Scarred Alphas

Chapter 80

Chapter 80

Chapter 80

I look around first without

engaging. Garret, Victor, and all of my generals mingle. They act normal but I know they are trying to get as much information as


“You will do great, my love.”

Colt says.

I turn to him. I have been so

stressed with all of this that I

had not noticed how good he


I caress his cheek. “So


“You think so?” He asks with

a cheeky smile.


“And you are looking

exquisite. Maybe we should just forget about this whole party.”

I squint my eyes at him. “You


He laughs. “We can dream.”

I sigh. “I don’t like having responsibilities.”

If we weren’t the ones in

charge, then we could forget

about all of this and go have

some fun.

I turn back to the festivity. Some of the Alphas socialize

with each other. I can see

which one of them knows

each other and most of them

1. do.

“Cass.” Garret walks up to

1. me.

“So, anything?” I ask.

“Unfortunately, none of them know anything. It seems that they were all

surprised to receive this


“Are our borders secure?”

“Yes. The possibility that this is all just a distraction is high.”

“Good. Now, what am I

supposed to say to-” My train of thought disappears when I spot someone that should be resting upstairs. “What is Dad doing here?!”

“What the hell?” Garret is just

as surprised as I am.

Colt, Garret, and I all rush to

Warrick. Victor gets there in

no time as well.

“What are you doing?”

“He won’t listen.” Lotus says

sounding tired. I am sure she already tried her best to talk

him out of this idea and

Poppy nods agreeing.

“I-” Warrick takes in a deep breath having trouble just starting to talk. “Something is going to happen tonight.

That much is obvious so I

can’t just lie around and do nothing.”

“And what can you do in your condition?” I ask him.

“I may not be able to fight or barely move but I still have

my power.”

“That is still not enough. You

could still easily be killed.”

“Agree.” Victor says and

Garret nods.

“I am staying. End of


“Fine. you insist on being

here, then you will be in a

corner sitting where I can

keep an eye on you.

“You can’t just-”


“I sure can. I am Alpha at the moment by default. You are

out of commission for now

and so I am in charge.”

“Have I created a monster?”

Warrick mutters.

“You sure have.”

He huffs but also does not

complain and I can tell that it is because he is already

tired. He does his best to

walk on his own to the

corner I assigned him to

where he sits under

bouquets of hanging flowers.

“Have Beck and Archie watch


Victor nods. “Yeah, I’ll have

them guard him.

“What in the world is he

thinking? He knows he is a

target and now he is a sitting


“Maybe that is why he is

doing it.” Colt says.


is many things and one of

those is smart. He knows that

you are the target but by him being here, all the attention is not just on you.”

I suck in a deep breath. “That does not help. Now I have to worry about him too.”

“For now, he is fine. It is still

early and you need to relax a

bit. How about I help you

with that.”

“I can’t leave.” I tell him.

“I never said we had to leave.”

“Oh.” I say disappointed

because I thought that he was thinking of doing something naughty.

“Come. Let’s sit over here.”

He takes my hand and leads

me to the furthest table at

the edge of the parameter of where the banquet will take place. Most people are

concentrated in the middle

of the festivity so at the

moment we have just a tiny

bit of privacy, if you could

call it that.

We sit and Colt moves our

chairs together, as close as they can get. He leans with his large frame and hugs me, hiding me in his arms. I close my eyes as I take the

scent of his neck where I

marked him.

“You’ve grown so much.” He



“The woman you are today…you have grown from the girl I met so long ago.”

His hands slide down the

length of my waist and travel

under the clothed table

where he lifts my long dress up my thigh. His hand caresses my bare thighs as they go down and then I feel his hand fold over my knee, his thumb gently folding circles on my skin. I feel his

breath on my neck and I am acutely aware of it. His green eyes meet mine and they flicker with want and

possesiveness. His hands start making their way up, his soft fingertips tickling inside my thigh.

I suddenly forget where I

am, I think we both do and

we don’t seem to care. I

succumb to the feeling of his touch and yearn for it.

Of course, there are warning flares going up in my head. Are people watching us? Do they know what he is starting

to do under the table? One

slight opening of my eyes

tells me that no one is even

looking at us. Everyone is engrossed either in drinks or


“I am going to make you feel good in front of everyone here.” Colt whispers. A wave of chills runs through my

skin and my body gives in to

the excitement.

“Touch me.” A breathless

needy voice comes out of

1. me.

“Mh…” He softly growls.

“Where do you want me to

touch you? Here?”

His hands squeeze the inside

of my thighs.”



