Sinful: A Dark Asylum Bully Romance (The Boys of Chapel Crest Book 5)

Sinful: Chapter 54

Her hand was bleeding, and she had some bloody handprints on her skin. I looked to Church. He raised his brows at me and moved to his chair, matching handprints on his body and his hand bleeding too.

What the fuck deal did she make with him?

It worried me to know. I’d left after breakfast with Ashes to rush back to my dorm room to grab William Snakespeare and my belongings. We’d only just gotten back. I thought I was living in a damn dream being home. Things were a little tense with Church, but we’d been at this point before, so it wasn’t anything I couldn’t get through. This time, I had Sirena as a prize, so the fight was worth it.

I’d kept my distance from her, though. I wanted to ease Church into seeing us together. He was already teetering on the edge of insanity and fury. No sense in pushing him into the deep end.

But damn, him putting her on my lap sent my heart into twists.

He was serious about it.

At first, I considered he was maybe playing a cruel trick on me. Bring me home and make me think shit was finally working out. Have my hopes up high so that when I crashed back to earth after he snatched it away, it would teach me a lesson.

So far, it wasn’t like that.

Sirena snuggled against my body, her face buried in my neck. I cast a look to Church to see him watching us from his chair, his body a little stiff, but nothing on his face that said he was going to gut me.

Ashes winked at me and flipped his lighter open and closed while Stitches peered at Bill through his glass tank.

“Is it slimy? It looks slimy,” he muttered, giving the glass a small tap.

“He’s not slimy,” I said. “He’s pretty calm, too, actually.” I ran my fingers through Sirena’s hair and placed a kiss atop her head. “You can take him out if you want.”

“Eh, I don’t know man. I like rope and all, but this here, friend, is a nope rope. Motherfucker is as long as I am. Dick-wise, of course.” He shot me a wink.

I chuckled as Stitches tapped the glass gently again with a tatted hand before shaking his head.

“Nah. He looks like he might be plotting how best to swallow me whole.”

“He’s not quite big enough to do that yet,” I said. “Plus, he already ate.”

“Keep him in your room. Just in case.” Stitches looked at me, a serious expression on his face.

I smiled at him and nodded. “Sure, man. I’ll keep him in my room.”

“We could get a cat,” Ashes piped up. “Those are nice. I had one when I was a kid.”

“No cats,” Church called out.

“A dog?” Ashes asked. “Something big. A Doberman.”

“That’d be cool,” Stitches said, nodding.

“No dogs either,” Church continued. “We have enough trouble keeping ourselves alive. No point in adding an animal to the mix.”

“Lame,” Ashes muttered. “So our house mascot is a snake named Bill?”

“William Snakespeare,” I corrected. “Bill for short.”

“I think a snake is a great mascot.” Church stared right at me. “Don’t you think, Sin?”

“I do,” I murmured, letting my eyelids shutter closed as Sirena kissed along my neck.

Fuck, it felt good to be loved by her.

To be home.

“Maybe you deserve a welcome home gift,” Church continued.

I stared at him through slitted eyes, my heart pumping hard. I knew where he was going with this. I wasn’t going to force her, though. She’d stopped me before. Whatever she wanted would be at her speed.

“Specter.” Church continued to lock eyes with me.

She pulled away from me, making me ache inside, and got to her feet. With a sweet look on her face, she walked to where she was summoned. Church dragged her onto his lap and whispered in her ear. I watched him caress her as he spoke, his hand running slowly up and down her back.

I ground my teeth at the sight.

Sharing this way was still new to me, and god knew Church and I had our issues with women in our past. I had a feeling he wanted to show me who was really in charge around here, so I watched, desperate to rip her away and hold her close.

Church let out a soft laugh as she buried her face in his neck and twisted her fingers in his shirt.

“She’s shy,” he called out to me. “Nervous for you to see her. And seemingly a little scared.”

“Siren, I won’t hurt you,” I called out, noting the desperate tone of my voice. Fuck, pull it together, you damn pussy.

“See? He wants it too,” Church cooed to her as he ran his fingers through her long black hair. “He’s seen your pussy before, remember? He’s even tasted it.”

I swallowed hard at the memory of the time Church brought her here, and we played around with her. I’d been so fucking rock hard that I’d had to jerk off in the bathroom to calm myself later that night.

