Shadows of the Reborn

Veil of Shadows: An Unearthly Reckoning

Chapter Thirteen

Veil of Shadows: An Unearthly Reckoning

Kazuki followed Masakuni through the gates that led into the noble quarters and shivered when the two guards stationed at the gates glared at him. All eyes seemed to follow his every move the minute he stepped into the new area. It was lavishly decorated with planters overflowing with flowers and herbs. Greenery hung from the houses; long vines covered most of the walls. Even the smells inside the gates were different than the commoner’s quarters.

The houses were adorned with pottery, and stalls were scattered everywhere. The tantalizing aroma of freshly baked goods assaulted his senses, triggering an immediate response from his saliva glands. He had to swallow hard to keep the excess saliva from spilling out, a reaction that didn’t go unnoticed by Taizo, who couldn’t help but snicker in his mind.

The whitewashed walls starkly contrasted to the common grounds, and the green vines, especially where the sun’s rays hit, seemed to be in a constant battle for dominance. The paths were wide enough for three people to walk side by side without brushing shoulders, a luxury unheard of on the common grounds, where walking single file was the norm to avoid collisions with the bustling surroundings.

He could feel Masakuni’s eyes on him, and he flushed when their eyes met. Masakuni chuckled softly. “Remember, while you are here, do not leave the library without an escort. If you were caught without one, you might find yourself in the dungeons for days before anyone located your whereabouts.”

Kazuki shivered and nodded. “Understood. Is there any journal I shouldn’t look at?”

Masakuni furrowed his brow but shook his head. “Anything of major importance would be in the main house, more than likely in Lord Genjiro’s chambers.”

Masakuni stopped beside a large single-story house and pulled the curtain to the side. “Here we are. I will return later and see if you are ready to leave.”

“Thank you.” Kazuki grinned, entering the house and blinking at the light change. Inside was a table in the middle of the room and shelves lining every available wall. The shelves were stacked to the brim with journals and scrolls, and the youth eagerly walked to the first shelf. ‘This will take days to sort through.’

‘Start at one end and work your way through. Any information is useful.’ Taizo said.

Kazuki nodded and pulled out a dark green stained leather-bound book. ‘This one looks newer.’

Taizo peered through his host’s eyes and agreed. ‘Maybe start at the back? Maybe the older ones are further from the windows?’

‘Is there something specific you’re looking for?’

‘If you come across any journals bound in a light leather hide. It will appear old and probably worn from the years.’ Taizo said, ‘We need to find anything during the Youkai war or immediately after.’ Kazuki nodded as he made his way to the back of the house. He wiggled his nose, which was instantly assaulted by the stale smell of aging rice paper. He had to duck under the low-hanging door frame and stepped into a muddy puddle. Lifting his head to the roof, he saw a large hole that had been caused by a recent storm that let all the moisture in. Shaking his head in disapproval, Kazuki felt his sandals sink in the mud and stick as he made his way to the back shelf. ‘I guess no one comes back here?’

‘Doesn’t look like it.’ Taizo said.

Kazuki spent about an hour sifting through the loose scrolls and papers until he came to a small stack of old journals. He pulled them from the shelf, and immediately, Taizo gasped. ‘These are Sashki’s journals. We need newer ones. There was nothing concerning during Sashiki’s life.’

Kazuki nodded and looked around for a place to sit down. Not seeing anywhere, he leaned against the wall and opened the first book on the pile. It stuck together in places and threatened to rip the pages apart, and Taizo groaned in frustration. The lack of care for the journals irritated him.

‘There is a journal here written by Kin’ya.’

Taizo felt his heartbeat increase. ‘That was Sashiki’s son and Hisato’s grandfather.’ The memories from that time began falling into place. ‘Keep going. We need anything from Hisato’s time.’

Kazuki nodded and placed that journal back onto the shelf. A small black-bound book was tucked in the back behind a few scrolls, and Kazuki reached for it. It seemed like it was wedged in something, and he gently tugged it out. Opening the front cover, it displayed the name of Heizo.

Taizo felt shivers run down his spine. ‘That was Hisato’s father. What does he say in it?’

