Rise of the Billionaire actress

DDD 74

Esther felt a world of pain the days following Daniel’s departure.

It’s been one month. One month of pain, anger and nothingness. She lost the will to do anything, becoming a ghost of the woman she used to be. More than anything, Esther felt confused about her Identity.

Between the woman she used to be, the woman she became, and the woman after Daniel, she didn’t know who she was. That was how damaged her encounter with him left her. She wasn’t surprised in the least because she experienced it before.

One would think- once bitten, twice shy- but whenever it came to that man, she lost every sense of reasoning. Again, he came into her life like a storm and left a wrecked version of her afterwards.

Deloise hadn’t called since that day, neither did he. Esther had ample time to stew over how things turned out and what she could have done better. The fact she couldn’t find it in herself to regret any action she took made it hard to proceed with her self-damnation mission.

Whatever she did, she did for her daughter. And if she refused to see that, then things were better as it is. But why did she feel a splinter press through her heart at the remembrance of her daughter and the hate she expressed that very day?

She felt lonelier than ever. As the time proceeded, she was disoriented. Karen stopped by the house over the time to check on her and help in whichever way possible but even that wasn’t effective.

Today was no different.

Karen stalked into the house after two knocks and joined Esther – who was seated in the living room and watching documentaries. It was clear her mind was far away as she sported a dazed and faraway look.

“How are you doing?” Karen asked in a low voice.

She nodded, “I’m doing alright, Karen.” A ghost of a smile appeared, “If I got paid by the amount of times you’ve asked me that question in the past few weeks, I’d be a millionaire.”

“I’m glad you find my concern amusing,” Karen replied with an eyeroll. “I see you did some baking today.”

“Yes. Don’t be modest. Help yourself.” she gestured to the kitchen.

Due to her inability to sleep, she spent the major part of the night baking- or as her daughter would term, stress-baking.

Karen returned to the living room with a slice of cake. “Have you reached Daniel?”

A frown, “Why should I do that?”

“Because it’s about time. Come on, Esther, you know he didn’t do anything wrong.”

“And you are in the best place to gauge that because?”

Esther’s frown deepened as Karen spoke, “You know very well that this entire mess was created by you. If you were going to hide a man from his child, then you probably shouldn’t have slept with him.”

“I’m trying so hard not to walk you out of my home, Karen.”

“How long are you going to sulk and do nothing? One month? Two? A year? Get over yourself and apologize, don’t let pride get in the way of what you share.” Karen continued, relentless.

“I don’t know where you’re getting this information, but whatever it is we had is done with. Over.” She hissed, “and I’d love it if you’d respect that.”

“So what’s next?”


“What’s next for you? In case you don’t realize, you are the only one left. Deloise doesn’t seem to be coming back anytime soon.”

Esther flinched, “You don’t know that.”

“I know that if she hasn’t reached out by now, it’s either she never will or the other things going on are exhausting her.”

Karen had her attention, “What other things?” She asked,

“Something along the lines of her boyfriend dumping her for another hotshot actress.” She made a disclaimer, “I don’t know how true it is, but with the publicity about the news, it’s pretty serious.”

“I didn’t know you read celebrity gossip.”

“And I didn’t know you had a child with one.” she huffed, “All I’m trying to say is… get up and be a mother. Throw away your differences and play your role in her life. For all we know, she is going through a rough patch right now, coupled with everything else going on, she could do with a bit of support from her mother.”

“I warned her nothing good comes from taking that path..” she fumed, “She knows where to find me if things get out of hand. Maybe she needs to experience these things in order to understand.”

“I can’t believe you are going to keep this up.” Karen sighed, and joined her in the cushion, “Don’t make the same mistakes I did.” She let out a lengthy breath, “If I had spoken to Anna earlier regarding what happened, things wouldn’t have escalated to the point I don’t have a relationship with her.”Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

Esther locked eyes with her, “Are you alright?”

She waved the topic, “That’s beside the point. All I’m saying is … swallow your pride and get things done while you can. End this madness before you end up without your man and child… before you end up like me.”


