Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 104 Two

chapter 104 Two

Evelyn POV

I had just come off shift. My sleazebag boss swiped my tips once again. Walking through the cold

streets, I shivered. Something was off. The streets were too quiet, and a feeling of unease settled over

me. Ignoring the feeling, I keep walking, the cold snow sinking into my flats making my toes go numb. I

have worked at the same cafe for two years now. It doesn’t pay much, but with the economy the way it NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

is, I should just be grateful I have a job. Work was scarce these days. Finding a job was hard when half

the city was in ruins.

It never used to be like this, When I was a child, this city flourished. In fact, most had never heard

his name before. But everyone had heard the rumours of the dark one. The man, or should I say

monster, that destroyed the world. No one stood a chance against him. The human government tried

for years, banding together, trying to rid the world of his evil. He slaughtered not just towns but

countries, burning cities of families and people to the ground along with his two mates. Rumour has it

he was trying to find something that he wasn’t even sure existed.

Walking between two abandoned buildings, I could see the alleyway that leaders to the caravan

park. One more block and I would be home to my trusty tin can home. It wasn’t much, but it was mine. I

was quite proud of what I had accomplished, never knowing a proper home. My parents gave me up

when I was born, don’t even know their names. Apparently I was dropped off in front of a church only a

few days old. The nuns took me in, and I bounced from one foster home to another until I eventually

aged out the system, leaving me homeless and living on park benches. Just me and my plastic bag full

of clothes.

I was walking the streets trying to find somewhere safe to sleep when I stumbled upon the cafe, a

sign in the window looking for staff. It must have been in the right place at the right time because I

walked in and asked about the job and the owner tossed me an apron and told me to start straight

away as they were overrun with the lunch break. I have worked there ever since.

As I reached the corner of the building, I went to turn up the alleyway when I see a man leaning

against the side of the building. The smell of his smoke hanging from his lips wafted to me. He moved

off the wall he was leaning on, and I quickly turned up the alleyway. I could hear his footsteps coming

up behind me before I felt myself be tugged backwards. I let out a scream as I felt his gloved hand go

over my mouth.

“No, now pretty be a good girl and stay quiet.” I nod my head thinking he was going to rob me.

Reaching into my handbag, I feel around pulling my wallet out. It had little in it, but he could have it. I

waved it in front of his face, and he knocked it out of my hand his next words made my blood run colder

than the snow sinking into my shoes.

“I don’t want your money I want something else,” he whispered, his whiskey filled breath wafting

over my face. I struggled against him, realising he has more sinister intentions than just robbing me. He

threw me to the ground, and I let out the loudest scream I could muster, praying someone anyone

would hear me before he slapped my face. My head whipped to the side as his palm connected with

my face, making my vision blur for a second. He starts ripping my black slacks down, and I fight,

kicking and hitting and scratching anything I can. He yanks my hair when I dig my fingers into his eyes

before slamming my head into the pavement. The force makes my teeth rattle, but I continue to thrash

as he continues trying to undress me.

The cold snow making my muscles ache as it seeps into my clothes.

When suddenly his weight is gone. I stare, shocked for a second after he completely vanished on

top me. I start yanking my pants up my legs when I heard grunting and a gross sound of flesh on flesh.

Looking toward the alleyway I see a man, or maybe that the wrong word for him. I didn’t think I would

meet a bigger monster than the man that just tried raping me, but I didn’t know what else you would call

him. He literally was ripping the man to pieces. I have to hold my stomach as I feel it lurch when I see

one of his arms fly off and hit the snow. Blood coated the ground as the man pummeled his face until it

was unrecognizable, the snow turning red. I clench my eyes shut, not being able to handle what I was


It was like something out of a horror movie. I was shaking like a leaf, my teeth chattering from the

cold as I sat frozen with fear. Fight or flight was kicking in, and here I was paralysed by my own fear.

Scared I was next, I kept my eyes closed, waiting for death.

The noise stopped. I looked up, and two men were staring down at me. One held his hand out and

I smacked it away, covering my head with my hands fearing him belting me and inflicting what he just

did to the man in the alley.

“Please, I won’t tell, just let me go. I saw nothing I promise,” I beg them as sobs wrack my body.

The biggest man kneels down in front of me, moving my hair away from my face and brushing it over

my shoulder. Looking up, I see pitch black eyes staring at me. Eyes so dark I was afraid they would

swallow me whole. I turn my gaze to the ground, not wanting to see my own death through his eyes.

He holds his large hand out for me to take, and I cower away from him, flinching as he goes to reach


“Ours,” he gasps. And I almost think I heard it wrong. Were they going to finish what the other

man couldn’t?

“We are scaring her,” the man who brutally slaughtered the other man said, making me look at

him. He was drenched in blood, dying his skin a scarlet colour. The smell of death so pungent on him I

could almost taste it.

“Go,” the man with onyx eyes says. He was watching the other man, who I see nod to him. I take

off running down the alleyway, thanking god they let me go. I ran the entire way home, running like my

ass was on fire. Running through the caravan park before finding my tin can. And never in my life have

I been as thankful to see my shitty van covered in graffiti and falling apart. Just as I reach the door, I

finally lose my stomach. Doubling over and puking the contents of my stomach into the snow, I retch for

a few minutes, trying to rid the taste from my mouth. My face grows hot from throwing up, and the back

of my throat burns from my stomach acids.

I must have been making a fair amount of noise because I see then van beside mine flick on its

lights, and I quickly slip inside before my neighbour sees me through their window.

Stepping inside, I see the familiar surroundings of my humble abode. I shut the door before sliding

to the floor, my legs giving out from under me. What the fuck just happened? How the fuck am I still

alive? Whoever they were, they weren’t human. I couldn’t get the picture of his dark eyes staring at me.

So dark I could see my reflection in them.

Yet they let me go. Why? I could have run to the… well no one. You didn’t last long as an officer in

this city. Most law enforcement was dead, and the only justice found in the city these days was vigilante

justice or the underworld trades. But with the way that man tore him apart limb for limb, I doubt anyone

could match up against them. He didn’t even break a sweat.

Closing all the curtains, I quickly make sure all the doors are locked. I was never this paranoid

before. I grew up in this city, knew it like the back of my hand. Sure, every city was dangerous, but

growing up here, I knew all the do’s and don’ts, knew which streets to stay away from. My area was

considered safe mostly, nothing much happened in this area. Never have I been attacked on my way

home. Few people lived on this side of the city because there wasn’t much left. Even the homeless

refused to live over here because the place was that abandoned there weren’t many places to beg or

dumpster dive.

After what happened, I feel like this was just the start of something bigger. I have always been

pretty intuitive, but I had this nagging feeling something bad was going to happen, and I prayed this

feeling was just because of the events of today. Once I was convinced I had locked up completely. I

walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. Stripping off, I hopped in. The water burned my

skin, making me jump. My skin was so cold the water felt like it was blistering my skin, only I knew it

was my skin that was cold by the shaking of my hands and the fact that my toes were blue. Easing

myself in slowly, I let the water warm my freezing body, inhaling the smell of my strawberry two dollar


When I hopped out, I grabbed my fluffy towel and walked into my room, quickly getting dressed

before hopping in bed. I had to be back at work by 530 am for the breakfast shift. Wrapping myself up

in my duvet like a human burrito, I closed my eyes, drifting off into the darkness of sleep.

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