His hand slightly moves up

but barely.



“Higher.” I whisper.

“Higher? Mh…here?”

My body jolts as his fingers barely graze my skin right

where I want them to.

“Yes.” My high–pitched voice

gives me away.

“How do you want me to

touch you? Like this?”

The tip of his finger moves


and down as if he were

petting something tiny.

“You have to tell me if you

like it or I’ll assume you

don’t.” His hand pulls away

but I immediately grab his

wrist and put it right back

where it was.

“Don’t stop.”

He chuckles.

He likes playing games.

“So, like this?”

His hand rests over my slit

and his thumb starts

massaging my clit. The grip have over his wrists tightens

as I try not to suddenly


“Y–yes.” I whisper.

The touch brings a rippling jolt through my body and my lips part as I try to take in deep breaths.

The thumb does not linger

there long. His whole hand

moves down. He swipes up feeling how moist I am.

“Mh… if it weren’t too

obvious to everyone, I’d be down on my knees face deep

inside, tasting you. But I’m sure you’ll enjoy this just as good.” His finger slides inside of me and I gasp.

“Shh baby girl. Control those beautiful noises. They are

supposed to be for my ears


After thrusting his finger in and out of me a couple of times and me doing my best to control my moans, he

slides in two fingers.

“Oh…” I whisper.

“You like that?”


It doesn’t take long for me to start feeling like I am about to come. I hold his hand closer trying to get him

deeper as excitement rises

inside of me.

“Don’t stop.”

“I won’t.”

“Mh….” An orgasm ripples

through my insides making

me come undone.

He covers my mouth when I

almost moan out loud for

everyone to hear.

I take a few deep breaths and open my eyes to look around us now feeling self–conscious but everything goes on like before. If anyone noticed, they don’t show it.

“How do you feel now?” Colt


“Much better.” I say with a sigh. “I feel a bit sleepy now but somehow, a bit more


He smirks. “Now we know

how to help you relax.”

“Now we need to get cleaned

‘cause I can smell it all over


“I love your smell all over

me.” He replies.

“And I love yours but not right now.”

We both quickly head to the bathroom and come right

back when we are clean. I

wasn’t lying when I said I felt

better. It is like a bit of the

tension I was feeling before

got released.

“Cass, dinner will start soon.”

Victor says. “You should

speak to everyone once they

all gather at the tables.”

“Are there any more coming?”

“Most of them are here. A

few more will arrive soon

but best not to wait.”

I nod but I am nervous. I

don’t know what I am going

to say.

As nervousness takes over, I

cast my eyes around the

room. That is when I spot

James. Nôvel(D)rama.Org's content.

“James?” I call to him as I

walk in his direction.

“Are–You are here?”

He slowly nods as he looks down and puts his hand in his pocket. “Yeah, I…feel like

I need to be here. I saw it

from the window and…I

needed to come out.”

“Well, I am glad to see you here. Eat, get some fresh air.”

He nods. “Yeah, I think I’ll go

take a walk. The garden…it’s something she would have liked.”

I smile and nod. “Agree. She would have liked it very


He gives me a nod and walks away. Our interactions have

been a bit awkward but I

understand how he feels,

incomplete. I am grateful

that he has survived the

heartbreak this long.

Bryn surprises us. “Colt, why are we entertaining this all. It

is obvious even to me that it

is all a trap of some sort.”

“Bryn, leave it alone. They

know what they are doing.”

Miles says in a complaint.

“Yeah, we are aware of that.” Colt replies.

“So why? We should call it off and throw everyone out.”

She says and then whispers. “What if all these Alphas

attack us?”

“Oh, they won’t.” He says.

“How do you know that?”

“Victor and Garret are sure

so I am sure. I trust them.” I


“Should you trust them?” She says in a snobby tone.

I roll my eyes and ignore her, giving my attention to Honora who brings me a cup of tea. Colt continues to talk

to Bryn trying to calm her down.

Honora hands me the cup of

tea. “This is chamomile tea.

It’s good for the nerves.”

I nod and take it. It is

soothing and warm.

I give her tea cup back and take a deep breath watching

everyone gather at the tables,

getting ready for dinner.

“Come on love. You can do

it.” Colt takes my hand and

leads me to the head table.

Everyone quiets down and stands to watch me.

“I…” I start but pause

overthinking it. “I want to thank you all for coming. It

was… surprising… …”

My train of thought stops

when I watch as Ezra and

Oliver stride in.

“Sorry for being late. Traffic

and all that…”

Ezra gives a huge smile and I

am left wondering how the

f**k did he even make it


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