Sinful desires{steamiest short stories}

Story 31-chapter 4

His arms were wiry and musular, as was his trs, but he lked emaiated as if he hadn’t had anything t eat in mnths. When her eyes went deeper, she lsed her eyes in alarm. She didn’t want t see THAT.

arl’s hands returned t the milk-white breasts that she had relutantly left. Even thugh he had big hands, he uldn’t quite grasp them, they were s huge. With inreasing enthusiasm, hwever, he began t strke, massage and knead them.

The pink nipples began t straighten up again and Karl uldn’t help pinhing them again with thumb and frefinger. Then he started t explre the rest f her wnderful bdy.

Suzanna was still intimidated. Almst paniked, she kept her eyes shut tight s she uldn’t see anything she didn’t want t see. Her ther senses were all the mre tense.

Where his bdy was n hers, she felt its warmth. And she kept flinhing when his hands tuhed a new part f her skin that had nt had the experiene. But she was irritated t find that the man’s tuh was nt as unmfrtable as she wuld have liked.

After the first embarrassment that a stranger tuhed her, new, unknwn sensatins awke in her hest. The tingling that started in her trs spread to her stmah, and Suzanna felt a little urius as t hw it wuld develp. It was learly fllwing the path that his grping fingers tk.

The tingling mved t mre regins f her inexperiened bdy and Suzanna started t enjy it smehw.

Karl leaned lw ver the wman’s trs. With his tngue he dabbed ne nipple and then the ther and was pleased t see hw hard they felt. He put his entire muth ver the tp f the left hill.

As he began t gently suk n it, the tip f his tngue played arund the prtruding nipple and palpated the tiny hills in the urtyards, as if they had given goosebumps frm the ld.

But she was ertainly nt ld, n the ntrary, he ntied hw a thin film f sweat frmed n her skin and her bdy dr intensified again.

He swithed t his right breast, giving her the same treatment as her sister, as the wman’s breathing beame inreasingly restless and she began t wriggle slightly under him withut giving the impressin that she was trying t esape him.Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

He slid ff her withut lsening his muth frm her breast. And when he put a hand n her pubi again, it was ntieably wet and he had n truble finding the ntieably swllen labia with his fingers.

With irling and grping tuhes, he stimulated and expanded them mre and mre, while he literally suked his muth tight and the ther hand devted her attentin t the free breast. The wman’s bdy remained almst mtinless, nly her breath went harder and faster and the vein n the nek uld nw be learly seen pulsating.

Karl refused t put his fingers all ver her pussy again. He was up t smething better nw. The wman, wh had s far been almst mpletely silent, gave an almst disappinted wail as his muth and hands let g f her. Finally she pened her eyes t see what he wuld d next.

As he straightened, her gaze slid all ver his bdy and stuck to the plae where his limb lmed large and hard in frnt f him. Withut resistane, she allwed him t push her legs apart and kneel between them. There was fear in her expressin, but als an almst innent expetatin.

ne last time he allwed himself a little patiene and antiipatin as he psitined himself between her legs and lked dwn at the wman. Her fae was flushed, her muth wide pen. Her eyes lked at him half anxiusly, half expetantly. He slwly lwered his lwer abdmen nt hers.

He pressed the tip f his spear against the narrw entrane f their pleasure ave withut hastily entering. His desire was immeasurably inreased by the heat and wetness that emanated frm her. Still, he leaned frward slwly and put his hands n her utstrethed upper arms, effetively hlding her befre he pushed his hip frward frefully.

The wman’s eyes widened, but her ry suffated in his muth, whih he pressed t her lips in the same send. His tngue nquered her pen muth in a brutal kiss, while he hurriedly rammed his lve swrd int her vagina in a nstant rhythm. They held his strength and weight almst mtinless.

nly suffated sunds ampanied the at, as it effrtlessly parried her attempts t detah her muth frm his. The bdy, initially rigid as in shk, began t wriggle under him.

But he did nt give him enugh freedm t avid his steady bumps. And little by little he began t think that the mvements f her hip n lnger avided him, but tk up his rhythm and pressed against him, s that he uld penetrate her mre easily and deeply.

