Rise of the Billionaire actress

DDD 57

“We are sorry but you weren’t selected for the position, however, we are pleased to-”

Stella didn’t let them finish their sentence before she threw hers.

“Who got it? Tell me, who got the role?” she hissed,

“I’m sorry but we are not at-”

“Tell me who got the fucking role! Who was it? Huh?!”

It took a moment before she realized they’d gone off the phone. Whoever was the receiving end of her tantrum probably realized they didn’t have to be.

“Shit!” Stella screamed and threw her phone to the wall. A crack planted itself on her screen.

Why couldn’t that wench let her be? Of course the process was rigged! There was no way she didn’t get the role except that wench and the stupid company backing her cheated!

Rage coursed through her system and she made a complete mess of her room. It wasn’t the first time she’s done it and most certainly wouldn’t be the last. She couldn’t stomach the idea of failing, not when it had to do with that wench.

After a while, Stella made her way towards her phone and picked it up. She needed to do something and fast. But what could she do? She fought tooth and nail to be awarded an opportunity in such a high profile production, that wench probably didn’t know the horrid nights she spent, twisted with a smelly old man in exchange for the information.

All her efforts couldn’t wash down the drain. Not now, not ever.

Stella followed her instincts and logged into her social network, hoping to inform her provider on the recent strings of events. What she met not only sent her to a coughing fit but rendered her speechless for some seconds.Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

Aaron and Deloise. Tangled together in a place she couldn’t recognize.

Her anger rose to an all time high as she saw the heart under the caption, a bold statement of their relationship. Refusing to believe her eyes, she took another hard look at the picture, which only solidified her worst nightmare.

Not only was her position taken away by that slut, but she snagged her man underneath her nose. Stella logged off the internet, more furious than she entered and headed to her closet. In record time, she was ready and stomping off the building.

Next stop, Aaron’s house.


Stella arrived at Aaron’s place in twenty minutes. Half of which she took time to get her emotions under control but failed woefully. The pitiful stares she got on campus didn’t help the cause either but she hoped with all her being there was an explanation.

She wanted to believe there was a valid explanation for her misconception, the world’s misconception, his misconceptions.

“Come in.” Aaron said from his couch, and Stella walked in. “So you do know how to knock?” He remarked with a raised eyebrow but she wasn’t in the mood,

“Are you dating her?” She cuts to the chase and Aaron does a double take. “Tell me, are you dating Deloise?”

Saying her name aloud sent a bitter taste to her mouth,

“Yes. Is there a problem?” Aaron replied curtly, not a fan of her tone.

Stella felt her heart shatter. “You can’t possibly be dating her.” She squeaked and drew close to him. “You don’t even know her.”

“That shouldn’t be your concern. Just trust me and stop being a child.” Aaron stood up, “How did that audition go? Do I need to get cooking?” He asked, thinking she got the deal.

That stirred up her anger. “I lost the role. Someone with apparently more convincing skills snagged it from me.”

Aaron was on the way to the kitchen when he heard that. “Don’t throw a fit. That’s the market of things these days. You win some, you lose some. Don’t let it hurt you too much.” He admonished, went into the kitchen, and returned with a glass of juice. “Here you go.”

Stella took the drink with a grudge. “Are you really going out with her?” She asked again and he sighed.

“What do you have against her? Is there something you want to say to me?”

Aaron was getting tired of people feeling entitled to his business. Ever since the picture went live, a lot of people made it their business and took to calling him with opinions he didn’t need.

“Nothing… Just shocked, that’s all.”

With the prolonged silence, she knew they were done with the conversation and also ran out of things to say. How did they get here?

“I have a meeting.” Aaron announced after some time. “There’s enough food in the kitchen if you want some, keep the key around when you leave.” He instructed and headed inside the room; no doubt to prepare for a date with her.

Stella suddenly didn’t feel comfortable seated there. Who knew if she left her slutty juices around the house, she couldn’t put it past her. Ugly thoughts of them together flickered into her mind and without a second thought, she made her way out.

The ride back home was painful more than anything. Her heart stung in anger and her head devised the many ways she could get her life back on track. On getting down from her car, she met a suited man standing by the frontier.

With one look, she knew he wasn’t an ordinary man and plastered a charming smile on her face. Her smile waned when he spoke first.

“Stella Davis. Good to see you, although I can’t say it’s a coincidence.” The man said with an outstretched arm. ” Mr. Gates, representing Preston Talent Management.” He produced a complimentary card which she took a glance at.

“Can we go somewhere else?” She asked after verifying he was from Preston afterall. “I’m not comfortable holding meetings in my home.” She lied easily.

“Sure. I apologize for coming here. We were desperate.”

Stella followed him to a black Porsche parked by the road. Together, they began their journey, and within ten minutes, they were seated across from each other in a classy restaurant away from Royal Arts.

“So what do you say? Are you ready to join the company and get the much needed backing you deserve?” Mr. Gates rounded off with a striking offer.

“What’s the catch?” Stella asked, still unconvinced at the motive behind their sudden offer.

Preston Management was a huge company that amassed huge influence in the industry over the years. Their competency in managing artists was second to the Evolve management which produced the now CEO of the company.

Other than their impressive ability, they were also known for their exploitative tendencies. A fact she couldn’t overlook no matter how desperate she was.

“Think about it this way.” Mr. Gates placed his elbows on the table as he leaned closer. “We are looking for the next movie queen to bring under our wing, and just when we thought we missed out on the best there is, we realized how wrong we were with our selection.”

Stella was confused, “What do you mean?”

“I am an agent/scout for the Preston Talent group. I also happen to be a top manager and director in the said company. I know talent when I see one.” Her eyes narrowed at his words. “I originally sought to get the infamous Deloise Tanner. Matter of fact, when I saw her performance the other day at the auditions, I was ready to do everything to get her as an artist under Preston.”

Stella’s face morphed into one of displeasure, “I think you are talking to the wrong person.” She started and picked up her bag, ready to leave.

“Patience my dear. Patience.” He tuts but she was far from convinced. “All of those things were thrown out at the moment I saw you perform. I knew I wasn’t losing out when I saw you perform and my decision was final.”

Stella couldn’t help the pride that soured through her at his next words.

“No one could stand you in that room. Not even Deloise Tanner.” He stressed, buttering her up. “You must know that by now, seeing you should have got your call for the lead role in the production.”

Her face fell like a pack of cards. Then the anger revived. Even an onlooker believed the role to be hers! That wench probably did something fishy to get her rid of the job.

“Unfortunately, I wasn’t picked.” She said in a taut tone.

“I can’t comprehend how that happened, but either way, it’s their loss, not yours.” He said, gauging her countenance.

“About this deal, what makes it a fit for my brand as an actress?”

“I’m glad you asked.”

By the time they were done, Stella was ready to sign the contract and go head to head with the rival company’s latest intake who she believed stole her spot in the limelight.

Doing exactly what they gunned for upon approaching her.

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