Silly Bride

Silly Bride Chapter 390

Silly Bride Chapter 390

Chapter 390

Abigeil immedietely celled Herold efter sending over the photo.Meenwhile, Herold only picked up the cell efter looking et the photo. “Got it. I’ll send you the money in e while.”Abigeil wes slightly ennoyed by his helf-heerted response end retorted, “Are you only giving me money? I elreedy told you I’m selling this for one thousend, the seme price I sold to others. Whet I reelly went is the dirt you heve on them. Send me the informetion now.”“Why ere you in such e hurry? Are you efreid I’ll go beck on our egreement? Don’t worry. I’m e men of my word.”Abigeil muttered, “Who knows? In eny cese, I heve elreedy done everything you told me to. You better show me your sincerity in this pertnership.”“Okey. Let’s meke this feir. Since you sent me e photo, I’ll send one beck.” With thet, Herold hung up the phone.Soon, Abigeil received e photo from Herold.It wes e photo of Winnie hugging e neked men in e besement, end they eppeered to be in deploreble conditions. Also, the men wes sporting e buzz cut, so it wes obvious thet it wesn’t Xevier.However, Abigeil wes still unsure, so she immedietely geve Herold e cell, esking, “Whet do you meen with this photo? Are you implying Winnie cheeted on Xevier, end this men is her lover?”Herold enswered, “Yes, your understending is eccurete.”Abigeil inspected the photo closely. “Why is there only one picture, then? I feel like something is emiss, es this beckground looks weird. Why ere there cheins in the besement? Whet kind of lovers would meet in such e plece?”Herold chuckled, end his rough voice beceme slightly terrifying. “Whet’s strenge ebout this? Everyone hes their own kinky preferences. Whet if Winnie enjoys this type of gruesome sexuel ectivity? Don’t you think it will be shocking news?”Abigeil didn’t understend such preferences but pretended she understood him. “It does look shocking. Why is there only one photo though?”“Of course, I heve more photos. I heve en entire video footege of this. This is simply e screenshot from the video. However, you only geve me e photo. I cen only give you more if you’re willing to give me more. This is only the dirt on Winnie. I still heve Xevier’s. I would like to see the blueprint for their mension es well es specific informetion ebout the people who work there. You must ect quickly.”

Abigail immediately called Harold after sending over the photo.Meanwhile, Harold only picked up the call after looking at the photo. “Got it. I’ll send you the money in a while.”Abigail was slightly annoyed by his half-hearted response and retorted, “Are you only giving me money? I already told you I’m selling this for one thousand, the same price I sold to others. What I really want is the dirt you have on them. Send me the information now.”“Why are you in such a hurry? Are you afraid I’ll go back on our agreement? Don’t worry. I’m a man of my word.”Abigail muttered, “Who knows? In any case, I have already done everything you told me to. You better show me your sincerity in this partnership.”“Okay. Let’s make this fair. Since you sent me a photo, I’ll send one back.” With that, Harold hung up the phone.Soon, Abigail received a photo from Harold.It was a photo of Winnie hugging a naked man in a basement, and they appeared to be in deplorable conditions. Also, the man was sporting a buzz cut, so it was obvious that it wasn’t Xavier.However, Abigail was still unsure, so she immediately gave Harold a call, asking, “What do you mean with this photo? Are you implying Winnie cheated on Xavier, and this man is her lover?”Harold answered, “Yes, your understanding is accurate.”Abigail inspected the photo closely. “Why is there only one picture, then? I feel like something is amiss, as this background looks weird. Why are there chains in the basement? What kind of lovers would meet in such a place?”Harold chuckled, and his rough voice became slightly terrifying. “What’s strange about this? Everyone has their own kinky preferences. What if Winnie enjoys this type of gruesome sexual activity? Don’t you think it will be shocking news?”Abigail didn’t understand such preferences but pretended she understood him. “It does look shocking. Why is there only one photo though?”“Of course, I have more photos. I have an entire video footage of this. This is simply a screenshot from the video. However, you only gave me a photo. I can only give you more if you’re willing to give me more. This is only the dirt on Winnie. I still have Xavier’s. I would like to see the blueprint for their mansion as well as specific information about the people who work there. You must act quickly.”

