Scarred Alphas

Chapter 29

Chapter 29

Chapter 29

“Maybe…this IS love.”

Colt’s eyes feel like they pierce through my soul. He leans in, his warm lips

touching mine. It is a tender

sweet soft k*ss that ends too


He pulls back and hugs me.

“You are…the bravest person I know, you know that?” He whispers.

I laugh. “I am scared shitless, Colt. I am just trying to do

what you told me and keep


“Well, you are doing a good job.”

I pull back and look up at

him. He caresses my arms as

he stares back.

“I am the daughter of your enemy. Do you still want me even when you know this?”

He smiles. “I have known


since we were children.

You are not like him. You

showed me this when we

were imprisoned together. I

see you.”

I lean my head on his chest

and hug him. He hugs me back and k*sses my head. “I

will keep you safe and I will get us out of this.”



“I can only assume that this

was all for show. Things are

worse in this pack, aren’t they?”

He stays quiet for a few

seconds. “This is how this

side of the pack lives. Those who originally belong to the pack are treated as pack

members but those who

don’t…those who were

prisoners once and were forced to become part of the pack…they are the ones that suffer. But you will see all of this eventually. I’ve only

been a general for three

years. The first six I spent on the other side of this place. The reforming camp.”

“It’s really bad, isn’t it?”


“How long do you think we

will have to stay here?”

“I’m not going to lie here, getting out of here will not

be easy. Especially because you probably will not be allowed to leave at all or to

be on your own.”

I look down feeling disappointed. “Will it even be possible?”

“Cass, whatever happens, I am not leaving you. I will

stay with you until we both

can leave.”

I don’t doubt him at all.

“Colt… would you sleep with


“Angel, Someone could come


“Then just for a little while. I

don’t think I’ll be able to

sleep tonight.”

He k*sses my head and nods. “Okay. Just for a little while.”

He takes the suit jacket off and lies with me on the huge bed, holding me.

“Hey…who was that woman

that greeted you when we arrived?” I ask him,



I hear him taking a breath. “A


“Friend? You mean lover?”

“No. Friend. I was never

intimate with her in that

way. She is someone I could

talk to at times and I care

about her but I never took it

to that level. Just a friend.

However…I know of her

feelings for me. Feelings I do

not share.”

“She tried to k*ss you.”

“And I pulled away.” He says as a matter of fact. “I can

only assume she did that out

of shock and excitement to

see me again.” Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.


He squeezes me. “You are the

one I want.”

I smile and close my eyes.

This man came into my life

out of nowhere and

completely turned it upside

down. But even with

everything that is

happening, I choose to keep him in my life. I want to believe that he truly does

care about me.

I am surprised that it feels so peaceful and immediately,

my eyes close and I drift off to sleep.

When I wake up, I am alone. Dawn light slips through the window. With a sigh, I feel the empty bed where he lay last night.

“Could this really be love?” I mutter. “So soon and easy?”

Someone suddenly knocks

on the door but before I can

respond, Poppy walks in.

“Time to wake up. We have a lot to do today.” She


After getting ready–and this

time I dress more casually, jeans and a T–shirt–we head for breakfast. In the dining

room this time it is not just the generals but their

families who are also here

having breakfast. It is a bit

intimidating having to walk

in a full room like this.

Poppy walks up to

Lotus–Warrick’s other bride

who I met yesterday. Poppy sits next to her and pats the

other chair next to her that is

empty looking at me.

I sit and soon after, breakfast is brought to me. I don’t see

Warrick anywhere or Colt.

“How was your first night?”

Lotus asks with eagerness.

She stares at me with a


I think on the questions.

With Colt’s arms around me,

I slept like a baby.

“Uhm…it was good,” I reply.

“Good…” Lotus continues to

stare at me but now her

smile seems strained. “To

think…that you ended up

back here…”

Poppy looks at her. “Lotus…

“I am just saying…it’s a…shame…”

“Lotus, not now,” Poppy

warns her.

“Dahlia risked her life and

even died trying to get her

away from here but here she


“Lotus!” Poppy whispers

angrily and holds her hand, stopping her from



My attention is taken by the girl who tried to k*ss Colt

when we arrived. She walks

in and takes a seat at the end

of the table.

A brown hair girl with dark


“Who is that?” I ask Poppy

since Colt barely gave me

anything last night when I

asked him about her.

“That’s Julia. Rodrick’s

youngest daughter.”

“The general old man with a


She nods.

Suddenly, right in front of

us, Skye sits.

She crosses her arms as she

stares at Poppy and Lotus,

and then her eyes land on

1. me.

“Good morning…Casseopea.”

She says but in no way does that sound genuine.

“Morning,” I say.

“It is nice to see you again.”

She softly mutters.

With the way she says it, I

doubt that she actually

means it.

The whole time she is here,

she is mean to the servers

and people around her. She

has gotten worse than I

remember her to be. Seems

very entitled.

When I am almost done with

my food, Colt walks in

through the doors. My heart wants to start jumping out of

excitement when I see him.

He looks so handsome

dressed so sharply in a blue suit. He sees me and quickly looks away. He then sits a few chairs away facing me but he

does not look at me once.

When Skye sees him, she

just rolls her eyes and goes

back to her food.

