Shackled (The Lord Series) by Carlos

Chapter 144

Chapter 144

144. Olivia

I had no other choice.

There is a hole, a bleeding hole in my chest, a gaping hole in the fabric of my soul, no matter how

much time passes, it never heals, it will never heal. It keeps growing and stretching until one day, my

suffering will end, and I will be reunited with that boy I love so nrich.

All my life, I stood on the edge of a precipice, and then I fell, and I kept falling and falling until I reached

murky waters and drowned, and I keep drowning, but I never die, no matter how much I crave the

peace that death promises.

Blood stains the bandage around my wrist, and it rushes through my veins, my heart is still beating,

and my lungs still fill with air, but I feel nothing except the never-ending pain in my chest.

How long will I be forced to endure this hell called life?

If only I had been faster, I would not be here right now, but free.

I scream, but no one hears me.

I cry, but no one sees me.

I suffer, but no one notices.

I exist, and yet, I don’t. Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

I am here, and yet, I am not.

The angel with bright white wings has destroyed me, and a demon with wings black as the night came

to my rescue, but it is too late for me. He sits with me in the dark, his eyes glowing red, his hands

touching me, his lips whispering into my ear things only I know, his power forcing me to keep existing.

I don’t trust him, nor his power.

What will happen when he guesses my darkest secret?

Flashback 15 years old

It’s been a few months since he asked me for the first time to meet up with him in the orchard, and

since then, we have been texting daily. We even made up a cipher of our own, not wanting to be

discovered by Jason or my parents by accident, as they have a habit of checking my phone once every

few days. Not only that, but I also delete the texts as soon as our conversation is over.

He cares for me. I can see it in his eyes a time I visit Camila and we hang out playing video games or

making small talk. We decided not to tell anyone about our friendship because not only is he older than

me and legally an adult, but he is also a Lord, and many won’t agree with us and whatever is

happening between us. I suspect Camila will disapprove as well, not because she has something

against me being with him, but because she knows how strict my parents are, and she would probably

be worried if they were to find out. We are being careful, though. Besides, we are not hurting anyone by

talking and trying to figure out where we see ourselves in the future, no matter if we will be

144 Olivia

together or not.

My phone buzzes with an income text, and I put the book I am reading next to me on the bed before I

lean over to the nightstand. The message is from Turqoiuse, and my heart beats a little faster. I have

him listed like that because of those beautiful eyes of his.

Him: “Reading porn again, Little Bunny?”

I straighten my back and look around the room before I reply to his text. “Did you hide cameras around

my room?TM

Him: “I hacked into the one Jason installed a few months ago.”

It doesn’t come as a surprise that Jason is spying on me. Ever since Camila visited me here for the first

time, he has been asking me stuff about her almost nonstop. He knows she is a D u c h e s s, but I

don’t understand why he is suddenly so obsessed with her when he has girls fawning over him at

school just because it is expected of him to be a future Pathriact. “You should stop with the spying, it’s

creepy as f u c k.”

Him: “I just wanted to see you. Do you think we can meet today? Just the two of us in the orchard.”

I grin like a fool because it’s been a while since we last went to the orchard. “Give me half an hour, and

I will be


“I will wait for you at our spot.”

Luckily, my parents and Jason are not home since every Saturday, they visit my grandparents, my

father’s parents. They have a bison farm with lots of land where they can hunt as well. I am seldom

invited since I get too emotional when animals are killed.

I change my comfy pajamas for a dress, and after I pass the brush through my hair a few times and

check my makeup, I leave my room and go get my bike. I pedal fast, eager to see him.

It doesn’t take long for the orchard behind his house to come into view. The red and yellow colors of the

leaves pemind me that Summer is over. Soon, I will be sixteen, and I will finally be able to drive a car.

I lean the bike against the fence and slowly walk to where he is waiting for me.

When he comes into view, my pulse quickens. Despite wanting to believe I am more mature than most

teens, I am just like them because I have fallen for my BFF’s big brother.

He sits on a rock and is smoking, his eyes fixed on me. “You will get cancer and die,” I tease him.

“And you will catch pneumonia and die.” I hoped he wouldn’t notice I am cold. He takes off his jacket

and hands it over to me. I put it on, and it smells just like him. “Sit next to me.”

I do as he asks. We sit in silence as he takes a few drags of his cigar, and I ask, “Have you been

spying on me for a long


The idea of him spying on me doesn’t sit well with me.

“A few times when I missed seeing your smile, but I always ended up seeing you frowning and reading

porn books,” he


144. Olivia

chuckles before taking a long drag from his cigar. “I am going to university on Monday.” My heart drops

to my stomach because I know he will forget all about me when he meets girls his age. “The others

have everything ready. and are waiting for me to join them.” He is talking about his friends. The

University he will be attending is a few states


“Oh,” it’s all I manage to say because what else can I do?

He finishes his cigar and puts it out on the rock. Then pops a few caramels into his mouth. “Will you

wait for me?”

I blink a few times, not sure if I heard him right. “You will meet new people at University and forget all

about me.”

“If that’s what you think, you are mistaken, Little Rabbit.” He takes my hand into his, interlacing our

fingers. “There is something about you, something so beautiful and pure that I want it only for myself.”

He dips his head, his warm breath dancing on my skin. “I am jealous and possessive, and I will never

share you with anyone else, ever! As soon as you turn eighteen, you will be my Lady. Only mine, Olly. I

will never have blood-brothers. Mine and mine alone.”

Blood-brothers. He has explained to me what that means.

“Yes,” I breathe because I want to be only his wife.

His free hand comes to my hair, and he grabs my ponytail and brings my mouth close to his. “I love

you, Olly,” he says before sealing my lips with his, and I give him not only my first kiss but my heart as


He tastes like tobacco and peppermint caramels.

He tastes like the first and the last kiss. Like true love and sunshine.

Crazy as it sounds, I will never love someone as much as I love him.

End of flashback

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