Scarred Alphas

Chapter 55

Chapter 55

Chapter 55

This has to be her. This has

to be the witch.

She is quick, touching Ezra on the arm and disappearing with him. The whole room disappears and my eyes open. I sit up with a startle.

“Cass!” Colt shouts.

“I got him! I got him, Colt!”

“You killed him!?”

“No. He is not dead but I hurt

him badly and I saw her. I

saw the witch.”

Colt immediately hands me

the potion. “Take this now.”

Without arguing, I

immediately drink the

potion. It is bitter and I feel

like I want to throw up.

Once it is done, I feel

nothing happening but it’s

not like I felt the connection

that was still there before

anyway. The amulet worked exactly how Honora told me

it would, so I am sure the

potion does too.

I look at Colt unsure of what

to do next. “Now what?”

“Now…” He pauses, thinking

for a few seconds. “Now we

rest and wait till tomorrow to

see if there is any news?”

I nod. “I am really tired.”

“Let’s rest. You need it.”

We lie down but deep inside

I am scared. Scared that the

potion did not work and that

Ezra and this witch will

come after me again in my sleep.

Colt can see my hesitation.

He moves the hair from my

face and caresses my ch*ek.

“If there is anything amiss, I

will wake you up.”

“Okay.” I whisper.

I close my eyes and relax

while he caresses me. I wake

up in the morning feeling

rested and happy that nothing happened. After

telling everyone what happened, we waited for news and I resumed my daily training with Victor and my father. Two days pass and to my displeasure,

we receive news that Ezra is still alive but apparently badly wounded. Witchcraft

is truly scary. Even my

tongue still hurts but it is


Ready to take my lunch break after so much training, I head to the dining room.

“I haven’t had the pleasure of seeing you much lately.”

Oliver’s voice carries from

behind me.

I stop in my tracks and force a smile on my face before I

turn to him.

“I apologize. I have been

busy training.”

“No need to apologize. You

are a busy woman, nothing

wrong with that. That being said, all work and no play can’t be good for you.”

I force a small laugh. “Father is working me to the bone. Maybe I do need a bit of


“Well then, would you have a private dinner with me this evening?”

Every part of my being

wants to say no but I force

myself to nod. “Of course.”

“Marvelous. I’m looking

forward to some one–on–one


I smile and nod striding

away and going inside.

“Some…one–on–one time?” I

have to abruptly stop when Colt stands in front of me.

“You…heard that…”

“Yes. I heard that.”

“You know it’s nothing.”

“To you it is nothing. To him…he has ideas, plans.”

“If he does have plans, they will not come to fruition

because I will not allow


I can see how tense he is and

how much anger is coursing through him.

“Serge, take a break.” I say

without looking back. He

knows exactly what that


I pull Colt to the empty living room–next to

us–and once the doors are

closed, I latch on to him and

k*ss him but he doesn’t relax

just yet. Knowing that he needs just a bit more

convincing, my hand drifts

down and slides inside his

pants. He immediately



“It seems that you need

something to help you


“I do?” He acts dumb but

looks very amused.

“Yep. Let me help you with that.” Unzipping his pants, I

kneel down and spring his

manhood out. It is already

hardening under the touch of my hand.

He puts a hand on my hair looking down at me.

“Mh…show me you are


“With pleasure.” I say with a


I take my tongue out and slide it down from the tip to the shaft making him groan. Not once do I look away

from his stare.

I slider back up savoring that salty taste of his precum and then I pop the tip in my


He hisses in pleasure. My hands go to work as well softly going up and down his rod while my mouth takes

care of the the head, sucking and sliding my tongue

around. It drives him crazy.

I start bobbing my head back and forth, taking him all in. His grip on my hair tightens and I can feel his hips trying to thrust but I hold him in


He hisses and softly pushes

me away.

“Bend over.” He says pulling

me up.

Within seconds he bends me over the back of a sofa, pulls my pants down, and rams himself inside me.

I hold on to the sofa so that I

don’t go over. I position

myself in a way that I can tighten my core, clenching my insides and this causes Colt to start moaning louder

and faster.

“F***ck.” He whispers.


It makes me smile knowing

that I can make him feel this


His thrusting speeds up.

“Uh… I want to come.”

Usually, he can go on for a long period of time but this

time it hasn’t even been five


“Do it.” I say.

“Are you sure? You


“It’s okay. I’m sure.” I moan.

It feels good but I am

nowhere near about to come

and we can’t be too long.

Someone might walk in.

Picking up speed again, he holds my hips as he lunges

inside of me. Within a few

seconds, he shakes and gives a loud groan.

As he separates, I turn to him with a smile. “Feeling


He closes his eyes, smiles,

and shakes his head. “Such a

bad girl. You were buying my happiness.”

“And obviously it works. Men

are such simple creatures.”