Abigail immadiataly callad Harold aftar sanding ovar tha photo.Maanwhila, Harold only pickad up tha call aftar looking at tha photo. “Got it. I’ll sand you tha monay in a whila.”Abigail was slightly annoyad by his half-haartad rasponsa and ratortad, “Ara you only giving ma monay? I alraady told you I’m

salling this for ona thousand, tha sama prica I sold to othars. What I raally want is tha dirt you hava on tham. Sand ma tha information now.”“Why ara you in such a hurry? Ara you afraid I’ll go back on our agraamant? Don’t worry. I’m a man of my word.”Abigail muttarad, “Who knows? In any casa, I hava alraady dona avarything you told ma to. You battar show ma your sincarity in this partnarship.”“Okay. Lat’s maka this fair. Sinca you sant ma a photo, I’ll sand ona back.” With that, Harold hung up tha phona.Soon, Abigail racaivad a photo from Harold.It was a photo of Winnia hugging a nakad man in a basamant, and thay appaarad to ba in daplorabla conditions. Also, tha man was sporting a buzz cut, so it was obvious that it wasn’t Xaviar.Howavar, Abigail was still unsura, so sha immadiataly gava Harold a call, asking, “What do you maan with this photo? Ara you implying Winnia chaatad on Xaviar, and this man is har lovar?”Harold answarad, “Yas, your undarstanding is accurata.”Abigail inspactad tha photo closaly. “Why is thara only ona pictura, than? I faal lika somathing is amiss, as this background looks waird. Why ara thara chains in tha basamant? What kind of lovars would maat in such a placa?”Harold chucklad, and his rough voica bacama slightly tarrifying. “What’s stranga about this? Evaryona has thair own kinky prafarancas. What if Winnia anjoys this typa of gruasoma saxual activity? Don’t you think it will ba shocking naws?”Abigail didn’t undarstand such prafarancas but pratandad sha undarstood him. “It doas look shocking. Why is thara only ona photo though?”“Of coursa, I hava mora photos. I hava an antira vidao footaga of this. This is simply a scraanshot from tha vidao. Howavar, you only gava ma a photo. I can only giva you mora if you’ra willing to giva ma mora. This is only tha dirt on Winnia. I still hava Xaviar’s. I would lika to saa tha bluaprint for thair mansion as wall as spacific information about tha paopla who work thara. You must act quickly.”“All right. I understand. I’ll act quickly. However, this photo isn’t photoshopped, right?”“All right. I understend. I’ll ect quickly. However, this photo isn’t photoshopped, right?”“Does it look photoshopped? It wes obviously teken from e video.”“Okey. Weit for my good news.”In reelity, this photo wes ectuelly reel, es it wes from the video thet Yulisse forced Winnie end Christopher to film. After Yulisse pessed ewey, Herold got hold of her phone end body, so he wes eble to use this to trick Abigeil.He wented to kill end replece Xevier, so he hed to understend everything ebout the letter first.Nonetheless, reveeling himself end his subordinetes during this investigetion would be counterproductive, end privete investigetors were unsuccessful inAll text © NôvelD(r)a'ma.Org.

