Royalty Gone Bad

Chapter 72: 72. Trust & Heartbeats

Chapter 72: 72. Trust & Heartbeats


Writer’s POV:

Saïda left Noure’s presence, irritated once again. Even though she tried every single time to be with

him, the way she used too, it’d become so hard. Ever since she’d tasted something different. A different

man. Asahd.


She returned to the palace at around five that evening.

Asahd’s POV:

I was in the library again that evening, studying and discussing with my father. My first crowning

ceremony was in a few days and I was a little nervous.

“I heard Hammar came here today,” my father said with a smile, once we were done with the study.


“I bet you were very happy to see her,” he poked me a little and I laughed.

“Yes, I was glad. She’s cool.”

“Cool? That’s it? I remember you used to like her very much. I’m glad she’s back. I think she’s actually

perfect for you,” he mused.

“Oh no,” I laughed. “You and mother are trying to cause something between Hammar and I.”

“Something already exists between both of you. Always did. If you hadn’t travelled for studies, who

knows how close you would be today?”

“I see where this is going. Mama whispered something about a wife and so on. Let me be clear, father,”

I mused and leaned in. “Hammar is s great person, a friend and someone I used to appreciate and still

appreciate. But, I’m not going to marry her.”

“But why??”

“Because, father,” was my only reply.

“Asahd, you’ll soon be 24. You need someone already. If you weren’t the heir, you could marry at

whatever age. But you’re the future sultan. You need a future Queen.”

“I’ll find one, myself.”

′Already have. All I need to do, is make her leave Noure for good. And as fast as possible, I engage

and wed her.′

“Why not, Hammar?” he asked, trying to understand why I didn’t want an ex I really appreciated.

“Father, I want to be as lucky as you. I want my marriage to be that of love too. You weren’t forced to

marry mother. You found her and fell in love with her. Give me time. I promise you. I’ll find a wife for

myself before I turn twenty four. I have time. I’ll be turning twenty three next week. I have a year ahead

to find someone.”

“But you used to like Hammar so much. If you spend a lot of time with her like you used to, maybe the

feelings will come back.”

I chuckled. My father was so stubborn.

“Father, if I don’t fall in love with the woman of my choice, then I’ll marry Hammar. Promised,” I stood

and bowed “Please excuse me.”

“Fine, fine. I really don’t understand you at times,” he said and it amused me. I then left the library.

As I did, I spotted Saïda walking down the same corridor towards the pantry.

“Saïda?” I called out and she stopped and turned. I rushed to her. There were no guards around.

“Good evening, sweetheart.”

She stared blankly at me.

“Good evening, Prince,” she was a little cold and I could feel it.

“What’s wrong?” I asked concerned.

“Nothing. I just realised something. A fact,” she stated firmly and I swallowed a little.


Her eyes seemed watery. Belongs to © n0velDrama.Org.

“That what’s happening between us, will lead to nothing serious.”

“Please don’t start with this. I’m begging you. Saïda you’re the one slowing things up for me Noure is

the obstacle here. Please, leave him and be with me,” I begged, a lump in my throat.

“And Hammar?” she folded her arms. “You ignored me the moment she appeared and it opened my

eyes. She’s perfect for you. She’s in your lane. She’s a noble. I’m your employee. It opened my eyes.

Even if I leave Noure, our relationship will never be accepted,” she muttered in a shaky voice.

“Saïda, I love you. I didn’t ignore you. I had to give Hammar my attention for my mother’s sake. I didn’t

want her suspecting something between us. And I did it for your reputation. You’re still with Noure. If

you weren’t with him, I would’ve spoken to my parents about us a long time ago. I would’ve convinced

them. I can convince them. I can do all that, if you leave Noure. Please, understand me.”

“I won’t take that risk,” she replied firmly, wiping her eyes and my heart sank.


“I won’t leave Noure. We’re not possible. Please,” she started to sob. “Leave me alone. I’m begging

you. I mean it this time.”

I found it hard to swallow and my eyes prickled.

“Please don’t do this to me, Saïda,” I begged her. My eyes prickled so bad that they hurt and I knew

they would water.

