Sexy, Seductive, and Sultry

Chapter 54: Kidnapped

Alessandro drove to the house, chitchatting with Isabelle about the premiere, he noticed the road was blocked and stopped.

He got out of the car, wanting to know what was wrong when a gun touched his head, he froze immediately, raising his hands up.

Isabelle shrieked as she was roughly dragged out of the car, another man pushing them towards a car.

She screamed fearfully, kicking and fighting as a man used a handkerchief to cover her nose, he was sedated too.

He opened his heavy eyelids, staring at the ceiling and trying to make out where he was, groaning when he was fully aware of where they were.

He tried to sit up and noticed his hands and legs were bonded, he wriggled up, looked around and found Isabelle sprawled at one side, unconscious.

“Hey.. Isabelle!” He whispered loudly, trying to wobble towards her.

She rose gently, feeling dizzy as the room spinner, she focused her gaze on Alessandro, squinting her eyes.

“Where are we?” She demanded, fear written all over her face as she glanced at the dark creepy room.

“I don’t know…” He was saying when Liam walked inside, puffing out smoke and smiling sheepishly.

“It’s lovely to meet the famous Isabelle again..” He confessed, taking her finger and kissing it as she struggled.

“Liam, you need to help me, please. What am I doing here?” She demanded, shaking her hand and he burst into laughter.

“You’re here for a photo shoot dummy.. How do you want me to help you? Should I take off your dress?…” he demanded, holding her face roughly as she struggled.

“You monster, what are you doing? You were my friend” She muttered helplessly.

“You thought I was your friend but in truth I was only asked to watch you” He corrected, smirking as he traced his hand around her lips, staring at them lustfully.

“Get your hands off her!” Alessandro barked, trying to move and Liam chuckled, trying the cigar at Alessandro.

“Pleasure to meet the hero, Isabelle’s knight in shiny armor, the damned fool who ruined my first plan, I’ll make you regret killing my men” Liam vowed and Isabelle stared at him with shock.

“Surprised? Well the first kidnap was planned and it failed but I promise you that this one wouldn’t, nobody knows your whereabouts and nobody would try to look for you” He cackled and Isabelle spat at him, staring at him viciously.

“You won’t get away with this,” Alessandro promised.

“I’ve already gotten away darling, so long for now.. I’ll come back when I am bored..”

“Why are you doing this? How much were you paid?” Isabelle demanded gently.

“A very large amount of money, I wouldn’t have to work again for the rest of my life.. even if your father wins this election, you won’t be able to pay me that amount” Liam replied.

“Who sent you?”

“That’s a secret I’ll tell you when you’re saying your last prayers, so long for now my dearest” He bade and walked out.

“It’s all gonna be fine” Alessandro said to Isabelle who nodded, fighting back tears.

“Why can’t I just live a normal life like all the girls? It’s either I get kidnapped, someone attacks me or I’m always under tight security, why can’t I just go out freely, move around without being afraid of the unknown?” She muttered, tears rolling down her cheek.

“It’s all gonna be fine, someone would help rescue us”

“Who? Is it my father who isn’t concerned about my life? The man who has too many secrets and is busy trying to win this election or his secretary who thinks I’m better off dead than alive or my dead mother? Who?” She demanded tearfully and he moved close to her, putting his head on her shoulder to comfort her as tears filled her face.

“Everything would be fine, have faith” He replied and she nodded, resigning to her fate.

The door opened, revealing Liam and two guards, one stared at Alessandro for some seconds before averting his gaze, Alessandro also stared at him closely.

“What are we gonna do to the man?” The one who had been staring at Alessandro inquired and Liam thought about it for a while.

“We could burn him alive or hang him” Liam replied, smirking and Isabelle gasped.

“We brought food, don’t think of me as a bad person, I’m super nice” Liam replied, passing two bowls to them.

“How are we gonna eat, you have to untie us” Isabelle hinted.

“Stop trying to act smart, lie on your belle and eat like animals” He chuckled before leaving.

“I know that man..” Alessandro muttered, racking his brain.


“I know that man, we both attended the same school, he’s definitely the one, I know him!” He replied.

“Would he help us? I’m willing to pay any amount of money…”From NôvelDrama.Org.