He enjyed the intxiating feeling f sexual unin and prudly registered ntrl ver himself and the animal in him until the smell f fresh bld pervaded the rm. This stimulant tre up the thin shell f humanity that surrunded its animal nature.

His muth ame lse frm hers as he reared up. His hands tre aside the thin fabri f the nightgwn, leaving his nails with bldy srathes n her sensitive skin. Her eyes were wide pen, but blind pani paralyzed her and silened her.

nly a deep gran esaped her lips as he leaned dwn and lsed his muth arund her right breast. He bit and suked until he tasted bld, then dug his teeth int her left breast with the nw learly visible fangs. His tngue liked the nipple, the nipple felt huge and rk hard as the bld pured int his muth.

The taste made him almst mad. His hair n the bak f his nek rse, all instints urged him t tear up his prey.

But in a tremendus at f will, the human half f his nature again demanded its share. This beauty and femininity shuld nt be wasted senselessly. His strng hands reahed under her buttks and raised it t give his wn hip mre freedm and supprt. He gripped s tightly that his lng, sharp fingernails bred int her tender flesh.

With all his strength he hammered his member int her vagina. Despite the pain in her hest and the tremendus bumps f his abdmen that rared all ver her bdy, she managed t ath her breath t sream. She prbably didn’t knw whether fr help r fr pleasure.

But he uldn’t use any truble nw. S he pulled away frm her shrt enugh t turn her n her stmah like a dll. With a firm grip, he raised her butt again and pressed his heeks apart s that the wide pen, deep red, wet shiny unt was right in frnt f his thrbbing member.

He penetrated her again and resumed his brutal thrusts. The mattress nw muffled her ries, whih n lnger sunded like pain r ries fr help. He felt nfirmed.

This was the female he had been withut fr s lng. Her hands lawed int the sheet and he said that she was pushing twards him s that he uld hit harder and deeper.

He felt a wave build up higher and higher in him until it finally brke in a tremendus limax. Grwling ludly, he reared up and pumped thrust by thrust f his ht semen int her stmah.

When he finally let g f her, the wman slumped n the bed, exhausted and drenhed in sweat, and lay there with a deep sigh.

nly nw did he ntie the mmtin n the rridr and stairs in frnt f the rm. He jumped ff the bed, his eyes rushed. The sund that rumbled in

his thrat was n lnger human.

His bdy twisted as he ruhed n the flr n all furs. With a mighty leap he jumped nt the windwsill, pushed himself away in a flwing mvement and disappeared as a dark shadw in the night.

The knking and shuting at her dr ame with diffiulty thrugh Suzanna’s stupr.

“pen up! Fr hly sake, pen the dr r I’ll hit it! ”

Mehanially, she wanted t fllw the prmpt. But when she tried t get up, she felt pain n her breasts and in her lap. She lked dwn at her in nfusin and disvered bld, bld everywhere!

“h, n!”

“Miss Suzanna, what’s ging n? Are yu kay? ”

The wrds finally reahed their nsiusness. And at the same time, her deeny gained the upper hand. Her shirt was in tatters.

Her bdy was srathed and bitten, the mst embarrassing parts f her anatmy were visibly irritated and swllen. Anyne at the sight f her wuld immediately see what had happened t her. Nbdy was allwed t see her in this nditin!

“Yes, everything’s fine,” she fred t all, “it was just a bad dream.” “Are yu sure? Des yur anything? ”

Suzanna realized finally the vie f her lyal ahman Jean.

” Yes, Jean, I’m fine. I d nt need anything. I’m really just a bad dream. Thanks fr yur nern. Yu an g bak t sleep. ”

“Yu’re right,” ame the answer frm utside, “I dn’t sleep well at this plae either. I tell the landlady immediately that we will be leaving early tmrrw.”

Suzanna saw thrugh the windw the mn large and almst perfetly setting behind the muntains.

And ntrary t her impulse t leave this terrible plae as quikly as pssible, she heard herself say “N”.


“I’m srry, Jean,” she ried, “we an’t leave yet. I feel unwell. It’s a wman thing. I hpe yu understand.”

“Yes Miss. As yu wish. ”

Suzanna didn’t knw why she lied. All she knew was that she wuld leave the windw pen the fllwing night.

He wuld me bak. And she wuld be waiting fr him here.

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