Stella was all smiles as they introduced her to the set as the Female lead instead of Deloise. Due to the scandal, the production made a last minute change in the selection process and a role formerly awarded to Deloise was usurped by Stella.

“Congratulations! Looking forward to working with you.” A junior colleague said and she smiled.

Not only was she awarded the role, the fact that Deloise was dropped off the set made the win much more enjoyable. She was finally getting the accolades she deserved and that was enough to put her in a favorable mood.

“Wipe that smug off your face, pretty.” A taunting voice said behind her and she turned.

Stella’s brow arched as she took in the presence of Doris, “To what do I owe this meeting?” she said, smug.

“You should be ashamed of yourself.” She scoffed, baring her fangs, “Hiding behind the Preston’s to carry out your evil deeds?”

“If you are looking for someone to blame for your failures, I suggest you take a look at the one you manage.” She smiled, “She’s getting what she deserves.”

“You are one to talk.” Doris drew close in a whisper, “You must think you’re invincible, untouchable. I could bring you down, Stella. Two could play this dirty game.”

“What are you talking about?” She feigned ignorance, “If you have a problem with me playing the female-lead, I suggest you take it up with the director.”

“I’m sorry…” She held a wicked grin as she spoke, “But I’m not in the business of swallowing the dead seeds of 60 year old”

“What’s going on here?” The Director joined the conversation, noticing the hostility between the women. “Is there a problem?”

“Nothing.” Doris was quick to respond. “I was just on my way out. Goodluck with the shooting.” She said to Stella, “Break a leg.”

Doris left the building with a scowl on her face. When she said to break a leg, she meant it- literally. She originally came to plead for more time for Deloise but when she met Stella’s manager sharing a handshake, coupled with the resigned look on his face, she knew there was no point speaking.

On her way out, she bumped into something- or someone, “What the-”

“Doris.” Aaron held her from falling, “It’s been a while.”

“The nerve of you to appear before me.” She hissed, “I was having a bad enough day…” She muttered, and continued on her way out.

“Wait!” The urgency in his voice stopped her, “Can… Can we please talk?”

“We are talking. I doubt we’d still be talking in the next two minutes.”

She glanced at her wrist watch and he swallowed. “I know this might come off weird, bad even, but I need your help.”

“One minute.” She replied impatiently.

“I need to speak with Deloise.” He watched a frown marr her face. “Please-”

“Do you think I’m stupid?”

Aaron saw that coming. “Please. I just need to know she’s alright, I just need to- please let me speak to her.”

At this point, he was begging. “I don’t think she wants to speak to you.”

“I know, just please, help me out here- her lines are not going through, I just need to know she’s alright.”

Doris gauged him, struggling between flipping him off and helping him. After a while of careful consideration. She brought out her phone and fired him a text with her number. “There you go, clean up your mess and don’t make me regret this.”

Aaron couldn’t be bothered to ask how she got his number. Saving the contact, he threw his phone into his pockets and proceeded into the building, making a mental note to speak to her later. After his meeting, he retired to his car with his phone heavy in his pocket.

Throughout his meeting, all he thought about was getting some time to speak with Deloise, and immediately he settled into his car, he called her.

As the phone rang, a sense of foreboding overwhelmed him. Something that made him second guess his decision but not enough to put him off.

“Hello?” Deloise’s voice graced his ears and he realized just how long it’s been. “Who is this?”

Her voice was relatively low. Other than that, she seemed fine. “Aaron.”

One word and Deloise was seething. The nerve of him to call her after everything he’s done.

“How are you doing?” He started off slow but she wasn’t having it.

“We’re not doing this. You’re not going to act like everything’s alright Aaron.” She gritted,

“Where are you? Can we meet and talk? I can come to you-”

“Don’t think about it. I never want to do anything with someone like you.”

Her words pierced through his heart and he let out a wry smile, “What? Don’t want to be seen with an illegitimate child huh?”

His words fleeted to thin air as she already dropped the call.

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