Scarred Alphas

Chapter 53

Chapter 53

Chapter 53


“It’s real!” I shout with a hand

on my mouth.

“What happened?!” Colt asks desperately.

I take my hand off and see blood. I didn’t bite my

tongue off, but it still hurts.

“Why are you bleeding?!”

I turn to him and quickly cling to his shirt.

“Ezra!” I cry out.

“What?!” He pulls away holding me in place by my

arms. “What about Ezra?!”

“He was in my dream but it

wasn’t a dream.” I am

slurping as I talk because my

tongue hurts. “It was real.”

“Cass, how? It was just a


I shake my head. “No. It was

the witch.”

He stares at me, thinking it over. “Okay. Tell me what happened.” He takes his shirt

off and puts it on my mouth to help me stop the bleeding.

I can tell that he doesn’t

believe me but he is willing

to listen to me.

I tell him everything and once I am done, he takes my hand and looks at my finger

where even I can see a small

prick, just where Ezra stung me with the needle.

The wheels in his head turn

and he is quiet as he thinks.

“I…I want to dismiss this as

being nothing but I don’t

think I want to take that

chance.” He turns and looks

at his clock. “Five…” He

mutters, then turns to me.

“Once everyone wakes up,

let’s tell them about this.”

I nod. He lies me on his

chest where I rest but I do

not dare to fall asleep. Once morning seeps through the window, we get up and head straight to Warrick. He is in

his office with Poppy.

“What now?” Warrick asks

sounding weary of us.

Again I explain everything.

Like Colt, he seems a bit

skeptical but doesn’t

completely dismiss it.

“Mh…I have no idea what to

do here.” He looks at Colt.

“Bring in your siblings. Let’s see if they can tell us more

about this witch.”

A few minutes later Bryn,

Miles, and even Dash are

here but as many questions as we ask them, they still don’t know of have anything

new to add.

“Poppy, bring Lotus.”

Poppy looks a bit confused

but she nods. A few

moments later, Lotus walks

in with Poppy.”

“Love, we need a bit of your

knowledge here,” Warrick


Lotus looks frightened and

confused at the same time.

“What is this about?”


For the third time today, I explain again what

happened with my dreams.

“Is this truly possible?”

Warrick asks her.

“Yes. I told you witches and

their magic are real.”

“How…how do you know


“The reason for me knowing this is my own. But they are real. I have seen it.” She says.

“What do you suggest we do here then?” Warrick asks.

“We find a light witch.” She

says with no hesitation.

“Light witch?”

“Yes. There are dark witches

and light witches. In other

words, bad and good. And I

know of one…”

“I…have so many questions,” Poppy says. “Witches are


“They are rare but yes. Look

at it this way, we are real, aren’t we? Many other supernatural beings are too.”

“I get that but magic? Real magical witches?”

“Well I mean, they can’t really conjure fire from their hands or things like that. Not that I know of anyway.

Television tends to

exaggerate things. They

dabble in enchantment and

hexes. Stuff like that.”

“Okay, so what are we doing?” Colt asks.

“We will need to take a little

trip down to Ellsworth.”

“Ellsworth? What is that?” I


“A small town about two

hours from here.”


“Very well, go. Get ready

while I make the

preparations for your trip.”

Warrick says.

Suddenly, everything went fast. I can’t even process what

we did but here we are now

in a car on our way to a small unknown town. Well,

unknown to me.

Lotus and Poppy both came and they are the ones

leading this little mission. Dash, Miles, and Bryn also accompany us along with Serge who leads a team of bodyguards. And by

bodyguards, I mean a small army or warriors. Warrick did not take any chances.

It is a cloudy and rainy day.

We arrive at the town in the

early afternoon. It definitely

has a small–town charm with

those kinds of colonial old


We parked near a park and

now we follow Lotus.

I am intrigued by everything I see. I rarely ever leave the pack so just like when Colt took me to the city, I am amused by everything.

“Maybe we should get some ice cream later,” I whisper to Colt as we pass by an ice

cream cart. “And what is

that?” I point to a building displaying all sorts of sweets

and cakes.

“Looks like a bakery.”

“So many delicious–looking


I can hear Dash laugh

behind me. “My poor curls have been so deprived.”

“Don’t judge me!”

“Oh, I am not. It’s cute, to be


Colt slightly turns his head and gives him a warning look.

“Whoa there, buddy. She’s all

yours. I’m more like a best

friend or even brother.”

“Well I mean, if Colt was not

in the picture, I could have

dated you,” I mumble.

Both Colt and Dash gasps so

loud that I start to have a

laughing fit.

“You are going to sign my death sentence with that comment!” Dash says. “I mean…I still agree but you


Colt slowly turns his head again towards Dash but this time he has flaring eyes.

“Nope…” Dash mutters. He slows down his pace and

walks as far away from us as

he can.

“I can’t believe you,” Colt says

squinting his eyes at me


I give Colt a hug. “I’m playing with you. You are the only one for me and you

know it.”

