Lexi woke up with a pounding headache, she looked around for Kira and couldn’t find her anywhere. The white wall of the room she woke up to seem strange to her, she squinted her eyes and looked around more, that was when she realized she is in the hospital.

How she ended up here puzzled her until she remembered calling Aziz and asking him to help her. Did he find her? Was he the one that brought her here? What did he do to Kira? Her questions were left unanswered when the door swung open and a doctor stepped in.

“You are awake Ms Lexi?” The female doctor greeted, she disappeared back into the hallway and returned with Derrick.

Derrick smiled when he saw she was truly awake. “You scared us,” he placed his hand on his chest, feigning someone who almost had a heart attack.

She managed to smile while the doctor check on her.

“I’ll let boss know you are awake,” he was gone before she could stop him, and she sighed as she leaned back ok the bed to give the doctor the chance to do her job.

“Boss will be here very soon,” he announced walking into the room again. Lexi bobbed her head and stared at her hand as a doctor remove the IV attached to it.

“Can I be discharged now?” She flex her hand and the doctor nodded. Quickly, she stepped down from the bed and stretched her muscle to relieve the ache.

“Can you sign my discharge paper, so I can get out of the hospital now, Derrick? I need to get home fast,” with a nod, Derrick walked out of the room.

Lexi thanked the doctor and walked out as well, the guards flanked her until she got to the car and they took off. She leaned against the seat and closed her eyes to stop the tears from falling as the car steadily moved through the road.



“Who sent you here?” Aziz asked as he watched Kira bang Lena’s head on the glass bar until there was no strength left in her. Her entire body was bleeding now and she could hardly get one word out of her mouth.

“Let her go,” he told Kira who stared at him, confused. He shook his head and she dropped Lena on the floor, cleaning herself up before walking out of the room with Aziz.

“Are we going to leave her after she just confessed that she almost killed Lexi? That woman is a danger to my friend,” she wasn’t paying attention to her surrounding, she ran into Aziz before she could stop herself, her nose twisting at a ridiculous angle.

Kira stepped back, grabbed her nose, and move it back in position. “You have scarred her enough, she will end up dying if you keep beating her and I know Lena so well, she will rather die than tell you what you want to hear,” Aziz pulled out his phone and dialled Derrick’s number.

“I was just about to call you,” Derrick’s gruff voice fulfilled his ears and his heart palpitates.

“Did something happen to Lexi?” Kira furrowed her brows and lean closer to listen to the conversation.

“Nothing happened to her, I was about to call that she woke up already,” a smile edge its way to Aziz’s lip while Kira jumped for joy.

“I’ll be there in a jiffy, but in the meantime I want you to post some of the boys in the location I will send to you now. They have to make sure not to be seen by their target until they find out who sent her to California, okay?” Aziz instructs. Derrick hummed through the phone and the line went dead.

Aziz got into the car with Kira and sped out of the hotel, ignoring speed limits since he was so far from the hospital. Kira watched in awe as Aziz order the best cuisine to be sent to his house, he called an event planner who has just thirty minutes to prep the house up and give it a soothing scent.

Without a doubt, she knew Aziz and Lexi are more than just stepsiblings. The way he clutched her to his chest like the most precious thing in the world shows how deep they are into each other.

Halfway through the ride, Aziz changed course when Derrick called him again to tell him Lexi had already been discharged from the hospital and she was on her way home. Aziz bought flowers and also stopped at the pharmacy to get her drugs.

Kira tries to contain the laughter as she watches Aziz acting like a teenager in Love for the first time. They finally arrived at the mansion and that is when a bundle of nerves hits her as she stared at the building in front of her.

Lexi has been introduced to a life of luxury and the fear that wealth would have taints her friend’s life, thereby causing Lexi not to forgive her brought fear into her heart. As if reading her mind, Aziz placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

“For what it’s worth, Lexi is still that same country girl but with a sense of purpose now. You need not be afraid of seeing her,” he assured her.

“You ready?” He asked her and she nod. Aziz push the door open and walked in, using his body as coverage for Kira to get in without Lexus seeing her yet.

“Baby,” Aziz called when his gaze landed on Lexi, whose attention was fixed on the laptop in front of her.

Lexi raised her head to look at him, even though she remained expressionless. Aziz wonder what he had done wrong for her to look so cold, he tried to get closer to her to give her a hug but she moved away, Aziz felt hurt at her action, he missed her so much, and he knew he wouldn’t be able to do without her if she keeps on acting this way. Lexi tilted her head sideways and stared behind him.

“Kira!” A look of disbelief crossed her face and before anyone could process what was happening she screamed and rushed into her friend’s arm, surprising Aziz who watches the scene as if she had not just ignored him.

Lexi pulled Kira to the couch, her face radiating with happiness as she thanked her for saving her life. Before Lexi could open her mouth to say a word again, Kira fell on her knee and narrated everything to her.

How the guys only approached Lexi because they thought she would be a slut like her and how they plan to rape her after everything. Lexi smiled and pulled Kira up, she helped her sit on the couch again before speaking.

“I have to thank you then,” Lexi muttered. “You have saved my life more than I can count.”

“What do you mean?” Kira was befuddled, her friend’s words not being clear to her.

“If you hadn’t been jealous of me and plan to drug me, which I ended up being rescued by Aziz, those guys would have raped me, though I still can’t forgive you easily for trying to get me raped,” Kira bobbed her head, she knew what she did was unforgivable and she is willing to wait as long as it takes for her to get her friend forgiveness.

“And if you didn’t risk your life to save mine, I would have become a dead woman,” tears welled in Lexi’s eyes at the memory of what that strange guy almost did to her and Kira wiped them away.

“I’m sorry for betraying our friendship, baby,” Kira’s eyes turned glassy and the two friends wept like a baby l, while Aziz watched them.

He felt happy and sad at the same time, happy that the two girls were able to settle their differences, but the fact that Lexi kept ignoring him makes him sad.

He left the living room and went into his room to shower, when he came out, he threw on a simple shirt and briefs before pulling out his laptop.

Aziz barely managed to get anything done since he was worried about Lexi all day, he tried to answer his emails and finish off all uncompleted projects but his mind was filled up with the fact that Lexi didn’t want to talk to him and he ended up doing nothing. He shut the laptop with a huff and lay down on the bed.

His mind filled up with thoughts of her alone.


Kira and Lexi talk for so long rekindling their friendship and forgiving each other for their mistakes, Lexi wouldn’t have let Kyra leave her if not for the fact that Vincenzo came for Kyra. He had been worried about Kira and wondered how she is fairing after Aziz’s guard came to get her.

When he could no longer take the suspense, he got into his car and drove to the Mustafa’s mansion. Lexi grinned when she saw Vincenzo, she winked at Kira who tried to act like she wasn’t affected at all.

Once she shut the door after them, she realize she was alone with Aziz in the almost empty mansion again. Lexi didn’t want to stay around Aziz, she wanted to avoid him for as long as she can, and that is why she spend time with Kira.

There was no way she could keep on ignoring him when they are the only two in the house. She sat back on the couch to continue her work when the sound of footfall filled the house. Knowing who it was without having to raise her head, she carried in as if she didn’t earn a thing.

When the silence stretched and became unbearable for her, she stood up from the couch and bounded up the staircase to her room when Aziz’s voice stopped her.Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

“We need to talk, Lexi.”

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