Sexy, Seductive, and Sultry

Chapter 63: Aurora is a green snake

I sat on my bed, pounding over how to get Isabelle.

I’ll get her through Lettice… why haven’t I been seeing her for some time? I think Lettice is also aware of what’s going on.

The only problem is how I’ll get them to trust me, if they trust me then I’ll be able to get them.

Lilian, she might be able to help me… I carried my phone, searched for Lilian’s number and dialed it.

“Hello Lilian..”

“Yes, who are you..?” She retorted.

“This is Aurora… I’d like to discuss something urgent with you, it’s about Isabelle and Elena” I replied.

“Let’s meet at El Peiro now” She replied and I smiled.

I took out a blue gown, matching shoes and purse before changing my clothes. I walked out of the house.

Taking my Benz, I drove towards El peiro, driving very fast. I wheeled my car inside the park and stepped out elegantly, walking inside.

I dialed her number, looking around for her and she waved from the far end, she was with someone and I wondered who it was.

“Hello” I said, sitting on the empty chair.

“Hello,” She replied.

“Hi, I’m Selena… Lilian’s sister” The second lady replied.

“Let’s move straight to business, I know Isabelle is your enemy… well she’s mine also and I want us to work together to bring her down”

“Why should I trust you? You are her friend … I trusted Elena but she changed suddenly…” Lilian replied.

“Trust me girl, I’ll never ghost you… this will be secret, I’ll be her friend so as to get close to her… we would work fine, we’re after the same thing” I replied and Lilian thought about it for a while.

“What do you want to do to Isabelle exactly?” Lilian replied.

“I want to kill her… I want her death to be a slow painful one, I want her to feel the pain she has caused me all these while, I want revenge” I replied viciously and Lilian nodded.

“What’s in for me?”

“I’ll make you famous… very popular, I have someone who can make you twice the star you are now, you could win an Oscar award this year, work with me and I’ll transform you completely” I promised and she scoffed.

“Why haven’t you transformed yourself? You lost a role to a small actress, why didn’t you get it back?” She mocked.

“I have Ann as my backbone now, don’t you think becoming a real star is something I can get within the blink of an eye?” I replied and she changed her posture.

“Ann? The president’s secretary? Does she want Isabelle dead? Would she give you anything you want just to kill Isabelle?” Lilian demanded attentively and I nodded.

“Think about it, it’s up to you to decide. But remember, if you don’t help me I’ll get someone else to do it” I replied and stood up.

“I’ll think about it” She replied and I nodded, walking away.

Lilian and Selena watched her disappearing figure.

“Are we gonna work with her?” Selena demanded as Zena joined them.

“Did you get everything?” Lilian demanded and Zena smiled, waving her phone while Selena glanced at them with confusion.

“What did you do?” Selena demanded suspiciously.

“I recorded and videoed Aurora… now it’s up to me to decide whether I wanna work with Ann or work for Mario” Lilian replied and Selena nodded.

“Let’s work for Ann, Mario is a scheming demon, I had to run away from the dungeon he kept me in” Selena complained.

“Leave it up to me sis, just watch how things unfold. History will never forget my name” Lilian vowed with a grin.

“I’ve gotten in touch with the journalist but we have a problem… Ann might block the tv stations from airing the video” Zena pointed out.

“We could send this to Ann and see what she has to offer… I can use this video to kill three birds, first I’ll get to work for Mario and Ann, secondly I’ll bring Aurora down and portray myself as a better person to the public” Lilian suggested and Zena beamed brightly.

“Wonderful idea but what if it backfires? Ann is dangerous, so is Mario, do you know the risk you’re putting yourself in?” Selena warned and Lilian scoffed.

“I have things under control sis” Lilian replied, taking her phone.

“I’ve sent the video to Ann, it’s up to her to decide whether she wants to trend for the wrong reason again”

“But reading all that Isabelle and Elena have been posting, I’m surprised. A lot has been happening in our country and we were unaware. Did you read about Ann taking the lives of several people? What about the part where the president harbors drug lords? Things are all messed up right now” Selena added.

“Another blog is releasing secrets about two other presidential candidates. I’m torn about who to tell my fans to vote for, supporting the wrong person might get me under fire… The election is only a few months away” Lilian replied and Zena punched the air eagerly, beaming.

