Royalty Gone Bad

Chapter 50: 50. Can Run, Can't Hide

Chapter 50: 50. Can Run, Can't Hide

Writer’s POV:

And so it went on for the rest of that week. They were okay with each other, laughed and still made

jokes. And whenever it was more than Asahd and he tried to kiss her, and though most of the time she

wanted it, she would still say the words and he would stop.

′Maybe all these foreign feelings will disappear once I get married to Noure. I can’t wait to go back to


Saïda thought in the silence and darkness of her room, one night. Asahd had gone on a date with

Allison and her father was in the living room.

The more the days passed, the more she was wanting to be in Asahd’s arms. They’d even stopped

hugging because it always led to something else. A simple hug and the feel of his body against hers

was almost enough to make her give up all resistance. At a point she even thought of avoiding him but

it was useless. There was no way. She shut her eyes tight.

“I’m so confused.”

Then, she slowly reached out and grabbed her phone, calling Noure.

"Hello my love. I was going to call you.”

“Noure,” she called softly.

"Yes, my darling? What is bothering you?”

She took a deep breath, her eyes prickling.

“I know we’re not supposed to exchange such words before our marriage. But I know we already feel

same, yet I want to say the words,” she murmured. She wanted to say them because she needed to

confirm it. She needed to accept it.

"I’ve been wanting to say them for a long time, myself. And before you do sweetheart, I will.”

Her heard skipped a beat.

"I love you, Saïda. I am already so in love with you.”

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Goosebumps covered her skin and a little smile spread

across her face. It was heart warming to hear him say that. She loved the sound of those three words.

“I love you too, Noure.”

They’d never said that to each other because of stupid rules. Yet it had always been there. But Saïda

regretted the present and wished for one thing. She wished she’d said it earlier to Noure, before

growing feelings for Asahd.


Asahd’s POV:

I laughed at the funny thing Allison had just said. We were seated in a restaurant for another official

date of ours. She was very pretty.

“You’re very pretty, tonight," I smiled and reached out to grab her hand.

“And you very handsome.”

We smiled at each other and went on with our meal and chats. As expected, it wasn’t long before I got

lost as my thoughts were soon invaded by Saïda. It became frequent with each single day! I took

Allison out, spent more time with her in order to like her more, to even love her, but thoughts of Saïda

were ruining everything!

′I’m here thinking about her while I’m on a date with my girlfriend.′

I shook my head and started to concentrate on what Allison was saying. It didn’t last though because

Saïda was back in a few minutes.

′Dammit, Saïda! And the worse part is that she’s probably doing her stuff, not thinking of me. Or better

yet, on phone with Noure.′

A scowl appeared on my face and I didn’t even realise it. But apparently Allison did because she

giggled and asked:

“Baby, are you okay? You seem so serious and annoyed. I bet you weren’t listening to a single word of

mine,” she giggled.

′I wasn’t.′

I chuckled a little to reassure her I was okay.

“Sorry, I’m a little off recently.”

“I noticed. It’s okay. I’m glad your father is recovering. Right?”

“Yeah– yeah, he is.”

I stood a little and leaned in, kissing her. But I was very surprised as I sat down again. I’d felt absolutely

nothing special about our kiss. It felt like I’d just kissed another random girl I was just flirting with to get

what I wanted. Yet, I wanted nothing in particular from Allison, neither was she random. I actually had

feelings for her, but my body reacted to her in a completely different way.

′Saïda has finished me. Literally.′


I got home that night and Djafar was in the living room, while Saïda was probably warming the food.

I greeted her from the living room and greeted Djafar too. I then went to change and join them for a

good meal and a good movie.


“Saïda??” I called, stepping out of my room.

“Yes??” she replied from the kitchen.

“Where’s your charger, please? Mine is bugging,” I grumbled.

′First I move with a cracked screen and now my charger is bugging. What’s gonna be next? No phone

at all. I’m adapting to this life or already have, but some things still get on my nerves.′

And there was no way I was going to use my saved money to buy a new phone or charger. I needed to

get myself tickets.

’Am I still sure this is a good idea?′

Doubts on my plans were beginning to set in.

“In my room! You can unplug my phone, it should be full by now.”


I went to her room and closed the door behind me, looking for where she’d plugged her charger and

phone. I soon found the socket.

“There you are,” I sat on the other edge of her bed and unplugged the charger and phone. Just then, it

started vibrating. A call.


I was very, very tempted to pick the call. There was a lump in my throat all of a sudden.

′I’m picking it. Don’t care.′

I picked the call and heard his voice come through.

"Hello my love, done with the dinner yet?” he asked.

“No,” I replied dryly. There was silence and I knew I’d scared him. He probably thought it was Djafar but

then guessed it was me and so he spoke again:

"Prince Asahd?” he muttered.

“What’s up?” I asked casually, my tone still so cold.

"Um, nothing my Prince. I just– well, I wanted to speak with Saïda. I thought she–"

“She’s busy,” I cut in firmly. NôvelDrama.Org owns this text.

