Royalty Gone Bad

Chapter 96: 96. At Last

Chapter 96: 96. At Last

is not edited)


Writer’s POV:

Saturday at last! The last and final day of the royal wedding! The guests were on time and everyone

was in front of their TVs again.

It was one in the afternoon and the atmosphere was full of excitement and happiness. Everyone was

present. Asahd’s exes were back to see if it was really going to happen, most hoping he would change

his mind at the last minute. Sorry for them.


Soon enough, the ceremony started.


As usual, the Prince made his appearance first. The people clapped, cheered and all admired him. He

was handsome in a black sherwani with golden embroidery to match his turban and shoes. He looked


The first part of the ceremony was taking place in the gardens, where everyone could see them. A

stage had been built and two beautiful chairs had been placed at the top for both of them.

Asahd took his seat and waited patiently. He was as handsome, elegant and charismatic as always.

Some time after, his wife joined him. Accompanied by her happy father and aunt. She had a beautiful

black dress on with golden embroidery on it, matching her scarf and heels. Saïda was so beautiful that

those who were jealous of her wanted to disappear.

Everything on her was perfect. Her hair, her make up, her jewels... Everything.

′Nothing but a few hours left...′

Asahd thought with a smile, standing and coming down the stage to welcome his sweetheart.

Saïda smiled back and grabbed the hand he’d stretched out. They stared into each other’s eyes and

Asahd lowered his head to kiss her forehead and then cheek. This caused whistles and some cheers

from the crowd, Asahd’s parents being amongst the happy cheerers.

“My wife is the prettiest. The most beautiful woman.” he muttered, caressing her cheek and caring less

that everyone watched their every move.

“And my husband is the most handsome man alive.” she replied with a little giggle. He smirked and she


The guests watched them get on the stage, hand in hand, and sit. The ceremony began.

The Neggafates (The wedding organisers, makeup artists, hair dressers, stylists etc.), surrounded the

stage where the couple sat.

The imam was present again and started by reading some verses of the Qur’an. Everyone listened

carefully till it over.

Next up, praises were sang.

This first part of the ceremony lasted for up to thirty minutes.


When done, all the guests left the gardens and went to the main and very big hall where they gathered

and waited for the newly wedded. They sat at their tables.

The couple had gone to change their outfits as throughout that day, they would be changing their outfits

till it was evening and time for the soirée, where they would wear their last outfit.


Asahd wore a long, designed coat, with a golden shirt on the inside that matched his shoes. His

trousers were white. He looked so good in every single thing he wore.

He was led by his men and some Neggafates, into one of the corridors that led into the main hall.

There, he waited for his bride as they were going to make an entrance together.


In her beautiful white dress and veil, Saïda was accompanied by the other Neggafates and her maids,

into a room where her Amariya was awaiting. Four of the guards were waiting there too. The special

chair was so beautiful that it gave her goosebumps. It was her day and she was sure never to forget it.

With her aunt’s help, and that of her maids, Saïda was made to sit in the Amariya. Immediately she

was well seated, the four guards carried the special chair on the shoulders. The bride was now in the

air and was as beautiful as ever.

“Are you ready?” her aunt asked with a bright smile.

“Yes I am.” Saïda took a deep breath. Her jawbones were already hurting from smiling so much. And

she wasn’t the only one with that problem.

“Let’s get you to your man, then.” her aunt replied and they chuckled.

Soon, they left the room and headed for the corridor where the Prince and his men were waiting for


Asahd’s POV:

I waited patiently, my heart racy like it’d been for the past weeks and days. Finally. I was going to sign

the damn paper and make her officially mine. There was no one as excited as I was at the moment.

′I don’t think even Saïda is as excited as I am.′

I thought with a smile.

′Calling her my wife. Pinch me, I’m dreaming.′

“Wow.” my friends said in a chorus and I snapped out, looking at them.

“That’s your sweetheart, coming.” Amir smile and pointed.

I turned so fast that I almost hurt my neck.

When I saw her. My heart stopped beating for a second or so. I froze and goosebumps covered my

skin as I watched the guards carry Saïda towards me. She was looking down at me and seemed so

unreal in her white dress. It hard some gold designs at its front to match my outfit.

′If she looks this amazing right now, then what would she look like in her main wedding gown? Will I


She hadn’t even worn her main wedding dress and yet, I was already having an asthma attack? A mini

heat attack as well.

′Gosh, I’m marrying this Angel.′

When they got closer, I looked up at her in the chair.

“I don’t deserve you.” I muttered and she blushed, smiling shyly. “I’ve said it about a thousand times

between this week and the last, but I’ll keep saying it till death do us apart... You are beautiful. In every

way, my love.”

She reddened even more and our friends cooed.

“Thank you, my love.” she said shyly, avoiding my eyes a little because her aunt was watching us with

a big smile on.

“Anything for you.”

Just then, the chief guard came along.

“Are you ready, my Prince?” he asked.

“Yes we are.” I replied and faced my front

We waited for him to go announce our entrance, and when he did, the doors were opened and we

entered the hall.