“We don’t have to,” I said honestly. “I’m fine if we don’t. In fact, I’m better than fine. I’m just grateful to be here.”

I didn’t mention how nervous I was at my tattered body being put on display. It had been torn to shreds from me punishing myself. Having that reminder out in the open maybe wasn’t the best idea, especially if it triggered Sirena. Being self-conscious had never been an issue for me, but now that things had changed, I couldn’t help the feelings.

“Let her decide.” Stitches took a seat next to Ashes on the couch, leaving me alone along the L part. “I don’t want you to force her. We already had a fucked-up time with her when you made her lie on the table with our come drying on her face.”

I clenched my hands into fists. I hadn’t known that’s what she was doing. I believed they’d fucked her and left her there on Church’s orders as a way to fuck with me. And sure, it had been a great way to fuck with me, but I hadn’t known that shit had happened.

“What’s wrong, Sinclair? Don’t like the way our house is run?” Church asked, eyeing me.

I scoffed. “You know, there are some things I never liked. I don’t like that you came all over her in humiliation and left her out to dry like wet laundry.”

“In our defense, we didn’t know that’s what was going on,” Ashes spoke up. “We thought we were simply having fun. She was into it.”

I looked down at my hands, not wanting to talk about it. I’d only just gotten home. Pissing everyone off because I didn’t agree with any of it didn’t seem like the best idea at the moment.

It wasn’t until Sirena was kneeling in front of me that I lifted my head.

“What are you doing?” I murmured, drinking her in.

She offered me a gentle smile before reaching out and cradling my face.

I stared into her eyes, completely lost in the colors, wishing I could give her the world. Fuck, what I wouldn’t give to be able to.

“What is it?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

She bit her bottom lip, her brows crinkled.

I wished I had our notebook so she could tell me, but it was in my bedroom. Not being able to communicate with her was hard. I wasn’t as intuitive as Ashes was, or hell, even Asylum/Mirage.

“I don’t know what to do,” I continued, reaching for her. I placed my hands on her waist and gave her a squeeze. “I’ll do whatever you want.”

I studied her face for a moment longer. Knowing the guys were watching me put me on edge too. That whole self-conscious thing came rolling back, this time about how maybe I wasn’t talking to her right or touching her properly.

All I knew was that she was my siren, and I was her Sinful. Past that, nothing else mattered.

“I-I want to,” she whispered to me.

My heart jumped at her soft words. I knew just how difficult it was for her to speak, so the action itself meant a lot to me.

“Me?” I crinkled my brows as I stared at her.

She nodded, making the breath whoosh out of my lungs. I studied her for a moment before coming to a decision.

Fuck it. I wanted her too.

My lips met hers, and it was like lightning shooting through my body. Her lips parted for me. I was done for.This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

I kissed her deeply. Tasting her. Touching her. Part of me wanted to take her fast and hard while feeling her writhe beneath me. But another part, a stronger part, wanted to take it slow and savor her in all the ways I’d dreamed of since I’d first seen her.

Carefully, I pushed the strap to her dress down her arm before the other one. In moments, her dress was pooled on the floor around her, her lips still fused to mine.

It had been a minute since I’d taken a girl’s clothes off, so I fumbled with her bra, knowing damn well it was Stitches I heard snickering in the background.

Once I had her stripped down to her lacy white panties, I helped her when she faltered with the buttons on my shirt and pants.

The moment my shirt fell open, her hands were on the hard expanse of my torso. Her fingers explored each cut and scar, her kiss slowing until she pulled away to examine me.

I swallowed hard as she pushed my shirt off completely and took me in.

I hadn’t been working out nearly as much as I used to, but I was built like a machine, albeit a slightly smaller one. Her fingertips traced over her name on my chest, her eyes drinking each scrawl of jagged letters.


Her name etched and scarred deep into my body because I belonged to her like a broken toy.

I even said as much.

“I’m your broken toy.” I gave her a sad smile.

Her eyes met mine, and she spoke, her voice so soft I could barely hear it.

“And I’m yours.”

Fuck me, she was.

I hauled her against me with one hand, all while shoving my pants down with my other one. She was easy enough to maneuver since she was just a bitty thing. In moments, I had her beneath me.

I balanced myself over her on the couch, staring into her eyes, my heart so full I thought it would burst.