If I am honest, it is kind of

weird for me to see them like

this. Like they were strangers

which I can see that now

they are.

I watch as Julia takes her tray of food and slides next to



get what he told me but it still makes my blood boil.

“Come. Alpha Warrick has instructed me to bring you

to his office after breakfast.”

Poppy says and with that my demeanor changes. Now my nerves have rattled again. The last thing I want to see is

him especially this early.

I get up as she does, leaving our trays on the table. A server quickly scurries over and takes the dishes away.

I give Colt one last

look–which he does not

return—before walking out

and following Poopy

through the hall.

We approach a door and she opens it for me.

Immediately we see Victor

and Garret inside but no one

else is there. The desk in the

middle of the room is


“Wait here,” Poppy says.

I slowly walk in and she

closes the door behind me. I

start to feel like I am


Both guys stare at me and

the silence stretches until

Garret moves closer.

“So you are our sister…” he says and looks me up and

down. I can see a bit of

distaste in his expression.

“Yes,” I say trying not to

sound doubtful.

“And you have the gift.” He now starts slowly walking

around me as if he was

examining me.

“So it seems.”

“You are not sure then?” he


I shrug my shoulders.

“Dad tested her. She has it.”

Victor says.

“He tested me?” I ask.

“Yes, when he asked you to kill Alexis. He used his power on you. You refused. The power only works on those who do not have the power.

Garret and I couldn’t resist a

command like that.‘

“Maybe it was a trick. Maybe she is a phony trying to infiltrate the pack. You can

see it, she is not sure.”

I feel like these accusations

could be dangerous for me and he is getting on my last

nerve now.

“I am sure that I killed a

man, his heart stopped just

because I wanted him to die.

I have no control over this

power but it seems that my emotions…or anger, trigger it. Care to test it?”

I look straight into his eyes and he immediately looks away, purposely avoiding

eye contact.

Suddenly the door opens

and Warrick walks in.

“Good. You are all here.” He

walks around us and sits on

the edge of his desk in front

of us.

“All of my children together at last.” He gives a quick point at Victor. “Victor here will be teaching you how to fight. How to properly

defend yourself.” He looks at

Garret. “From Garret, you

will learn war.”

Warrick does not waste any



“He is an excellent strategist.

You will convene in the war

room for counseling. Garret leads those meetings when I

am not there. I don’t want you to talk, just listen and

take it all in. Learn from

your brothers. You might be the one taking over one day

but they are the ones who

know more about this world

than you do.”

“So we are teachers now?”

Garret asks and he doesn’t

sound happy at all.

Warrick crosses his arms and

gives him a look. “I’ll make it clear just this once, son…she is all that matters now. My legacy lives through her. So I expect everyone to give their life for the cause, even you


I hate that he says this. It sounds so wrong. How can he say this to his sons who have grown up with him? How can he be so cruel

towards them?

“Is that understood?” he asks.

“Yes, Alpha.” they both say.

He walks closer and even

though I want to back away, I don’t. He suddenly moves my hair toward my back and gently places a hand on my

n*ck. I do not find this s*xual

in any way, he just seems


“Not mated…” he mutters.

“Good.” He turns around.

“Nothing to distract you.”

I beg to differ on that. Colt is a huge distraction because all

I do is think about him.

Oh my gosh! What happens if he finds out who my mate

is? Will I be in trouble? But

then again, there is no way

he can find out. I am sure of


A knock suddenly comes on

the door.

“Enter,” Warrick says with


Serge walks in with Colt behind him and my heart jumps.

I am surprised at how much this is happening with him. Maybe he is right. Maybe…it

is love.

“Serge, Alexis, good. Listen

1. up. You both will be my daughter’s personal

b*dyguards from now on.

I could cheer right now from the happiness that I get to

see Colt more now but

obviously, I don’t.

“While in the pack, you will

be scheduled to a rotation

but if ever outside of the

pack, you both will perform

your guarding duties

together. Should something ever happen to her, it will be your heads.”

He almost seems like an

overprotective parent but I know it is not out of fatherly

love. He only cares about this power of mine. If I didn’t

have it, I am sure he’d had

me sweeping the mud outside or something like


Warrick waves a hand at

them. “Figure out your schedules.”

Both Serge and Colt give a

bow and walk back out.

“Now if you all would excuse me, I have my morning destressing routine to do.”

Warrick walks out leaving us

there in brutal silence until I

get the courage to speak.

“Uhm…I am sorry…what he said to you both was cruel…”

I say.

Both Victor and Garret look


“He is a cruel man. We don’t

expect anything less.” Victor


“And you are too soft for this. You are going to have to grow a pair if you want to

survive here.” Garret says as

he walks out.

I am about to walk out too

but I feel a bit paralyzed

when I feel Victor staring at

1. me.

“…What?” I ask.

He shakes his head.

“You…took away my

position. I was angry at first

but now…I don’t think I

really care that much about it anymore…and I feel sorry for you.”

“S–sorry for me? Why?”

“You’ll see. Father expects great things from you. He

can be a cruel man and not

even his children are

immune to his wrath so…I

wish you luck.” He says now also walking away.

I don’t know how to take

that. He really does not seem to be angry and neither is he


Poppy pops her head in. “Done? Time to see your


My…home…is that what this

is now?

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