“Stop thinking you can buy your way out, whosoever it is that sent them must have hooked them up with something greater than money” Alessandro corrected and she sighed.

“I hope Darrell tries to figure out our location, I doubt if anybody would find us” He mumbled.

They both stared at each other, different thoughts running in their mind. Isabelle blamed herself for their mess, wishing he hadn’t accompanied her to the premiere.

“This is all my fault, I wish they would let you go..”

“Shh.. no my love, we’re in this. I’d rather die than leave you alone here” He replied.

“I’ll forever love you, both in death and health” She replied, placing her head on his shoulder, crying silently.

They heard the door squeaking gently and raised their heads up, they were shocked to see the man who had stared Alessandro, he tiptoed inside, holding a knife and Isabelle wanted to scream but he shushed her.

She clamped her mouth shut, wondering what he was doing, her heart thumping fast.

“Shh, follow me fast” He ordered, cutting the ropes and they stood up, feeling pains all over their body.

They tiptoed out, Aaron staying at their front and motioning for them to follow, he took them through a passage, strangled a guard to death and opened a door.

They stepped outside, walking fearfully and looking back, Alessandro and Aaron sprang on two guards who were at the gate and Isabelle shrieked, watching them struggle.

Another guard who saw them called the attention of others who ran toward them, shooting.

Aaron held a guard who stabbed him repeatedly, shouting at them to leave.

Isabelle stared at him tearfully before running outside with Alessandro who had a cut on his shoulder.

They ran into the forest, using the moon as light as they walked around, running far from their captors.

“Search for them!” A captor yelled, firing gunshots in the air and Isabelle gasped, using the whole of her strength to move her numb legs.

They both ran, holding hands and stopping to catch their breaths, Isabelle stopped when she didn’t feel anything under one of her feet, she looked down and gasped, throwing her body back as she stared at the valley below.

“What are we gonna do?” She demanded, fear gripping her tired bones as the sound of their captors grew louder.

Alessandro looked back, looked at the valley and closed his eyes, deciding his faith.

“We jump” He muttered and Isabelle shook her head, drawing her hand back in fear. He held her hand tightly.

“We have to jump, there’s nothing we can do. Look at me, look at me!” He commanded, holding her face.

“It’s better we die together in that valley than let them get their hands on us, trust me, together we would jump. I love you” He muttered gently, kissed her lips briefly and held her hands.

At the count of 3, they both jumped, screaming as they fell inside the valley.

Two days later

“Why do you like this valley? I didn’t think it would be pretty enough to get your attention” Brianna confessed, wrapping her hand around Thomas’s neck.

He placed a kiss on her cheek, smiling and his eyes glowing.

“I love this place because you shared it with me, it’s one of the most priceless things I’ve come across” He answered and she smiled, sighing heavily.

“What’s wrong?”

“I’ve been thinking lately, lots of people are attacking me, I’ve gained lots of followers that I do not believe I could ever have, you’ve been very kind lately, changing the lives of my family and I, I just don’t know how to repay you” She trailed and he cupped her face, kissing her lightly.

“For everything I do, I want a deep kiss in return, your lips are intoxicating.. they high me much more than any alcohol… All I want in return is your love” He replied and she smiled, hugging him.

“I love you so much cupcake”

“I love you more sugarplum” He replied and she raised her brow.

“What’s that?” She asked, watching a big object float towards them, she gasped when she had a close look at it.

“There’s another one, I think it’s a human” He replied, moving towards the object and when the bodies got close enough, he dragged them out.

Brianna gasped when she saw the pale white faces, covering her mouth tightly. Thomas opened his eyes wide in shock, knelt down to check their pulses.

“I.. Isabelle.. a.. a and Al.. ess.. andro” She muttered, shaken to the marrow and he rubbed her shoulders.

“They’re still alive, we could take them to the hospital…” He announced and she nodded, still in shock.

Together, they took the bodies to the car and sped off to the hospital. He glanced at her several times, noticing her horrified face.

He placed his hand on her lap, giving her a reassuring smile and she smiled back.

“You don’t have to worry, I’ll get the best doctors to treat them” He vowed and she nodded, looking back at the couples, she held Isabelle’s hand, muttering some words.

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