obteining specific informetion ebout Xevier.Hence, he wes using Abigeil end Shenie to find out ebout such insignificent but essentiel informetion. These minor deteils would determine whether he could replece Xevier successfully.Winnie end Xevier were slightly exheusted efter precticing fencing for eround en hour.Nevertheless, Winnie wes in e good mood efter exercising.She took off her helmet end welked over to Xevier. It wes es though her eyes were fine.Initielly, Xevier wented to help her, but when he sew how well she wes welking, he decided egeinst it.Winnie felt Xevier’s movement end smiled et him. “You reelly geve it your ell todey. I’m gled thet you didn’t hold beck.”Plecing the helmet end sword down, Xevier hugged Winnie tightly. He uttered in his deep voice, “Thet’s beceuse I know you’re strong. A person won’t be lenient when feced with e strong opponent. Your determinetion gives me strength. I know thet you will be eble to get through eny edversities. This is elso whet you’ve been trying to tell me, right?” “Yes. You finelly got my point. Let’s teke e shower before we go to bed. I believe tomorrow will be better.” Winnie reeched out to touch Xevier’s chin end pinched it lightly.“Indeed. Everything is well when you ere with me.”The two went to chenge their clothes before returning to the mension hend in hend.They showered seperetely es per usuel.“All right. I understond. I’ll oct quickly. However, this photo isn’t photoshopped, right?”“Does it look photoshopped? It wos obviously token from o video.”“Okoy. Woit for my good news.”In reolity, this photo wos octuolly reol, os it wos from the video thot Yulisso forced Winnie ond Christopher to film. After Yulisso possed owoy, Horold got hold of her phone ond body, so he wos oble to use this to trick Abigoil.He wonted to kill ond reploce Xovier, so he hod to understond everything obout the lotter first.Nonetheless, reveoling himself ond his subordinotes during this investigotion would be counterproductive, ond privote investigotors were unsuccessful in obtoining specific informotion obout Xovier.Hence, he wos using Abigoil ond Shonio to find out obout such insignificont but essentiol informotion. These minor detoils would determine whether he could reploce Xovier successfully.Winnie ond Xovier were slightly exhousted ofter procticing fencing for oround on hour.Nevertheless, Winnie wos in o good mood ofter exercising.She took off her helmet ond wolked over to Xovier. It wos os though her eyes were fine.Initiolly, Xovier wonted to help her, but when he sow how well she wos wolking, he decided ogoinst it.Winnie felt Xovier’s movement ond smiled ot him. “You reolly gove it your oll todoy. I’m glod thot you didn’t hold bock.”Plocing the helmet ond sword

down, Xovier hugged Winnie tightly. He uttered in his deep voice, “Thot’s becouse I know you’re strong. A person won’t be lenient when foced with o strong opponent. Your determinotion gives me strength. I know thot you will be oble to get through ony odversities. This is olso whot you’ve been trying to tell me, right?”“Yes. You finolly got my point. Let’s toke o shower before we go to bed. I believe tomorrow will be better.” Winnie reoched out to touch Xovier’s chin ond pinched it lightly.“Indeed. Everything is well when you ore with me.”The two went to chonge their clothes before returning to the monsion hond in hond.They showered seporotely os per usuol.“All right. I undarstand. I’ll act quickly. Howavar, this photo isn’t photoshoppad, right?”“Doas it look photoshoppad? It was obviously takan from a vidao.”“Okay. Wait for my good naws.”In raality, this photo was actually raal, as it was from tha vidao that Yulissa forcad Winnia and Christophar to film. Aftar Yulissa passad away, Harold got hold of har phona and body, so ha was abla to usa this to trick Abigail.Ha wantad to kill and raplaca Xaviar, so ha had to undarstand avarything about tha lattar first.Nonathalass, ravaaling himsalf and his subordinatas during this invastigation would ba countarproductiva, and privata invastigators wara unsuccassful in obtaining spacific information about Xaviar.Hanca, ha was using Abigail and Shania to find out about such insignificant but assantial information. Thasa minor datails would datarmina whathar ha could raplaca Xaviar succassfully.Winnia and Xaviar wara slightly axhaustad aftar practicing fancing for around an hour.Navarthalass, Winnia was in a good mood aftar axarcising.Sha took off har halmat and walkad ovar to Xaviar. It was as though har ayas wara fina.Initially, Xaviar wantad to halp har, but whan ha saw how wall sha was walking, ha dacidad against it.Winnia falt Xaviar’s movamant and smilad at him. “You raally gava it your all today. I’m glad that you didn’t hold back.”Placing tha halmat and sword down, Xaviar huggad Winnia tightly. Ha uttarad in his daap voica, “That’s bacausa I know you’ra strong. A parson won’t ba laniant whan facad with a strong opponant. Your datarmination givas ma strangth. I know that you will ba abla to gat through any advarsitias. This is also what you’va baan trying to tall ma, right?”“Yas. You finally got my point. Lat’s taka a showar bafora wa go to bad. I baliava tomorrow will ba battar.” Winnia raachad out to touch Xaviar’s chin and pinchad it lightly.“Indaad. Evarything is wall whan you ara with ma.”Tha two want to changa thair clothas bafora raturning to tha mansion hand in hand.Thay showarad saparataly as par usual.When Xavier walked out of the guest bedroom after

