Rise of the Billionaire actress

DDD 40

” I believe you’re not deaf, girl. I asked you to leave.” Stella reiterated while Deloise stared in confusion.

” Uh sorry but last I checked, this is my allocated”

” I don’t want to hear it! I came in here first so you can head over to the communal area to finish up whatever you have going.” Stella interrupted, snapping her feet as she ordered.

” This pod was designated for the female lead. Which happens to be me. I don’t have an issue with you, take it up with the manager if there’s a problem.” Deloise snapped. There was only so much she could tolerate so early in the job.

” You must be feeling like some queen. Let me burst your bubble hunny, in this game, I’m your senior. Hell, I’m your mother in this industry, so you better watch your tone when speaking with me because I sure as hell could end you before you even begin.” She threatened, her eyes shooting daggers.

Deloise got on her feet, unable to play the role of a bigger person anymore. This witch was asking for it this time around.

” What the hell is your problem? Are you here to pick a bone with me or something because I don’t understand what’s going on with you. If I’ve done something then speak clearly and stop hiding behind cowardly words.”

” So she speaks! The crybaby speaks! Haha, I don’t have time to waste with you, darling. Get out of my spot so I can get ready, or are you trying to sabotage me? Scared that everyone would realize that you aren’t female lead material after all?”

Stella taunted and with every word got even closer to Deloise personal space, trying to elicit some sort of reaction.

” You are crazy.” Deloise said with conviction. She turned towards the make-up artist who stood beside her and said again. ” She’s gone bananas. Someone please come get their child.”

” I’m crazy? I’m crazy, right? I will show you crazy! ”

Stella reached for Deloise’ hair and in no time, she was screaming in pain and trying to free herself from the ironclad hold on her hair.

” Get the fuck out of my world! Do you hear me?! Take your shit and get out!” Stella screamed into her ears, tightening her grip.

” Oh my goodness ma’am, let her go!” Said the make up lady who was stunned at the escalation of things.

” Get out! Out! Out!! Out!!! ”

Upon seeing the murderous intent on Stella’s face, the makeup artist dashed out of the pod, she scoured the vicinity in search of the manager hoping to diffuse the situation.

Deloise on the other hand grew angry the more Stella assaulted her. She couldn’t believe she had once idolized such a maniac. In that moment, she took back every single respect she accorded her and vehemently pulled her hair in retaliation.

Two could play this game.

It wasn’t up to a minute of Stella screaming like a goat in labour before the pod crowded.

” What in heaven’s name is going on here, Ladies?! ”

A voice that belonged to a lady screeched, causing the duo to momentarily disengage and look up at the owner.

” Everyone! Nothing to see here. Go back to your designated roles.” The middle aged woman ordered with a stern voice while the little crowd dispersed to their spots with murmurs on what they witnessed.

Everyone else left sans the makeup artist, Stella, Deloise and the woman who they recognized as the interim manager in charge of the production.

” I am going to excuse you for your irrational actions today. You may leave.”

The middle aged woman said with a stern voice, looking pointedly at Stella.

” But”

” I don’t want to hear it. Leave or I will take it up with the board.” She threatened.

” Don’t think you’ve won. Consider yourself lucky. This place stinks anyways.”

Stella strutted out of the pod with her nose in the air, happy to have the last word. Upon joining the others at the communal make up area, the whole place goes quiet while watchful eyes traced her in hindsight.

” Nothing to see here! Focus on your business.” She bellowed angrily and after a while, everything resumed as normal.

Meanwhile, inside the make up pod, Deloise felt disappointed in herself. How could she have stooped so low as to get in a physical altercation on her first day? It wasn’t news that something was after her life but on her first day?!

With a somber expression she said, ” I’m so sorry, I honestly didn’t know what came over me, I just”

” Nonsense! You shouldn’t apologize, Betty here already informed me on what transpired. This is more of a rescue mission on your side.” The woman’s countenance was better than before. She even had a little smile. ” I’ve heard rumours on how Stella could be but I wasn’t expecting to see her live in action.” She said with a tut.

” Um thank you?” Deloise said in an awkward tone.

How else could she react to this better turn of events? She was so used to being screamed at – she didn’t expect anything different.

” Oh don’t be shy! You can go now, Betty. I’ll finish up with her. ” She said to the makeup artist who nodded in return and wandered out of the pod.

