back,” I tell her, kissing her head.

“Get those filthy lips off me. I know you suck cock with those lips,“ she says rubbing her forehead

with her hand.

“Thank you,“ she says resting her head against me and I pat the side of her face with my hand as

we watch the storm dissipate. Relief flooding me as she loops her arm through mine.

“I need your help with something,” I tell her, and she nods before looking up at me.

“You’re doing the right thing,” she tells me already knowing what I had in mind.

“I should have done it years ago,” I admit.

“Better late than never,“ she says pulling her necklace from her neck and holding her hands out to

me. “Before we do this, I just thought I should tell you because I am your favourite sister.”

“You’re my only sister,” I deadpan.

“Exactly therefore the favourite, Amara makes an excellent name for my niece don’t you think?”

she says.

“No,” I tell her, this girl doesn’t have a serious bone in her body, I think to myself.

“I like Amara, come on brother, it has real ring to it,“ she says bouncing on her feet. I shake my

head and she gets on her knees begging, clasping her hands together and looking at me with the most

deranged puppy dog eyes making me raise an eyebrow at her.

“Middle name and that’s it,” I tell her.

“Deal“ she says jumping up and grabbing my hands, a triumphant grin on her face like she just

won the lottery.

“Ready?” she asks. I let out a breath before nodding.

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