Sinful: A Dark Asylum Bully Romance (The Boys of Chapel Crest Book 5)

Sinful: Chapter 63

It had been nearly four days since Sirena’s episode, and Church wouldn’t leave her side. He was supposed to be taking turns with us, but he’d refused to leave whenever we’d go to relieve his watch.

I knew he needed to get out of there, or he’d end up going nuts and being committed himself.

At least he’d been letting all of us visit, including Mirage and even Bryce, although he did kick him out after ten minutes.

Bryce took it in stride and just kept going, though. I admired that about him. I didn’t know a lot about his life, but I assumed it had been shit. He seemed fairly normal to me, so his being at Chapel Crest always stumped me.

It didn’t matter though. He was slowly growing on me.

Then there was the issue of Cady. She was a damn dog with a bone when it came to Sirena. We kept heading her off whenever she’d come over looking for her. It was always excuse after excuse. She couldn’t be disturbed because one of the guys had her. She was napping. She was out with Stitches. Ashes wanted to show her something with fire. On and on, the excuses went until I was certain she was going to camp out in front of the house.

“She’s a pain in the ass,” Stitches grumbled as she left our house later that morning.

“She is,” I agreed. “But she’s Sirena’s sister. They’re close.”

“Yeah, yeah. You think I could hit her with a snowball from the front step?”

“I think she’d tear your head off then torment me into giving her information on Sirena.”

“So, no?”

I chuckled sadly, hating I was laughing at all, everything considered.

I gathered my bag after putting on my jacket and boots.

“Where are you going?” Stitches asked, frowning at me.

“It’s my turn to swap with Church.”

“Fuck, man. He’s not going to swap. He practically shoved Ashes out of the room yesterday.”

“Then I’ll stay and be a pain in his ass. I’m going. I don’t even care. I want my turn,” I said firmly. I went to the door and paused. “Can you give Bill a rabbit? He needs to eat today.”

Stitches wrinkled his nose. “Man, come on. You want me to kill a rabbit?”

“You’re Dante Church’s brother, and you’re telling me you can’t kill a rabbit?” I shook my head at him. “It’s not you who kills it anyway. Put it in his habitat and let him have some fun.”

“That’s fucked up,” he muttered. “Maybe I’ll call Mirage over to do it.”

“Whatever you need to do. Thanks.”

He cursed softly as I closed the door behind me.

For a guy who had killed people before, he sure was a softie when it came to furry creatures. Maybe he really should get a cat like Ashes suggested.

“I’m fine. You don’t need to switch with me,” Church said as I sat down in the chair beside Sirena’s bed.

“Listen. I know shit’s been bad between us lately, but it’s going to get worse if you don’t fucking leave,” I said, locking my glare on him. “The rest of us have a place here too.”

Instead of fighting me on it, he got up and kissed Sirena on the forehead before kissing her lips. He looked at me, his eyes filled with exhaustion.

“Fine. You’re right. I do need a decent night of sleep. If anything happens—”

“I will kill anyone who walks through that door and even looks at her wrong,” I said firmly. “She’s safe with me. I promise. I meant what I said. I’d die for her.”

He studied me for a moment before giving me a nod and leaving the room.

As surprising as it was, it was also a huge relief. I didn’t want to fight with him anymore. We used to be close, but now it seemed like it was forever ago. Having those moments come back to us meant a lot to me. I only needed to figure out how to get us there again. I prayed it happened sooner rather than later because I missed him like crazy.

Night had fallen. They’d come in and replaced Sirena’s bag of IV fluids and gave her a new blanket, which had obviously been kept in a warmer. She hadn’t moved an inch all day except when the nurses came in to change her clothes and gave her a sponge bath. I’d stared out the window during it as a way to give them some privacy.

Now, she slept and had been for the better half of an hour.

The TV droned on in the background. It was some romance movie. It struck me as odd that Church had been watching this shit. I supposed maybe he figured she’d like this stuff.

And hell, maybe she did. All I knew was that I was desperate to find that out and more about her.

No one had seen Adam on campus, so we couldn’t even take our frustrations out on him. Everything was at a standstill. No Sirena. No Adam. No fucking answers.

“I miss you,” I murmured to her as I held her hand. “What can I do to bring you back? I can’t stand that you’re here, but you’re not. It’s killing me. Please. I don’t know what to do, siren. Fuck, baby. I just need a sign to know you’re in there and simply working on things so you’re stronger. You’re already so strong, though. And you have me now. And you could have Mirage. Asylum. Even Bryce if you wanted him. I’m sure of it. We need you to come back. We’re so lost without you.” I crawled into bed beside her and straddled her small body. Carefully, I took her face in my hands and cradled it while leaning down, my lips a fraction from hers.

“You are my Sleeping Beauty. Let me be the prince who wakes you. Please,” I whispered. “I’m begging you, siren. Come home. I need you so fucking much.”

My tears fell on her face as I brushed my lips against hers. I lingered for a moment before pulling away, my heart heavy because she continued to sleep.

Maybe I wasn’t her Prince Charming.

My heart sank at that thought while she continued to slumber.

So much for fucking fairy tales.Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

It didn’t matter though. Maybe I’d have to rewrite the story. Tell it a different way.

Maybe in this story, it was the villain who woke the princess.

“Please let me be the villain,” I whispered before kissing her again.

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