Royalty Gone Bad

Chapter 108: 108. New Friends

Chapter 108: 108. New Friends


Writer’s POV:

Asahd and his wife finally arrived Rome in a better state. They arrived at six PM and immediately

grabbed a taxi for their hotel.

The Prince had not been able to rent a car earlier before their arrival and would only do so that

evening, in preparation for the next day.


They got to their big hotel and were given one of the best rooms. Another beautiful honeymoon suite,

and the last.

They immediately made themselves comfortable and showered. They then had delicious dinner,

watched TV a little and then slept early in order to gain some energy for the next day. These were their

last honeymoon days and they sure planned on making the most of them.


Saïda’s POV:

I stirred and opened my eyes.

“Ow...” I muttered, slowly sitting up and rubbing my temple. I had headache and felt a little


′Oh no.′

I looked at the time and it was only 3AM. Asahd was asleep by me. I touched my forehead to check my

temperature, but surprisingly I wasn’t feverish.

’Let me drink some paracetamol real quick. Asahd shouldn’t wake up and get all worried.′

I carefully slid from underneath the blanket and sneaked out of bed. Rushing to my handbag, I grabbed

paracetamol tablets and a bottle of water before rushing to the bathroom.


After drinking the tablets, I rinsed my hands and washed my face a little.

′Am I ill? I can’t be. I don’t have flu, I’m not feeling sick or feverish and I’ve definitely not lost appetite.

On the contrary.′

“Then what’s up?” I whispered, talking to my reflection in the bathroom glass.

′In Cancun, Asahd said I was feverish. Though I didn’t feel it.′

“It was probably due to climate change?” I muttered to myself.

′I’m not sure. I vomited in the plain. Sushi’s never made me throw up, before.′

“Or the fish wasn’t fresh like Asahd said.”

′I see no other explanation on what’s happening to me.

-Go to the hospital.

No. I don’t wanna ruin our last days by going to the hospital and maybe discovering that I actually am


“I’ve not felt sick. Not even once. I’m not weak, it’s the total opposite. Plus, I eat very well.”

I stared at my reflection, trying to understand what was happening. But then, I froze. I froze when a

possibility crossed my mind.

′Yalah, am I pregnant??′

My lips parted and I raised my fingers to them, in wonder and shock.

“Yalah,” I gasped.

′It’s very possible! But I know my safe days very well. I can’t be pregnant right now. I follow up my

period on a calendar and I know. I just know it.′

I stared straight.

′It’s not possible. At least, not now.

-Tomorrow I’ll buy a pregnancy test to be sure.

Yeah, I shouldn’t draw conclusions. And I should definitely not tell Asahd about it when I’m not sure.′

“I’ll do just that,” I muttered and nodded a little. “I doubt I’m pregnant. But I have to test myself

tomorrow and know.”

I grabbed a towel and wiped my face before leaving the bathroom. I then returned to Asahd’s side in

the comfortable bed. He stirred.

“S– Saïda?” he called sleepily, eyes still closed.

“Yes, honey. Shhh. I’m here. Just went to pee,” I whispered and snuggled closer to him. Still in sleep,

he turned and rested his head on my chest, wrapping his arms around me.

“I love you,” he muttered in his sleep.

“I love you too,” I kissed his head and then switched off the lights.

I lay awake for a few minutes, rubbing his back and running my fingers through his soft hair. I thought

of the possibility of being pregnant one last time, and then finally slept off.


The next day, after showering and having breakfast, our rented car finally arrived the hotel.

I was so excited to visit beautiful Rome!


We went out and had a lot of fun. Asahd and I visited some of the most beautiful places in that city. We

went site seeing and explored the most we could in one day. By one in the afternoon, we’d already

visited a whole lot of places and had many more to visit.


“Where do we go, now?” Asahd smiled, taking our tourist catalog and map out.

“A supermarket, please,” I mused, knowing how he would react. And he reacted just as expected.

“A what?” he raised a brow and I laughed.

“Supermarket. I wanna get myself some chips.”

′Seriously? Chips? I couldn’t find better?′

“Chips,” he repeated in amusement and sarcasm.


“Tell me what it is you really want to buy, Saïda.”

“Chips. I’m serious. I wanna taste the ones made here.” This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

He stared at me like I was crazy.

“Women are so weird.” he mused.

“Or you’d rather that I ask for sushi?”

“Supermarket it is,” he stated and started the car. I laughed out.

“Thank you.”


We pulled up into the supermarket’s parking lot and I stepped out.

“Wait here,” I giggled. “I’ll be fast.”

“You don’t want me coming with you?” he asked, surprised.

“No need. I’ll be fast. It’s just chips.”

“Hm,” he shook his head in amusement. “Fine. Hurry then.”

“Thank you,” I giggled and kissed his cheek. Right after, I ran across the huge parking lot and into the

big supermarket.


I succeeded to find my way through the supermarket and to the row where pregnancy tests and kits

were being sold.

′Here goes nothing.′

I looked around. There were so many types. Different tests and kits.

“Which to chose?” I mumbled, touching some.

I trailed my fingers across several ones and finally decided to pick.

“This looks good,” I smiled and chose.

I was staring at its cover and trying to see if there was some translated description on how exactly to

use it.

“Don’t use that one,” someone with the Italian accent said and I shook a little, turning to see who it was.

It was a young man who’d happened to be passing through that isle. He was holding a little boy’s hand.

The kid could be five or so and was holding a brand new toy car.

“T– this?” I asked, holding the test up.

“Yup. It’s wack. Not a good product at all if you want to test yourself.” he stated in a rather factual


“Oh,” I reddened, a little embarrassed. “It’s not for me,” I lied.