” Now that’s settled, I hope you don’t mind me filling in for her..”

” Deloise. Deloise Tanner. And I’d be honored to have you do my make up.” Deloise replied with a smile, so far this woman was one of nicest people she’d met and she sought out the best way to nicely ask for her name.

” Beautiful. Let’s get to it then. I’m Doris, by the way. Doris Sylvester, a manager at Evolve.” She introduced and picked up some brushes, effectively beginning the job.

” Nice to meet you, Doris. Evolve, you said?”

” Yeah. I was sent over here to scout the area. You know, put my eyes out for any hidden gems on the production.”

” Um I think you lost me. Hidden gems how? What is Evolve?”

Deloise was confused while Ms Doris looked at her like she grew a second head.

” You’re kidding.” Ms Doris said but upon seeing the genuine blank look from Deloise, her eyes literally popped out from her sockets.

” You really mean that?! You don’t know about Evolve Management?! How are you even here?”

Deloise couldn’t help but grow red. Apparently it was clear to everybody just how new she was to the entertainment scene.

” Well, sort of bagged a scholarship and got transferred here two weeks ago.” She explained.

” Where do you mean here?”

It took a moment for Deloise to realize that they weren’t actually in Royal arts at the moment.

” Royal Arts Academy.” She affirmed.

” Okay.. so how did you land a role as the female lead of a production such as this? You even beat Stella Davis to it! No offense.”

” None taken. It’s just beginner’s luck, I think?”Belongs to © n0velDrama.Org.

Deloise went ahead to fill her in on how she got to Royal Arts and landed her first gig. After hearing her story, Ms Doris gauged her with a different look. There was something about her and she was ready to see it come to play.

” Let’s just say I’m a lot more interested in you after all of that. Since it’s literally your first time navigating these waters, I’ll help you settle in as much as I can. But first you need some vital information so let me be your intel.”

Deloise nodded in agreement. She needed all the help and information she could get and felt grateful to be given such attention by a high profile woman.

” First, Evolve.” She began like a teacher introducing the topic of the day. ” Evolve talent management International is the leading talent management company in New York. As the name entails, we manage the talents and creative gifts of people and groom them into world class stars from a young age. Every year we recruit people with credible achievements and abilities and help push their craft into the world’s view where every creative belongs. Be it musicians, writers, artists, actors, you name it. There’s a place for you.”

” Wow.. it’s like another Royal Arts Academy. Just…bigger.” Deloise sported a dumbfounded look. It was a lot to take in. At that moment, she knew she needed to get more educated.

“Bigger is right. But most importantly, we house the best talent managers which give each of our worthy clients the best we have to offer. You know, making money from that God given talent.” She added.

Ms Doris looked at the time, it was almost time for the filming. She dropped the brushes and spoke with a smile. ” I think our lesson ends for now. You look beautiful, Deloise. See you later.”

Deloise could only nod and watch Ms Doris head out of the place. Shaking off the overwhelming feeling, she reached out for her costume and with a sigh, began the process of undressing.

After a few minutes of dressing, Deloise comes out looking nothing short of stunning. Her beautiful white dress perfectly suited her and brought out the brown orbs that were her eyes.

She was to play the role of a docile wife for the first scene who was being mistreated by a cheating husband and Mistress. She looked flawless and looked forward to actually shooting the first scene which entailed her getting verbally abused by her husband.

When Deloise got out of her pod, she received glances and a sprinkle of compliments before coming face to face with the devil himself – Aaron.

She took in a sharp breath while the monster of a man silently sized her up with no reaction. Other than the slight opening of his lips which was immediately rectified, he walked away without allowing her ample time to gauge the possible causes of his beaten up face.

She definitely saw a bruising or two on his face. Someone was apparently finally getting the job done. Such a pity his pretty face had to suffer along with him.

The moment the thought entered her mind space, she kicked it out with all her might wondering what the heck she was spewing.

Pretty face? Yeah right. He’s more of a brooding multilateral asshole.

Deloise felt satisfied after that little but needed correction, she continued her walk to a bench and for the nth time practiced her lines.

A few minutes later, she was stunned to see a well polished Aaron coming out of a shade and walking purposefully towards the set. She couldn’t lie, he was beautiful.

” Everyone! Come together! It’s time! “

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