Sinful desires{steamiest short stories}

Story 31-chapter 2

He suked in the night air and his nse shwed him the way t the inn next t the wide rad that led t the muntains. He eyed the illuminated frnt f the tw-stry building suspiiusly, but everything was quiet, the windws were blked with sturdy wden shutters, and he uld see n sign f the rigin f the weather.

His stmah almst pressed t the grund, he rept tense arund the huse, using shadws and lw bushes as ver.

The smell was strngest n the bak f the inn, ppsite the edge f the frest. With all his senses he searhed fr its starting pint. And then he sptted the dark square high in the mnlit bak wall. An pen windw upstairs! He had n dubt that he was there, and he jumped.

It seemed impssible that a wlf uld make a jump s high and s far, but his swing arried him higher and further. He almst reahed his gal. His frnt paws tuhed the windw frame, but his bdy rashed int the wall belw the pening.

Steel-hard laws slid ver the rugh wd f the windowsill, strng hind legs sraped the plaster ff the wall. But his paws weren’t designed t pull up. He fund n hld, he wuld fall. The survival instint tk ntrl. A fall uld seriusly injure him, maybe ripple him. He had t live.

Hld n, hld n! Lng-spilled memries f ther limbs swirled t the surfae. Five-fingered hands like his prey. Hands t grab things. He nly had this ne hane if he didn’t want t fall. A quake went thrugh the bdy f the wlf, it blurred, beame wider and larger.

Large, strng hands reahed thrugh the windw and trailed the rest f the bdy.

The mnbeams that passed him n the wide bed revealed t him that his sense f smell had nt betrayed him. But his nse was suddenly numb. Thugh he had t be very lse t the sure, he uld hardly smell the sweat and flwers that had almst made him wild utside.

He tested his ther senses and fund that his eyes were best left t rely n, at least where the bright mnlight fell int the small hamber.

While he was nly visible frm the rm in the baklight as a blak silhuette, he allwed himself the muse t lk at the sleeper in peae. Lng, reddish glden shimmering hair framed a hild’s fae, mpletely relaxed in sleep.

A vein pulsed weakly and evenly n the slender nek. The tw rund hills, the beginnings f whih were revealed by the wide gap, shw that the sleeper was by n means a hild. White, sft arms ended in deliate hands.

Thin lth vered the middle f the bdy, whih rse and fell in the slw rhythm f the breath. The hem f the shirt had risen s high that there was a dark triangle where the tw deliate legs strethed in a wide V frm the bdy. Befre his gaze uld wander, He lked dwn at himself and disvered a musular belly and wiry legs.

But everything was frighteningly hairless, exept fr the pint in the lins frm whih prtruded a thik, red, fleshy pst that thrbbed with the pulse f his bld. The knwledge struk him like lightning: he was a human being, a man.

Strange emtins flded his brain, arused assiatins and sensatins lng believed t be buried. As if frm a deep sleep, the human aspet f the being wke up and remembered that it had nt always been a mnster in a wlf skin.

A name emerged frm the depths f his mind. Karl. Was that his name? But the wild part f its interir pushed bak int the fregrund ut f years f habit, with pwer.

The man in Karl briefly tried t fight it, but quikly realized that he had n hane. The wlf nature in him had beme t strng t be pushed bak. He saw the terrible ertainty f slipping bak int the twilight f an instintive, unnsius existene, this time perhaps frever.

But his nsiusness reeived supprt frm an unexpeted side that was mre arhai but als strnger. A mighty drive raged in him, the visible effet f whih was emblazned in the middle f his bdy. If he gave in nw, the wman wuld be lst t him. The mnstrus side f his nfliting existene saw in her nly an easy prey that wuld tear her and with her wuld satisfy the ruel hunger.

“Let me meet her first as a man,” he said t his inside, “then yu an d what yu want. Is this shrt pstpnement t muh?”

S he lured and negtiated t satisfy his deep desire. In fat, he felt the animal reature grwling in him, but defeated.Property belongs to Nôvel(D)r/ama.Org.

Apparently, there was a drive in his nature that was even mre imprtant than hunger and greed. n the ther hand, he knew it was just a temprary win. At the latest when he gt what he wanted, the mnster wuld burst ut again.

He apprahed the bed quietly like a shadw and let his gaze wander ne mre ver the yung wman lying n it. His eyes fllwed the deliate feet, up the lng, smth legs that were expsed s far frm the shirt that he uld already guess the mysterius dark triangle in between.

The flat stmah rse and fell under the thin fabri in the steady rhythm f her alm breathing.

Further up, the nekline gaped, affrding a view f the slpes f the snw- white hills, the tps f whih were just vered by the fabri. By the slender nek he regnized the weak, slw pulsatin f the artery. The fae was that f a pale angel with full, red lips that were slightly pen, revealing an inkling f the pearl rw f her teeth.

A small, just snub nse ran int thin brwn eyebrws. Lids with lng dark eyelashes lsed his eyes, the lr f whih he puzzled. Thik, urly, reddish-blnde hair framed the fae, whih lked mpletely relaxed and satisfied during sleep.

The lser he gt t her and the lnger he std next t her bed, the mre intensely he uld pereive the smell that had brught him abut. With a hint f flral perfume and fine sap, he pereived the sent f the virgin bdy.

He uld hardly resist this, even if it meant his end. There was a deep grwl frm his thrat. N, he had t pull himself tgether! He wanted the freedm t enjy this delay as lng as pssible befre falling bak int the inhumane fate f his existene as a wlf-like mnster.

He struggled dwn his lw instints with diffiulty. Several times he strked the lng dark hair frm his fae and bak with the sides f his skull with bth hands.

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