Runaway Alpha

Chapter 64

‘What do you mean? Fidel?’

Handing me over a book that was in his hands, I was surprised when that book looks similar to the one I saw which makes me have the idea in creating a mana circle.

Why does the material looks as if they were created from the same materials…

Don’t tell me… he is also the reason why I had an encounter with Cavian?

‘Read this and you will know what I am pertaining to, young master’

And so, things started to get complicated. The flow of time passing by makes my idea about how this words work.NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

To my surprise I am but the child of the moon goddess, the youngest which makes me become the minor moon.

Atdhe Vana is the one who was next in line with the title of the moon goddess. The heir…

That makes me achelois be the reason why Lhana- no, I mean.. Aylin be in a state as that…

‘Here is your tea, young master’

Fidel bow his head as he gave me his courtesy. After all this time, I still can’t believe about the things that happened. For me… Everything seems to be so mysterious. Everything are connected to the point that even I would doubt it.

But to my luck, things never happened the way he planned it to be.


I was surprised when someone tap my shoulder.

It was Emma who was with Rico.

“Brother… father and mother is calling for you”

They stated as I look back at them waiting for their response. Even now, they were surprised on how this scar of mine vanished in just a blink of an eye. Even I find it… questionable.

“Alright, let’s head there”

I mumbled smiling as I hold the two on their shoulders. Who would have thought that the two of them would grew up so fast. It was like a moment ago when the two of the are just tiny…

Hah, no matter how I look at it, those year i have wasted… Does it really hold great importance?

We are now in the dining area near our kitchen. The foods was presented as they look as if they were just waiting for me and my siblings to arrive.

Just how long did I stand on the roof? Bet my mom felt defeated after not making me get out of there when she talked to me in there.

“What are your plans now… Emrick?”

My father asked. He was still the same fearsome father we ever had but unlike the last time i saw him defending me to the elders… He did gain some years of his life.

I would rather stay quiet than let him hear my thoughts for I know that it would eventually end up with us having a sparring and combat.

“I still don’t know. I was a bit surprised about everything”

They left silent as I feel like they were calculating the words that they were about to say. Maybe they still feel distant towards me. Well, I can’t probably deny the fact that I was unconscious for such a long time.

Many things did happen and many things… will eventualy happen in the future.

With that future being said, that too also means that the oracle that the elders recieved will eventually do come true.

“Your… marriage with Lhana is yet to come. I do think that you are aware of it.”

Just as I thought, they will bring this thing up no matter what. Even so, I never thought that they will say it at this very moment. What a great pile of surprises we had.

I am still lucky tho, to not die die to shock is a great thing. But then who knows how long will this thing last.

“Are they still planning to continue it despie of the circumstance?”

“That was an oracle. There is no way they can just let it be. There is no other way than do just as what the oracled had said”

“But isn’t it unfair?”

They didn’t respond for a moment. Even my mother halted in her cutting the slice of her food. The light was dim and the surrounding was silent. There was a small light you can see on the corner of the room where some furnitures are placed.

Even emma and rico said nothing for they too are waiting for the response that our father will state.

“Truly, that was unfair…”

He stated. I never once thought that he would agree in my statement. After all, among the fiv eof us he was the one having much faith to the goddess of the moon. But remembering how my father defended me the moment the elders tried to make something that would hurt me, I can say that what he had said is something that isn’t impossible.

“Everyone do have their own freedom. But being caught in that oracle that holds nothing but a mere sight of a illusion that they saw in their dream saying that it was an oracle that was passed to them by the goddess, forgive me if my faith is not that great”

It was the first time my father open up for us. He never say his intentions nor his feelings. He was always having that kind of face saying that things will eventually work out just fine s we could just relax and everything will be alright.

He is a type of person who will keep his idea all by himself.

I can saw how my mother smile as he look at him and then look back in her plate as if nothing happened. Even my two younger siblings do have a small smile on their lips. It was truly… surprising.

“About your marriage with Lhana… she is fine with me. She is kind and a wonderful perso. If it is her, I think she can handle your weirdness”

‘”Mom, when did you ever thought that your son is weird?”

I questioned her statement as I didn’t expect that.

“Since the day you was born dear…”

I can hear how my siblings giggled as they tried to tease me.

“But kidding aside… me and your father talked about something”

I look at my father who was being silent for a short while.

He clear his troat as he started to speak the words that somehow made me happy and delighted for some reason.

“Emrick… the world is truly evil but whatever happens… whatever plans you wanna take, be sure to remember that there is a family that will support you no matter what option you take”

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