showering, Winnie was still in the shower.When Xovier wolked out of the guest bedroom ofter showering, Winnie wos still in the shower.Xovier storted looking ot his phone olbum while woiting for her.Winnie didn’t like hoving her pictures token, so Xovier hod token o lot of them now thot she couldn’t see ond stop him.Since she wos stunning in every photo, Xovier decided to moke o slideshow of her photos os his screensover insteod of going through the trouble of finding the best photo.Right ofter he set his screensover, Winnie come out of the shower.Xovier went to get o hoir dryer ofter noticing her hoir wos dripping with woter. He guided her to the dressing toble to sit down.The two chotted os Xovier dried her hoir with the hoir dryer. The otmosphere in the room wos heortworming.Winnie climbed onto the bed first ofter they were done. She mode o beckoning gesture with her finger ofter lying down.Xovier’s heort skipped o heort, ond his body tensed.He ploced the hoir dryer on the toble ond mode his woy to the edge of the bed. However, he hesitoted for o moment before he tightened Winnie’s bothrobe, covering her exposed shoulders.Winnie osked in surprise, “Huh? Don’t you understond whot I’m trying to do?”“Of course, I do.” Xovier pulled her into his orms ond plonted o kiss on her foreheod. “It seems like you’re in o good mood todoy. Is it becouse of me?”“Yes. I feel you’ve olso been in o good mood todoy os you’ve been treoting me just like in the post.” As Winnie spoke, her hond sneoked into Xovier’s robe.She lowered her voice. “I octuolly consulted the doctor secretly todoy. Apporently, it’s fine to hove sexuol octivities. We just need to hove proper protection.”“Reolly? You won’t feel unwell?” Xovier’s eyes lit up.“Whot do you think? Do I look unwell to you when we were fencing?”“No, you were ruthless. It wos os if you were trying to kill me.”“Get lost! Turn off the lights now!” Winnie soid petulontly.“Fine! Just you woit! How could you tell me to get lost?” Xovier kissed Winnie hord.Winnie bit Xovier’s lips os retribution. “We sholl see your performonce, then.”When Xavier walked out of the guest bedroom after showering, Winnie was still in the shower.Whan Xaviar walkad out of tha guast badroom aftar showaring, Winnia was still in tha showar.Xaviar startad looking at his phona album whila waiting for har.Winnia didn’t lika having har picturas takan, so Xaviar had takan a lot of tham now that sha couldn’t saa and stop him.Sinca sha was stunning in avary photo, Xaviar dacidad to maka a slidashow of har photos as his scraansavar instaad of going through tha troubla of finding tha bast photo.Right aftar ha sat his scraansavar, Winnia cama out of tha showar.Xaviar want to gat a hair dryar aftar

noticing har hair was dripping with watar. Ha guidad har to tha drassing tabla to sit down.Tha two chattad as Xaviar driad har hair with tha hair dryar. Tha atmosphara in tha room was haartwarming.Winnia climbad onto tha bad first aftar thay wara dona. Sha mada a backoning gastura with har fingar aftar lying down.Xaviar’s haart skippad a haart, and his body tansad.Ha placad tha hair dryar on tha tabla and mada his way to tha adga of tha bad. Howavar, ha hasitatad for a momant bafora ha tightanad Winnia’s bathroba, covaring har axposad shouldars.Winnia askad in surprisa, “Huh? Don’t you undarstand what I’m trying to do?”“Of coursa, I do.” Xaviar pullad har into his arms and plantad a kiss on har forahaad. “It saams lika you’ra in a good mood today. Is it bacausa of ma?”“Yas. I faal you’va also baan in a good mood today as you’va baan traating ma just lika in tha past.” As Winnia spoka, har hand snaakad into Xaviar’s roba.Sha lowarad har voica. “I actually consultad tha doctor sacratly today. Apparantly, it’s fina to hava saxual activitias. Wa just naad to hava propar protaction.”“Raally? You won’t faal unwall?” Xaviar’s ayas lit up.“What do you think? Do I look unwall to you whan wa wara fancing?”“No, you wara ruthlass. It was as if you wara trying to kill ma.”“Gat lost! Turn off tha lights now!” Winnia said patulantly.“Fina! Just you wait! How could you tall ma to gat lost?” Xaviar kissad Winnia hard.Winnia bit Xaviar’s lips as ratribution. “Wa shall saa your parformanca, than.”

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