“Ann just replied, she wants to meet with us…” Zena disclosed.

“Tell her we do not wanna meet her, it’s up to her to decide whether she wants to work” Lilian replied and Zena typed.

“She has agreed to work with us” Zena let out after some minutes.

“Since that’s settled, I’ll do my part now… I’ll remove Ann from the entire picture, post the video and let the whole world know the kind of friend poor Isabelle has” Lilian laughed.


Within minutes, the video gained a million views and thousands of shares, netizens began dragging Aurora, praising Lilian for not supporting evil.

Within an hour, the video became Lilian’s most engaged post and she gained followers, earning praises from everyone including Roberto who shared her post.

Lilian smiled to herself, reading the comments, she laughed heartily when Aurora began sending her messages which she didn’t bother to read.

She checked Aurora’s page and was shocked that her millions of followers had reduced to 400, 000 and they were still reducing.

“With the look of things, I might break a record as the actress with the most engaged post on Instagram… oh I can’t even talk about the thousands of followers I have gained in just two hours” Lilian smiled.

Lilian’s phone rang and she smiled smugly before answering.

“You bitch!” Aurora blared and Lilian laughed.

“What do you want?”

“I’ll get you for this? Enjoy the fame and praises while it lasts but I’ll surely get back at you” Aurora promised and Lilian chuckled.All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“What were you expecting me to do? Work with you? If you could betray your childhood friend then I’m no exception, this would teach a big lesson, anyways enjoy the pain and downfall while you still can because with the looks of things you might be having only hundreds of followers soon” Lilian laughed and hung up.

“Your fans are asking for a live video. When do you wanna have it?” Zena demanded.

“I would only make a video, I’ll play the victim card now… I’ll tell them that my life is in danger and I’ll have to law low for the meantime” Lilian replied with a smirk.

“Isabelle is so proud, even after exposing her friend and warning her she has refused to reply to all my messages” Zena complained.

“Give her some time, it’s hard to digest the whole news… I’ll be helping her share her posts and soon she’ll fall into my trap” Lilian rubbed her hands together, smirking.

“My phone is filled already, lots of brands want you to be their ambassador, some are even offering double our prices… We’ll be very busy for a long time. The president is offering you a huge sum just so you can campaign for him, should we do it?” Zena confessed happily.

“More money, more followers, an offer from the president, could this day get any better?” Lilian demanded joyously.

Thomas’s Mansion

Alessandro stared at his phone, wondering how Isabelle would feel if she saw the video, he wondered what type of demons she had as friends, everyone was just against her, trying to destroy her, why?.

“Has she seen it?” Darrell demanded.

“No, I hope she doesn’t, it’ll tear her apart”

“Who do you think might have sent Aurora, the person’s person wasn’t disclosed… I have a hunch it’s Ann” Darrell replied.

“I’m also thinking the same but Ann shared Lilian’s video, it might be someone else…” He trailed and shut up immediately when Isabelle entered.

They stared at her, hiding their phones and she smiled sadly.

“You don’t have to hide it, I found out already” She broke into tears and Alessandro put her head on his shoulder, patting her.

“Why does it have to be only me? Why can’t they find someone else… is it a crime to be the president’s daughter? Why can’t I have normal friends?” She demanded tearfully and Alessandro’s heart bleed the way he watched her cry.

“You have good friends already, you have Thomas, Lettice, Brianna and even Darrell, you don’t need the rest of them” He replied and she shook her head.

“Who would I trust? My childhood friends whom I’ve trusted and loved for more than 15 years are betraying me, how am I sure these new ones wouldn’t, you might end up leaving me someday” She cried and Annabella patted her hair, bringing her to a chair.

“As long as you have us, we’ll never desert you. We value friendship and family, all they value is money and fame. I’ll give up anything just to be there for you, don’t feel sad” Annabella comforted and Isabelle sniffed, crying loudly as her heart tightened.

The lump in her throat felt too heavy, her head banged and the video replayed in her head, her breathing hitched and she felt like doing anything to clear the hurt and pain she felt.

“I’m lucky Lilian exposed her, Aurora is just a green snake… I’ve been fooled my whole life” Isabelle lamented, tears pouring out of her eyes.

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