‘It looks like it’s an account of his life with his brother, the birth of his children, apparently an attack from youkai that killed two of his sons and killed his father. He detailed how he felt as though they were being hunted by something. They fled to the mainland. But then returned several hundred years later.’ Kazuki crouched down as he read the script. ‘According to this, his brother Reiichi had a family of his own, but he never mentioned what happened to them. Nothing besides the mention of children and grandchildren.’

Taizo furrowed his brow. Because he wasn’t in a host at the time, he didn’t recall Heizo’s life. ‘What about this thing that hunted them? What does it mention?’

Kazuki continued rifling through the pages and stopped at a worn leaf. Squinting his eyes and bringing it closer to his face, he could barely make out some of the words. ‘Something about a God and his minions. It’s hard to make out.’

Taizo felt his heart skip a beat. ‘A God and his minions?’ He repeated. Something about that phrase rang bells in his head.

‘He talks a bit about the coming war with the youkai, which had also been on the mainland.’ Kazuki muttered, ‘Then he goes on about how high-ranking lords came and swept into the village he said his son established and took over command.’

‘No mention of names?’ Taizo asked.

‘Nothing,’ Kazuki said. He closed the journal and stood back up to continue his search. Learning about his family’s past was fascinating to Kazuki. ‘He wrote a lot about his wife, Nene.’ He smiled. ‘Also, how he was proud of his son’s.’

‘That’s right. He had two who survived: Hisato and Hisanori.’ ’ Taizo closed his eyes. That piece snapped into place, and he growled at how his memories had been so fragmented.

‘Heizo also mentioned in his journal how his son helped him waken his inner spirit.’ Kazuki said as he moved a few journals around. ‘He said that his son, Hisato, found his older brother’s wife and small children on the island.’

Taizo gasped. He remembered that. ‘Akari and her twin boys.’

Kazuki smiled. ‘So I take it this is helping you with your memories?’

‘Yes.’ Taizo nodded.

The hours seemed to go by in a blur as Kazuki went through book after book and could find no traces of anything written by his spirit’s former host. Masakuni had come by to see where he was at and gave him a few more hours before escorting him back to his father’s house.

Kazuki was about to lose all hope of finding anything when his eyes caught a small object high on one of the shelves. Frowning, he entered the other room and grabbed the chair to see what it was. He was tall, but he wasn’t tall enough to grab it. He climbed onto the chair and peeked over the edge, standing on his toes.

Carefully, he stretched his arm and pulled the journal down. It looked as though it had been tossed haphazardly in hopes of being lost. ‘This looks promising,’ Kazuki said as he dusted the journal off.

Taizo’s heart beat anxiously in his chest while he waited for his host to climb off the chair.

As he opened the journal, Masakuni wandered back into the hut. “How goes the search?”

Kazuki looked up from the chair and smiled. “So far so good.”

“It’s getting dark, I must take you back.”

Kazuki sighed. “Could I take this one with me and return it the next time you let me come?”

Masakuni furrowed his brow for a moment. “No one has taken anything from here before. If you give your word, you will take care of it. I will allow it. I can return it later or tomorrow once you have finished.”

Kazuki hugged the journal to his chest and bowed to his brother by marriage. “Thank you.” He said, tucking the journal into his shirt.

Masakuni nodded and waved him out of the back room. “I don’t think anyone goes back there. What did you find?”

“There are lots of journals. Most of the names I don’t recognize. But I’m sure even your family has writings in there.” Kazuki said, smiling.

Masakuni chuckled, “I thought you wanted journals on the different youkai that exist.”

Kazuki nodded, “I do, but going through all this will take longer than just a day.”

Masakuni nodded. “I have heavy duty for three weeks. When I am off on light duty, I can escort you back, and we can do this again.”

Kazuki beamed happily as he followed Masakuni to the gates. Once he was on the other side, he waved and sprinted towards his house. There was a little grove of trees behind his house with a small watering hole he liked to go. Kihachi and Isami didn’t know about it, so he could sit quietly and read the journal. ‘Let’s hope this is the one you need to help you and your memories.’

Taizo nodded. ‘I like your brother-in-law.’

‘Masakuni and Masamichi aren’t nearly as uptight as some, like my brother Hisashi. You won’t like him.’ Kazuki rolled his eyes.

