Scarred Alphas

Chapter 33

Chapter 33

Chapter 33


“Mh…” I hear Colt’s voice and

it is soothing.

“Cass…baby…wake up.”

My eyes open and I am met by Colt’s beautiful green


“Mh…what is it?” I ask as I

close my eyes and nuzzle into his chest, feeling


“We have to get back. The

sun is coming up soon.”

My eyes open with a jolt. I

look up at the sky and he is right.


“Don’t panic. No one has

come looking for us so we

are fine.” He says this as he looks into my eyes and I give in to my urge to k*ss him.

He is taken by surprise but

soon k*sses me back. It is a

soft sweet k*ss that doesn’t

drag. It ends immediately.

I hug him again but then look up at him. “So much for playing it safe, huh?”

He sighs. “We really

shouldn’t have done this.”

I gasp. “You regret it?!”

“No! Not that. That was

perfect and wish we had

done it sooner. What I mean

is, it was risky to do it now

like this and also we

shouldn’t have stayed out.”

“I want to leave, Colt.” I get close to him as he puts his arms around me, making me

feel safe. “I want to leave. I

don’t like it here.”

“I know.” He whispers into

my ear as he caresses my

back. “I know, Angel. I wish I could just take you away. I wish I could save you from this. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

I nod, telling him that it is okay. “It’s not your fault,” I whisper.

He hugs me even tighter now and squeezes me.

After a bit more cuddling, we

head back to the house. As I

enter my room from the

balcony, nothing seems to be undisturbed. I do feel very

tired but I know I have to

take a shower. There was

some blood last night since it

was my first time but to be

honest, not as much as I


After my quick shower, I get into bed completely n*ked because I am too lazy and

tired to put anything on, and

within seconds, I am back asleep.

I wake up to Poppy’s voice and light coming from the window that she just opened.

“Rise and shine! You have a

lot to do today! New


“Uuuuugh! I’m so tired!” I


My b*dy also feels sore.

I know that staying out and having beautiful intimate relations with Colt was not

the smartest thing to do but I regret nothing.

I smile as I stare at the

ceiling remembering last

night. It was magical.

“Up! Up!” Poppy takes the

blankets away from me but I

quickly hold on to them.

“I’m n*ked! I-I was too hot last night!”

Literally. I think to myself

and smile.

She crosses her arms. “Well,

get in the shower already

then! You are going to be late

and Victor does not like


With a sigh, I get up and do

what she tells me to do. I

take another shower.

After I am ready, I meet with

Victor behind the house

where to the corner he has a

little sparing area set up.

“You are going to kick my

ass, aren’t you?” I ask as I walk up to him.

It is the first time I see him

smile but it is a quick smile.

“I am here to teach you, not hurt you.”

I smile feeling relieved.

“Come at me. Show me what

you can do.”

“Victor, there is nothing that I can do. I usually just jump

on someone and start

punching them. I scratch,

scream, and pull hair.”

“So…like a human…what do

they call this kind of

fighting?… A bitch fight?” He


I gasp but nod and laugh. “Yes! That’s exactly it!”

He smiles again but quickly goes back to his stoic self.

“Let’s start then.”

He starts teaching me how to throw a proper punch. That’s how bad I am, I can’t even give a good punch the right


Throughout our practice, he keeps mumbling that he has

his work cut out for him.

Though he seems a bit

irritated, he is much nicer

than I thought he was at the

beginning and I am not as

scared of him as I am of


When we take a little break, I

start asking him a few

questions that are on my


“So Lotus is your mom?” I

ask as we take a small break.

He nods.

“Is she Garret’s mom too?


“Oh? Who is Garret’s mom?”

“Why do you want to know

this?” he asks.

“Well, I am sure it is not

Sk–Jasmin, and Poppy

doesn’t have any kids.”

He sighs. “Her name was Lily. She was our father’s second bride. When Lily died, Poppy came into the


“So…he replaces them just like that? As if they were


“What do you want me to

say, Cass? I am here to teach

you how to fight, not to

gossip or tell stories.”

“Fine. I’m sorry.”

He takes in a deep breath. “Let’s just finish.”

I keep quiet and let him teach. When we are finally done, it is lunchtime. I clean

up and then head to the dining room where I sit to have my lunch.

I start thinking that I am going to have to get used to people staring at me because that is what they all do. It

makes me uncomfortable

since I am always used to

people ignoring me.

Suddenly, Colt walks in and

goes straight to Serge who

stands behind me.

I continue to eat and then

see Serge walk away.

“My turn to watch over you,” Colt whispers from behind

1. me.

I look at my plate and smile trying to act normal but the fluttering in my stomach tries to betray me.

Colt keeps it professional and stays back, watching me but it is hard for me to not

turn around and k*ss him.

I think about his hands

touching me last night. How

his lips k*ssed every inch of

my b*dy. I think about all

the sensations he made me


I suck in a deep breath.

My skin yearns for his touch again.

I look back, giving him a glance to which he seems just a bit surprised at first but

not so much the next four

times that I look back at him


I do try to concentrate on my food and when I am

done, I head out of the

dining room on my way to

the war room where Garret

waits for me.

“Tease…” Colt whispers as we walk through the halls.

I giggle.

I am suddenly pulled inside

one of the closets. I am not

scared but excited because I

know it is Colt.

When the door closes, he

pins me against the wall and

k*sses me.

“Mh…” I moan into the k*ss.