Writer’s POV: Content is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

The guests stood immediately the Prince entered. Right behind him, carried by four men, was his wife.

Djafar’s eyes immediately watered from where he stood. Same with the Queen and her husband.

They were so beautiful together and looked very happy.

There were endless cheers and applause from the guests that were in awe.


As per their tradition, the Prince walked about the room, his wife behind him, greeting the guests. He

went from table to table and welcomed the people, Saïda doing same from up there.

Of course there were a lot of tables but Asahd visited them all. He would welcome them quickly and go

to the next.

The process took some time but it finally ended.

After that, the couple joined their family at the Royal table to eat a little. Nothing heavy. The dishes

served to them and the guests were light. Just the opening dishes as they would eat to their

satisfaction during the soiree.


Before the guests finished eating, the couple was led out of the hall to go change into their main outfits.

The mayor had arrived with the papers and it was about time they officially got married!

The servants took all dishes away while the guests sipped their drinks, while waiting for the husband

and wife.

The mayor was already seated behind a long table, with the papers ready.


“Finally, honey. I’m so happy.” the Queen said with tears in her eyes, hugging her only child.

“Thank you, mother.” Asahd hugged her tight and then turned and hugged his father too.

Both his parents had tears in their eyes to see their son in love and getting married. What they’d hoped

for, was happening. Earlier than they’d ever thought.

“How do I look?” he asked, turning on himself.

“Handsome. Very handsome.” they both replied proudly. He smiled, getting all emotional and hugging

them again.


There were gasps of admiration when the Prince reappeared, walking down the middle path with his

parents at his sides. He was in sparkly white. From head to toe. A shiny and very attractive groom. His

white was pure and made him look like he’d walked straight out of someone’s sweet dream. Saïda’s

sweet dream. Prince charming himself.

He went and stood in front of the mayor’s table. His three friends behind him as his best men. Landry

was his witness and ring man.

They all waited patiently for the bride to be. They stared at the closed doors and waited.


“How am I, father?” Saïda asked with watery eyes and a smile.

Goosebumps had covered her father’s skin and some tears were already rolling down his cheeks.

There she was. His beautiful daughter. She was getting married. At last. Soon to be the next Queen.

Djafar found it hard to realise that so much was happening all at once.

“You are stunning, my sweet darling. As beautiful as your mother.” Djafar wiped his eyes and his

daughter immediately rushed into his arms, trying hard not to sob too and ruin her makeup.

He hugged her back, tight.

“Are you ready? Asahd is waiting.” he smiled at her.

“Yes I am.” she smiled back.

He kissed her forehead and gave her his arm, which she happily took.

“Your mother would be so proud of you.”


Everyone stood immediately the main doors were opened, struggling to see the bride. They weren’t

disappointed when she appeared.

Sharp gasps and excited fidgeting could be heard when Djafar appeared with Saïda by him. Jaws

dropped and breaths hitched. She was gorgeous! Everything about her was stunning! Her gown was

breathtaking! It was just as white as her husband’s outfit. Saïda looked like a fairytale princess in that

big and beautiful wedding gown. It matched so well with her husband’s attire.

Most people had turned to stare at the Prince, seconds after they’d seen Saïda, to see his reaction.

Asahd had frozen from the moment she walked through that door. The Prince’s mouth dropped open

and his eyes had widened.

“Yalah...” he gasped breathlessly, covering his mouth with both hands in sweet shock. Goosebumps

covered his skin and his chest hurt, but in a sweet way, given the fact that he was having another mini

heart attack. The room seemed to be spinning.

“Breathe, buddy.” his friends said with smiles from behind him, patting his back and shoulders. They

too were in total awe at Saïda and had guessed that Asahd was probably going to pass out or


Saïda smiled through her veil as her father slowly led her down the red carpet.

Many awed and clapped when they realised that Asahd now had watery eyes and still had his hands

joined and pressed against his lips. His heart was beating so fast.

′Pinch me I’m dreaming.′

He shut his eyes tight and took a deep breath. A tear rolled down his cheek and the guests applauded

and cheered loudly. Saïda’s eyes were very watery and when she blinked once, the tears rolled down.

Asahd opened his eyes when they got closer. He immediately went to his wife and gave her his arm.

She happily took it and he led her to the table.

They stood and faced each other, smiling happily. Saïda immediately reached out and wiped his tear.

So many were already very emotional.

With his hands a little shaky, the Prince raised her veil and over her head.

“You look so beautiful. Amazing. I love you.” he whispered and kissed her forehead.

“I love you too.” she smiled sweetly at him, wiping her tears carefully.

Then, they turned to the mayor. Her maids stood behind her.

The mayor stood and began.

“People of Zagreh, we are here to witness the very last and legal union of our Prince and his bride.”

There were cheers.

“Prince Asahd.” he said.


“Are you willing to pursue this marriage? Do you swear that you weren’t forced into it or marrying this

young woman against your own will?”

“I swear. I am willing to pursue our union.” Asahd replied.

There were loud cheers.

“Saïda Khalid.” the mayor turned to her.