Kazuki slipped through the trees and carefully approached the log close to the water hole. It was a small place that Kazuki had cleared out and had spent a few summers pouring water into the hole he had dug. Now, it was one of his favorite private places. The croaks of frogs and crickets filled the area as Kazuki sat down and pulled the journal from his shirt.

‘This must be it.’ Kazuki said as he opened the front.

Taizo peered through his host’s eyes and shivered. ‘That is definitely Hisato’s writing.’

Kazuki nodded eagerly. If he helped his spirit with his memories, they could solve the puzzle about what had happened to his former host. He flipped through the pages, reading everything Hisato had written. Everything from the horror of witnessing his brother’s murder to his grandfather’s horrific death, in stark detail. Finding his little brother and freeing his parents from the youkai prison. He wrote less detail on the peaceful aspects of his life and even recorded his finding his grandfather’s journals.

‘He mentions meeting his wife as he scoured the island for details on his brother’s killers.’ Kazuki smiled as he read how his great-grandfather felt upon meeting her. ‘He mentions the war came upon them quickly. Although not too much detail on the war itself. He goes on to say that he came across many different youkai species and mentions the twins. Even he distrusted them.’

Taizo frowned as he listened.

‘Basically, the last thing he mentions here is heading to the mountains to strike a deal with the dragon.’ Kazuki glanced in the direction of the mountain. A dragon still resided in the mountains, but no one went there. Instead, they went around to avoid the dragon’s domain altogether.

‘Ryujin.’ Taizo hissed between his teeth.

Kazuki stopped and turned his eyes back to the journal. ‘You mean the God Ryujin?’

Taizo paced back and forth as he filtered through the information. He knew the twins had been present during the Youkai war, but he had forgotten about the dragon in the mountains. Now he remembered his host had climbed the mountain to strike a deal with it, but for what purpose? What had led his host to such desperate measures?

Taizo remembered his host being by the ocean, which was nowhere near the fighting. Had Hisato planned on escaping? But why? Growling frustrated, Taizo clenched his teeth together. The family had always been wary of the twins, but why? What was it about them that sent even him on edge?

‘Something about that whole event just doesn’t make sense.’ Taizo grumbled.

‘Like what? Maybe we can try piecing things together?’ Kazuki suggested.

‘How?’ Taizo asked curiously.

‘I have a photographic memory. So anything I read, I remember.’ Kazuki lifted a brow.

Taizo turned to his host’s tree and peered at it. How had he missed that when going through what his host could do? Perhaps it had been his connection still to Hisato that dulled what he could detect.

‘So Hisato’s last entry was going to the mountains to strike a deal with the dragon. I remember that vaguely. Yet I can’t remember why he wanted to do it.’ Taizo said, rubbing his chin. ‘I also recall him being by the ocean, far from the battle.’

Kazuki nodded, ‘Okay, so why would he be at the ocean and not at the battle?’

Taizo sighed, ‘I wish I knew.’

‘So, let’s go back to Heizo’s journal. He mentioned feeling as though they were being hunted. What caused him to feel that way?’ Kazuki said.

‘Hisato documented losing his two older brothers and his grandfather, Kin’ya.’ Taizo shuddered, remembering the graphic details Hisato had written.

Kazuki nodded, ‘It had been so violent that it caused them to flee to the mainland where they lived for several hundred years. Then, when the war with the youkai got close to them, they fled back to the island, which is the island where we reside now.’

Taizo nodded, ‘Okay, keep going.’

‘The journal said Hisato searched the island for the ones responsible for killing his brothers and his grandfather. He got distracted by the female whom he married. Then he found one of his brother’s wife and children.’ Kazuki said, pulling the memory forward. ‘So what if he was purposefully distracted so he wouldn’t come across the ones who were responsible?’

‘Go on.’ Taizo held his breath.

‘Okay, so maybe the ones responsible were close to being discovered and somehow managed to distract him so he would stop looking. It seemed to work.’

‘Who would have that much power to do that?’ Taizo furrowed his brow.

‘Before the war, many. Now though? Only a handful of us have their youki awake. You were a surprise, so now that you are awake, maybe it was for a particular reason. It is wise to keep it a secret from everyone, though.’ Kazuki tapped his nose. ‘Now, for those with inner spirits still awake, that would be Seitarou, who uses his skills to run his Crimson Sentinels. He isn’t vindictive or evil. At least not that I have seen. Then there is Shinpachi, Captain of the Shadow Guard, although I am not sure what skills they have. He has been friends with Seitarou for a very long time. I think they grew up together.’