“Stay away from me and I’ll stay away from you. Don’t make me hate you, please,” she sobbed. “Stay

away from me, please. Approach me in an inappropriate manner again, and I swear on my head, that

I’ll hate you.”

Before I could say something else, she turned and left.

I felt terrible. I ran a hand over my face in frustration.

My heart was racing and I really wanted to punch something.

“She can’t do this to me,” I muttered, a lump in my throat like I was going to cry or so.

I actually wanted to. She’d been so serious. She’d sworn on her head that she would hate me if I

approached her wrongly.

“How can she do this to me?” my eyes were actually watery now and there was a pain in my chest.

’Why is she doing this to me??′

I ran my fingers through my hair, feeling like I was going to grow crazy. I could hardly breathe straight

and my chest started to heave. The pain in my chest seemed unbearable.

′Is this what a heartbreak feels like?′

I shut my eyes tight, feeling angry. Very angry. I lost self-control and kicked a huge vase that stood by

the wall, breaking it.

A servant that probably heard the noise, rushed into the corridor.

“My Prince, are you alright??” I ignored him and stormed away till I got to the stairway that led up to my

room. I needed to be alone.


I shut the door behind me and leaned against it.

′I can’t let her do this.′

It hurt real bad. A pain that was actually like no other.

’-I won’t take that risk.-

...-I swear on my own head that if you approach me inappropriately again, I will hate you...-′

Her words repeated themselves in my head and a tear finally rolled down my cheek.

’It’s you I want, Saïda. I love you.′

I buried my face in my palms.


Saïda’s POV:

I fell on my bed and cried my heart out. It hurt so much.

′I shouldn’t have said that!′

I sobbed continuously, hugging my pillow tight.

′But I had to! I’m no one. I can’t be with him. I’m not like Hammar. He’s a Prince! I should’ve never let

anything happen between us.′

“I’ll never get over him,” I cried into my pillow, feeling like my lungs were running out of air and my heart

was breaking.

′I want him so much. I shouldn’t. I realise it can never be any more serious between us.′

I sobbed so much that I actually started gasping. I was breaking on the inside and I knew damn well

that I was in for a lot.


Writer’s POV:

It was the same sad environment for the next few days. Saïda avoided Asahd and it was killing him

slowly. It wasn’t better on her side either. She sobbed every single night since then and tried real hard

to comfort herself at Noure’s side.

Whenever Hammar came to the palace, Asahd would either ask that they tell her that he wasn’t around

or he would even go out before she arrived.

However, there were times when his parents were around and he had no choice but to meet with

Hammar, to please them.

The few times Saïda saw him walk around with Hammar, her heart broke. Every morning before

leaving her room, she would apply foundation around her eyes to hide how red and swollen they were.

It wasn’t easy for any of them.

Asahd actually would shed tears from time to time, but would occupy himself more in the gym to keep

his mind off it. It wasn’t easy though. It didn’t even work. How could it? He saw her every single day.


The day before his ceremony, she had to prepare him one last time and the tension was crazy. She

avoided to look him in the eyes for fear of her heart breaking into tiny pieces. She was as formal as

possible. Asahd on the other hand, never took his eyes off her. Not even once. The distance and

coldness between them was killing him internally. Whenever he would give up and think of even

hugging her, he remembered her promised threat and it broke him. Both suffered. But Asahd definitely

suffered more.


The day of the ceremony finally arrived. There were over 400 invitees. All nobles were present and the

people of Zagreh watched the ceremony, LIVE on their televisions that day.

Everyone attended and watched it.


The ceremony was done according to years of tradition. Asahd was made to sit on his father’s throne,

in front of hundreds and under the eyes of thousands.

He was in traditional, Royal attire. His robe was Broidered with gold thread and expensive material. Of

course he was nervous.

He’d ordered before the ceremony that Saïda be made to stand in the front row with the nobles as his

Royal adviser. However, his real reason was just to see her while the customs were carried out. He

wanted her to be proud of him. She was his lucky charm and with her standing right there, he was sure

to ace it out.


After many of the traditional steps were carried out, it was time to test the Prince on his knowledge of

the long, complicated Zagrehan history.