His mouth opens. He looks flabbergasted and I laugh.

“You tricked me.”

“Oh please. Stop acting all


He laughs.

After fixing our clothes, he grabs me in a hug and k*sses

1. me. “That was really good by the way.”

“Glad you liked it.”

Men really are simple to

please. He seems to have

forgotten that he was upset

at all.

We head out going our

separate ways and I

immediately go to the bathroom to clean myself. After, I have lunch and

continue my training. In the

evening, after my training with Warrick, I get ready for

my dinner with Alpha

Oliver. He instructed me to

meet him out in the garden.

Before I can walk out, Colt

enters my room.

He sighs when he looks at

1. me.

I walk close to him and put my hand on his ch*ek.

“Baby, I am doing this for Warrick. Please don’t worry. I am all yours.”

“I know. I know this but…the

thought of him…just looking at you, wanting you, craving for you…it pisses me off.” He


“I know. Maybe…maybe I

should just end it.”

“No. Just get through tonight.” He says. He k*sses my head and leaves.

Taking in a deep breath, I

walk out and head down the

hall deciding to go see James before I go to Oliver.

I have passed by my mother’s painting many times but have always been too hectic to stop. The only time I was able to really get a

good look at it was when

Poppy showed it to me. So

now, I stop.

She looks so happy. It is a genuine smile, that much I

can tell. I don’t know why she really left but I feel like she was happy here still. Giving the painting a smile, I go on my way to James’s

room where I find him now

watching a bit of TV. I am glad he is doing something more than just staring out of

the window.

He tells me that he just wants

to distract himself which I

fully encourage.

I leave him with a hug and head down to the garden.

There is a small table with

dinner being served for two. I smile at Oliver as he lays

eyes on me.

“Evening, you are looking


I honestly barely tried but I did put on a dress. I have nothing against him but it just feels wrong. It feels wrong to do this to Colt and it feels wrong to do this to


Removing those thoughts, I

sit and smile.

“Thank you.”

“I saw a painting of your

mother. You look just like


“Yes. I have been told many

times and I agree.”

“Mh, beauty runs in your family.”

I really hate small talk. It is

so awkward.

“Do you have any family

here?” I ask him

“Sadly, no. Most of my relatives are gone and the

rest live across the sea.”

“So you are all alone

here—not counting your


He smiles. “Don’t feel bad for

1. me. To me, my pack is my family.”

He is really a sweet man but is he really a good guy? I can easily believe that he is but still… something inside nags at me. His presence screams trustworthy but I am not

sure I can really trust him.

We continue our small talk

while we start to eat but I can

tell that he has something on

his mind and without

thinking it too much, he


May I…inquire into



“Who is this man that is

constantly with you?”


He stares at me without

saying anything. Obviously, he knows I am just acting stupid.

“Uhm…well…Serge is my

bodyguard…Victor is my


“None of those.”

“C–Colt…I…I have been

training with him.”

I don’t have to explain who Colt is because he already

knows who he is but he

doesn’t know who he is to

1. me.

“Oh, I see.”

He believes it and it feels

wrong to lie like this.

“No. I’m sorry. That’s a lie.”

He looks at me a bit


“Colt is more than that. But

we can’t be together. My

father does not allow it.”

Obviously, I don’t tell him the complete truth but at

least it is some of it.

He falls silent but then nods.

“I see. It is understandable

why your father does not wish you to be with this

man. He is brother to the

man that has declared war

and also…wasn’t his brother your fated mate?”

I slowly nod.

“Mh…I agree with your

father. Not a good idea.”

Silently I stare at my food.

“There are better men out

there worthy of someone like you.” He puts a hand on

mine. “Give it a chance.”

I look down at our hands.

My eyes are captured by scars that come from under

the sleeves of his suit. I turn

my hand around, going over his hand and touching his


He doesn’t recoil, instead he

stares at the motion of my fingers.

“You did not have a good life either…did you?” I whisper.

There is a pause for a few

seconds. “My pack was taken over by another many years ago. And as I child, I was

beaten into submission.

Only recently I was able to escape and that is why I have

settled here.”

“I see…scars…we all have

scars that tell a story, our

struggles and what we

overcame. Battle scars…” I


“I have seen yours.” He says.

I smile. “Mine are visible to

everyone. There are so


“I like that you don’t hide

them.” Please check at N/ôvel(D)rama.Org.

“There is no need to hide

them. It shows how strong I

am and what I can

overcome. I don’t have an

ego but many have tried to

break me and failed. Even

my own father.”

He smiles. “Willfull.” He

seems intrigued by me but his eyes dart to our right where a sudden howl comes

from deep in the forest.

“Is that…one of us?” I ask

Oliver who looks very calm amidst my own panicking.

“A battle cry…they are here.”

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