Taizo listened quietly.

‘Then there are a handful of elders. Hayato, for one, works with Shinpachi. Then there is Eijiro, who works for Seitarou. You have met Masakuni and Masamichi. The twins, for sure. My father’s youki is there, but I don’t think he is active. Then Lord Genjiro and Princess Haruka. Besides that, I don’t recall anyone else.’ Kazuki admitted.

‘Still the twins. What do you know about them?’ Taizo asked.

Kazuki shrugged, ‘Not much. They always come to the island when we come of age. They say it’s to ensure the spirits are in perfect health and sleeping peacefully. Manami said it doesn’t hurt when they probe your mind.’

‘And you did mention they are the guardians of this soul well. I gather that the spirits go to the soul well until they are needed again. Right?’ Taizo frowned.

Kazuki shrugged, ‘As far as I know, yes. I don’t really know where the spirits go, to be honest.’

Taizo sighed, ‘Okay, so if the spirits go to the soul well, and the twins are guardians of this soul well, they should very likely know the condition of the spirits they are charged with overseeing. Now, if this is the case, why would they need to probe your minds if they are caretakers of the souls? In my eyes, they are looking for something specific.’ Taizo mused.

‘Makes sense. But what are they looking for?’

‘Not what, but who.’ Taizo said. ‘It’s almost as though they are searching for a specific spirit, perhaps one that is not in the soul well?’ Taizo said, pacing back and forth.

‘Alright, so how do we figure out which spirit has not gone to the soul well?’ Kazuki asked.

‘We watch and observe when they are here. What family have they been watching closely?’

Kazuki felt his skin crawl. ‘Ours.’ He breathed.

Taizo shuddered. ‘Yours?’

Kazuki nodded. ‘For as long as I can remember, the twins have always hovered around. When Kihachi and Isami came of age, they were here. When they are in the village, they are always near, watching. My father thought it was strange that they took such a keen interest in us. Sure, they are there with other families too, but they seem to stay a bit longer with us.’

Taizo felt shivers run up his spine. ‘And you just came of age, and I woke up.’

‘Do you think they are searching for you?’ Kazuki asked, now more alert.

‘I don’t know. I wanted to know what happened to my former host, but now, thinking more about it, the twins were around when he was alive. Your father mentioned that Hisato got sick. Something deep within me tells me he was never sick.’ Taizo admitted. ‘I had hoped to find out what happened to him. Why are my memories gone? During the time that Hisato died and my being sent to you as a spirit, I was not in a soul well. I woke up in my pools.’

Kazuki cleared his throat as he leaned forward with his elbows on his knees. ‘Okay, hear me out. If I wanted to devise some elaborate scheme and I was searching for a spirit, I would be watching the families for signs of this spirit. Let’s say your former host who housed you was found out. Maybe it was the twins who caused him to be sick? Remember, my father said that his older brother also fell ill. Maybe the twins weren’t sure who housed the spirit and then made up this elaborate hoax of pulling the spirits from their hosts and placing them into this soul well so they could find the one they were after.’

Taizo was listening intently.

‘Manami did say they were coming back to the island. They only do that when the children come of age, and they probe their minds.’ Kazuki shivered at the thought. ‘If they are watching my family as closely as they are and haven’t yet found the spirit they are searching for, and your former host died, and now you are awake in me when all other spirits are still asleep, what conclusions do you come to?’

‘That I am the spirit they are looking for? But why?’ Taizo growled. ‘I don’t understand.’

‘Maybe you did, and that is why your memories are gone?’ Kazuki suggested which caused Taizo to stop pacing. ‘I think we need to talk with my father. He was alive then. Maybe he can give a bit more perspective that I just don’t have.’

Taizo felt cold now. ‘When do the twins usually come?’

‘Maybe a few days after the children come of age. There are only ten of us. But I think there are a few more in a day or two. They will probably be here before the week is out.’ Kazuki said.

‘Then we need to talk to your father before they show up. Now I really need answers. I sure hope we are just blowing this out of proportion.’