“Do you swear that you are willing to legalise this union? And that no one has forced you to do so,

against your own will.”

“I swear.” Saïda replied, smiling at her man.

More cheers.

“Fathers, please step forward.”

The sultan and Djafar did as told.

“Do sign that you are in total accord with this marriage.”

They were given the paper and the sultan signed first, followed by Djafar. The guests clapped and they

returned to their seats.

“Prince Asahd Usaïd.” the mayor said with a smile “Do you take, Saïda Khalid, as your beloved wife?”

There were loud whistles and coos.

Asahd stared into Saïda’s eyes, more in love than ever.

“I do. With all my heart.”

Cheers! Applause! So loud that it made the couple chuckle.

“Saïda Khalid.” he turned to her, “Do you take, Prince Asahd Usaïd, as your beloved husband? And

promise to cherish and love him sincerely?”

“I do, I do, I do!” Saïda exclaimed with a happy giggle and the crowd laughed and cheered happily!

“Now the rings.”

Landry stepped forward and gave Asahd a ring, while Aisha gave Saïda one too.

“Say your vows, if you have any.”

Asahd smiled warmly at the love of his life and took her hand in his.

“I do have vows.” he looked her in the eyes, “Saïda Khalid, soon to be Usaïd.”

He started with a smirk and everyone laughed and clapped a little. Saïda giggled and blushed.

“I promise to love and cherish you forever. To be with you at all times, through the good and rough

times. I promise to protect you, to keep you happy at all times and to put your every need before mine.

You mean the world to me and all I wish is for us to grow old in love. To love and be each other’s

halves until death do us apart. I promise to love you sincerely, to be faithful and never to fail you. You

are my world, darling. I love you.”

Goosebumps covered her skin and everyone watched in awe as he slid the expensive ring on her


The guests applauded happily.

“Now yours, Saïda. If you have any.” the mayor said.

With watery eyes, Saïda stared and smiled at Asahd.

“I already love you to death, Asahd.”

Her first sentence was enough to leave everyone in awe.

“I promise to love and cherish you with all my heart, which I already do. I promise to stick by your side

at all times. To protect you and brave whatever storm that comes our way, at your side. I promise to

make you happy and give you the most beautiful children, when the time comes.”

Coos and awes. Asahd smiled warmly at her.

“I promise to be faithful. To love you and only you, till death do us apart. I love you.” she ended with a

bright smile and watery eyes.

Slowly, she put a ring on his finger too. A lot were already in tears. The Queen most especially.

They were applauded again.

“Witnesses, please.” the mayor said.

Landry stepped forward and signed as Asahd’s witness. Ahmed stepped forward too and signed as his

sister’s witness.

“The bride...” the pen was given to Saïda who bended a little to sign. Asahd happily watched her do so.

She then stood straight and smiling, she gave him the pen.

“The groom.”

Asahd took the pen and bended over to sign, Saïda holding him with her arm over his shoulders.

When he dropped the pen and stood straight, many took deep breaths and waited for the mayor to

speak again.

“I legally and officially pronounce you,” he raised his arms happily, “...husband and wife!”

The uproar was like no other! It was across the entire sultanate as people in their homes cheered out

loud too.

“Yes!” both Saïda and Asahd exclaimed through the happy noise!

Unable to resist, the Prince held her face and kissed her! The crowd went wild and numerous horns

were immediately blown.

“I give to you!” the chief guard started, to everyone’s hearing “Asahd and Saïda Usaïd! Prince and

princess of Zagreh!”

Loud cheers! The drums were immediately played, as well as the music.

The married couple laughed happily, staring into each other’s eyes with their foreheads touching.

“Finally!” both said happily, over the noise.

They were now husband and wife!


After that, the newly wed went to the gardens where the guests took turns to take pictures with them.

So many pictures were taken and there was joy in the air!


After pictures, the prince and princess entered one of the royal cars and were driven out of the palace.

They drove through the streets of Zagreh, greeting the people that stood by the roadsides and happily

cheered them. It was such a happy day for all of them.


At the end of it all, husband and wife returned to the palace to prepare for the soirée.

The soirée was a hot one. The newly wed had made their appearances in their last matching outfits,

that night.

There was a lot of eating, drinking and partying that night, in honor of the newly married Prince and


The most exotic dishes were prepared, as well as the traditional ones. Everyone ate and danced to

their satisfaction.

At a point, Ravi presented the wedding cake that left the newly wed in awe, as well as their guests. It

was even more beautiful! And delicious too! Everything was perfect.


The party was going to last till five AM and the guests did plan on staying there till that time.

However, by midnight, the husband and wife were accompanied by their family to the car outside,

waiting to drive them to the most expensive and luxurious hotel in Zagreh. That was where they would

be spending their nuptial and special night, undisturbed.

They hugged their parents and friends one more time.

“Goodnight my darlings. See you tomorrow.” the Queen waved at them as they entered their car.

The driver started the engine and they drove off.

“At last.” Asahd held Saïda’s hand, smiling at her.

“At last indeed.” she bit her lip shyly, her cheeks pink.


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