“You don’t lie very well,” he seemed to muse, though he didn’t smile. I saw amusement linger in his

eyes though.

“Um, I know,” I chuckled nervously.

“Your husband knows? Or you’re trying to find out first?”

I stared at him surprise.

′How does he know I’m married?′

“I saw your ring,” he added casually, as if reading my mind.

“Oh he doesn’t know. I’m not even sure myself. That’s why I um, I want to buy a test,” I mused.

He finally smiled. Just a little and in clear amusement.

“Okay. Chose a different one. That one’s fake.”

“What makes you so sure?”

“My girlfriend bought and used it once because she thought her fever was a pregnancy symptom. She

just had a flu.”

I laughed a little.

“Yet it said she was pregnant. She tried thrice and same result. I didn’t believe it and so we went to

doctor. Surprise, she had a flu and was definitely not pregnant,” he mused.

“Hahaha, okay,” I laughed and put the test back. “You know what?”


“I’ll not do it now. Maybe some other time.”

“You sure?”

“Yes. Thanks for the info on this one, though.” I mused.


I looked at the little boy.

“Your son?” I asked, squatting next to the kid and smiling at him. He smiled back and then hid behind

the guy’s leg.

“No. My little cousin.”

“Aaaw. He’s cute. He has gorgeous eyes. What’s his name?”


“Hello Roulian. I’m Saïda.”

“Hello, Saïda,” he said shyly and hid again. I giggled and stood.

“Have to go now. Thank you again.”

“Sure,” he nodded and then walked away with his little cousin.


Asahd’s POV:

I was still waiting for Saïda when another car pulled up and parked by mine. It was a very beautiful and

open sports car, similar to mine back in Zagreh.

I looked at the driver and recognised him immediately. It was the guy that had poured his drink on my

shoes, back in Cancun at the airport. The twin. But which?

“Nice car.” I mused and he turned. He immediately took his sunshades off and stared at me.

“Bro, what the hell?” he mused and laughed.

′Yup. This is the one that poured the drink.′

“Are you following me?” I asked with a little laugh.

“I could ask you the same question,” he chuckled. “You’re touring Italy or what?”

“I’m on my honeymoon,” I mused.

“Oh, Okay. My bad,” he cooed and I laughed.

“My wife’s gone to buy something inside.”

“Oh, alright. Newly wedded, huh? Congratulations. My best wishes.”

“Thank you.”

“I’m Alejandro, by the way,” he introduced himself.

“I remember the name. Asahd.”

“Nice to meet you, Asahd. Algerian?”


“Cool shit,” he mused and I chuckled. “I’m waiting for my brother. He went in with our lil cousin to get

him a new toy. I just went to refill the gas.”

“Oh, okay.”

“I have to apologise for his behavior towards you at the airport. He’s cool. He’s just very careful with

whom he speaks and is quite suspicious of everyone,” he explained.

“That’s kinda cool to me,” I chuckled. “Gives him a dangerous look. He looks like someone you don’t

wanna beef with. I wish I looked like that,” I joked and he laughed.

He was going to say something when Saïda finally appeared. I stepped out of the car and motioned her


“This is my wife, Saïda,” I told Alejandro.

He got out of his car and came round to us.

“Finally I get to see you. Nice to meet you, Saïda. I’m Alejandro,” he smiled and stretched a hand out.

“Hi,” she stared awkwardly at him and even laughed a little, “We already met inside but now you act

like you’ve never seen me before.” she mused.

Alejandro and I stared at each other in amusement.

“That wasn’t me,” he laughed at Saïda.

“What?” she chuckled in confusion.

“You met his twin,” I laughed.

As we spoke, we spotted the other approach us with the little boy.

“No way,” Saïda gasped and laughed. “I thought this was you! I was confused on why you had different

clothes.” she told the other when he got closer.

He chuckled a little.

“You two seem to already know each other?” Alejandro asked in wonder.

“We met inside and spoke a little. I um, asked him which chips he would recommend I taste,” she

mused and turned to him “Right?”

“Right,” he mused and finally noticed me. “Hey, aren’t you the airport guy?”

“Yup. Coincidence.” I mused.

“Indeed,” he chuckled and looked even more like his already identical twin. He then turned to Saïda,

“This is your husband?”

“Uh huh,” Saïda mused and hugged me.

“Earth is way to small,” he mused and we all laughed.

“I’m Lorenzo,” he introduced himself.


We shook hands.

“They’re on their honeymoon, Enzo,” his twin said.

“Yeah, our last moments.”

“Really?” Lorenzo asked surprised. “Well, firstly, congratulations.”

“Thank you,” Saïda and I replied happily.

“Secondly, I propose my brother and I make you visit the best pizza house, here,” he smiled.

“True. They make the most delicious pizza. Oven baked and a pure Italian masterpiece.”

“Facts. Plus, they do nachos and tacos as well,” Lorenzo added.

“My mouth’s already watering,” Saïda mused.

“Mine as well,” I added and the twins chuckled.

“We go then?” Lorenzo asked.



We entered our cars and drove out of the parking lot. Saïda and I followed their car through the city.

“They’re very friendly,” Saïda said.

“I agree.”

They were both very cool.


Writer’s POV:

The couple and their new friends had a great time at the pizza house. They enjoyed pizzas together, as

well as tacos and nachos. Saïda tasted everything!

They chatted about a lot of fun things and the twins told them about other fabulous places that they

could visit in Rome.

At the end of it all, they exchanged numbers. Before leaving, the twins congratulated them once again

and invited them to come back to Rome whenever they could and that they would be happy to

welcome them.

Their day ended perfectly well.

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