“I can’t do it,” he says. “I can’t

resist you and those stares

you give me. Not now that I

know how you feel inside.”


“Yeah, how my cock feels

inside of you. He’s in love with your pussy.”

I laugh, almost ruining the moment which makes him laugh too.

He k*sses me and then pulls back enough to whisper. “I want you, baby.”

“Then take me.” My voice

breaks and comes out needy.

“This is really risking it.” He

complains but as he says this, he still unzips my pants.

“Let’s be quiet,” I say.

“Even then, we can still get

caught.” He now turns me

around, sliding my pants Nôvel/Dr(a)ma.Org - Content owner.

down and bending me

slightly against the wall.

“That doesn’t seem to be

stopping you,” I whisper.

He gets close to my ear and whispers even lower now. “As much as I want to hear you

scream, this time be quiet for me, baby.”

“I’ll do my best,” I whisper as I lift my hips and start

rubbing against his pants.

He moans as I feel the hardness inside his pants

and it excites me.

He pulls back and I hear him unzipping his pants. Then I feel the head of his cock rub

against my slit.

I bite my lip trying to keep

the moan inside but I hear him grunt louder than he


“Hey!” I whisper.

He chuckles. “Sorry. You just

feel too good.” As he says this, he plunges inside of me

and now we both moan.

I quickly put a hand on my mouth to quiet myself.

Unable to stop our sounds, we keep it as low as we can.

He does short thrusts so as to

not make too much noise. At first slow but then speeds up. I hold myself against the wall and he holds my hips, moving them to meet his in

blissful pleasure.

Abruptly, he stops and puts a hand on my mouth. Before I

can argue, I hear people walking by us, talking.

I close my eyes trying to dissipate the urge to move on his cock. My b*dy wants him to keep moving.

When the people are out of earshot, he pummels into

1. me. I am unable to keep myself from moaning

anymore so he puts his hand on my mouth again trying to muffle my sounds but he does not stop thrusting. In

fact, he speeds up even

more. I am sure it excites


As I am about to come, I

hold his hand tight and move my hips on him until my insides contract and pure bliss rushes through my b*dy. My knees want to buckle and I am left feeling weak but he holds me tight

now with his arms around

me in a hug as he continues to thrust and keep me on my feet. He slows down and his

movements become harder

and more precise as he also

starts to grunt in my ear until I feel him pulsing

inside of me. He gives a quiet moan and stops moving,

holding me tightly.

For almost a minute, we both are quiet still attached to each other as we take deep

breaths trying to calm down.

“We were reckless, weren’t

we?” I whisper.

“Very reckless,” he whispers


I look back at him with a

smile. “But worth it.”

He smiles. “Definitely.”

We fix our clothes and clean

ourselves to the best of our

abilities in this small closet.

Colt then opens the door

and checks outside.

“It’s clear.” He says and we

both come out but not

before he gives me a quick


“Let’s go back to your room and get cleaned up,” Colt


“We can’t. I am already late.” I sprint through the halls ignoring his complaints as he tries to keep up with me

until I make it to the door.


“We should have been here

ten minutes ago, Colt.” I open the door before he can say anything else and I walk in. I am still giddy, however, that quickly goes away when Garret lays his eyes on me.

“You are late.” He says.

And he is not alone, some of the generals are here as well.

“S–sorry.” It’s all I say because I have no excuse to give.

“Stay quiet and just listen.” He says and then ignores me and goes back to talking. He stands in front of a big table

with a map in the middle

moving small pieces of what

look like miniature armies.

I have no idea what is going on but I do my best to try to

understand while Colt stands

behind me.

I believe they are starting to

talk about some skirmishes

but I am not sure if these are

made–up scenarios or real. However, Garret suddenly has my full attention when suddenly he mentions Alpha

Oliver Vald.

“If our alliance stands, we

could use his pack as a

distraction.” One of the

generals says.

“That’s a way to lose an ally real fast. We have to play our cards right plus, we have to

be careful. They are very

secretive and that bothers

me.” Garret says.

“You think they are hiding


“They might just be.”

That is where that

conversation ends and so

does my lever of attention

though I do try.

After two damn hours of

standing there feeling lost, it

finally ends.

Garret turns to me looking pissed as everyone leaves.

“You smell like s*x.” He says

and my heart sinks, not to

my stomach but to my ass. I am petrified as he now looks

at Colt. “And so does he. I

don’t care what you two are doing, just don’t waste my

damn time.” He starts to walk

away but then turns. “And by

the way, if I can smell it,

others will too.”

I am sure all the color drains

from my face.

“I tried to tell you,” Colt says.

I take in a deep breath finally feeling like I am alive again.

“Sorry. I f**ked up.

“It’s okay.” He says looking

towards the door where

Garret left. “He doesn’t seem interested to tell anyone.

Let’s just go get clean fast before we meet anyone else.”

He is so calm about this but I

am so scared.

I nod. “Okay. It’s fine.” I say. “But if he does say anything, I have the perfect plan.”

“Oh? And what is that?” he

asks with intrigue.

“I’ll just tell them that I made you. You have to do anything I tell you, right? So I made you do it.”

He looks at me with a face

that tells me that he doesn’t

know if I am joking or being


“You? You made me?!” He

starts laughing without any


“It’s not that funny!” I shout

at him.

“Oh, it’s hilarious!”

“Shut up! That’s my plan.” I

stick my tongue out at him and start walking.

He laughs the whole way to

my room.

When he finally stops, we get cleaned up and get ready for

the next class…with my dad.

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