The very old elders and nobles were in charge of this. They had a scroll with the hardest questions all

prepared for the heir to answer and prove that just like his ancestors and father before him, he was fit

to be next ruler.


The questioning began in the silence of all. Saïda watched with a racy heartbeat. She wanted him to

make it, she believed in him...she trusted him blindly.

′Things have been complicated between us recently, Asahd. But I’m here for you no matter what. I can’t

hate you. I never will.′

She thought, goosebumps covering her skin.

Asahd so far had answered each question, brilliantly. Everyone watched in pride and admiration. The

few skeptical ones who never thought he would answer that much, were beginning to take their

negativity back.

The questions seemed to have no end and lasted for more than thirty minutes. It wasn’t an easy task at

all and Asahd at a point thought he would have an anxiety attack. The pressure on him was too much

and at a point, he stopped focusing and noticed all the eyes that were on him, as well as the cameras.

The question that had just been asked seemed to fade out in his head. He heard nothing but his own


He looked around, his forehead beginning to get moist. His breathing was becoming uneasy. He

seemed paralysed. Saïda’s heart skipped a beat, worry taking over her. Her heart began to race just as

fast as his was at the moment.

“My Prince? You haven’t answered the question.” the elder stated.

Asahd had heard nothing. The room seemed to be spinning and his tummy was turning.

Saïda seemed to feel the exact things he felt. The way she was worried for him, made them feel the

same things. She felt like she was sitting up there with him. And then she snapped out.

′No! No space for worry or anxiety! I trust him. I trust you Asahd, you can do this. Look at me!′

She thought, the anxiety disappearing.

′Look at me. My Prince.′

Asahd who was still paralysed, suddenly seemed to snap out. He frowned a little in confusion and

looked around. His eyes fell on Saïda’s. She stared straight into them for the first time since their little

problem. For a second or so, they felt like they were the only ones in the room.

Asahd felt some warmth take over him on the inside. He was calming down and so was his breathing.

She looked at him.

′I’m here for you, dear. You can do this.′

She nodded and smiled a little at him for the first time since their altercation. Her heart threatened to

burst out of her chest.

When she smiled a little, Asahd felt the greatest relief wash over him, like the heaviest burden had

been taken off his shoulders. He smiled a little in return, his anxiety vanishing.

“My Prince?” the noble called again and Asahd turned to him.

He noticed worry and confusion on the man’s face, on that of his parents and the rest of the crowd.

Most could’ve sworn he was going to pass out at some point.

“Sorry. I was a little off. The question is?” he asked, smiling brightly for the first time since he’d started

answering the questions.

The noble repeated the question and he answered perfectly. Then he answered the next, and next, and

next and NEXT!

Saïda found herself smiling brightly, her eyes watery. She put a hand over her chest in relief. She

wasn’t the only one relieved. His parents were, the nobles were, the palace servants were, the

sultanate was and Djafar definitely was proud.

At a point, the noble stopped asking questions and Asahd turned to him.

“Any problem?” he asked casually. The noble smiled and instead turned to the crowd and cameras.

“People of Zagreh, all the questions have been asked. Your heir has answered 97% of them correctly.”

′Fuck yeah!′

Asahd smiled happily, controlling himself so he wouldn’t jump out of his fucken seat and kick the air.

“Prince Asahd Usaïd, has completed the first part of his crowning ceremony successfully!”

CHEERS! Everywhere! From the invitees, servants and the people in their homes! There was loud

cheering, screaming, laughter and clapping! Saïda had even jumped after the noble’s last sentence,

screaming happily. The sultan had jumped out of his other Royal seat, throwing his arms in the air

happily. The Queen had jumped too.

Too much for Asahd to bear, he stood and to everyone’s amusement and happiness, he made a little

dance of joy in his Royal robe, giving no fuck about any rules at the moment. The people laughed and

watched him dance his joy out, many dancing along.

Saïda watched him with a huge smile on, feeling so happy for him. As he danced, at a point, he looked

at her and smiled happily, then winked. She giggled a little and curtsied, her cheeks reddening and

Asahd’s heart swelling with love for her.


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