Could I have dated Dash? To

be honest, he is a great guy

so I think I could have. But

all I want is Colt now. I’m happy with him.

He smiles looking satisfied and we continue following

Lotus and Poppy.

“Last I remember she had a

small shop near the town

square,” Lotus says. “This


A minute later, we stand in

front of a shoe store.

“It was here but that was

more than…twenty years ago.”

“More than twenty years!” Poppy shouts. “You could

have said that sooner. What

made you think that it would

still be here?”

Lotus sighs. “This witch was

born and raised here so I am

sure she is still around. We’re

just going to have to ask


“Uh…Well, might as well put

all these extra hands to use.”

Our small group looks back to where the army of pack

warriors follow. I am

exaggerating when I say army cause there are like twenty men. Hardly an army

but still a lot. Especially

when they are so noticeable compared to the normal

humans that walk around.

“Serge, have some of your

men ask around town.” Poppy orders.

Serge nods and quickly gives

the command.

“This might take a while. I

kind of want to explore a

little.” Miles says.

Bryn vigorously nods and

then she takes his arm and

whisks him away.

“I didn’t want to go with

you!” We hear him complain as they stride away.

“How about that ice cream?”

Colt asks me.

With a big smile, I nod.

Lotus, Poppy, and Dash join

us sitting on a bench and

eating our ice cream in the park.

While Dash and Colt struck

up a conversation, Poppy’s curiosity gets the best of her.

“Lotus, how did you meet

this witch?”

“That is my business.

“Then how can we trust this

woman? You bring us here but, we just learned about

witches or rather confirmed

that they really do exist. But

how can we trust her?”

“It should be enough that I

am telling you to.”

“You know that I am going to pester you with this till no end. So might as well tell us.”

Lotus looks at her with an Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

infuriated stare then takes a

deep breath. “I…I came to her in an act of desperation.”

Poppy and I sit quietly as Lotus starts to explain.

She looks around nervously as if she was thinking. “I…I

wanted to be a mother and

for some reason, no matter

how much I tried, I couldn’t.

I met Honora during my

time of most desperation

and grief. She gave me a simple tonic to heal my broken womb. A year later,

Victor was born.” She looks at

me and then looks down as if

she is hiding something or not telling the whole truth.

“I’m so sorry for pressing on

the matter. I had no idea.”

Poppy says.

“That is why I told you to leave it alone! But noooo!”

Poppy swats at her. “I’m

sorry, I’m sorry.”

They start to bicker as if they

were real sisters.

“Curls…don’t you want to explore a little?” Dash

suddenly whispers in my


Colt holds a hand out with a


I take it and leave the two

ladies talking while the boys

take me around town.

“Eww, why are these things always so creepy?” Dash asks

looking at a few old

porcelain dolls.

We are in an antique store

that caught my eye but now

I’m a bit spooked out with all these creepy dolls.

“I swear I saw that one


I almost jump out of my skin. “Dash! Shut up!”

“What?! I swear I saw it

move!” He says trying to hide

behind me.

“Don’t listen to him.” Colt

takes my hand and leads me


“Don’t leave me here alone!”

Dash sprints behind us.

As we come out, we

suddenly bump into Miles

and Bryn. They have a bag

full of stuff.

“What is all that?” Colt asks.

“Uh! You’ll see.” Miles rolls

his eyes.

We head back to the park where Bryn starts staking stuff out from the bag. A dry eraser board, a little bell, and

something that says “air


Bryn takes the dry eraser board and starts writing something. When she is

done, she turns it to us.



She takes the air horn and

pushes the tip. A loud horn sound comes out startling all

of us.

“That’s going to be

annoying,” Miles says.

Dash laughs “You should be

used to it by now. That’s

exactly how she sounds.”

Bryn throws the dry eraser at

Dash. He ducks just in time

before it flies over his head.

“We found her.” Serge

suddenly says walking back

to us. “She moved her shop

downtown near a lake


Lotus jumps out of the bench. “Great job! Let’s go.”

It isn’t hard to find the shop. Locals seem to know exactly

who we are talking about

when we ask for directions.

The shop is actually down a

road that winds down and

reaches the lake. We get out

of the car and from here we

can see the lake in the

distance down below.

“This is really a cute little

town,” I mutter feeling the

nice breeze.

Upon entering the shop, I

take it all in.

It is a cute little shop with

books, incense, herbs,

crystals, and tarot cards.

It doesn’t look spooky at all as I thought it was going to. when you hear about witches, you immediately think spooky stuff but in this case, it is completely untrue.

Honestly, it looks peaceful and it is quiet.

“How may I help

you…though I think I know

you.” She says looking at


“Yes, we met many years ago.”

“Ah. I knew I recognized you. How is your friend?” She

glances at us as if she was

looking for someone.

“We are here on an urgent matter,” Lotus says avoiding the woman’s question.

“Oh? How can I help you?”

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