Kazuki nodded and got to his feet. He knew his father would probably be in his garden behind the house, so he left his small hideout. Slipping around the side of the house, he could hear raised voices coming from the front. Crouching down, Kazuki paused, listening.

One voice was definitely his father’s. Kihachi also argued with whoever had shown up. Kazuki frowned as he strained his ears to listen. He would have to get closer if he wanted to hear what was going on.

Inching closer, sticking to the shadows that were beside him, he could finally hear some voices. To his surprise, one of the voices was his brother Hisashi.

“The twins will be here tomorrow. Lord Genjiro has commanded that you bring Kazuki to the main house so they can ensure that his spirit is healthy!” Hisashi stated firmly.

“You have no contact with Lord Genjiro, you imbecil!” Manami snarled. “How would you know what he commands unless you are sticking your nose into matters that does not concern you.”

“Enough!” Okimoto snapped. “I will hear no more. Unless I hear these words from Lord Genjiro, Kazuki will not go anywhere near that house!”

There were sounds of a scuffle, and then Okimoto bellowed louder. “Not another word out of you. I have spoken my piece; you would be wise to listen to it!”

There was a loud crack of a wooden structure, and Kazuki pulled back further into the shadows as his brother stormed off. “A curse on this family!” He snarled loudly. “Idiots, the lot of them.”

Kazuki decided to go back to his hideout. ‘Now is probably not the time to ask my father anything.’

Taizo had witnessed his fair share of angry youkai, and he was in agreement. Yet this scenario seemed familiar. ‘We cannot tarry too long. We don’t know what the twins are capable of, and if they were responsible for my former host’s death and me losing my memories, who knows what they will do.’

Kazuki nodded. ‘I agree. We can wait for a little bit and see what his mood is like. Every time Hisashi comes home, it’s like this. It doesn’t matter which brother is here, he always argues. I just stay out of his way.’

Taizo shook his head. Furrowing his brows, he wondered if he could hide. If it came down to preserving life, was there someplace he could go to hide if needed? ‘If I don’t answer you immediately, there is a reason.’

Kazuki shrugged. ‘Alright.’

Taizo turned and began walking to the pool rift to go to his own pools. He needed to talk to his tree. This new host of his was intelligent and had a mind that rolled around many different scenarios before jumping to conclusions. As he walked to his tree, Taizo’s mind went in many different directions. It frustrated him because he liked a calm and focused train of thought.

‘Is there somewhere a spirit can hide if there is a threat close by?’ Taizo asked as he placed his hand on the trunk.

The tree pulsed softly, and Taizo frowned. ‘Besides in here. Obviously, this is where I ended up after Hisato died.’

The tree vibrated at the name, and Taizo nodded. ‘I remember his name now, yes. Can the portal to the other realm be opened from inside my pools?’

The tree pulsed again, warning against it.

‘If there was a dire need?’ Taizo pressed. ‘I understand that it is dangerous, but so is this situation my host and I are in.’

The tree pulsed, and another stronger pulse signalled that it was time for Taizo to return. As he stepped through the rift, he felt his host’s anxiety immediately. ‘What’s wrong?’

Kazuki seemed like he was out of breath. ‘The twins came early.’

‘Dammit.’ Taizo cursed. ‘Where are you now?’

‘Hiding behind the barracks.’ Kazuki admitted.

‘And where are they?’

‘At my house asking where I am.’ Kazuki groaned. ‘I was lucky to have run into Manami before I went back home.’

‘He told you to hide?’

‘Not in so many words.’ Kazuki said as he poked his head around the corner of the building. He gasped when his eyes fell onto the twins, and that caused Taizo to peer through his host’s eyes.Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

Taizo froze, and instantly, a thousand memories flooded his mind in the space of a breath. It was as though something snapped, and he clutched his head and snarled in pain, falling to his knees.

Kazuki sucked his breath in at the rush of feelings and fear that assaulted his senses and quickly ducked back into the shadows of the barracks. ‘What’s wrong?’ He cried out to his spirit.

Taizo panted as the memories flashed by, the pain in his heart causing him to be unable to speak to his host.

Kazuki cursed softly, realizing that he must have been seen. He could hear the approach of little steps to his location, and his heart hammered in his chest. Before he could look for somewhere else to hide, a hand covered his mouth and pulled him back further into the shadows.