"Oh, okay. Thank you, your Highness.”

“Mm bye,” I hung up and rolled my eyes.

′Fuck him.′

I was jealous. Very jealous because the dude was close to prefect for Saïda. I was supposed to be

happy for her like I used to be but I couldn’t. I just couldn’t be happy for her being in another man’s

arms. My feelings for her were deeper than what I’d expected.

′He had her first, Asahd.

-Fuck that. It’s not like she was given a choice. She was betrothed to him!

But now they’re in love. It still counts.

-I don’t give a damn, bitch.′

I was literally arguing with my subconscious. That’s just how mixed up, my thoughts were when it came

to Saïda.

′And Allison?′

I closed my eyes, exasperated.

′I want Saïda more, why hide it?

-You can’t have her. Focus on Ally and everything will turn out well.

Yeah right. How? I see Saïda every single day. We’re in the same house. There’s no way to avoid her.

-Well, she won’t let you have her.

We’ll see about that.′

I shook a little when Saïda opened her room’s door and stepped in.

“Dinner’s ready. You found it?” she asked with her cute smile.

“Yeah,” I smirked at her and her cheeks reddened. “Noure called. Don’t worry I picked.”

I’d told her that intentionally and as expected I watched her expression turn into that of worry and


“You– W–what did you tell him, Asahd. Why did you pick??”

“Chill. Told him you were making dinner and he promised to call back.”

“And that’s it?”


I saw relief wash over her.

“Why? You think I told him about us?” I asked lowly and she looked up at me. I stepped closer till we

were inches apart and rubbed her soft cheek.

“That’s something I’ll never do. I’ll never do anything that will put you in trouble. Cross my heart.”

She stepped back a little, her face flushed.

“There’s nothing between us, remember?” she muttered lowly and I smiled.

“Saïda, are you sure?” I stepped closer and she backed up but her back touched the wall. I caressed

her beautiful face and kissed her forehead.

“A– Asahd,” she stuttered and swallowed.

“I don’t think, there is nothing between us, Saïda. Let me tell you why,” I stepped closer till our bodies

were pressed against each other and I had trapped her against the wall.

“I bet you felt it. That same sweet feeling go down your spine whenever my body’s against yours.”

My mouth watered as I let my thumb run softly over her beautiful lip.

“I want to bite this lip, Saïda,” I felt my heart threatening to burst out of my chest. I wanted her so bad.

But I wasn’t going to force myself down on her either.

“Asahd, don’t,” she muttered and tried to turn her face but I held it in place with my hand.

I could feel the blood rush into my cock and the fire build up in my loins. She left me in that situation

whenever I was alone with her. Even if we weren’t touching.

I was in sweat shorts and I could feel my dick push against the fabric of my boxers until it was lying

against the top of my left thigh. It was definitely printing through my shorts and so pushed my right thigh

forward until it was rubbing against her thigh.

′I want her to feel what she does to me every single time.′

A low gasp escaped her pretty lips as I intentionally rubbed myself against her thigh, looking her in the


“You see what you do to me, Saïda? I’m tired,” my voice was husky and low. “Of staying away from

you. Get that.”

I lowered my head and kissed her smooth shoulder. Her breath hitched.

“Ah– Asahd I love Noure,”

“Noure, who?” I raised my head and stared straight at her.

′I don’t care anymore, sweetheart. I said I’m tired.′

“I don’t give a damn, anymore. I want you too,” a smirk drew itself on my lips as I said this. I could feel

her breathing change and her palpitating heart against me.

“Asahd Allison is–”

“Allison?” I cut in with a chuckle. “I want you more. Don’t you like the sound of that, sweetheart? I

smirked and ran my thumb over her soft lip, again.

“Now you have no reason to be jealous of her.”

“I’ve never been jealous of her,” she lied, her cheeks reddening.

I smiled again.

“Says the person who didn’t want me to sleep with her. Why?” I let my gaze drop to her lips and back

up, “Well, because you wanted me for yourself. You have me, Saïda. Do what you want with me. Make

me beg you again,” I kissed her neck and she gasped lowly. “Trap my head in between your beautiful

thighs, Saïda. Allow me to make you feel things you’ve never felt. Let me do things to you that Noure

would never.”

I was getting fully erect at the thoughts. She was driving me crazy. I was literally finished.

I looked her in eyes again.

“I know you want to,” I added and looked up at her pretty lips. They drove me nuts.

“Let me bite your lip, Saïda,” I whispered huskily and lowered my head.

To my surprise, she slipped in between I and the wall and immediately opened the door, rushing out.

I stood there and ran a hand over my face in frustration.

′What did she do to me? What is happening to me?′

I sat on her bed and tried to calm down.

“I need to make you mine, Saida,” I muttered, burying my face in my palms. “I tried to stay away and it

didn’t work. I’m sorry but I need to.”

′Whether Noure’s in the picture or not. I’ve made up my mind.′


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