I was in love. Completely obsessed with every facet of her being I could wedge myself into. This love was a different love. Anything I’d ever felt for another person before had become completely obliterated. She was it.

I moved away from her, and she reached out for me. Taking her hand, I kissed her knuckles.

“I want to see you,” I said, releasing her hand and moving to take her panties off. She hesitated for a moment before allowing me to do so. I let my gaze drift over all her pretty dips and curves, her full breasts, her bare, glistening pussy.

And her scars.

The ones left on her milky skin from a fucking piece of shit who tried to steal her away.

I ground my teeth so hard I thought they’d snap off. When I found this guy, he was dead. I’d kill him or die fucking trying.

“Broken,” her voice was still soft, only meant for me. She knew I was memorizing each mark on her body, categorizing every painful way I could think of to hurt the motherfucker who hurt her.

“Not broken, siren. You’re perfect,” I answered back, trailing my finger along the scar near her pelvis. It was still a little red, but it had healed nicely.

Leaning down, I pressed a kiss to the spot, noting the goosebumps that traveled along her soft skin. I smiled at that, indulging for a moment that I could make her body react that way to one of my kisses.

Slowly, I traveled lower until I was between her legs. I kissed her pussy, earning a soft sigh from her that only ramped me up further. It was when I licked up her heat that she let out a gasp.

Fuck, she tasted good.

I wanted more.

I dove in and ate her, each of her tiny moans and hip thrusts just encouraging me more. My tongue over her clit. Around it. Sucking. Licking. Tasting. Her breathing picked up when I inserted my middle finger deep inside her wet channel. I even groaned at the feeling while I continued to suck along her clit.

In and out, I moved my finger, learning her. Studying her. Logging every bit of information away into my head so I could always please her.

I knew she liked it when I sucked and flicked my tongue against her clit. She liked it when I hooked my finger and rubbed rather than did an in and out. Carefully, I inserted a second digit before I took my other hand and pressed gently against her lower abdomen, quickly learning I could easily get her off.

Her body tightened and arched, her pussy pressed firmly to my mouth, my fingers buried to the knuckles. I rubbed her G-spot until she filled my mouth with her release, her body trembling violently and her fingers tangling in my messy hair as she forced my face deeper into her hot center.

What a glorious fucking mess. She came with the force of a volcano, dampening everything around us.

When she finally came down, I kissed her pussy again before pulling free. A soft, shaky sigh left her lips as I kissed my way up her body, pausing to lavish her breasts. I sucked and nipped against the flesh, wanting to mark her.

She whimpered against my lips as I worked, leaving behind a kiss which would surely stay red for days, before my lips found hers.

With my body pressed against hers, we kissed softly. Gently. Touching. Exploring. I took her hand and put it between our bodies so she could feel how hard she made me.

I wasn’t a small guy, so when she wrapped her fingers around my shaft, I let out a groan that bordered on a feral howl. Her touch just did something to me.

I broke the kiss off and stared down at her as her hand explored me. Her eyes widened for a moment, and she blinked.

A smile touched my lips.

“It’s a Prince Albert,” I said softly. “The piercing on my dick.” I saw the question in her eyes and answered it for her. “It doesn’t hurt. It feels really good. I promise it won’t hurt you. OK?”

Her eyes wavered for a moment before she let out a soft breath.

She was afraid, even though I said it was OK. Sometimes words weren’t enough, however. I’d learned that hard truth recently. Instead, I’d have to prove it to her.

“Do you want me?” I asked thickly. “Inside you?”

She visibly swallowed. I knew that look. She was trying to speak for me.

“You don’t need to.” I brushed my lips against hers. “If you want it, kiss me, and I’ll give it to you for however long you can take it.”

Her lips met mine in a fierce kiss, giving me all the answer I needed. With our lips still fused to one another’s, I grasped my cock and ran it along her wet pussy before pushing against it.

“I love you,” I said between feverish kisses. “Don’t ever forget it.”

And I pushed forward, finally claiming what had always been mine.

The tightness. The heat. The sound that came from her as I sank deep inside her body was the final nail in my coffin.

I was hers. Forever. There would never be a time when I wouldn’t be.

And her?

I’d never let her go. There wouldn’t be a place in heaven or hell she could run and hide from me.

When I said I loved someone, it went to the grave and beyond.

She would be my greatest love. My greatest obsession.

I only hoped she was ready for it.

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