Immediately, Kazuki started struggling against the individual, but soft words entered his ear. “Shush. Relax and do not move.”

Kazuki froze, and his field of vision went black. He lifted his hands to grip the hand over his mouth, but he was pulled further into blackness.

“Easy, son of Okimoto.” The voice said. “You will not be discovered.”

Kazuki knew his eyes were open, but he couldn’t see anything. It was as though he had been blinded. Clenching his eyes shut, he shuddered in fear.

After what felt like an eternity of walking backwards, Kazuki’s eyes flew open when everything around him became a blinding flood of light. He was released, and he spun around defensively.

Kazuki remembered him. It was the Captain of the Shadow Guard, Shinpachi. He had seen him practicing in the training rings and with Seitarou many times. “I know who you are.”

The tall male smirked and crossed his arms over his chest. “Indeed. Why were you hiding from the twins?”

Kazuki gulped. “I don’t see any reason for them to delve through my head.”

Shinpachi raised a brow. “They do it to ensure our inner spirits are healthy.”

“What for? They guard the soul well, and all the spirits are asleep there. Why would they have to probe our brains when they can see the souls inside the well at any time.” Kazuki crossed his own arms and frowned.

Shinpachi furrowed his brow as though he were listening to another. “Interesting.”

‘You must stay away from them at all costs.’ Taizo breathed to his host. ‘We can discuss why later. Can this man be trusted?’

‘I think so.’ Kazuki said, now curious. “Where were we? How did I get inside the barracks house?”

Shinpachi placed his finger to his lips, “Where we were is a secret. I brought you here to keep you hidden. It seemed as though you were about to panic.”

Kazuki wrinkled his nose. “I’d prefer not to have anything to do with the twins.” He said firmly.

“Fair enough.” Shinpachi nodded. “I can have Hayato take you home if you wish. Or you can stay here until it is safe for you to leave.”

Kazuki glanced around him at all the beds lined up against the walls. “What if they come here?”

“There is no need for the twins to come to the barracks. If they are searching for you, then perhaps they are, but I doubt it. They tend to avoid any and all contact with Seitarou and myself.”

Kazuki furrowed his brow. “Is it because your spirit is awake?”

Shinpachi glanced at him with a raised brow. “I never really thought about it. Is that why you are hiding?”

Kazuki remained silent.

“I can feel yours,” Shinpachi said softly.

Kazuki took a long breath but didn’t say anything.

Nodding, Shinpachi sat down on one of the beds. “They might be here a while. I would get comfortable.”

“I can’t,” Kazuki said. “I don’t trust them.” He said softly.

Shinpachi nodded. “You are not the only one.”

“There are others who feel the same way?” Kazuki asked.


“Can I ask how many have their inner spirits awake?” Kazuki asked curiously, moving his back against the wall.

“Not many. But the few who do do not like contact with the twins.” Shinpachi admitted. He tapped his head, “He tells me your line of thinking is sound, however. Why would the twins need to probe our minds when they guard the soul well, and the spirits residing there are under their protection?”

Kazuki nodded. “Exactly.”

“So I assume that your spirit woke on your coming-of-age day.”

Kazuki pressed his lips together. “I need to speak with my father.”

Shinpachi nodded and released a soft whistle. After a few minutes, another individual seemed to walk into the room from nowhere. Kazuki’s mouth dropped open.

“Hayato.” Shinpachi nodded.

The elder male nodded his head.

“I need you to send a message to Okimoto. Keep it private and inform him his youngest son is with me.”

Hayato glanced at Kazuki for a moment, and Kazuki felt relief enter his heart since he had seen the twins. Even Taizo seemed to feel at ease just by looking at the man. The elder then vanished, and the connection broke.

‘What was that?’ Kazuki asked.

‘A spiritual connection. I don’t recall ever having one before today.’ Taizo admitted.

“Will my father be brought here?” Kazuki asked.

“If it is safe to do so, yes. If not, we wait until it is safe.” Shinpachi nodded. “Remain here. I will go speak with Seitarou and have some guards posted.”

Kazuki watched Shinpachi walk out of the long barracks room and into the back-curtained room. He anxiously waited quietly, hoping that the twins would not come looking for him.

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